WP7 HttpWebRequest how to know when multiple requests are completed? - silverlight

I have multiple successive image downloads and saving in IsolatedStorage using HttpWebRequest.
After all image downloadsa are completed I need to navigate user to another page, where images are displayed in image controls from isolated storage.
How can I know when all the downloads are completed to run the navigation?
I tried to pass the redirect to the requests callback function (requestImage_BeginGetResponse()) in the last foreach loops iteration after saving the image,
but the images are different sizes and sometimes the last image downloads faster than previous, that results in redirect before all downloads are completed.
the code:
private HttpWebRequest request;
private void downloadDataFile()
foreach (Gallery image in gallery)
request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(image.url);
request.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(requestImage_BeginGetResponse), new object[] { request, image.name });
}, request);
private void requestImage_BeginGetResponse(IAsyncResult r)
object[] param = (object[])r.AsyncState;
HttpWebRequest httpRequest = (HttpWebRequest)param[0];
string filename = (string)param[1];
HttpWebResponse httpResoponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpRequest.EndGetResponse(r);
System.Net.HttpStatusCode status = httpResoponse.StatusCode;
if (status == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
Stream str = httpResoponse.GetResponseStream();
Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
saveImage(str, filename);

You should prepare a int type variable to record your images that would be downloaded.Whenever a image is downloaded,make the variable minus 1 untill its value is 0,and notify the navigating operation.


Flutter Monitor FileUpload progress using the http package

I have been using the following code to upload files on my server as it is doing the job but i want to monitor the Upload Progress Percentage during the opration and Update the UI accordingly to reflect the prgress to the user
uploadFile({File imageFile, String refCode}) async {
// open a bytestream
var stream =
new http.ByteStream(DelegatingStream.typed(imageFile.openRead()));
// get file length
var length = await imageFile.length();
// string to uri
var uri = Uri.parse(
// create multipart request
var request = new http.MultipartRequest("POST", uri);
// multipart that takes file
var multipartFile = new http.MultipartFile('file', stream, length,
filename: basename(imageFile.path));
// add file to multipart
// send
var response = await request.send();
// listen for response
response.stream.transform(utf8.decoder).listen((value) {
//return response.
NOTE that the value in the listen is getting me the final return from the WebAPI on the server.
how to achieve that?
Take a look at this example on GitHub. It demonstrates how you can access the current upload progress of your file.

Download response as an excel file

File is not downloading at browser. I'm preparing the file and writing it to output stream of response.
Rest API is there:
#RequestMapping(value = "/export-companies",
method = {RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.HEAD})
public void downloadCompanies(HttpServletResponse response) throws URISyntaxException {
HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();
HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("Sample sheet");
Map<String, Object[]> data = new HashMap<String, Object[]>();
data.put("1", new Object[] {"Emp No.", "Name", "Salary"});
data.put("2", new Object[] {1d, "John", 1500000d});
data.put("3", new Object[] {2d, "Sam", 800000d});
data.put("4", new Object[] {3d, "Dean", 700000d});
Set<String> keyset = data.keySet();
int rownum = 0;
for (String key : keyset) {
Row row = sheet.createRow(rownum++);
Object [] objArr = data.get(key);
int cellnum = 0;
for (Object obj : objArr) {
Cell cell = row.createCell(cellnum++);
if(obj instanceof Date)
else if(obj instanceof Boolean)
else if(obj instanceof String)
else if(obj instanceof Double)
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream outByteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte [] outArray = outByteStream.toByteArray();
response.setHeader("Expires:", "0"); // eliminates browser caching
response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=template.xls");
OutputStream outStream = response.getOutputStream();
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
From front end (using Angular JS):
(function() {
'use strict';
.factory('CompanyExportService', CompanyExportService);
CompanyExportService.$inject = ['$resource'];
function CompanyExportService ($resource) {
var service = $resource('api/export-companies', {}, {
'get': {
method: 'GET',
isArray: false
return service;
File contents are there in response as non-readable format. But file is not downloaded at browser.
Angular will receive the file contents mere character sequences. You need to create a file from these characters and initiate the browser download in frontend.
You can do it like this -
var blob = new Blob([data],
{type: 'application/vnd.openxmlformat-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet;'});
saveAs(blob, fileName);
where data is the response you received form your API. The saveAs function is part of FileSaver.js library. Although you can look on how to manually do that but why reinvent the wheel?
Downloading files with XHR is problematic. As long as you do only GET requests, there exists much simpler approach to trigger browser to download file.
Use JavaScript native method window.open(url).
It does work well in all browsers including IE9.
In code below, I use $window, which is Angular's proxy for native window object.
Example for your code could be like:
(function() {
'use strict';
.factory('CompanyExportService', CompanyExportService);
CompanyExportService.$inject = ['$window'];
function CompanyExportService ($window) {
var exportUrl = 'api/export-companies';
return {
download: download
function download() {
Note that this action is out of scope of Angular, you can't do much about error handling or waiting till the file will be downloaded. Might be problem if you want to generate huge Excel files or your API is slow.
For more details, read question: Spring - download response as a file
I've replaced window.location.href with window.open() which seems to be better choice for downloading files.
If your API will throw an error page instead of file, window.location.href will replace current page (thus losing its state). $window.open() however will opens this error in new tab without losing current state of of application.
You can download file in new tab. Modern browser are closing them automatically when downloading is completed.
By opening new window you get reference to it, when downloading is completed then window.closed is set to true.
Unfortunatelly you need to check from time-to-time this param inside interval ...
var newWindowRef = $window.open(url, name);
if (newWindowRef) {
if (newWindowRef.document.body) { // not working on IE
newWindowRef.document.title = "Downloading ...";
newWindowRef.document.body.innerHTML = '<h4>Your file is generating ... please wait</h4>';
var interval = setInterval(function() {
if (!!newWindowRef.closed) {
// Downloading completed
}, 1000);
} else {
$log.error("Opening new window is probably blocked");
Tested and works on Chrome v52, FF v48 and IE 11

