Salesforce - Newbie to Apex - salesforce

I could use some general assistance with a simple bit of Apex code. Just so you know I am a newbie to, but not to web application programming (12 years but with Coldfusion and some Perl and am used to the MVC architecture), although I have not been exposed deeply to Java or C#.
So I am working on a simple controller that I'll use in a simple VF page. I'd just like to return the value and display it on the page but Im running into some syntax issues during compile. Here's my code so far:
Controller - mytest.cls
public with sharing class myTest {
public class addNewFolder {
String tmpFolderName = 'MyTestFolder';
String tmpObjectID = '22K22';
String tmpResult = 'Whoo-hoo!';
System.debug('XIX|' + tmpResult);
return tmpResult;
Description Resource Path Location Type
Save error: expecting a right parentheses, found 'XIX|' mytest.cls /PREPROD/src/classes line 15 save problem

As I understand
is a METHOD. So instead of writing
public class addNewFolder
you must write
public string addNewFolder() {... return tmpResult;}
I hope it will help you.

It looks like the | character is causing the error. You could try escaping the | character like this:
System.debug('XIX\\|' + tmpResult);
Or, you could use a different character:
System.debug('XIX-' + tmpResult);
Update: Upon looking more carefully at your code, I realized superfell is right (see his comment on your question above).


Accessing data from a structure returned by C function in Python using ctypes

I know the subject has already been treated, but I've failed to find anything that works for me, so I guess my problem is slightly different from the others.
What I do, basically, is that I use a C function wrapped into a python code using ctypes.
My goal is to compute some quantities in the C function, store them into a single structure, and return the structure in Python where I could read all the different data in the structure.
So :
To define my structure in python, I use :
class BITE(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [
("lum", ctypes.c_int),
("suce", ctypes.c_int)
I compile like that :["gcc","-shared","-Wl,-install_name,","-o","","-fPIC","ex.c"])
lum = ctypes.CDLL('')
lum = lum.lum
I declare the arguments and result types like this :
lum.restype = ctypes.POINTER(BITE)
lum.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float),ctypes.c_int,ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float),ctypes.c_int,ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float),ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float),ctypes.c_int,ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float),ctypes.c_int,ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float),ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float),ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float),ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float),ctypes.c_float,ctypes.c_float,ctypes.c_float,ctypes.c_float,ctypes.c_float]
Then, I call the C function "lum" in the python code
out = lum(all the different variables needed)
The problem begins here. I have my structure, but impossible to read the data stored in each fields.
A partial solution I found is to do :
out = out[0]
But then, when doing
I have a segmentation fault 11. DOn't know why. I tried to understand how to used create_string_buffer, but I didn't really understand how it works and what it supposed to do. Moreover, I tried to using as a black box, and still, nothing works.
I also tried some other solutions mentionned in other threads such as using out.contents or something like that, but it has no .contents attributes. Nor out.suce.value, which is also something I saw somewhere during my desperate research.
Of course, I checked in the C code that the structure exists and that each field of the structure exists, and has the right data in it.
Suppose you have a C-structure like this :
typedef struct _servParams
unsigned short m_uServPort;
} ServerParams_t;
To use it within ctypes you should create a wrapper like this :
class ServerParams_t(Structure):
_fields_ = [ ("m_uServPort", c_ushort),
("m_pInetAddr", (c_char * 16)) ]
Later on inside your python you can use the following snippet :
servParams = ServerParams_t()
servParams.m_uServPort = c_ushort(int(port))
servParams.m_pInetAddr = ip.encode()
If you need to pass it by value, simply pass servParams variable to you api. If you need to pass a pointer use byref(servParams).

