Solr appears to block update requests while committing - solr

We're running a master-slave setup with Solr 3.6 using the following auto-commit options:
maxDocs: 500000
maxTime: 600000
We have approx 5 million documents in our index which takes up approx 550GB. We're running both master and slave on Amazon EC2 XLarge instances (4 virtual cores and 15GB). We don't have a particularly high write throughput - about 100 new documents per minute.
We're using Jetty as a container which has 6GB allocated to it.
The problem is that once a commit has started, all our update requests start timing out (we're not performing queries against this box). The commit itself appears to take approx 20-25mins during which time we're unable to add any new documents to Solr.
One of the answers in the following question suggests using 2 cores and swapping them once its fully updated. However this seems a little over the top.
Solr requests time out during index update. Perhaps replication a possible solution?
Is there anything else I should be looking at regarding why Solr seems to be blocking requests? I'm optimistically hoping there's a "dontBlockUpdateRequestsWhenCommitting" flag in the config that I've overlooked...
Many thanks,

According to bounty reason and the problem mentioned at question here is a solution from Solr:
Solr has a capability that is called as SolrCloud beginning with 4.x version of Solr. Instead of previous master/slave architecture there are leaders and replicas. Leaders are responsible for indexing documents and replicas answers queries. System is managed by Zookeeper. If a leader goes down one of its replicas are selected as new leader.
All in all if you want to divide you indexing process that is OK with SolrCloud by automatically because there exists one leader for each shard and they are responsible for indexing for their shard's documents. When you send a query into the system there will be some Solr nodes (of course if there are Solr nodes more than shard count) that is not responsible for indexing however ready to answer the query. When you add more replica, you will get faster query result (but it will cause more inbound network traffic when indexing etc.)

For those who is facing a similar problem, the cause of my problem was i had too many fields in the document, i used automatic fields *_t, and the number of fields grows pretty fast, and when that reach a certain number, it just hogs solr and commit would take forever.
Secondarily, I took some effort to do a profiling, it end up most of the time is consumed by string.intern() function call, it seems the number of fields in the document matters, when that number goes up, the string.intern() seems getting slower.
The solr4 source appears no longer using the string.intern() anymore. But large number of fields still kills the performance quite easily.


SolrCloud - 2 nodes cluster

We are planning to implement SolrCloud in our solution (mainly for data replication reasons and disaster recovery), unfortunately some of our customers have only 2DCs - and one DC may be completely destroyed.
We are aware that running ZK in 2 locations is problematic, as ZK requires quorum. And downtime on any side with 2 ZK nodes would cause cluster failure. And cluster failure would be also triggered by network partition between locations (master will cease to be master due to quorum lost, slave can't elect himself for the same reason).
So our current plan A is to go with a single ZK for both sites and backup ZK into the other site. So if the site withou ZK dies, we are OK. If the site with ZK dies, we should be able to start new ZK from backup and reconfigure Solr.
We also considered plan B with classic master-slave replication between the sites. BUT we are using Time Routed Aliases, hence we need SolrCloud features, hence we would need also to replicate data/configuratin in ZooKeeper (not only Solr index). So this case seems only as more manual work in Solr, while we would still need to backup/restore ZK. So this plan was rejected.
Plan C may be to have 2ZK, but one with with bigger weight. This should survive partition and dead of ZK with lower weight. The first ZK node should be automatically backed up using standard cluster mechanics. But I do not even know about anyone using ZK this way...
Is there any smarter way, how to setup SolrCloud in 2 nodes environment? Which solution should we prefer?
We do not expect High Availability; we want to achieve disaster recovery. Administrator intervention is expected in case of node failure, we only need to be resilient to short network glitches.
Edit: CDCR (Cross Data Center Replication) with Time Routed Aliases
We are considering to use TRA, because our data are time based, and customers are usually interested only in latest slice/partition. Without TRA, the index grows and performance degrades, more (unused/old) stuff is in index & RAM...
Here comes a problem with CDCR, according to docs, the source&target collection parameters are required. But with TRA, collections are created with the same solrconfig.xml automatically (every X days/months). This problem in CDCR is known (see comments), but not resolved yet.
Also it seems that CDCR really does not synchronize ZooKeeper (I have not found any mentions of the functionality in docs, jira and in code), which may be ok with static number of collections, but is very problematic with dynamically created collections (especially by some machinery in background outside users/developers code).
Edit: According to David (the main author of TRA), CDCR&TRA combination is not to be supported.

Combining Solr 3x-style Master/Slave "Repeater" to feed remote 4x SolrCloud instances?