Getting the current page when receiving a toast notification (WP8.1 Silverlight, receiving WNS toast notification)

I have an event that fires when the app is live and I receive an notification CurrentChannel_PushNotificationReceived. In this function I want to find out which page is currently displayed to know if the notification should update content on the page. The question is therefore twofold, how to know which page is currently displayed and interact with the toast notification.
The issue is that I cannot interact with the elements because of clash with the OS threading (Dispatcher).
Therefore using the below code it allows me to access the content of the message. But I am still not able to get the info of the current_page
_channel = await PushNotificationChannelManager.CreatePushNotificationChannelForApplicationAsync();
_channel.PushNotificationReceived += OnPushNotificationReceived;
private void OnPushNotificationReceived(PushNotificationChannel sender, PushNotificationReceivedEventArgs args)
switch (args.NotificationType)
case PushNotificationType.Badge:
case PushNotificationType.Tile:
case PushNotificationType.Toast:
case PushNotificationType.Raw:
args.Cancel = true;
private void OnBadgeNotificationReceived(string notificationContent)
// Code when a badge notification is received when app is running
private void OnTileNotificationReceived(string notificationContent)
// Code when a tile notification is received when app is running
private void OnToastNotificationReceived(string notificationContent)
// Code when a toast notification is received when app is running
// Show a toast notification programatically
var xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
var toastNotification = new ToastNotification(xmlDocument);
//toastNotification.SuppressPopup = true;
private void OnRawNotificationReceived(string notificationContent)
// Code when a raw notification is received when app is running
How do I access the current page information in the different onXXXXNotificationReceived. The current snippets work but not within these functions:
var currentPage = ((PhoneApplicationFrame)Application.Current.RootVisual).Content;
var tempBool = currentPage.GetType() is BC_Menu.StartUp.SecondScreen;
My guess is it is because of the UI-thread. So how can I use the dispatcher to get the information? I have tried some solutions with the dispatcher, but I cannot await the information, and therefore it is not applicable.
System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation op = App.RootFrame.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Func<Uri>(() =>
return RootFrame.CurrentSource;
await op; //Not awaitable.
There's no reason to await the dispatcher to the UI thread. Simply dispatch to the UI thread and then perform the rest of your logic, like displaying the toast or navigating to a page, from within the UI thread...
Register the event...
var channel = await PushNotificationChannelManager.CreatePushNotificationChannelForApplicationAsync();
channel.PushNotificationReceived += Channel_PushNotificationReceived;
On the event handler, cancel displaying the notification and then dispatch to UI thread...
private void Channel_PushNotificationReceived(PushNotificationChannel sender, PushNotificationReceivedEventArgs args)
// Make sure you cancel displaying the toast on this thread (not on UI thread)
// since cancellation needs to be set before this thread/method returns
args.Cancel = true;
// Then dispatch to the UI thread
var currPage = ((PhoneApplicationFrame)Application.Current.RootVisual).Content;
switch (args.NotificationType)
case PushNotificationType.Toast:
Do all of your code inside the dispatcher's delegate. All your code will be executing on the UI thread... you'll be able to navigate pages, obtain current page, etc.
Ok. Try this. Create a static property on App.xaml.cs.
public static object CurrentPageInfo { get; set; }
And assign the page type or page name to the property on 'OnNavigatedTo' method on every page.
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
var currentPage = ((PhoneApplicationFrame)Application.Current.RootVisual).Content;
App.CurrentPageInfo = currentPage.GetType() is BC_Menu.StartUp.SecondScreen;
So that you can identify the page source type on receiving notifications by accessing the App.CurrentPageInfo property. Hope it helps!

