Copying over glibc library - c

I downloaded the glibc source code, modified some portion of the standard library and then used LD_PRELOAD to use that modified standard library (in the form of an .so file) with my program. However, when I copied that .so file to another computer and tried to run the same program using LD_PRELOAD there, I got a segmentation fault.
Notice that both computers have x86-64 processors. Moreover, both computers have gcc 4.4 installed. Although the computer in which it is not running has also gcc 4.1.2 installed besides gcc 4.4. However, one is running Ubuntu 10.04 (where I compiled), while the other is running CentOS 5. Is that the cause of the segmentation fault? How can I solve this problem? Notice that I don't have administrative rights on the computer with CentOS 5.

When you LD_PRELOAD the C library, I believe you're loading it in addition to the default C library. When they're the exact same version, all the symbols match, and yours takes precedence. So it works. When they're different versions, you may well have a mix, on a per-symbol basis.
Also, the NSS (name service switch, e.g., all the stuff from /etc/nsswitch.conf) API is not stable. These modules are separate from the main, but are dynamically loaded when a program e.g., does a user id to username mapping. Loading the wrong version (because you copied over) will do all kinds of badness.
Further, Ubuntu may be using eglibc and CentOS glibc. So you could be looking at a different fork of glibc.
If your LD_PRELOAD library included only the symbols you actually need to override, and overrode them to the minimum amount possible (e.g., if possible, call the overridden function), then your library has a much higher chance of being portable.
For an example of how to do this, see (for example) fakeroot.
If you're changing so much of libc that your only choice is to override all of it, then (a) you're doing something very weird; (b) you probably want to use LD_LIBRARY_PATH, not LD_PRELOAD; see the manpage for details.

It is likely that your libc is not portable between kernel versions.


Link failure with versioned symbols (memcpy & secure_getenv)

I am seeing undefined symbols when trying to link shared libraries with a program on Redhat Linux.
We are running Linux kernel 3.10.0, gcc 4.8.2 with, and libblkid 2.23.2
When I build the application I am writing I get two undefined symbols from libblkid: memcpy#GLIBC_2.14 and secure_getenv#GLIBC_2.17. (A very similar build works on other machines, ostensibly using the same versions of everything).
Note, for secure_getenv libblkid wants the same version as the libc library itself.
Looking at the symbols defined in I find memcpy##GLIBC_2.14, memcpy#GLIBC_2.2.5, secure_getenv, and secure_getenv#GLIBC_2.2.5. According to my understanding the double # in the first memcpy version is simply supposed to mark it as the default version. And, for some reason even in this libc with versioned symbols the first secure_getenv appears to be unversioned.
So, why does a requirement for memcpy#GLIBC_2.14 not match the defaulted memcpy##GLIBC_2.14?
And logically I would expect the base version of secure_getenv in libc-2.17 to match a requirement for version 2.17.
So, what is going on here? What is making it fail on my development machine and not others? How do I fix this? (As the make works on other machines this appears to be something specific to my build environment, but what?)
You probably have compat-glibc installed, as indicated by the -L/usr/lib/x86_64-redhat-linux6E/lib64 argument. compat-glibc on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 provides glibc 2.12 only, so it cannot be used to link against system libraries.

How can I compile a Linux executable for a different machine?

I've written a Linux program in C, and I'm trying to get it to run on a server system. It looks like everything should work, but when I try it, I get this:
/lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by <program>)
/lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by ./
(Where <program> is my program's name.)
So far as I can tell, my program only requires that version of GLIBC because libdbi does. I've tried compiling libdbi from source, and it still attempts to link to that version of GLIBC.
I don't own the server system (it's a shared system I run a website on, and have SSH access to), so I can't make any changes to it -- that's why the library file is in the same directory, and I've set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.. Unfortunately I also don't have access to a compiler on it -- when I try to run GCC, I'm told "permission denied". It's run by a big corporation, and I'm only one customer; the chances of them making any changes at my request are essentially zero.
Is there any way to compile the program on my system so that it will work on the server?
Before I asked, I found these similar questions:
Compile C program in Linux with different glibc library: the link in the answer goes to a 404 page, and from what I've been able to determine, apgcc isn't available on Debian distributions.
Relink a shared library to a different version of libc: seems to say that this problem doesn't exist, because "glibc tend to be backwards compatible" (except they apparently aren't in this case).
How to compile Linux C program to run on another Linux machine?: suggests a chroot or virtual machine, which I've done before elsewhere, but how can I tell it to use a libc without that old GLIBC version?
is binary executable file portable: suggests static-linking, but libdbi dynamically-links to its driver files, so that apparently can't be done -- I get several errors referring to missing functions like ldopen.
There are others, but they seem to be variations on those.
I'd be willing to use a non-free solution (like one that I saw in another answer I can't find now) if I turn this into a commercial product, but for a single use it seems like massive overkill, not to mention the expense.
Is there any way to simply tell libdbi to link to a later GLIBC version, maybe? If not, is there any solution I've overlooked?
Big corporation or not, the least they owe you if you are paying for service in any way or being paid for development to meet a requirement is a careful description of the runtime environment so you can duplicate it on a development machine.
Then you must set out to systematically duplicate this environment. Since you're using libdbi you should be thorough. Database connections can exercise big chunks of the system API, so you want to have exactly the same version of Linux, gcc (even if you can't run it, you need to know the version other parts of the system were compiled with), and other tools and libraries. If you don't, you won't be able to have much confidence that your development machine tests translate to good behavior on the target.
A virtual machine is a good way to create a specialized development environment without messing up your existing one.
You must compile it on a machine that has the same version of glibc as the target machine, or an older version. shared library compatibility works in that direction only.
Find out what version of Linux the server uses, get a copy of it and install it in a VM
Virtualbox is good for this
You can use this environment for testing code as well as this particular compilation problem
You have the following options:
Compile your code on the server machine (which likely has gcc installed)
Compile your program with statically linked libraries (option -static for gcc)

Why "/lib/" is mounted on solaris 10?

