Is it possible to Refresh a Related List on a Page Layout? - salesforce

Is it possible to refresh a single related list on a Standard Page Layout after a related list button is clicked (possibly using Ajax with OnClick JavaScript)? Has anyone attempted something like this?
I'm aware that this is possible using Visualforce, and I may need to go that route.

After digging around in the main.js JavaScript file included on all standard Salesforce pages, I found a way to get an array of all Related Lists on a Page. This is a "hack", and it is not guaranteed to work (and is certainly not supported, especially after each new release of Salesforce).
window.sfdcPage.relatedLists; // returns an array of related lists
There are available functions on each of the Related Lists returned. Each list can be refreshed by calling the makeRLAjaxRequest function.
// where 4 is the Related List number


Should elements ever be made available outside of a page object?

This is a question I cannot find a definitive source on and am hoping to get some answers based on users previous experience mainly with explanations as to why a certain approach DID NOT work out.
I am using webdriver for automation via Protractor and am having a debate on whether or not page elements should ever be made available outside of page object itself. After researching it appears that there are a few different approaches people take and I cannot fully grasp the long term implications of each.
I've seen the following different implementations of the page object model:
Locators are declared in the page object and exported
This is my least favorite approach as it means element are actually being identified in the test. This seems like a bad standard to set as it could encourage automaters to use new locators, not from the page object, directly in the application.
Also any which require any dynamic information cannot be directly set when PO is initialized require further editing.
export default class HomePage {
constructor() {
this.passwordField = '#password';
this.usernameField = '#user';
const homePage = new HomePage();
$(homePage.usernameField ).sendKeys('admin');
$(homePage.passwordField ).sendKeys('password');
Elements declared in page object and exported, locators not
export default class HomePage {
constructor() {
this.passwordField = $('#password');
this.usernameField = $('#user');
const homePage = new HomePage();
Elements declared in Page Object and only used directly within the page object, only methods exported
This is the approach I have used in the past and we ended up with many, many functions. For instance we had setUsename(), getCurrentUsername(), getUsernameAttibute(), verifyUsernameExists() and same for password element and many other elements. Our page object became huge so I don't feel like this is the best approach any longer.
One of the advantage however is that our tests look very clean and are very readable.
export default class HomePage {
constructor() {
var passwordField= $('#password');
var usernameField = $('#user');
const homePage = new HomePage();
I'm very interested to get some feedback on this so hopefully you can take the time to read.
I prefer and believe that the last approach is the best.
Keeping aside the fact that we are talking about automation, any good/great software has following traits.
It is composed of individual modules/pieces/components
Each individual module/piece/component is cohesive in terms of data/information (selector, webdriver API calls in case of automation) specific to its API/methods to interact with the data.
The last approach provides just that with the added benefit of test cleanliness that you pointed out.
However, most of the times, for whatever reasons, we tend to ignore the modularity and make the existing POs bloated. This i have seen and was part of. So, in way, POs getting bloated is not because of the approach but the way automators/testers/developers being conscious to keep POs modular, composed and simpler. This is true whether it is about POs or the application functional code
Boated POs:
Specific to the problem of bloated POs, check if you can separate out the common elements out of the POs. For ex. Header, Footer, Left Nav, Right Nav etc are common across pages. They can be separated out and the POs can be composed of those individual pieces/sections.
Even within the main content, separate common content (if its across two or more pages if not all) into their own component API if its logical and can be reused across pages.
It is normal that the automation specs perform extensive regression for ex. an element is a password field, length of the text box is so and so etc. In such cases it doesn't make sense to add methods for every single spec use case (or expect). Good thing is, here also the commonality takes the centerstage. Basically, provide API that is used across specs and not if its used in one spec, literally.
Take for ex. a password field should be masked. Unlikely that you would want to test that in multiple spec files. Here, either we can add a method for it in LoginPO like isPasswordMasked() or we can let the password field accessible from LoginPO and the spec do the actual check for password type field. By doing this, we are still letting LoginPO in control of password field information that matters to other API (login(), logout() etc) i.e only PO knows how and where to get that password element. With the added advantage of pushing spec testing to spec file.
POs that expect/assert
At any point, its not a good idea to make any testing (or expect) to be part of the PO API. Reason(s):
The PO and its API is reusable across suites and should be easy for anyone to look at it and understand. Their primary responsibility is to provide common API.
They should be as lean as possible (to prevent bloating up)
More importantly, browser automation is slower inherently. If we add test logic to the POs and its API methods, we will only make it slower.
FWIW, i have not come across any web page that mandates a bloated API.
Exposing Elements in POs:
It depends on the use case i believe. May be an element that is used in only one spec can be a base case to expose. That said, in general, the idea is that the specs should be readable for the tester/developer AND for those who look at them later. Whether its done with meaningful element variable name or a method name is largely a preference at best. On the other hand, if an element is meant to have a bit of involved interaction (for ex hover open menu link) its definitely a candidate for exposing through API alone.
Hope that adds some clarification!
The last way is the correct way to implement page objects. The idea behind the page object is that it hides the internals of the page and provides a clean API for a script to call to perform actions on the page. Locators and elements should not be exposed. Anything you need to do to the page should be exposed by a public method.
One way you can avoid a getter and setter for each field on the page is to consolidate methods. Think about actions that the user would take on the page. Rather than having .setUsername(), .setPassword(), and .clickLoginButton() methods, you should just have a login() method that takes the username and password as parameters and does all the work to log in for you.
Martin Fowler is generally considered the inventor of the "page object" concept but others coined the name "page object". See his description of the page object.
Selenium's documentation on page objects.