Solr 3x "Repeaters" and Multiple Data Centers:
Solr 3x let a node behave as both a slave and master, pull from one master, and then feed copies downstream to its own slaves. This was so common/useful it even had a name, a "Repeater".
This was useful if you wanted span multiple data centers. You could have the real master in data center A (DCA), and a "repeater" in data center B (DCB). That repeater would then grab content from DCA and feed all of the other nodes in DCB, saving on bandwidth.
Suppose you want to upgrade this setup to Solr 4x and SolrCloud. (Note that Solr 4x still supports Solr 3x-style legacy replication)
It's said that you should NOT have a single SolrCloud cluster span disparate data centers. So data center B should have it's own SolrCloud.
One idea is to have the DCA -> DCB link still use Solr 3x-style Master/Slave replication. And then the "repeater" in DCB, being also a SolrCloud node, would automatically be propagated to other nodes.
Main question:
Can a Solr node participate in both Solr 3x-style master/slave mode (as a slave) and also be part of a SolrCloud cluster? And if so, how is this configured?
In the simple case, if it's just 1 shard with replicas, it's easy to see how that might work in terms of data. It's a little less clear if you have multiple shards in DCB, how do I tell each shard to only replicate its own share of data? Note that SolrCloud normally replicates via transactions, whereas 3x uses binary indices.
Another complexity is if you're doing replication. How do you tell just the master node for each shard to pull from the remote DCA node?
On solution is to upgrade to 4x but continue using 3x-style replication in DCB, so just don't use SolrCloud.
I realize that another solution would be to have the data feed send it's updates to both data centers, or usE something like RabbitMQ. For the sake of this question, let's assume thats not an option (long story...)
Maybe there's some other way I haven't thought of?
Has anybody actually tried having SolrCloud span data centers? How horrible is it?
Somebody must have asked this question before!
But I've looked on Google and, although it finds tons of pages with the keywords, I haven't seen this specific "hybrid" mode fleshed out. I found one thread from 2013 but it didn't really talk about the configuration and complexity.
To answer your first question, a Solr slave in 3.X style cannot be a node in a Solr Cloud. The reason is the slave in a master/slave 3.X Solr config simply replicates, byte for byte, all the index files on the master. That's all it does. It can, in the repeater config, then also be a master for others to replicate from, or be a dedicated query slave or both. But that's it.
A node in a Solr Cloud config is a full participant in a distributed computing cluster where indexing is generally intended to be distributed across all nodes, and all nodes participate in queries. It's a very powerful feature which automatically handles failed nodes and significantly eases the work load of scaling up that was very manual in 3.X style.
However, part of what you pay for that is increased complexity (Zookeeper), requirements for lower latency inter-node communications (because all the nodes now talk to each other and to Zookeeper) and the loss of the simplicity of Master/Slave replication.
At 20M docs you are well within the constraints of a single node master index with an effectively unlimited number of slaves and therefor very high query capacity. I do this today with a production environment where each master has on the order of 60M docs in it with no significant problems.
The question is do you need NRT, multi-node indexing, automated failover, the ability to autoscale well past 100M docs? If so then Master/Slave it probably not going to work for you.
You could take a look at writing the same data to two different Solr Cloud clusters, one in each datacenter. You could do that directly, or use something like Apache Flume to do it for you - in either there are some issues with doing this and so the real question is are dealing with those issues worth it to get the added benefit of Solr Cloud?

SolrCloud High Availability during indexing operation

I am testing High Availability feature of SolrCloud. I am using the following setup
8 linux hosts
8 Shards
1 leader, 1 replica / host
Using Curl for update operation
I tried to index 80K documents on replicas (10K/replica in parallel). During indexing process, I stopped 4 Leader nodes. Once indexing is done, out of 80K docs only 79808 docs are indexed.
Is this an expected behaviour ? In my opinion replica should take care of indexing if leader is down.
If this is an expected behaviour, any steps that can be taken from the client side to avoid such a situation.
I suggest you should use CloudSolrServer to update solrcloud index.As it take cares of down nodes do not receive any update request and routes all further request to an appropriate node in the cluster.One more thing you need to ensure is all your 80k documents have unique field value, and its value is really unique across all documents

Handling large number of ids in Solr

I need to perform an online search in Solr i.e user need to find list of user which are online with particular criteria.
How I am handling this: we store the ids of user in a table and I send all online user id in Solr request like
&fq=-id:(id1 id2 id3 ............id5000)
The problem with this approach is that when ids become large, Solr is taking too much time to resolved and we need to transfer large request over the network.
One solution can be use of join in Solr but online data change regularly and I can't index data every time (say 5-10 min, it should be at-least an hour).
Other solution I think of firing this query internally from Solr based on certain parameter in URL. I don't have much idea about Solr internals so don't know how to proceed.
With Solr4's soft commits, committing has become cheap enough that it might be feasible to actually store the "online" flag directly in the user record, and just have &fq=online:true on your query. That reduces the overhead involved in sending 5000 id's over the wire and parsing them, and lets Solr optimize the query a bit. Whenever someone logs in or out, set their status and set the commitWithin on the update. It's worth a shot, anyway.
We worked around this issue by implementing Sharding of the data.
Basically, without going heavily into code detail:
Write your own indexing code
use consistent hashing to decide which ID goes to which Solr server
index each user data to the relevant shard (it can be a several machines)
make sure you have redundancy
Query Solr shards
Do sharded queries in Solr using the shards parameter
Start an EmbeddedSolr and use it to do a sharded query
Solr will query all the shards and merge the results, it also provides timeouts if you need to limit the query time for each shard
Even with all of what I said above, I do not believe Solr is a good fit for this. Solr is not really well suited for searches on indexes that are constantly changing and also if you mainly search by IDs than a search engine is not needed.
For our project we basically implement all the index building, load balancing and query engine ourselves and use Solr mostly as storage. But we have started using Solr when sharding was flaky and not performant, I am not sure what the state of it is today.
Last note, if I was building this system today from scratch without all the work we did over the past 4 years I would advise using a cache to store all the users that are currently online (say memcached or redis) and at request time I would simply iterate over all of them and filter out according to the criteria. The filtering by criteria can be cached independently and updated incrementally, also iterating over 5000 records is not necessarily very time consuming if the matching logic is very simple.
Any robust solution will include bringing your data close to SOLR (batch) and using it internally. NOT running a very large request during search which is low latency thing.
You should develop your own filter; The filter will cache the online users data once in a while (say, every minute). If the data changes VERY frequently, consider implementing PostFilter.
You can find a good example of filter implementation here:
one solution can be use of join in solr but online data change
regularly and i cant index data everytime(say 5-10 min, it should be
at-least an hr)
I think you could very well use Solr joins, but after a little bit of improvisation.
The Solution, I propose is as follows:
You can have 2 Indexes (Solr Cores)
1. Primary Index (The one you have now)
2. Secondary Index with only two fields , "ID" and "IS_ONLINE"
You could now update the Secondary Index frequently (in the order of seconds) and keep it in sync with the table you have, for storing online users.
NOTE: This secondary Index even if updated frequently, would not degrade any performance provided we do the necessary tweaks like usage of appropriate queries during delta-import, etc.
You could now perform a Solr join on the ID field on these two Indexes to achieve what you want. Here is the link on how to perform Solr Joins between Indexes/ Solr Cores.

Sunspot with Solr 3.5. Manually updating indexes for real time search

Im working with Rails 3 and Sunspot solr 3.5. My application uses Solr to index user generated content and makes it searchable for other users. The goal is to allow users to search this data as soon as possible from the time the user uploaded it. I don't know if this qualifies as Real time search.
My application has two models
I index posts by including data from post items so that a when a user searches based on certain description provided in a post_item record the corresponding post object is made available in the search.
Users frequently update post_items so every time a new post_item is added I need to reindex the corresponding post object so that the new post_item will be available during search.
So at the moment whenever I receive a new post_item object I run! #
which according to this documentation instantly updates the index and commits. This works but is this the right way to handle indexing in this scenario? I read here that calling index while searching may break solr. Also frequent manual index calls are not the way to go.
Any suggestions on the right way to do this. Are there alternatives other than switching to ElasticSearch
try to use this gem
you will than be able to batch reindex, let's say, every minute, and it definitely will not brake an index
If you are just starting out and have the luxury to choose between Solr and ElasticSearch, go with ElasticSearch.
We use Solr in production and have run into many weird issues as the index and search volume grew. The conclusion was Solr was built/optimzed for indexing huge documents(word/pdf content) and in large numbers(billions?) but updating the index once a day or a couple of days when nobody is searching.
It was a wrong choice for consumer Rails application where documents are small, small in numbers( in millions) updates are random and continuous and the search needs to be somewhat real time( a delay of 5-10 sec is fine).
Some of the tricks we applied to tune the server.
removed all commits (i.e., !) from rails code,
use Solr auto-commit every 5/20 seconds,
have master/slave configuration,
run index optimization(on Master) every 1 hour
and more.
and we still see high CPU usage on slaves when the commit triggers. As a result some searches take a long time(> 60 seconds at times).
Also I doubt if the batching indexing sunspot_index_queue gem can remedy the high CPU issue.
