replace/remove cycle in graph - c

I'm trying to replace cycle in the graph to a group of the vertexes (remove this cycle and put there once vertex with maximum number)
struct group {
int master; // representative of cycle
struct vertex {
int *to; // neighbor list
int nb; // how many neighbor
int p; // parent
short v; // was visited? 0 = false, 1 = true
struct group *cycle; // is part of cycle? NULL = no, else pointer to group
I'm running dfs on each vertex
void searchCycles() {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_VER; i += 1)
if (ver[i].v == 0 && ver[i].nb > 0)
void dfs(int v) {
ver[v].v = 1;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ver[v].nb; i += 1) {
ver[ver[v].to[i]].p = v;
if (ver[ver[v].to[i]].v == 0)
// cycle found
and replace function shout print what vertexes are in cycle
void replaceCycle(int v) {
struct group *g = &gr[usedGroup++];
g->master = -1;
printf("\nCYKL: %d ", v);
int p = ver[v].p;
while (p != v) {
printf("%d(%d) ", p, v);
p = ver[p].p;
Generally it's works, but sometimes it get a infinity loop. I tried to debug it and if there are two or more cycles, parents (p in vertex struct) are lost, it's means it works fine but there is wrong number. I'm learning C and algorithms, so I don't know a lot of it.
It's not a homework, it's a spoj problem

Once you replace a cycle, restart your dfs.
Basically, the visited flag might be set for your first cycle, but you'd want that cleared to test your second cycle. (And third, and fourth, etc.)


BFS traversal, same node being accessed twice

I am trying to figure out how to write BFS algorithm in C
and I got this
typedef struct graph {
int numnodes;
int **edges;
} graph;
void bfs(graph *g, int start) {
int visited[g->numnodes], queue[g->numnodes], front =- 1, rear =- 1;
for (int i = 0; i < g->numnodes; i++) {
visited[i] = 0;
queue[++rear] = start;
visited[start] = 1;
while (front <= rear) {
start = queue[front++];
printf("%d\t", start);
for (int i = 0; i < g->numnodes; i++) {
if (g->edges[start][i] == 1 && !visited[i]) {
queue[++rear] = i;
for graph looking like graph.
When I print out BFS, it seems to give me
0 1 2 2 3 4
I'm not entirely sure what's wrong here, some help would be appreciated.
I am not sure if BFS is the right term for what you are doing. Your graph is not a tree and with a node having multiple parent nodes it is hard to tell on what level a node really is.
But to make your code work as expected, you just need to fix your missing use of visited array:
if (g->edges[start][i] == 1 && !visited[i]) {
queue[++rear] = i;
visited[i] = 1;
Create an actual graph and go through that (e.g. struct for each node, nodes linked via pointers). Right now what you have is an array that you go through item by item if I understand correctly.
You can use an array to store one level of the graph.
0 (first level)
2 1 (second level)

Need to decrement a counter in a recursive tree function, but only when I am moving "upwards" in the tree

