Display response time seems too slow on simple functions - c

I have written an application in C using GTK 2.0 for a touchscreen panel with an ARM processor running debian linux. It is a very basic application that presents a few buttons (event boxes) on screen that can be clicked. On one page, I have 4 fields to present a "list" that can be scrolled through by clicking an up arrow and a down arrow (also event boxes). My function (code below) for the scrolling is very basic...it just updates each field with the next item from the array. Everything works fine, but the problem I am seeing is that if you repeatedly click the scroll button a little too quickly, it jumps ahead a few list items too far. My guess as to what is happening is that, when clicking too fast, the counter advances faster than the screen can update, so that by the time you click again it is actually updating with the then too-high counter. I wouldn't be concerned if it only happened when clicking REALLY fast, but I think the slow response seems way out of line for such a simple function repeating at a reasonably quick rate.
I'm hoping maybe someone has some input on something I might be missing in regards to screen refreshes with GTK?
Thank you in advance for any thoughts or advice!
Here is my code for my "volume-up" function and "scroll-up" function, both having the same problem. There are corresponding "scroll-down" and "volume-down" functions with the same issue:
static void sr_vol_up_clicked (GtkWidget *fakewidget, GdkEvent *fakeevent, gpointer number)
gtk_image_set_from_file (GTK_IMAGE(sr_vol_up_button),"./images/Admin/navigation_up_arrow_DOWN.png");
if (sr_current_level < 100)
sr_current_level = sr_current_level + 1;
gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL(sr_current_level_label), (g_strdup_printf("%i", sr_current_level)));
gtk_image_set_from_file (GTK_IMAGE(sr_vol_up_button),"./images/Admin/navigation_up_arrow_UP.png");
And the other:
static void scroll_show_up ()
if (show_scroll_count > 0)
if (show_one_displayed - 1 < 0)
show_one_displayed = (show_loop_list->len -1);
show_one_displayed = show_one_displayed - 1;
gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL(upcoming_show_1_label), get_show_name((char *)g_ptr_array_index(show_loop_list, show_one_displayed)));
if (show_two_displayed - 1 < 0)
show_two_displayed = (show_loop_list->len -1);
show_two_displayed = show_two_displayed - 1;
gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL(upcoming_show_2_label), get_show_name((char *)g_ptr_array_index(show_loop_list, show_two_displayed)));
if (show_three_displayed - 1 < 0)
show_three_displayed = (show_loop_list->len -1);
show_three_displayed = show_three_displayed - 1;
gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL(upcoming_show_3_label), get_show_name((char *)g_ptr_array_index(show_loop_list, show_three_displayed)));
if (show_four_displayed - 1 < 0)
show_four_displayed = (show_loop_list->len -1);
show_four_displayed = show_four_displayed - 1;
gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL(upcoming_show_4_label), get_show_name((char *)g_ptr_array_index(show_loop_list, show_four_displayed)));
show_scroll_count = show_scroll_count - 1;


How to force WinForms into ->Show()

The following code fragment uses a WinForms instance with a button to start a countdown and a textbox to follow it. To simulate a calculation process of any duration, a Fibonacci number is calculated within each count. Regardless of how much time the form element has to react, the countdown is not displayed. Only when everything is finished, the result alone is displayed.
Put simply, I wonder where the event handler gets the idea that it has to wait for the whole process to finish. The calculation has nothing to do with the form element. Actually, it would make more sense to get the calculation 'politely' wait for the UI element, if it lacks the time to display the desired intermediate steps and thus pauses for a moment. Is there any other methode than ->Show() to force a Form window refresh or is this waiting direction perhaps 'default' and can be optionally reversed?
form1.h / form1.cpp
// sub.cpp ...
void App1::Form1::button1_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
unsigned res,dur=40;
System::String^ s;
Form^ fo = Form::ActiveForm;
for(int i = 10;i >= 0;i--) {
res = fibo(dur); // Loop: dur 5|80 ~ instantan|endless
s = i.ToString();
fo->Controls[1]->Text = s;
if(1) fo->Show(); } /// 0|1 no difference ??
s = res.ToString();
fo->Controls[1]->Text = s; }
unsigned fibo(unsigned n) { // time consuming calculation placeholder
long result = 0;
if (n == 0) return 0;
else if (n < 2) result = 1;
else result = fibo(n - 1) + fibo(n - 2);
return result; }
On my way to this question I found articles dealing with 'backgraoundWorker', hence the Fibonacci numbers. But what if the 100% is not known? This complicity all just to show that the process is still alive seems to me a bit break a fly on the wheel. Isn't that done more simple?

