codeigniter multiple table joins - arrays

function in codeigniter model is not working. I'm getting http error 500 because of below code in codeigniter model function. if I remove this code.. code is working fine.
function get_ad_by_user($a,$b)
$this->db->join('ci_categories', 'ci_categories.category_id = ci_pre_classifieds.category');
$this->db->join('ci_subcategories', 'ci_subcategories.subcategory_id = ci_pre_classifieds.sub_category');
foreach($q->result_array() as $row)
$data['message']="sorry either classified expired or deleted";
return $data;
I'm getting error in for each block..if I remove everything working...How to copy $row array in $data array

$data['title]=$row['title']; has a ' missing.
This could be the reason but without that error message, it's hard to tell.
Also, you may want to reduce the function to the following:
function get_ad_by_user($a,$b)
$data = array();
$this->db->join('ci_categories', 'ci_categories.category_id = ci_pre_classifieds.category');
$this->db->join('ci_subcategories', 'ci_subcategories.subcategory_id = ci_pre_classifieds.sub_category');
$data[] = $q->row_array();
$data['message']="sorry either classified expired or deleted";
return $data;
If you are only returning one row in your query, you can simply use $q->row_array() or $q->row() to return the single row.
Just in case, I would also declare $data = array() at the start of your get_ad_by_user function, otherwise it "could" complain that $data does not exist.


Symfony - saving array to database

I wrote a function where I get array of marks that i need to post to my database..
My function stores it in a filed row like:
And I need to pull just one per column individually like:
Here is my api call..
public function generate(Map $seatMap)
$layout = $seatMap->getSeatLayout();
$seats = [];
$layoutArray = json_decode($layout, true);
$columns = range('A', 'Z');
foreach($layoutArray as $index => $result)
$columnLetter = $columns[$index];
$letters = str_split($result);
$letterIndex = 1;
foreach($letters as $letterIndex => $letter) {
switch($letter) {
case 'e':
$seats[] = $columnLetter . $letterIndex;
foreach($seats as $seat => $result) {
$result = new Seat();
Any suggestions?
I think that problem is in the part where I need to store it to database..
If I understand you correctly, your issue is here:
foreach($seats as $seat => $result) {
$result = new Seat();
You're indeed creating new Seat instance for every seat, but in this line:
you still assign all (encoded) seats to every instance of Seat. What you want is to assign only the seat from current loop iteration, which is represented by $result variable.
So try with:
You do not need json_encode here too.
If your array is like you say it it then try this
foreach($seats as $seat) {
$result = new Seat();

CodeIgniter : Undefined index in model variable

I have the below code in of of my models. Im loading the offer details page and it gave me the error
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined index: viewc
Filename: statistics/Statistic_model.php
Line Number: 551
public function getTotalDetailsViewOfActiveOffer($comid) {
$this->db->select('count( as viewc');
$this->db->join('offers', ' = statistic_offer_view_count.offer_id');
$this->db->where('offers.enddate >=',date('Y-m-d'));
$query = $this->db->get();
$row = $query->result_array();
$count=$row['viewc']; //this is line 551
Any idea how to fix this error?
That error means that the index viewc is not in the array $query->result_array() most likely because your query failed or returned null. You should get into the habit of doing:
$query = $this->db->get();
if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
return $query->row()->viewc;
return false; // or in this case 0 or whatever
In Your Code You Selecting data from database Multiple array's.And assigning at to a variable like a single array.
Your Code....
$row = $query->result_array();
correct way is in your conduction to assign a variable is....
$data = array();
foreah($row as $key => $value){
$data[$key] = $value['viewc'];

Count result array to string conversion error in codeigniter

I am using this method in my model to get a count result from my database:
function members($group_id)
$query = $this->db->query('SELECT COUNT(group_id) FROM member');
return $query;
And in my controller there is this method:
function total_members ()
$group_id = $this->input->post('group_id');
$members = $this->Member_model->members($group_id);
echo $members;
And am getting this weird error which says:
Severity: 4096
Message: Object of class CI_DB_mysqli_result could not be converted to string
Filename: controllers/Payment.php
You need to return a result set which requires another call. In this case I suggest row(). Try these revised functions.
function members($group_id)
$this->db->where('group_id', $group_id);
$query = $this->db->query('SELECT COUNT(group_id) as count FROM member');
return $query->row();
function total_members()
$group_id = $this->input->post('group_id');
$members = $this->Member_model->members($group_id);
echo $members->count;
Learn about the different kinds of result sets here
Try this
function members($group_id) {
return $this->db->get_where('member', array('group_id' => $group_id))->num_rows();
function total_members() {
$group_id = $this->input->post('group_id');
$members = $this->member_model->members($group_id);
In codeigniter there is num_rows() to count the rows. For more information check the documentation .

Why false value is returned even after data is saved successfully?

In a cakephp Model, I have this code:-
class ApplyRequest extends AppModel {
public $name = 'ApplyItem';
public function saveItemTrip($sender_id, $carrier_id, $item_id, $trip_id, $applied_by, $applied_to)
$queryInsert = "INSERT INTO apply_items (sender_id, carrier_id, item_id, trip_id, applied_by, applied_to)
VALUES ('$sender_id', '$carrier_id', '$item_id', '$trip_id', '$applied_by', '$applied_to')";
return true;
return false;
Now, from the controller, I am calling the function:-
$isSuccess = $this->ApplyRequest->saveItemTrip($senderId, $memberId, $itemId, $getLastInsertID, $memberId, $senderId);
$status = "1";
$message = "Trip-Request was successfull for this item";
$status = "3";
$message = "Error occured while applying for the item";
Now, the data is getting saved in the apply_items query. However, I am always getting the $status as 3.
it seems, $isSuccess is returned as false, for which I am getting status as 3.
What am I doing wrong?
I have to write this query in such custom fashion. There is a whole lot of reason, which I can't explain here elaborately.
I think the problem is that you have to escape your variables in the insert statement.
$queryInsert = "INSERT INTO apply_items (sender_id, carrier_id, item_id, trip_id, applied_by, applied_to)
VALUES ('".$sender_id."', '".$carrier_id."', '".$item_id."', '".$trip_id."', '".$applied_by."', '".$applied_to."')";

symfony2 custom entity to array function

I have to help me convert an entity to array but I have issues resolving associated records, which I need.
However, this gives me an error
The class 'Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection' was not found in the
chain configured namespaces ...
The code follows:
public function serialize($entityObject)
$data = array();
$className = get_class($entityObject);
$metaData = $this->entityManager->getClassMetadata($className);
foreach ($metaData->fieldMappings as $field => $mapping)
$method = "get" . ucfirst($field);
$data[$field] = call_user_func(array($entityObject, $method));
foreach ($metaData->associationMappings as $field => $mapping)
// Sort of entity object
$object = $metaData->reflFields[$field]->getValue($entityObject);
if ($object instanceof ArrayCollection) {
$object = $object->toArray();
else {
$data[$field] = $this->serialize($object);
return $data;
How can I resolve the associated fields into their respective arrays.
I have tried using the built-in, and JMS serialiser, but this gives me issues of nestedness limits, so this is not an option for me.
I have updated the code to handle instance of ArrayCollection as per #ScayTrase's suggestion. However, the error above is still reported with a one-to-many field map. In debug, the variable $object is of type "Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection"
For *toMany association properties implemented with ArrayCollection you should call ArrayCollection::toArray() first. Just check it with instanceof before, like this
if ($object instanceof ArrayCollection) {
$object = $object->toArray();