I am writing a recursive function to find if there is a path from the root to a leaf that sums up to a certain number or not (user inputs the sum). Each time I move forward into a new recursive call, I increment the value of current_sum with the value of node->data. Current_sum is declared/initialized outside of the function. So this works fine to get the sum to the left-ermost leaf. However after that, the current_sum just keeps increasing, as I don't have an appropriate decrement operation to go with it. So if there does exist a path that adds up to a certain number in the righter branches, for example: 1 2 # # 3 # #, and I check for path sum = 4, (1+3), it would not get that. (If i check for sum=3 (1+2), it does get it.)
So I am looking for the correct place in my code to put the decrement operation. I was thinking something like: current_sum -= root->data. However I've tried putting it a lot of different places, but all of them seem to be wrong places. Either they disrupt the original tracker to get to even the very first leftermost leaf. Or they don't decrement at all (if I put it after the both the left/right recursive calls). I also do need it to keep decrementing while it goes UP but increment while it goes DOWN. Is there a way to write this in code, I am curious? Or, is this just a bad algorithm/approach?
I've seen other ways of solving this problem, such as, which seem really nice, I just wanted to know if there was a way to resolve the one I started.
int current_sum = 0;
int sumPath(Node * root, int sum)
if (root == NULL)
return 0;
current_sum += root->data;
if ((root->left == NULL) && (root->right == NULL))
if (current_sum == sum)
return 1;
return 0;
int the_left = sumPath(root->left, sum);
int the_right = sumPath(root->right, sum);
////////////////////current_sum -= root->data; (?)
if (the_left>0)
return the_left;
else if (the_right>0)
return the_right;
return 0;
You may get invalid output, because of not sending current_sum as a parameter. Because current_sum needs to be updated for a particular stack-trace or function call, not for commonly for all the function calls. and this may give you an invalid state.
int isPossible(Node * root, int currentSum, int sum) {
if(!root) return 0;
currentSum += root.node;
// when you find the sum, and can't move further down
if(sum == currentSum && root->left == null && root->right == null) return 1;
int flag = 0;
// going down on left side
flag = isPossible(root->left, currentSum, sum);
// needs to check right side, only when you couldn't find sum on left
flag = isPossible(root->right, currentSum, sum);
// return the state
return flag;
your code is fine, u just need to pass sum - current_sum in the recursive call. This is your code with some hinted modifications.
#include <stdio.h>
// remove global current_sum
struct Node {
char* name;
int data;
struct Node* left;
struct Node* right;
int sumPath(struct Node* root, int sum) {
if (root == NULL) {
return 0;
if ((root->left == NULL) && (root->right == NULL)) {
if (current_sum == sum) {
printf("%s ", root->name); // if the branch matches, print name
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
int the_left = sumPath(root->left, sum - root->data); // pass the subtracted sum
int the_right = sumPath(root->right, sum - root->data); // pass the subtracted sum
if (the_left > 0) {
printf("%s ", root->name); // if the branch matches, print name
return the_left;
} else if (the_right > 0) {
printf("%s ", root->name); // if the branch matches, print name
return the_right;
return 0;
int main() {
struct Node n1 = {.data = 1, .name = "n1"}; // n1
struct Node n2 = {.data = 1, .name = "n2"}; // ___|___
struct Node n3 = {.data = 1, .name = "n3"}; // | |
struct Node n4 = {.data = 1, .name = "n4"}; // n2 n4
// ___|
n1.left = &n2; // |
n1.right = &n4; // n3
n2.left = &n3; //
sumPath(&n1, 3); // no. of steps including the root
return 0;
// output
// n3 n2 n1

C: insert element in empty heap

i'm supposed to write a code, that inserts numbers from stdin into an at first empty max-heap. my code just doesn't get the order of elements right, i found out, that it doesnt even enter the while loop before the third number. Anybody willing to help? Thanks in advance!
int heap_insert(heap* h, int key) {
if (h->size==MAX_HEAP_SIZE){
int i=h->size-1;
int parent=(i-1)/2;
while (i>1 && h->array[parent]< key) {
h->array[i]= h->array[parent];
i = parent;
it doesnt even enter the while loop before the third number
That part can be answered. Your loop won't go until i is 2 or greater...
while (i > 1 && h->array[parent]< key) {
Here's the code that sets i.
h->size = h->size+1;
int i = h->size-1;
That code is easier to understand like so:
int i = h->size;
First time through, i will be 0 (assuming h->size is initialized to 0, you didn't show your heap init code). Second time it will be 1. Third time it will be 2 and then finally the loop can run.
I'm guessing you want i >= 1 in the while loop so it will go on the second call.
As for why it's not working, the primary problem is you're forgetting to change parent in the loop.
/* i and parent initialized */
int i=h->size-1;
int parent=(i-1)/2;
while (i>1 && h->array[parent]< key) {
h->array[i]= h->array[parent];
/* i is changed, but where's parent? */
i = parent;
Here's what it should look like. I've changed i, which should only be used in loop indexes, to the more descriptive new.
/* new and parent initialized */
int new = h->size;
int parent = (new-1)/2;
while( new != 0 && h->array[parent] < key ) {
h->array[new] = h->array[parent];
h->array[parent] = key;
/* new AND parent changed */
new = parent;
parent = (new-1)/2;
Here's the complete code, plus I made the heap size dynamic because fixed size structures are a crutch best avoided.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct {
int size;
int max_size;
int *array;
} heap;
#define INIT_HEAP_SIZE 4
static heap *heap_init() {
heap *h = calloc(1, sizeof(heap));
h->max_size = INIT_HEAP_SIZE;
h->array = calloc(h->max_size, sizeof(int));
return h;
static void heap_destroy(heap *h) {
static void heap_grow(heap *h) {
h->max_size *= 2;
h->array = realloc( h->array, h->max_size * sizeof(int) );
static void heap_insert(heap* h, int key) {
if (h->size >= h->max_size) {
int new = h->size;
h->array[new] = key;
int parent = (new-1)/2;
while( new != 0 && h->array[parent] < key ) {
h->array[new] = h->array[parent];
h->array[parent] = key;
new = parent;
parent = (new-1)/2;
int main(void) {
heap *h = heap_init();
heap_insert(h, 23);
heap_insert(h, 11);
heap_insert(h, 42);
heap_insert(h, 5);
heap_insert(h, 99);
for( int i = 0; i < h->size; i++ ) {
printf("%d: %d\n", i, h->array[i]);
It doesn't enter the while loop before the 3rd number because your i is not greater than 1 until the 3rd number is entered. At 1st number i = 0, then 1 then 2.
For the loop, here's my advice on figuring out the problem: Suppose you enter the values 3, 5, 7. As soon as 5 is entered, you need a swap. 5 should become the new root, and 3 should be a child. (So maxheap property is kept) Then, when 7 is entered, another swap is in order. This time with 5. 7 becomes root, 3 and 5 are children. What does this tell you about the indexes? What happens if we insert 10, 16, 1 as well? More swaps? If you answer these properly the while loop should be easy to solve. (Hint: You need to keep swapping by starting from the child, and move to next parent until everything is in order)