Web api large file download with HttpClient

I have a problem with large file download from the web api to the win forms app. On the win form app I'm using HttpClient for grabbing data. I have following code on server side:
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> GetBackup(BackupRequestModel request)
HttpResponseMessage response;
response = await Task.Run<HttpResponseMessage>(() =>
var directory = new DirectoryInfo(request.Path);
var files = directory.GetFiles();
var lastCreatedFile = files.OrderByDescending(f => f.CreationTime).FirstOrDefault();
var filestream = lastCreatedFile.OpenRead();
var fileResponse = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
fileResponse.Content = new StreamContent(filestream);
fileResponse.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/octet-stream");
return fileResponse;
catch (Exception e)
response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError);
return response;
on client side:
private async void btnStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var requestModel = new BackupRequestModel();
requestModel.Username = txtUsername.Text;
requestModel.Password = txtPassword.Text;
requestModel.Path = txtServerPath.Text;
var client = new HttpClient();
var result = await client.PostAsJsonAsync("http://localhost:50116/api/backup", requestModel);
var stream = await result.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();
var localPath = #"d:\test\filenew.bak";
var fileStream = File.Create(localPath);
This is actually working, but the purpose of this program is to grab large files over 3GB and save it to the client.
I have tried this on files sized 630MB what I notice is: When I call web api with http client, http client actually loads 630MB in the memory stream, and from the memory stream to the file stream, but when I try to load a different file I'm getting OutOfMemoryException. This is happening because the application doesn't release memory from the previous loaded file. I can see in task manager that it is holding 635MB of ram memory.
My question is how can I write data directly from HttpClient to file without using memory stream, or in other words how can I write data to file while HttpClient is downloading data?
To make the request, use a SendAsync overload that allows you to specify a HttpCompletionOption and use ResponseHeadersRead. You'll have to manually build the request though, without using the PostAsJsonAsync convenience method.

Uploading a photo stream from camera into azure blob in WP7

I have the following simple application page that uses the phone camera to upload the taken photo to azure blob:
public partial class AddReport : PhoneApplicationPage
// blobs stuff
string storageAccount = "MYACCOUNT";
string storageKey = "MYKEY";
string blobServiceUri = "http://MYACCOUNT.blob.core.windows.net";
CloudBlobClient blobClient;
private Report newReport;
public AddReport()
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)
newReport = new Report();
var credentials = new StorageCredentialsAccountAndKey(storageAccount, storageKey);
blobClient = new CloudBlobClient(blobServiceUri, credentials);
private void TakePhotoClick(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
//The camera chooser used to capture a picture.
CameraCaptureTask ctask;
//Create new instance of CameraCaptureClass
ctask = new CameraCaptureTask();
//Create new event handler for capturing a photo
ctask.Completed += new EventHandler<PhotoResult>(ctask_Completed);
//Show the camera.
void ctask_Completed(object sender, PhotoResult e)
if (e.TaskResult == TaskResult.OK && e.ChosenPhoto != null)
WriteableBitmap CapturedImage = PictureDecoder.DecodeJpeg(e.ChosenPhoto);
//user decided not to take a picture
private void UploadToBlobContainer(System.IO.Stream stream)
string containerName = "reportsPhotos";
var container = blobClient.GetContainerReference(containerName);
container.CreateIfNotExist(true, r =>
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
var blobName = "report" + newReport.ReportId.ToString();
var blob = container.GetBlobReference(blobName);
blob.Metadata["ReportId"] = newReport.ReportId.ToString();
blob.UploadFromStream(stream, r2 =>
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
newReport.Photo = container.Uri + "/" + blobName;
This is a simple case and I am not using SAS to authenticate, instead I save the key in the app itself (this is only for testing purposes) and also my blobs are publicly available.
when I run in debug mode it seems that everything is working, but the photo doesn't get uploaded to the blob. Also, I don't know how I can debug this to see if there was any error from the blob service.
Can anyone tell me what might be wrong ?
EDIT1: it seems that the container is not being created either. i've confirmed this using azure blob explorer
EDIT2: I am getting a System.Net.WebException : "The remote server returned an error: NotFound."
After long hours I have finally discovered that the problem was with this line:
string containerName = "reportsPhotos";
According to here all letters in a container name must be lowercase.
Changing it to reportsphotos solved the issue
That was time well spent.
Can you try just doing it like this instead:
// Retrieve storage account from connection-string
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(
// Create the blob client
CloudBlobClient blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
// Retrieve reference to a previously created container
CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference("mycontainer");
// Retrieve reference to a blob named "myblob"
CloudBlob blob = container.GetBlobReference("myblob");
// Create or overwrite the "myblob" blob with contents from a local file
using (var fileStream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(#"path\myfile"))
This is from:
