WPF: How do I limit number of items in Combobox ItemsSource? - wpf

I've created a WPF custom ComboBox which has the ability to filter items according to a "search string". The ComboBox ItemsSource is bound to a ObservableCollection.
The ObservableCollection is a collection of "Person" object. It exposes a property "Usage Count".
Now if the "search string" is empty i have to show the Top 30 records from the ObservableCollection. The "UsageCount" property in the "Person" class decides the Top 30 Records(i.e. the the Top 30 records with the maximum UsageCount has to be displayed).
The UsageCount property changes dynamically.
How do i achieve this..
Please help. Thanks in advance :)

To handle your searchable sorted collection, you can build your own object, inheriting from ObverservableCollection, overloading Item default property, adding a (notifying) SearchString property, listening to the changes of your Person entire list, building on change (change in SeachString Or in the UsageCount of a Person) a new private list of person, and using NotifyCollectionChanged event to notify it.

here's an idea, if you need filtering why not bind to a ListCollectionView
in the View
ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding PersonsView}" //instead of Persons
in your ViewModel:
public ListCollectionView PersonsView
get { return _personsView; }
private set
_personsView= value;
once you populate your List
PersonsView= new ListCollectionView(_persons);
somewhere in your view you obviously have a place responding to combobox's change, where you update the filter, you can put apply filter there
_viewModel.PersonsView.Filter = ApplyFilter;
where ApplyFilter is an action that decides what gets displayed
//this will evaluate all items in the collection
private bool ApplyFilter(object item)
var person = item as Person;
if(person == null)
if(person is in that 30 top percent records)
return false; //don't filter them out
return true;
//or you can do some other logic to test that Condition that decides which Person is displayed, this is obviously a rough sample


Update the List view observable collection using MVVM

I have a usercontrol, with one list box and one list view control in it. For Listview i have bound the observablecollection of type TrafficManager class as shown below:
private static ObservableCollection<TrafficManager> _trafficCollection;
public ObservableCollection<TrafficManager> TrafficCollection
get { return _trafficCollection; }
_trafficCollection = value;
I have bound this to itemsource of list view.
Now my requirement is on selection of the listbox item, i need to filter some items of the listview. For that i used a linq to get the desired rows from list view and added that to the list view collection. Before adding i did a listview Collection TrafficCollection.Clear() and then added to that collection.But now the issue is on selection of another item in list box i need the original listview contents again to carry out the filtering using the linq again. Here once the TrafficCollection.Clear() executes the original observable collection data vanishes. How do i maintain a backup of original observable collection data "TrafficCollection" of listview. Remember i have only one view. Is there anyway to do this? Please let me know.
you can use CollectionViewSource filtering, refer here
SO Link: Trigger Filter on CollectionViewSource
this will not clear original collection.

Setting observable object to NULL == CRASH

I have a List bound to a (Telerik) GridView. The selected item is a separate variable of type T which is assigned the object of the selected row in the GridView when the user clicks on a row. T is derived from ObservableObject. This means I am using MVVM Light Toolkit.
I need to deselect the row from my ViewModel in certain situations. On the GridView control this works, if the selected item is set to NULL in the ViewModel. Whenever I do this, MVVM reports a crash (NPE). I debugged it and saw that it is failing in ObservableObject.cs. It calls a method
protected bool Set<T>(
Expression<Func<T>> propertyExpression,
ref T field,
T newValue)
and crashes one line before return when calling RaisePropertyChanged(propertyExpression)
I don't know if this is working as designed or not. My problem is, that I need to set the selected Object to NULL in the ViewModel to deselect a row of my GridView in the View. I CANNOT use CodeBehind for the deselection!
Code I have:
public ObservableCollection<ContractTypeDto> ContractTypes { get; private set; }
public ContractTypeDto SelectedContractType
get { return _selectedContractType; }
Set(() => SelectedContractType, ref _selectedContractType, value);
RaisePropertyChanged(() => SelectedContractType);
When you click on a row in the grid it opens a new UserControl containing lots of details of this record. This control has its own ViewModel. I store the calling view Model (where the selected item is stored). When the page (control) is closed (destroyed) I have to deselect the row in the grid. I call a method like so:
protected void DeselectCallersSelectedItem()
if (CallingObject == typeof(ContractTypeListViewModel))
var vm = SimpleIoc.Default.GetInstance<ContractTypeListViewModel>();
vm.SelectedContractType = null;
Any ideas?
To remove the collection you can either set the SelectedItem property to null or clear the SelectedItems.
gridViewName.SelectedItem = null;
Without showing the code, we cannot precisely help you. A solution I think you can do is to implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface in your view model and bind the selected item to a property of that type. Also check the output window if there is any binding failure.

ListView selection change doesn't remove an old item

I have a strange behavior with my WPF ListView Control.
ListViews ItemSource is Observable collection.the ItemSource is updated periodically.
When I'm selecting one of the item and then selecting other item and no item updated, everything is OK.
But when I'm selecting an item witch is updated while I'm standing on, then selecting other item, now I have two items selected instead of one.
When I'm looking with the debugger, I see the event args of SelectionChanged event. I see that added item is OK but no removed item.
Anyone knows what's the problem?
My observable collection:
protected class CustomObservableCollection : ObservableCollection<T>
public void Refresh()
ListCollectionView lcv = (ListCollectionView)(CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(this));
The update method witch called when there is a change in some item:
public void RefreshItem(T domainObject)
foreach (T item in obsCollection) {
if (!DomainObjectComparer.Equals(domainObject, item)) continue;
DomainObjectCopier.CopyProperties(domainObject, item);
It looks like your copier class makes two items in your collection equal (I think, inferring this from the limited amount of code above).
If two items or more are the same (equal) in a ListView, then selecting one will select all of them as an equality comparer is used in the selection logic.
Well, Apparently the problem was with the overridden GetHashCode() method of the ListView item object.
the hash code included all the fields in it's calculation. I remoed all the fields (properties) and now the overridden GetHashCode() is only calculating the hash based on item's ID. it solved the problem.
I also have Equals() method overridden.
If someone knows why it is related I will like to know.

MVVM and (dynamically) filling a combobox from the value of another combobox

I have a form with two ComboBoxes. One of them is being filled with objects coming from a collection in the ViewModel. When I select a value in this ComboBox, it then should fill the second ComboBox.
What I want to know is what the best way is to go about filling the second ComboBox. I think having yet another collection with the details of the selected value of the first ComboBox in the ViewModel might be a bit wasteful. I think the best way might be to hit the database with the selected value, collecting the corresponding details, and then send them back. How I think this would work is to have the details ComboBox have a binding with the 'master' ComboBox so it can get the selected value. Then ideally, the details ComboBox would then somehow get the values from the database.
Problem is that I just don't know how to implement this with MVVM, and any help would be appreciated!
Just call OnPropertyChanged of the details collection once the selected item changes.
You can pre-populate a background dictionary whose key is the possible master items and whose values are a list of detail list.
Note for the below to work you ViewModel must implement INotifyPropertyChanged
public class MyViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public IEnumerable<MasterOption> MasterList {get;set;}
public IEnumerable<DetailOption> DetailList {get;set;}
Dictionary<MasterOption,List<DetailOption>> DetailLookup;
MasterOption _SelectedMasterOption;
public MasterOption SelectedMasterOption
get { return _SelectedMasterOption;}
_SelectedMasterOption = value;
void LoadDetailsList()
if (DetailLookup.ContainsKey(SelectedMasterOption))
DetailList = DetailLookup[SelectedMasterOption];
DetailList = null;
void InitDictionary()
if (DetailLookup == null)
//Grab fill the lookup dictionary with information
Create a method in your ViewModel that gets the data for the second combobox and update with BindingExpression in your codebehind.
private void FirstComboBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
BindingExpression bindingExpression = BindingOperations.GetBindingExpression(SecondComboBox, ComboBox.ItemsSourceProperty);

Update item in BindableCollection with notify ICollectionView

Hi I bind collection from Caliburn Micro on ListBox control in view. Here is it.
public BindableCollection<UserInfo> Friends
get { return _friends; }
_friends = value;
NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => Friends);
ListBox items is type of UserInfo.
Hi I sort and group listbox items, I use CollectioView on this purpose.
When I initialize ListBox I sort and group items with this method.
private ICollectionView _currentView;
private void SortContactList()
_currentView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(Friends);
_currentView.GroupDescriptions.Add(new PropertyGroupDescription("TextStatus"));
_currentView.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("TextStatus", ListSortDirection.Ascending));
_currentView.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("Nick", ListSortDirection.Ascending));
TextStatus and Nick are properties of userInfo class.
When I update values of item in bindable collection Friend I would like have a way how notify collection view about this change. Because I need move item to right/good group.
for example
Friend[0].TextStatus = "Ofline" -> is in offline group
I change value on online;
Friend[0].TextStatus="Online" -> move in online group
and here I want notify collection view (_currentView) about change on Friends collection.
I had the same issue when I created an application that had a table with the Rating column.
I wondered why row doesn't move up when I change rating, and in the end I used the Refresh method.
For your example:
Friend[0].TextStatus="Online" -> move in online group
Fortunately, performance problems didn't occur, so now I use this solution in similar situations.