Iterator and Pointer on Matrix in C

For a JPEG image compression, I manipulate image in grey levels and 8bits by pixels
I have this type of matrix I dynamically allocated :
typedef char pixel_t;
pixel_t ** pix_matrix;
after allocating and filling it, I have a bidimensional array with the values (from -128 to +127) of the luminance of the picture.
For the JPEG compression, I need to iterate this array in zigzag like this:
So I want to create an Iterator structure for this type. This iterator must have 'current' and 'begin' members and I want those members to be pointers to the current element and first one of the matrix. In other words, I want to store the addresses and not the indexes. But after hours of tests, prints and researches, I couldn't find the way to make that possible. What type of pointer do I have to use? how make it point to the first address of my matrix? Is my request simply possible?
And if all of this is possible, how can I get the next element, and the value of the current one?
You can write an interator structure:
struct zigzag_t {
int width; // width, must be initialised
int height; // height, must be initialised
int x; // current x index
int y; // current y index
int underway; // dummy value to start at (0, 0)
which you must initialise with the width and height of your image. Write an interator function, so that you can use this iterator like this:
struct zigzag_t zz = {8, 8};
while (zigzag_next(&zz)) {
printf("(%d, %d)\n", zz.y, zz.x);
The iterator itself is not too complicated: If the sum of the x and y indices is odd, you walk southwest until you hit either the west or south edge. If the sum is even, you walk northeast until you hit either the north or east wall. If you hit the ne or sw edges, the east and south edges get priority. The iteration ends after you have visited the se edge.
Because the struct starts off with x and y both zero, the first point is (0, 1). In order to fix this, the dummy field underway, which also is zero, is used.
The iterator must be reset if you want to use it a second time. better yet, define and initialise a fresh iterator.
The iterator function:
int zigzag_next(struct zigzag_t *zz)
int odd = (zz->x + zz->y) % 2;
if (zz->underway == 0) {
zz->x = zz->y = 0;
zz->underway = 1;
return 1;
if (odd) {
/* walk southwest */
int w_edge = zz->x == 0;
int s_edge = zz->y == zz->height - 1;
if (s_edge) {
return zz->x < zz->width;
} else if (w_edge) {
} else {
} else {
/* walk northeast */
int e_edge = zz->x == zz->width - 1;
int n_edge = zz->y == 0;
if (e_edge) {
return zz->y < zz->height;
} else if (n_edge) {
} else {
return 1;
This solution returns the x and y positions, which you can use as indices to your double pointer to pixel data. It would not be hard to extend the struct to hold the base pointer to your pixel data and have the iterator function return a pointer to a pixel or NULL if the iteration has run out.
An example solution with pointers is below.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef char pixel_t;
struct zigzag_t {
pixel_t **p; // base data
int width; // width, must be initialised
int height; // height, must be initialised
int x; // current x index
int y; // current y index
int underway; // dummy value to start at (0, 0)
pixel_t *zigzag_next(struct zigzag_t *zz)
int odd = (zz->x + zz->y) % 2;
if (zz->underway == 0) {
zz->x = zz->y = 0;
zz->underway = 1;
return *zz->p;
if (odd) {
/* walk southwest */
int w_edge = zz->x == 0;
int s_edge = zz->y == zz->height - 1;
if (s_edge) {
if (zz->x == zz->width) return NULL;
} else if (w_edge) {
} else {
} else {
/* walk northeast */
int e_edge = zz->x == zz->width - 1;
int n_edge = zz->y == 0;
if (e_edge) {
if (zz->y == zz->height) return NULL;
} else if (n_edge) {
} else {
return zz->p[zz->y] + zz->x;
int main()
pixel_t *data[] = {
"abcde", "fghij", "klmno", "pqrst", "uvwxy"
struct zigzag_t zz = {data, 5, 5};
for (;;) {
pixel_t *p = zigzag_next(&zz);
if (p == NULL) break;
return 0;
This solution is a C solution. There is no begin member function; initialisation is done via simple struct initialisation. There is no increment operator and no end member function; moving the iterator forward and checking for the end is done in a plain old function.
You have tagged the question C, but iterators are more frequent in C++, where they can be implemented as classes. The above C example may serve as a base for such an implementation.
Something nice and simple.
Function next is the iterator; it returns true until all cells have been visited.
A variable of type POSITION holds the iterator state.
Function current returns a pointer to the current cell in the matrix.
Demo function sample_application puts it all together.
#define MAX_XY 7
typedef struct { int x, y; } POSITION;
static int sign_of(int i)
return i < 0 ? -1 : i > 0 ? 1 : 0;
static int get_direction(int a, int b, int odd_is_forward)
return sign_of(((a + b) % 2 == odd_is_forward || b >= MAX_XY ? MAX_XY : 0) - a);
int next(POSITION *pos)
int x = pos->x;
int y = pos->y;
pos->x += get_direction(x, y, 0);
pos->y += get_direction(y, x, 1);
return x < MAX_XY || y < MAX_XY;
pixel_t *current(POSITION *pos)
return &pix_matrix[pos->y][pos->x];
void sample_application() // just demonstrating the use of POSITION
POSITION pos = {-1, -1}; // always start from these dummy coordinates
while (next(&pos)) // this iterates through the matrix
int coord_x = pos.x; // this is how you get the current coordinates
int coord_y = pos.y;
*current(&pos) = 12; // this is how you access the current cell