Why the /lib/ (linker/loader) is always mounted on Solaris 10 ? I have tried both mount and df output. It shows me /lib/ entry.
For both SPARC and x86 architectures, Solaris provides optimized C standard libraries. At boot time, the best suited for your machine, i.e. the one taking advantage of CPU specific instructions and features, is lofs mounted on top of the standard one.
Since Solaris 10, no static libc is provided so this dynamic libc, being the interface between the kernel and the userland, is a mandatory component of every program running on Solaris.
More details here.
One might ask why is this done with a lofs mount and not by a lightweight feature like a symlink.
The reason is a symlink is persistent, i.e. survives a reboot. Using a symlink might then render a system unusable should the hardware capabilities evolve or should should for some other reason the wrong library would have been linked to. Again, all Solaris commands are dynamically linked to There has not been a libc.a since a long time.
Using a lofs mount ensure the first stage of system boot are done with using the safe default, and the optimized one is only selected at the right time and in particular allows a safe boot with all services disabled (-m milestone=none) not to be affected by a capabilities change. is required to run unix commands like ssh or awk that were written in C and use dynamic (runtime) linking. is a link to which is the "base" version of the C library for the implementation of Solaris 10 you are running.
Solaris does not work exactly the way Linux does with versions of libc because there are different versions of sparc architecure. The lowest common denominator is sparc 1. I have a Ultrasparc III box and other more modern boxes.
Try the file command on file /lib/ In order for the utilities and other code to get the max from the box, the architecture "sparc setting" of libc matches the box. Read about and try the isalist and isainfo commands.

histogram function in ansi C program: GSL and/or others?

If I just want to use the gsl_histogram.h library from Gnu Scientific Library (GSL), can I copy it from an existing machine (Mac OS Snow Leopard) that has GSL installed to a different machine (Linux CentOS 5.7) that doesn't have GSL installed, and just use an #include <gls_histogram.h> statement in my c program? Would this work?
Or, do I have to go through the full install of GSL on the Linux box, even though I only need this one library?
Just copying a header gsl_histogram.h is not enough. Header states merely the interface that is exposed by this library. You would need to copy also binaries like *.so and *.a files, but it's hard to tell which ones to copy. So I think the you'd better just install it on your machine. It's pretty easy, just use this tutorial to find and install GSL package.
So there are surely a lot of libraries out there. However the particular one is Gnuplot. Using it you even do not need to compile the code, however you do need to read a bit of documentation. But luckily there is already a question about how to draw a histogram with Gnuplot on Stackoverflow: Histogram using gnuplot? It worth noting that Gnuplot is actually very powerful tool, so invested time into reading its documentation will certainly pay off.
You cannot copy libraries from OS and expect them to work unchanged.
OS X uses the Mach-O object file format while modern Linux systems use the ELF object file format. The usual linker/loader will not know how to load the Mach-O format object files for your executable to execute. So you would need the Apple-provided -- or whatever they call their loader. (It's been a while.)
Furthermore, the object files from OS X will be linked against the Apple-supplied libc, and require the corresponding symbols from the Apple-supplied library. You would also need to provide the Apple-provided libc on the Linux system. This C library would try to make system calls using the OS X system call numbers and calling conventions. I guarantee the system call numbers have changed and almost certainly calling conventions are different.
While the Linux kernel's binfmt_misc generic object loader can be used to teach the kernel how to load different object file formats, and the kernel's personality(2) system call can be used to select between different calling conventions, system call numbers, and so on, the amount of work required to make this work is nothing short of immense: the WINE Project has been working on exactly this issue (but with the Windows format COFF and supporting libraries) since 1993.
It would be easier to run:
apt-get install libgs0-dev
or whatever the equivalent is on your distribution of choice. If your distribution does not make it easily available, it would still be easier to compile and install the library by hand rather than try to make the OS X version work.

Glibc and uClibc side by side on one system

Is it possible to have glibc and uClibc based applications running side-by-side on one system?
Background: We have binary gcc based cross-compiler configured to link with uClibc. We have cross-compiled glibc with it. Now we want to build some applications so they will link with the glibc rather than uClibc. We don't want to rebuild the compiler.
There's no problem with glibc and uClibc living side-by-side with some programs linking to one and other programs linking to the other. However, there is a problem with additional libraries. Each shared library on your system will be built against either glibc or uClibc (using the corresponding headers, which define distinct ABIs for the standard library functions), so for example if both a glibc program and a uClibc program need ncurses, you'll need to have two versions of ncurses built, and have a way of ensuring that the correct one for the given program gets loaded at runtime. Alternatively, you could choose to only use one set of shared libraries, and use static libraries for programs linked to the other libc, but you'd still need to build your 2 sets of libraries.
Yes, it should be perfectly possible, but you might have to play around with LD_PRELOAD_PATH. If you are linking statically, change to dynamic linking.
It is nearly impossible to mix them in the same FHS, as the ABI and include dir are incompatible. However, you could install either of them in an directory offset, by tweaking dynamic-linker field in ELF and exploiting sysroot feature in gcc/binutils. An on going experiment is in Gentoo community[1], known as Prefix/libc.