draw: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

I'm making my very first text adventure game but keep getting an error thrown at me. I honestly have no clue what's going on or how to even start fixing the issue. I'll post my code and the error message I'm receiving exactly.
PFont computer; //creates a variable for the font to be used
int level = 0; //starting level
int branch = 0; //starting level
String[][] textOptions = new String[][]{
{"Welcome to our text adventure. You are in a room.\n" //new line
+ "It looks like no one has been in here for years.\n"
+ "Would you like to look around? Y/N",""},
{"You decide to look around the room.\n"
+ "You stand by your initial observation.\n"
+ "The room is covered in a thick layer of dust with cobwebs reaching out in every corner.\n"
+ "There are a few shelves, lined with decaying boxes and files. The terminal you are looking for is nowhere to be seen. \n"
+ "You are now in a hallway. There are two rooms to explore. L/R?",
"You decide to leave this room. You are now in a hallway.\n"
+ "There are two rooms to explore. L/R?"},
{"You decide to check the room to the right.",
"You decide to check the room to the left."},
void setup()
computer = createFont("computer.ttf",25);
void draw()
void keyPressed()
if(key == 'y')
println("Player is looking around.");
if(level < 2)
level = level+ 1;
branch = 0;
else if(key == 'n')
println("Player decided to leave this room.");
if(level < 2)
level = level+ 1;
branch = 1;
if(key == 'r')
println("Player has chosen the room to the right.");
if(level < 3)
level = level+ 1;
branch = 2;
else if(key == 'l')
println("Player has chosen the room to the left.");
if(level < 3)
level = level+ 1;
branch = 3;
I keep getting the error code:
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 3
at sketch_171010c.draw(sketch_171010c.java:50)
at processing.core.PApplet.handleDraw(PApplet.java:2437)
at processing.awt.PSurfaceAWT$12.callDraw(PSurfaceAWT.java:1557)
at processing.core.PSurfaceNone$AnimationThread.run(PSurfaceNone.java:316)
and it appears to be highlighting the portion of draw that says textOptions[level][branch] but I still don't understand what this means or how to fix this issue whatsoever. Any help or input on how to literally do anything would greatly be appreciated. Thank you!
You should get into the habit of debugging your code so you understand exactly what it's doing.
The exception is caused by trying to access an index that an array doesn't have. Here's a simpler example:
String[] array = {"test"};
String x = array[100];
This code would throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException because the array only has a single element, but we're trying to access index 100. That's what's happening in your code.
Now, why that's happening is going to require debugging your code. Step through it with a piece of paper and a pencil to track the value of the variables, or use the debugger that comes with the Processing IDE.

How can I get screenshot from all displays with X11?

I was working on writing a screenshot thing, and found this excellent topic for Mac: How can I get screenshot from all displays on MAC?
I was wondering if anyone has the equivalent for x11 library? To get all the monitors and then screenshot them all?
I had found this topic: https://stackoverflow.com/a/5293559/1828637
But the code linked from there is not as easy to follow for a novice like me.
Will RootWindow(3) get the area of all the monitors combined? Then I can go through and get the monitors dimensions then XGetImage those sections on the return of RootWindow?
I had come across this topic: How do take a screenshot correctly with xlib? But I'm not sure if it has multi-monitor support. I do this in ctypes so I cant test that code easily without going through the grueling task of writing it first. So I was wondering if this is correct or how would I modify it to handle multi mon please?
The poster there shared his code, it is seen here: https://github.com/Lalaland/ScreenCap/blob/master/src/screenCapturerImpl.cpp#L96 but it's complicated and I don't understand it. It uses functions like XFixesGetCursorImage which I can't find in the documentation, and I don't see how the multi monitors work there. Author of that topic warned he doesn't remember the code and it may not work with modern Linux.
This is not a perfect answer to the question, but the following code could be modified to get a very fast version of your desired end result:
The DesktopCapturePlugin_Initialize method converts all the displays into objects:
g_needReinit = 0;
IDXGIFactory1* factory;
CreateDXGIFactory1(__uuidof(IDXGIFactory1), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&factory));
IDXGIAdapter1* adapter;
for (int i = 0; (factory->EnumAdapters1(i, &adapter) != DXGI_ERROR_NOT_FOUND); ++i)
IDXGIOutput* output;
for (int j = 0; (adapter->EnumOutputs(j, &output) != DXGI_ERROR_NOT_FOUND); j++)
monitorInfo.cbSize = sizeof(MONITORINFOEX);
GetMonitorInfo(outputDesc.Monitor, &monitorInfo);
// Maybe in future add a function to identify the primary monitor.
//if (monitorInfo.dwFlags == MONITORINFOF_PRIMARY)
int iDesk = DeskAdd();
g_desks[iDesk].g_width = monitorInfo.rcMonitor.right - monitorInfo.rcMonitor.left;
g_desks[iDesk].g_height = monitorInfo.rcMonitor.bottom - monitorInfo.rcMonitor.top;
auto device = g_unity->Get<IUnityGraphicsD3D11>()->GetDevice();
IDXGIOutput1* output1;
output1 = reinterpret_cast<IDXGIOutput1*>(output);
output1->DuplicateOutput(device, &g_desks[iDesk].g_deskDupl);
Then the OnRenderEvent method copies a frame from the display into a texture (provided by unity in this case):
void UNITY_INTERFACE_API OnRenderEvent(int eventId)
for (int iDesk = 0; iDesk < g_nDesks; iDesk++)
if (g_desks[iDesk].g_deskDupl == nullptr || g_desks[iDesk].g_texture == nullptr)
IDXGIResource* resource = nullptr;
const UINT timeout = 0; // ms
HRESULT resultAcquire = g_desks[iDesk].g_deskDupl->AcquireNextFrame(timeout, &g_desks[iDesk].g_frameInfo, &resource);
if (resultAcquire != S_OK)
g_desks[iDesk].g_isPointerVisible = (g_desks[iDesk].g_frameInfo.PointerPosition.Visible == TRUE);
g_desks[iDesk].g_pointerX = g_desks[iDesk].g_frameInfo.PointerPosition.Position.x;
g_desks[iDesk].g_pointerY = g_desks[iDesk].g_frameInfo.PointerPosition.Position.y;
ID3D11Texture2D* texture;
HRESULT resultQuery = resource->QueryInterface(__uuidof(ID3D11Texture2D), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&texture));
if (resultQuery != S_OK)
ID3D11DeviceContext* context;
auto device = g_unity->Get<IUnityGraphicsD3D11>()->GetDevice();
context->CopyResource(g_desks[iDesk].g_texture, texture);
g_needReinit = 0;

