Trigger multicondition DataTrigger not working? - wpf

I'm stuck on something and hope an easy answer. First, I have a theme that has a multibinding trigger.
<DataTrigger Value="True">
<MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource MyConverter}" >
<Binding Path=".TemplatedParent" RelativeSource="{RelativeSource Self}" />
<Binding Path="IsEnabled" RelativeSource="{RelativeSource Self}" />
<Setter Property="Background" Value="{StaticResource NewBackgroundColor}" />
<Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="{StaticResource NewBorderBrushColor}" />
My data controls textboxes, comboboxes have the INotifyPropertyChanged implemented.
During the processing, under certain conditions, I want to raise the event that "IsEnabled" changed, but not actually changing its value. So, the multibinding never gets triggered. Since the first parameter to the converter is the control object itself, it never "changes", so it's just there to ride-along as a parameter to the converter to work with.
The only way to actually fire the trigger is to do something like
MyControl.IsEnabled = false;
MyControl.IsEnabled = true;
Is there some other way to force triggering a multi-binding data trigger?
Try to elaborate a little bit more on my issue. I have subclassed basic controls (textbox, combobox, buttons, etc) to add certain settings / functionality, etc. For commonality to them, they all support "IMyCommonInterface" interface. Without having to redefine the entire "Theme" (in example, simple textbox), I want to conditionally change colors like doing a data validation, but more than just simple color changing of these sample properties.
Since the basic textbox does not have any idea of the "IMyCommonInterface", nor the custom properties, I have created a converter class "MyConverter" that takes the actual control object as the first parameter. Now, within the coverter, I can do
if( values[0] is IMyCommonInterface )
I can then typecast to the interface and check all for ANY special condition I want without having to explicitly create say.. a dozen triggers each based on A+B or A+C or ( A+B NOT C) OR D, etc.
So, I didn't want to have a bunch of different themes, a bunch of triggers, etc, just a centralized element to work with. I'm looking into other alternatives, but if I ran into an instance that just throwing a PropertyChanged event doesn't force the data trigger either, I'd rather find out now while still trying to understand all the (expletive) hooks that .Net has, and that you can basically point to almost ANYTHING.

this is just an idea...
Since you already subclassed your basic controls. Why not add there yet another property. You can add a bool DependencyProperty (let's call it "IsTriggered") as well as method that toggles that property
public void ReEvaluateTrigger()
IsTriggered = !IsTriggered;
public static readonly DependencyProperty IsTriggeredProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("IsTriggered", typeof(bool), typeof(ButtonEx), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(false));
public bool IsTriggered
get { return (bool)GetValue(IsTriggeredProperty); }
set { SetValue(IsTriggeredProperty, value); }
then at a necessary time, under whatever your conditions may be all you would have to do in your code is call myControl.
which should cause the trigger to reevaluate:
...taken from your code with a change to binding to IsTriggered
<Binding Path="IsTriggered" RelativeSource="{RelativeSource Self}" />
I put this in my quick test, just to see if IsEnabled would toggle (I know it's simple, but it's just a quick test):
<Button Content="push to trigger enabled below" Click="Button_Click"/>
<Sample:ButtonEx x:Name="ButtonToBeTriggered" IsEnabled="{Binding Path=IsTriggered, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}"
Content="ButtonToBeTriggered" Width="100" Height="50" Margin="50"/>
//where in code behind
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
in the test, I extended
public class ButtonEx : Button
where I created ReEvaluateTrigger() as well as the trigger...
Anyway, just an idea!


Make ViewModel property available for binding to IsChecked

I'm using Caliburn.Micro in my app. What I want to do is:
Create one RadioButton per available licence in the View
Check the one whose licence is currently active
So far I have two properties on my ViewModel (I'm leaving out INotify...Changed and its implementations here because that works):
BindableCollection<LicenceInfo> AvailableLicences { get; set; }
LicenceInfo ActiveLicence { get; set; }
In the ViewModel's constructor, I populate AvailableLicences and ActiveLicence. So far, so good.
Currently in the View itself, I have an ItemsControl which contains the RadioButtons and an invisible FrameworkElement to pass to MyConverter, where I extract the DataContexts of Self and the invisible FrameworkElement (whose DataContext is bound to the ViewModel) and compare them with (overridden) LicenceInfo.Equals():
<FrameworkElement Name="ActiveLicence" Visibility="Collapsed" />
<ItemsControl Name="AvailableLicences">
<RadioButton cal:Message.Attach="[Event Checked] = [Action ChangeActiveLicence($dataContext)]">
<MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource MyConverter}" Mode="OneWay">
<Binding RelativeSource="{RelativeSource Self}" />
<Binding ElementName="ActiveLicence" />
This actually works as intended, but it seems to me like an ugly workaround and I'm sure that I'm missing something.
Using <Binding x:Name="ActiveLicence" /> or <Binding Path="ActiveLicence" /> as the second parameter and removing the invisible FrameworkElement does not work, the ViewModel property is not being attached to the binding.
I'm not necessarily tied to using a MultiBinding. Anything similar to the Caliburn.Micro action like the one handling the Checked event would be welcome too. Any ideas?
From my point of view, you're pretty close to a good solution here, if adding a flag on the LicenceViewModel is not an option:
Instead of using the container framework element, try the following multi binding:
<MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource MyConverter}" Mode="OneWay">
<Binding Path="DataContext" RelativeSource="{RelativeSource Self}" />
<Binding Path="DataContext.ActiveLicense" RelativeSource="{RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType=ItemsControl}" />
Modify the converter to compare two objects using Equals(), agnostic of the concrete type. That way, you're not messing around with unnecessary objects, still separating Views and ViewModels properly.
Regarding the alternative solution with a flag: I didn't notice, there is no LicenseViewModel involved in your code... Adding a flag to License info is not a good solution, I agree. You can consider to wrap the LicenseInfos inside LicenseInfoViewModels, though this would require a bit of infrastructure for the synchronization between the original collection of LicenseInfos on the model and the collection containing the ViewModels.
I have posted an extensive answer on that topic here.
Then you could set the flag of the active license's ViewModel to true and all others to false, when the ActiveLicense property changes.
It's a question of the specific context, whether it makes sense to go the extra mile here. If you don't plan to extend features over time etc, and it's just a simple selection of licenses, the first solution is sufficient, probably.

ValidationRules within control template

I have control thats inherits from textbox
public class MyTextBox : TextBox
This has a style
<Style TargetType="{x:Type Controls:MyTextBox}">
one of the Setters is
<Setter Property="Template">
I want to be able to set the Binding.ValidationRules to something in the template, thus affecting all instances of this type of textbox.
I can therefore make textboxes for say Times, Dates, Numerics, post/zip codes.. or whatever i want,
I don't want to have to set the validation rules every time i create a textbox. I just want to say i want a NumericTextBox and have it validate in whatever way is set in the template.
Is this possible?
All i have seen so far is the ValidationRules being set on each instance of the control e.g.
<TextBox x:Name="txtEMail" Template={StaticResource TextBoxErrorTemplate}>
<Binding Path="EMail" UpdateSourceTrigger="PropertyChanged" >
<local:RegexValidationRule Pattern="{StaticResource emailRegex}"/>
As you see, validation rules are set along with bindings. I came across the same problem and the working solution for me was to do something like this:
public MyTextBox()
this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(MyTextBox_Loaded);
void MyTextBox_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var binding = BindingOperations.GetBinding(this, TextBox.ValueProperty);
binding.ValidationRules.Add(new MyValidationRule());
The problem here is to be sure that the binding is set before we add the validation rule, hence the use of Loaded, but i'm not sure if this will work on every scenario.
I am not sure it is possible to do exactly what you want. You might be able to do it with a lot of trickery in property setters (I wouldn't rely on this, since it would involve modifying bindings, which are by definition dynamic), or with code behind/custom controls.
Instead I suggest you push your validation into your ViewModel, probably with IDataErrorInfo. There are many articles out there. Here's one of the first ones I found with a search just now for "MVVM validation":
MVVM - Validation
Doing this will allow you to use standard OO composition techniques, so you can avoid repeating yourself :)

Silverlight DataBinding, avoid BindingExpression Path error on missing properties, hide controls instead

imagine the following simple Models (example for simplicity reasons; in fact, we have MVVM here but it doesn't matter):
public class User {
public string Username { get; set; }
public class StackOverflowUser : User {
public int Reputation { get; set; }
Now we have a Silverlight UserControl which contains the following Controls (again, this is just an example, stripped down to the core):
<TextBlock Text="Username:" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Username}" />
<TextBlock Text="Reputation:" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Reputation}" />
Now I'd like this UserControl to be compatible with both Models, User and StackOverflowUser. I might set the UserControl's DataContext to either a User or StackOverflowUser Type:
this.DataContext = new User { Username = "john.doe" };
If set to StackOverflowUser, everything works fine. If set to User, I'm getting a "BindingExpression Path error", because the Property Reputation is missing in the User Model. Which I understand completely.
Is there any way to 1) avoid this
exception and 2) control the
visibility of the controls, collapse
when bound property is not available?
Of course, we prefer an elegant solution, where the problem is solved by tuning the Binding Expression and/or using Converters etc. and avoid tons of code behind if possible.
Thanks in advance for your help and suggestions,
best regards,
Unfortunately Silverlight is limited in its polymorphic behavior regarding DataTemplates, I can only think of a workaround:
Give the User class the property Reputation too, but make it meaningless, for example -1. Then apply a style to the reputation TextBlocks:
<Style Key="Reputation">
<DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Path=Reputation} Value="-1">
<Setter Property="Visibility" Value="Invisible" />
<TextBlock Text="Reputation:" Style="{StaticResource Reputation}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Reputation}" Style="{StaticResource Reputation}">
You could also try (I can not test this):
giving the User class a new property that identifies its type,
make a second Style for the second TextBlock
bind its DataTrigger to the type identifying property and move the {Binding Path=Reputation} declaration into a Setter:
<Style Key="ReputationContent">
<DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Path=Type} Value="StackOverflow">
<Setter Property="Visibility" Value="Invisible" />
<Setter Property="Text" Value="{Binding Path=Reputation}" />
But you see, there is no elegant way, it's a shame that DataTemplate do not have a DataType property in Silverlight.
You mentioned you're using MVVM. This is the value of your viewmodel - to shape model data in preparation for the view. The viewmodel could have accessible properties for both username and reputation (and maybe even another bool for binding the visibility). The viewmodel would include all logic on how to fill those properties from either model (User or StackOverflowUser). The view would have no knowledge of a User or StackOverflowUser object, just the viewmodel.
I finally got my problem solved. A co-worker finally implemented a solution including a workaround for WPFs DataTemplates DataType attribute (or generally, a DataTemplateSelector). It's not very pretty (i guess, no workaround is) but it works. Unfortunately, i cannot post any code snippets because its closed-source. But i found some links afterwards, providing a pretty similar solution, like this one: Silverlight: a port of the DataTemplateSelector. If you have a similar problem, this will help you as well. Here or there are more thoughts on this subject.
The actual solution is following Ozan's hints. Unfortunately, his solution is not working so I don't want to mark his comment as the accepted answer but I give at least an upvote.
best regards,
I know this has already been answered, but I still think its worth this post. Using reflection you can have a property in your ViewModel that will easily handle Dto objects which only sometimes have the property. Reflection can be expensive though, so weigh that with your decision.
public int? Reputation
var prop = Dto.GetType().GetProperty("Reputation");
return (prop != null)? (int)prop.GetValue(Dto, null) : null;
var prop = Dto.GetType().GetProperty("Reputation");
if(prop !=null) prop.SetValue(Dto,value, null);