How to make JSON loads faster with large data (on HTTP or WebPage)

. Requesting the page(on HTTP or WebPage), it is very slow or even crash unless i load my JSON with fewer data. I really need to solve this since sooner or later i will be using large amount of data frequently. Here are my JSON data. --->>>
1. The JSON loads only String and Integer.
2. I used to view my JSON in JSONView more like treeview using plugin
from GoogleChrome.
I am using angular and nodejs. tq
A quick resume of all the things that comes to my mind :
I had a similar issue once. My solutions may make the UI change.
I doubt you can display that much data at one time, so the strategy should be divising your data in small amounts and then only load more when the client ask for it.
This way, the whole data is no longer stored in RAM as it is currently. This is how forums works (only 20 topics at a time).
Just imagine if StackOverflow make you load the whole historic of questions in the main page, how much GB would your navigator need just for that ?
You can use pagination in a classic way (button with page number, like google), or in an infinite scroll way, as you want.
For that you need to adapt your api and keep track of the index of the pages you already loaded at every moment in your Front. There are plenty of examples in AngularJS.
Only show the beginning of the data
When you look at Facebook comments, you may have a "show more" button. In their case, maybe it's to not break the UI, but it can also be used to not overload data.
You can display only the main lines of your datae (titles or somewhat) and add a button so the user can load more details if they want.
In your data model, the cost seems to be on the second level of "C". Just load data untill this second level, and download the remaining part (for this object) only if the user asks for.
Once again, no need to overload, your client's RAM will be thankfull, and your client's mobile 3G too.
Optimize your data stucture
If this is still not enough :
As StefanArya said in comment, indeed remove the "I" attribute, which is redundant with the JSON key.
Remove the "I" as you can use Object.keys() to get key name.
You also may don't need that much precision on your floats.
If I see any other ideas, I'll edit this post later.

is angulars reloadOnSearch evil?

I've been programming with angularjs for some time now, however, i started using reloadOnSearch for my application and at first i thought this was going to save me for uneccesary reloads of controllers and ajax calls against my API.
For example say i have a list of things, and then present them in a view. When you first access this view it fetches the list of items from the API and presents them, and when you click on an item it adds the ?id=xxx&view=show query parameter to the url without reloading the controller.
When we access a single item from the already loaded list, it just fetches the list item from that we already have and presents it. However, if we forcibly reload the page, the controller now realizes that it has to fetch it from the API instead as it doesn't exist within the list collection.
At first this seemed like a great thing. However as i think about it, i now have to manage the state of the entire controller, whereas before i could have state enclosed within single functions in the controller.
I seem to be having trouble deciding if reloadOnSearch is evil and should be avoided, or if it is worth keeping around. What is your opinion?
Also, would it be better to use something like ui-router instead? I just saw a introduction video which implies that one can have better control of state.
I've converted my app to use ui-router instead. which basically nests application logic in "sub scopes" making it possible to share data between states/pages. I realize now that this is possible without ui-router aswell, however one would have to create pages that has a hierarchy of <div ng-controller>
So in conclusion, the way i was using reloadOnSearch was indeed evil. However, there were better ways of using it aswell.

Multiple Voice_Call for a TimelineItem

Is it possible to have multiple VOICE_CALL options for a given TimelineItem? A scenario would be that I have a Store that has multiple contact numbers. One would be for the 800 number while a second option would be to call a specific store location directly. I have tried adding multiple MenuItems whose action is VOICE_CALL, but not surprisingly it only recognizes the first. Is something like this possible with custom menu items? I am currently writing this in Java.
This is not yet possible with the API. Please file a feature request on our issues tracker if you'd like to see this implemented.

how can I exclude an element from an Angular scope?

my premise was wrong. while AngularJS was certainly slowing things down, it was not due to the problem I describe below. however, it was flim's answer to my question - how to exclude an element from an Angular scope - that was able to prove this.
I'm building a site that generates graphs using d3+Raphael from AJAX-fetched data. this results in a LOT of SVG or VML elements in the DOM, depending on what type of chart the user chooses to render (pie has few, line and stacked bar have many, for example).
I'm running into a problem where entering text into text fields controlled by AngularJS brings Firefox to a crawl. I type a few characters, then wait 2-3 seconds for them to suddenly appear, then type a few more, etc. (Chrome seems to handle this a bit better.)
when there is no graph on the page (the user has not provided enough data for one to be generated), editing the contents of these text fields is fine. I assume AngularJS is having trouble when it tries to update the DOM and there's hundreds SVG or VML elements it has to look through.
the graph, however, contains nothing that AngularJS need worry itself with. (there are, however, UI elements both before and after the graph that it DOES need to pay attention to.)
I can think of two solutions:
put the graph's DIV outside the AngularJS controller, and use CSS to position it where it's actually wanted
tell AngularJS - somehow - to nevermind the graph's DIV; to skip it over when keeping the view and model in-sync
the second option seems preferable to me, since it keeps the document layout sane/semantic. is there any way to do this? (or some, even-better solution I have not thought of?)
Have you tried ng-non-bindable?
<ANY ng-non-bindable>