Multiple Timers Arduino

Hi I had a question about timers on that Arduino.
I have 5 physical buttons (piezos) that I am getting the analog input from. I am then having them write out a keyboard key. My issue is when one is hit I want it to be unable to hit for "x" amount of time. I tried using delay, but this ended up delaying the whole program, thus 2 buttons could not be hit at the same time. Could someone explain to me how to do this with timers? I want 5 separate timers 1 for each button that controls a Boolean, I would need 5 separate timers for 5 separate if statements. (See code).
if(sensorValueA0 == 0)
if(SnareHit == false)
SnareHit = true;
//Use timer here to delay this part of the system
SnareHit = false;
if(sensorValueA1 == 0)
if(BassHit == false)
BassHit = true;
//Use timer here to delay this part of the system
BassHit = false;
You can use the millis() function, something similar to the following code:
time=millis() //time was previously declared as unsigned long
if(time>=5000){ //5000 = 5 sec
It will not stop the arduino loop as dealy() does.
More info: http://playground.arduino.cc/Code/AvoidDelay
Perhaps you are trying to de-bounce the button. I usually do this in the main loop, and expect 5 consecutive "pressed" reads before I say the button is really pressed, something like this:
int button1PressedCount = 0;
int debounceCounter = 5; // Number of successive reads before we say the switch is pressed
boolean buttonPressed = false;
int inputPin1 = 7;
void setup() {
// Grounding the input pin causes it to actuate
pinMode(inputPin1, INPUT ); // set the input pin 1
digitalWrite(inputPin1, HIGH); // set pin 1 as a pull up resistor.
void loop()
// Some code
// Check button, we evaluate below
// Some more code
void checkButton() {
if (digitalRead(inputPin) == 0) {
// We need consecutive pressed counts to treat this is pressed
if (button1PressedCount < debounceCounter) {
button1PressedCount += 1;
// If we reach the debounce point, mark the start time
if (button1PressedCount == debounceCounter) {
// Button is detected as pressed!
buttonPressed = true;
} else {
if (button1PressedCount == debounceCounter) {
// We were pressed, but are not any more
buttonPressed = false;
button1PressedCount = 0;
Also it seems using an analogue input with a check if the analogue value is exactly equal to 0 might be a bit sensitive in noisy environments. This is why I use a digital input and the internal pull up resistor.

Ncurses menu - remembering selection

I am using Ncurses library to do some interactive menus, and I don't know how to do one thing. I have simple menu with few options, I turned of O_ONEVALUE so many options can be selected at the same time, before posting menu I get all the menu items and mark them as selected or not, depending on a bit mask that I keep stored somewhere else, but when the menu is posted every option is turned off, here is the code:
//acquiring menu items
ITEM** header_items = menu_items(params.header_opts_menu);
ITEM* cur_item;
if (header_items == NULL)
syslog_nsys_f(LOG_ERR, "error while getting header menu items");
//selecting appropriate items
long header_menu_items_count = ARRAY_SIZE(header_menu_choices);
for (i = 0; i < header_menu_items_count; ++i)
if ((params.header_flags & (1 << (i))) != 0)
decision = TRUE;
decision = FALSE;
if (set_item_value(header_items[i], TRUE) != E_OK)
syslog_nsys_f(LOG_ERR,"error while setting menu item value");
if (post_menu(params.header_opts_menu) != E_OK)
syslog_nsys_f(LOG_ERR,"error while posting header options menu");
even if I set value of every item to TRUE nothing happens, where is my mistake?
It looks like you are attempting to call set_menu_items after calling post_menu. Check the return value from set_menu_items you are probably getting an E_POSTED error.
