pgpool can't create database - database

I have started the pgpool using the command
sudo pgpool -n &
it started giving the following message on the terminal:
2012-05-04 10:54:29 LOG: pid 4109: pgpool-II successfully started. version (tomiteboshi)
But when I try to run the following command:
createdb -p 9999 bench_replication
I get the following error message:
createdb: could not connect to database postgres: could not connect to server: No such file or directory.
Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.9999"?
When I change the port from 9999 to 5432, a database bench_replication is created on the local node only, not on slave nodes. But, tutorial say to mention port 9999 in this command in order to create database bench_replication on all slave nodes through pgpool.
To confirm whether pgpool is really running or not, I stop the pgpool using command
2012-05-04 10:58:50 LOG: pid 4109: received smart shutdown request
stop request sent to pgpool. waiting for termination...done.
[1]+ Done sudo -A pgpool -n
which confirms the pgpool was actually running. What am I doing wrong? I have changed all my pgpool configuration file as mentioned in the standard tutorials on net.

Try this command :
createdb -p 9999 -h bench_replication
By default PostgreSQL try to use the socket.

Late response but useful for future generations:
When you run
createdb -p 9999 bench_replication
under root, this generates the following error in log:
no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "root", database
"postgres", SSL off
This means you should explicit mention username just like this:
createdb -U postgres -p 9999 bench_replication
Then you will get another error:
no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "postgres", database
"postgres", SSL off
So you were blocked by second node on HBA level.
In this case either you should allow on second node access from first (in pg_hba.conf):
host all postgres trust
or you should set password:
createdb -U postgres -p 9999 bench_replication -W SoMeP4Ssw0rD
If this is not clear enough - just check for your logs.


PHP Script to copy database from one server to another

I have a scenario where I need to copy production database to my dev database on daily basis. Both are different servers. What I have thought of writing a cronjob that will do the stuff. I have written a php script. I am connecting to remote production server via sshpass, taking its dump and then populating that dump.
exec("sshpass -p 'mypassword' ssh root#IP_ADDRESS:PORT");
exec("mysqldump -u root -p DB > production_dump.sql");
exec("mysql -u root -p test < production_dump.sql");
But at first line it throws error of stating
ssh: Could not resolve hostname IP_ADDRESS:PORT: Name or service not known
I have tried given solution on internet but non of them worked. Can any on please explain what I am doing wrong?
Your command is failing because it's not formatted right. You need to use one of the following formats:
sshpass -p 'mypassword' ssh root#IP_ADDRESS PORT
sshpass -p 'mypassword' ssh root#IP_ADDRESS -p PORT
sshpass -p 'mypassword' ssh ssh://root#IP_ADDRESS:PORT
However, I'm not sure if the rest of the script will work, especially if it starts asking for a password. A bash script would be the way to go.

How to change server port number of AgensGraph?

AgensGraph can not startup.
When AgensGraph installed multiple instance on same server, Some AgensGraph can't startup.
$ ag_ctl start
ag_ctl: another server might be running; trying to start server anyway
server starting
Is there config parameter about it?
There is configuration parameter of port number on "postgresql.conf" file.
See the directory "$AGDATA", you can found "postgresql.conf" file.
$ grep ^#port $AGDATA/postgresql.conf
#port = 5432 # (change requires restart)
$ vi $AGDATA/postgresql.conf
<<< FIX Port Number >>>
$ grep ^port $AGDATA/postgresql.conf
port = 9999 # (change requires restart)
After fix port number, Restart your AgensGraph.
$ ag_ctl restart
waiting for server to shut down..... done
server stopped
waiting for server to start.... done
server started
After restart, you can access to AgensGraph on new port number.
$ agens -p 9999
agens (AgensGraph 2.1.0, based on PostgreSQL 10.4)
Type "help" for help.

postgresql-server connection password fail for ip option in psql

I try to set up a PostgreSQL-server (to learn Spring).
As I am new to PostgreSQL, I have difficulties to frame my problem.
Problem description:
I started postgresql:
● postgresql.service - PostgreSQL RDBMS
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/postgresql.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (exited) since Mo 2017-08-21 19:10:46 CEST; 20min ago
Process: 28211 ExecStart=/bin/true (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 28211 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
PostgreSQL is running on my local machine (Ubuntu 16.04). So no remote server ect.
Trying to populate Postgres with data:
sudo psql -h -U postgres -f create_soba_psql.sql
Password for user postgres:
psql: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres"
FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres"
Tried pw: postgre, postgres, with pw from current user of OS
sudo -u postgres psql
creates a connection
(with pw from current user of OS).
So something new to me to be learned...
What I already tried:
Resetting pw for postgres with: $ sudo passwd postgres
Looking into the PostgreSQL Client Authentication Configuration File
screenshot configuration
I think "peer" should be ok, as I do not connect to a remote server, isn't it?
Reinstalling PostgreSQL and trying everything again. At least the error did not change...
Do you, dear reader, have a hint what I can try or even have a solution/ explanation what I am doing wrong?
Kind regards,
sudo -u postgres psql
in psql session, run:
alter user postgres password 'some_pw';
quit the session and try:
sudo psql -h -U postgres -f create_soba_psql.sql
when asked use password some_pw