Refactor recursive algorithm into an iterative one?

I have following recursive algorithm needed to redactor into iterative process.
CvSeq is a tree structure.Where contour->h_next gives the next node in the same level.
contour->v_next gives the next contour in level below.(child node)
void helperParseCurves(CvSeq* contour, int level) {
if(contour->h_next != NULL) {
helperParseCurves(contour->h_next, level);
if(contour->v_next != NULL) {
helperParseCurves(contour->v_next, level+1);
//Process the nodes in contour
for(int i=0; i<contour->total; i++){
CvPoint* p = CV_GET_SEQ_ELEM(CvPoint, contour, i);
//Paint the point p
I want to refactor this logic into iterative algorithm.
Any tips on this?
To traverse nodes w/o recursion you will need stack for saving previous states. [Recursion is actually using of stack as well...] :
struct StackData
CvSeq* contour;
int level;
int traversed;
const int traversed_l = (1 << 0);
const int traversed_r = (1 << 1);
const int stack_size = 50; // should be at leas max depth
StackData stack[stack_size];
int stack_p = 0;
void helperParseCurves(CvSeq* contour, int level) {
int traversed = 0;
if(contour->h_next != NULL && !(traversed & traversed_l)) { // down to left
assert(stack_p < stack_size); // and save current state
traversed |= traversed_l;
stack[stack_p].contour = contour;
stack[stack_p].level = level;
stack[stack_p].traversed = traversed;
contour = contour->h_next;
traversed = 0;
if(contour->h_next != NULL && !(traversed & traversed_r)) { // down to right
assert(stack_p < stack_p); // and save current state
traversed |= traversed_r;
stack[stack_p].contour = contour;
stack[stack_p].level = level;
stack[stack_p].traversed = traversed;
contour = contour->v_next;
level = level+1;
traversed = 0;
//Process the nodes in contour
for(int i=0; i<contour->total; i++){
CvPoint* p = CV_GET_SEQ_ELEM(CvPoint, contour, i);
//Paint the point p
// move up because either left and right nodes are NULL or already traversed
if(!stack_p) break; // we are at the top
contour = stack[stack_p].contour;
level = stack[stack_p].level;
traversed = stack[stack_p].traversed;
Have an empty vector/array/queue of CvSeq*'s. Have an index/pointer into it, at first pointing to its beginning (where the very first element will be).
Start with the tree's root and add its h_next and v_next to the vector.
Then while the index is less than the number of pointers in the vector - 1, take vector[index]'s h_next and v_next, add them at the end of the vector and do ++index.
You end up with pointers to all tree nodes in that vector/array/whatever.
Then you just iterate over it, painting things and whatnot.