WPF binding to another property's binding in a style

I'm not sure the best way to ask this question (sorry for the ambiguous question title), but essentially I'd like to set the MaxLength property on a TextBox using a value converter that is passed in a property from the data context, and the property on the passed-in property as the converter parameter. I'd like to do all this in a style, as opposed to on a control-by-control basis. Here's an example of doing this in a non-styled manner:
<TextBox Text="{Binding MyPropertyName.TheirPropertyName}" MaxLength="{Binding MyPropertyName, Converter={StatocRespirceMyCoolConverter}, ConverterParameter=TheirPropertyName}" />
(In case you're wondering, TheirPropertyName represents a property on the type of MyPropertyName that has an attribute like [StringMaxLength(15)], which I'd be able to get to and return inside the value converter.)
Additionally, is there any way to pass in the type of MyPropertyName as opposed to the instance? I only need the type to do the StringMaxLength attribute lookup.
Anyway, how could I go about doing something like this in a style? I've gotten as far as:
<Setter Property="MaxLength">
<Binding Converter="{StaticResource textFieldMaxLengthConverter}" />
But that passes the overall datacontext in to the value converter, as opposed to the MyPropertyName object, and I really have no clue if I can have it parse the MyPropertyName.TheirPropertyName part of the binding to pass TheirPropertyName in on the ConverterParameter attribute of the binding.
Any guidance would be really appreciated!
Ok, after some more digging, I've figured this out to my satisfaction. I'm binding to RelativeSource Self and then parsing the binding expression on the Text property (since this is a TextFieldMaxLength converter, I am presuming I'm working against a TextBox.
The styling up in the resource dictionary:
<Style TargetType="TextBox">
<Setter Property="MaxLength">
<Binding Converter="{StaticResource textFieldMaxLengthConverter}" RelativeSource="{RelativeSource Self}" />
The usage (basically showing nothing special needs to be done since it's all in the style):
<TextBox Text="{Binding MyPropertyName.TheirPropertyName}" />
The Convert Method for the textFieldMaxLengthConverter:
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
Control control = value as Control;
BindingExpression be = control.GetBindingExpression(TextBox.TextProperty);
if (be != null)
string boundPropertyName = be.ParentBinding.Path.Path;
// .. boundPropertyName here is MyPropertyName.TheirPropertyname, do some parsing and return a value based on that
(Obviously my actual implementation is a bit more complex/handles unexpected input/uses reflection as per my original question's statement).
Anyway, thought I would post this solution in case anyone else tries to do something similar, or if there might be a better way to do this than I am using.
you can pass in lutiple properties to your converter by using a multi binding, this allows you to do a binding on as may properties as you want, and if any of the properties change (i.e. implent INotifyPropertyChanged) the binding will be reevaluated. for what you are doing you would have to use reflection to find a property on the passed in object with a particular property name that matches your converter parameter. i dont think you will end up using the code below, but it shows you can have multiple parameters to your binding in xaml. including the path, converter, converter parameter. Im not sure about the relative source but however, but i think you might need it to do what you want. have a look at debugging Data Bindings for a good way to debug. this technique is essential. i use it continually.
Converter="{StaticResource textFieldMaxLengthConverter}"
RelativeSource="{RelativeSource TemplatedParent}"
ConverterParameter="TheirPropertyName" />

set button datacontext to multiple elements

I've got a button that I need to be disabled when validation errors occur in my window. The items on which these errors can occur are all textboxes.
I've bound my Button's datacontext as such:
DataContext="{Binding ElementName=txtEmail}"
Now with this, I can set the button style to disabled when validation errors occur in the email textbox, but I want to do it also when it occurs in other textboxes in my window?
How can I set this binding to multiple textboxes?
You can't, at least not directly. You could use a MultiBinding with all of the desired text boxes as inputs, but you will need to provide an IMultiValueConverter to "combine" the various text boxes into one object (such as a list):
<MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource ListMaker}">
<Binding ElementName="txtEmail" />
<Binding ElementName="txtFirstName" />
<Binding ElementName="txtLastName" />
And it is then that resulting list object that will be passed to your trigger, so you won't be able to access the Validation.HasError property directly: your DataTrigger will also need to bring in a converter which converts the list object into a boolean indicating whether Validation.HasError is set for anything in the list. At this point you might as well just forget about triggers and bind IsEnabled using a MultiBinding:
<MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource AllFalse}">
<Binding Path="(Validation.HasError)" ElementName="txtEmail" />
<Binding Path="(Validation.HasError)" ElementName="txtFirstName" />
<Binding Path="(Validation.HasError)" ElementName="txtLastName" />
(Here the AllFalse converter returns true if all inputs are false, and false if any input is true.)
A better approach, however, may be, instead of binding the Button directly to other UI elements, have your data object -- the same object that your text boxes are binding to -- expose an IsValid property (with suitable change notifications), and bind your Button.IsEnabled to that:
<Button IsEnabled="{Binding IsValid}" />
This moves you towards a MVVM-style solution which helps with things like testability (e.g. it's easy to create tests for the IsValid property; it's much harder to create tests for Button.IsEnabled).
For the MVVM approach you could try implementing a command router from ICommand.
<Button Command="{Binding Path=Commands.MyButtonCommand}" Style="{StaticResource MyButtonStyle}" ></Button>
where the Commands property is part of the ViewModel. You then have control over what functionality the command implements as well as whether it is enabled or not. Testing is then a whole lot easier.
