How to sort responses in Objectify? - google-app-engine

I'm currently building an app for deployment to GAE, using Objectify 3.1. I am getting strange results when attempting to do a query with an order() clause.
My domain:
public class InvoiceLineItem
private int units;
private BigDecimal unitCost;
private BigDecimal extendedCost;
private String description;
#Parent Key<Invoice> invoice;
I am attempting to gather all of the InvoiceLineItems associated with a given Invoice using the following:
ofy ().query (InvoiceLineItem.class).ancestor (invoiceKey).list ( );
In my test case, this works just fine, returning 2 rows as expected.
However, when I try to add a sort order to the above query, like so:
ofy ().query (InvoiceLineItem.class).ancestor (invoiceKey).order ("+description").list ();
I always get 0 results. I've tried changing the order direction, the field its ordering by, the location of the order () clause in the query, all to no effect. Can anyone see anything that I'm doing wrong here?

There are a couple potential issues here:
The description field must be indexed
The description field must be less than 500 chars, because over 500 chars gets converted to a Text which is not indexable
Get rid of the +. It's either .order("description") or .order("-description").


Objectify queries are very slow (Google Datastore)

After some refactoring, we are having issues with the objectify queries that we are using in the application. The strange thing is that even if we revert to the original code the problem stays.
When the application starts, a number of 250 books are fetched from the Datastore using Objectify. The caching is enabled and seems to be working.
The problem is that it takes around 50 - 60 seconds to get the result, and for this reason sometimes the http request is killed. We never had this issues before and we can't find an answer to it.
If I ran a query like "select * from BookEntity order by creationDate desc limit 250" in the Google Datastore console and it took 5 - 7 seconds not more.
Before the refactoring, the book entity looked something like this:
public class BookEntity {
public String title_name;
public String author_name;
public String isbn;
public int number_of_pages;
public Ref<PdfEntity> book_pdf;
Now it's like this:
public class BookEntity {
private String titleName;
private String authorName;
private String isbn;
private int numberOfPages;
private Ref<PdfEntity> bookPdf;
// getters and setters for the fields because now they are private
Here is just an example, but in reality it has around 20 fields.
In order to migrate the schema to the field names, I ran a task in GAE which loaded and then saved again all the BookEntity entities.
This example can be extended to all the entities that are used in the application, but the book is the worst performing one. Even though nothing is changed in the query, and we are talking about a basic query which fetches the newest 250 books by creationDate, it takes a lifetime to get the actual result. Any idea how I can investigate this issues further?
Problem found. We were persisting some information in the non-args constructor of the BookEntity, so for every book fetched from the datastore 3 save operations were made for some other entities which are referred from the book.

List Objectify 4 entities in order (but without filtering)

I am just getting started with Objectify 4 and have defined this class:
public class Project {
#Id public long id;
#Index public String name;
I have saved three such entities and would like to list them sorted by name.
What I observe is the following: if I iterate over ofy().load().type(Project.class).list() I get all three (but unsorted, obviously), however if I iterate over ofy().load().type(Project.class).order("name").list() I get only one (apparently the middle one).
What is going on here? How can I list all entities sorted by name (without a filter)? I've noticed that another example uses parent: is this a requirement for this kind of sorting?
Most likely you saved the other two entities before you added the #Index annotation. If you want the indexes to be updated, re-save the entities.

objectify query filter by list in entity contains search parameter

in an app i have an entity that contains a list of other entities (let's say an event holding a list of assigned employees)
using objectify - i need to find all the events a particular employee is assigned to.
is there a basic way to filter a query if it contains the parameter - kind of the opposite of the query in
... quick pseudocode
findAll(Employee employee) {
return ofy.query(Event.class).filter("employees.contains", employee).list();
any help would be greatly appreciated
i tried just doing filter("employees", employee) after seeing this - but unfortunately this returns me an empty list
currently i'm doing something really inefficient - going through each event, iterating through the employees and adding them to a new list if it contains the given employee just to have something that works - i know this is not right though
let me add one thing,
the above query is not actually what it is, i was just using that because i did not think this would make a difference.
The Employee and Events are in the same entity group with Business as a parent
the actual query i am using is the following
ofy.query(Event.class).ancestor(businessKey).filter("employees", employee).list();
unfortunately this is still returning an empty list - does having the ancestor(key) in there mess up the filter?
solution, the employees field was not indexed correctly.
I added the datastore-indexes file to create a composite index, but was testing originally on a value that I added before the employees field was indexed, this was something stupid i was doing - simply having an index on the "business" field and the "employees" field fixed everything. the datastore-indexes file did not appear to be necessary, after deleting it and trying again everything worked fine.
Generally, you do this one of two ways:
Put a property of Set<Key<Employee>> on the Event
Put a property of Set<Key<Event>> on the Employee
You could also create a relationship entity, but if you're just doing filtering on values with relatively low counts, usually it's easier to just put the set property on one entity or the other.
Then filter as you describe:
ofy.query(Event.class).filter("employees", employee).list()
ofy.query(Employee.class).filter("events", event).list()
The list property should hold a Keys to the target entity. If you pass in an entity to the filter() method, Objectify will understand that you want to filter by the key instead.
Example :
public class News {
#Id Long id;
String news ;
#Index List<Long> friend_list = new ArrayList<Long>();
// My friends who can see my news , exemele : friend_list.add(id_f1); friend_list.add(id_f2); friend_list.add(id_f3);
//To make an operation on "friend_list", it is obligatory to index it
public News(Long id_f){
List<Long> friend_id = new ArrayList<Long>();
Query<Nesw> query = ofy().load().type(News.class).filter("friend_list in",friend_id).limit(limit);
//To filter a list, just after the name of the field you want to filter, add "IN".
//here ==> .filter("friend_list in",friend_id);
// if friend_list contains "id_friend" ==> the query return value