Interception not working as expected with Entity Framework 6

I'm trying to follow the interception example shown here to get it working with EF 6 but running into a problem with the function RewriteFullTextQuery as shown in Figure 1. The interception seems to work but it does not actually execute the logic in the for loop of the RewriteFullTextQuery method because the cmd.Parameters.Count is always zero. Furthermore the cmd.CommandText property seems to be displaying the correct SQL query which I take as another piece of evidence that the interception is working correctly.
Figure 1: RewriteFullTextQuery Code Excerpt
public static void RewriteFullTextQuery(DbCommand cmd)
string text = cmd.CommandText;
for (int i = 0; i < cmd.Parameters.Count; i++)
DbParameter parameter = cmd.Parameters[i];
if (parameter.DbType.In(DbType.String, DbType.AnsiString, DbType.StringFixedLength, DbType.AnsiStringFixedLength))
The RewriteFullTextQuery function is being called by the ReaderExecuting function shown in Figure 2 which gives it the command argument that is causing all the trouble.
Figure 2: ReaderExecuting Function
public void ReaderExecuting(DbCommand command, DbCommandInterceptionContext<DbDataReader> interceptionContext)
Even though my code isn't exactly the same as the example, the interception seems to be working so it is making me wonder what conditions is it that will populate the command to have a Parameters.Count of more than zero?
It works only if you pass the parameter to the query as a variable. If you use a literal EF won't use parameters.
I mean, this won't generate any parameter
context.Notes.Where(_ => _.NoteText == "CompareValue").Count();
This will
string compareValue = "CompareValue";
context.Notes.Where(_ => _.NoteText == compareValue).Count();
It turns out that it is because of the way Entity Framework generates the SQL. If you pass in a string literal as your search value to your LINQ statement it does not generate a SQL that makes use of a parameter. But if you pass in your search value as a variable, it will generate the SQL that utilizes a parameter. A solution (for dynamic queries) and more details can be found on this blog.

System.Collections.Generic.List<ActualEstimatation.frmEstimate.ItemInfo>' does not contain a definition for 'Where'

I am trying to bind treeview dynamically.
I Searched in Google and found some good links.
When I try to run in my system its showing error something like this
'System.Collections.Generic.List<ActualEstimatation.frmEstimate.ItemInfo>' does not contain a definition for 'Where' and no extension method 'Where' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List<ActualEstimatation.frmEstimate.ItemInfo>' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Those links are
How to dynamically populate treeview (C#)
and sga101's Solutions
How to insert Datas to the Winform TreeView(C#) in effitive coding?
I searched in Google to solve the above issue but not found any solution.
Please help me to solve this issue.
Thanks in advance
i need to see more of your code but i believe what you are missing is LINQ statement.
here you can read about it and start to see how to implement in your application.
for example:
using (ServiceContext svcContext = new ServiceContext(_serviceProxy))
var query_where1 = from a in svcContext.AccountSet
where a.Name.Contains("Contoso")
select a;
foreach (var a in query_where1)
System.Console.WriteLine(a.Name + " " + a.Address1_City);

How can i achieve dictionary type data access in Chromium embedded CEF1

I would like to achieve dictionary like data pattern that can be accessed from the
java script. Something like this:
pseudo Code:
for all records:
rec = //Get the Record
I am trying to achieve with CefV8Accessor, but i am not getting near to the solution.
Kindly provide few links for the reference, as i see the documentation is very less from chromium embedded.
If I understand correctly, you're trying to create a JS "dictionary" object for CEF using C++. If so, here's a code snippet that does that:
CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> GetDictionary(__in const wstring& sName, __in const wstring& sAddress)
CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> objectJS = CefV8Value::CreateObject(NULL);
objectJS->SetValue(L"Name", sName, V8_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_NONE);
objectJS->SetValue(L"Address", sAddress, V8_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_NONE);
return objectJS;
The CefV8Accessor can also be used for that matter, but that's only if you want specific control over the set & get methods, to create a new type of object.
In that case you should create a class that inherits CefV8Accessor, implement the Set and Get methods (in a similar way to what appears in the code above), and pass it to the CreateObject method. The return value would be an instance of that new type of object.
I strongly suggest to browse through this link, if you haven't already.

How to store an array returned by javascript function split in Selenium IDE

Not a developer, new to Selenium IDE, and yes, limited to sticking with IDE only. Appreciate any and all help.
Trying to grab a password from an email generated upon Password Reset so the script can then log in with the new password.
Thought I'd do a split on a delimiter in the email content, Trim as necessary to grab the password. Running into problems with how to store the returned array. In order to do what I'm thinking, I need to store it back into an array that Selenium can traverse.
storeText | css=body | emailText
getEval | storeResults = javascript{storedVars['emailText'].split("delimiter")}
The getEval throws an "missing ; before statement" exception. Using method store instead of getEval works (and moving storeResults to a target), but then the results are typecast as a string. I feel I'm missing something very basic here.
I think the keyword javascript must be omitted
For me the following code works:
storeText | //*[#id="_currentProduct"] | myText
getEval | alert(storedVars['myText'])
When run the alertbox has the value of myText.
Thanks for the response. I came to the same conclusion. Here's the working code:
getEval | storeResults = storedVars['emailText'].split("delimiter")
Was able to access the stored value this way:[1])