Mssql login fail ECONNREFUSED

while trying to log in using this .. mssql -u sa -p mypassword .i get this error, Error: Failed to connect to localhost:1433 - connect ECONNREFUSED
I have installed sql server on docker using this tutorial and started it.
I am using mac os sierra. I have searched all over internet including stackoverflow for this but gotten no answer. The only answer i get is to enable tcp/ip using sql configuration manager, but mac os doesn't have a configuration manager so I can enable the tcp/ip. Kindly assist.
I finally found the solution .. the docker set the memory as 2GB while the MS SQL server requires 3.25GB... All i had to do was go to the Docker preferences and changed the memory to 4GB and it works :). I was using sql server on docker on Mac.
I'm using docker to set up containers and then sql-cli to access SQL server. This is how I resolved that error which I got after providing mssql -u sa -p mypassword.
What I didn't realize at the beginning was a too simple password provided before with setting up a docker container:
docker run -d --name Homer -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=myPassw0rd' -p 1433:1433 microsoft/mssql-server-linux
The Terminal doesn't say this and only after going to docker > Kitematic and checking the logs of the just created container I saw such a security warning. I deleted that container and created a container with a strong password.
Then I got the error after I've started a wrong container (so the connection failed because I was trying to provide the password for a different container). Since then, I prefer to use Kinematic to manage and access my containers. Before I type mssql -u sa -p mypassword in the Terminal and start to work, I just go to docker > Kinematic and Start my container.
In my case the container exited due to an insecure mssql password.
Try reading the container logs.
In my case, I just needed to start the container.
docker start {container_name}
In my case (I was following this tutorial the problem was the host address.
I was trying to connect to localhost and I got the ECONNREFUSED message but then I realized that I needed to use the local IP docker assigned to the container (it was something like, so:
mssql -s 192.168..... -o 1433 -u sa -p 'mypassword'
finally worded.
I had the same, in my case I notice that the problem was the PORT, so:
1)Check if the container is running with
docker start "container_name"
2)Then, get the correct PORT with:
docker ps
3) Run it
mssql -s "PORT" -o 1433 -u sa -p "pwd"
I'm adding this answer to complement Krzysztof Tomasz's answer.
I was following this guide: How to Install SQL Server on a Mac
Everything was going well but at the time of connecting to the container with this command:
mssql -u sa -p mypass1
I got:
Error: Failed to connect to localhost:1433 - connect ECONNREFUSED
Then I opened Docker app, clicked the container and in the Logs menu I could see the following:
2020-02-05 16:26:45.71 spid20s ERROR: Unable to set system
administrator password: Password validation failed. The password does
not meet SQL Server password policy requirements because it is too
short. The password must be at least 8 characters..
The password I set had only 7 chars. :o)
Now this makes sense.
This is also documented # Microsoft doc here:
Quickstart: Run SQL Server container images with Docker
Solved this problem by removing the container and launching it again...
As I only had one container I ran the following command:
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
Then launched sql server image again with a stronger password:
docker run -d --name sql_server_demo -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=MyPass11' -p 1433:1433 microsoft/mssql-server-linux
I resolved this issue by updating the port from 1422 to 1433, I used Kitematic to implement this update.
I had the same, and it was a RAM issue, HOWEVER... 4GB didn't do it for me, for some reason in my case I needed 6, then it worked.
Make sure you have started the container in docker.
Command to start a container: docker start container "containerName"
and then try to connect mssql
I had same problem too, after study the logs with two commands:
docker ps -a
docker logs 99373f58f2ff
I understood that problem is related to the password dose not to meet SQL Server password policy! That's is.

Unable to connect to postgres database through heroku

I have a postgres database that I created through heroku. I am trying to access it through psql with the command:
cse-190-fortune matanvardi$ psql "dbname=dccemfsa6camml \
user=tfmfbqxqjznsbl password=********* port=5432 sslmode=require"
I get this error:
psql: could not connect to server: Operation timed out
Is the server running on host "" and accepting
TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
I've cloned the repository and I'm logged in, I simply cannot figure out what is wrong here. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
To access your Heroku database from the command line use the command:
heroku pg:psql
I ran your command from my machine. If course I don't have your password but I got:
$ psql "dbname=dccemfsa6camml user=tfmfbqxqjznsbl port=5432 sslmode=require"
psql: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "tfmfbqxqjznsbl"
Which means I was able to connect, which is farther than you got. It must be a problem with your network setup.