store strings of arbitrary length in Postgresql

I have a Spring application which uses JPA (Hibernate) initially created with Spring Roo. I need to store Strings with arbitrary length, so for that reason I've annotated the field with #Lob:
public class MyEntity{
#Size(min = 2)
private String message;
The application works ok in localhost but I've deployed it to an external server and it a problem with encoding has appeared. For that reason I'd like to check if the data stored in the PostgreSQL database is ok or not. The application creates/updates the tables automatically. And for that field (message) it has created a column of type:
The problem is that after storing data if I browse the table or just do a SELECT of that column I can't see the text but numbers. Those numbers seems to be identifiers to "somewhere" where that information is stored.
Can anyone tell me exactly what are these identifiers and if there is any way of being able to see the stored data in a #Lob columm from a pgAdmin or a select clause?
Is there any better way to store Strings of arbitrary length in JPA?
I would recommend skipping the '#Lob' annotation and use columnDefinition like this:
see if that helps viewing the data while browsing the database itself.
Use the #LOB definition, it is correct. The table is storing an OID to the catalogs -> postegreSQL-> tables -> pg_largeobject table.
The binary data is stored here efficiently and JPA will correctly get the data out and store it for you with this as an implementation detail.
Old question, but here is what I found when I encountered this:
Relevant parts below.
#Table(name = "note")
class NoteEntity {
private Long id;
#Column(name = "note_text")
private String noteText;
public NoteEntity() { }
public NoteEntity(String noteText) { this.noteText = noteText }
The Hibernate PostgreSQL9Dialect stores #Lob String attribute values by explicitly creating a large object instance, and then storing the UID of the object in the column associated with attribute.
Obviously, the text of our notes isn’t really in the column. So where is it? The answer is that Hibernate explicitly created a large object for each note, and stored the UID of the object in the column. If we use some PostgreSQL large object functions, we can retrieve the text itself.
Use this to query:
lo_open(note_text::int, x'40000'::int), x'40000'::int), 'UTF-8')
AS note_text
FROM note

How to select out of a one to many property

I have an appengine app which has been running for about a year now, i have mainly been using JDO queries until now, but i am trying to collect stats and the queries are taking too long. I have the following entity (Device)
public class Device implements Serializable{
private Set<Key> feeds;// Key for the Feed entity
So I want to get a count of how many Devices have a certain Feed. I was doing it in JDOQL before as such (uses javax.jdo.Query):
Query query = pm.newQuery("select from Device where feeds.contains(:feedKey)");
Map<String, Object> paramsf = new HashMap<String, Object>();
List<Device> results = (List<Device>) query.executeWithMap(paramsf);
Though this code times out now. I was trying to use the Datastore API so I could set chunk size,etc to see if i could speed the query up or use a cursor, but I am unsure how to search in a Set field. I was trying this (uses
Query query = new Query("Device");
query.addFilter("feeds", FilterOperator.IN, feed.getId());
final FetchOptions fetchOptions = FetchOptions.Builder.withPrefetchSize(100).chunkSize(100);
QueryResultList<Entity> results = dss.prepare(query).asQueryResultList(fetchOptions);
Essentially i am unsure how to search in the one-to-many filed (feeds) for a single key. Is it possible to index it somehow?
hope it makes sense....
Lists (and other things that are implemented as lists, like sets) are indexed individually. As a result, you can simply use an equality filter in your query, the same as if you were filtering on a single value rather than a list. A record will be returned if any of the items in the list match.
