Modal Dialog in WPF - wpf

Here is my problem: I am migrating an application from Windows Forms to WPF, but I am totally new in WPF technology.
I have been lucky creating a ribbon also have been able to add some elements to it, but right now I am struggling to create a modal dialog.
How can I achieve this? I have already created all the design of the dialog, but I cannot get it open as a modal window.
Besides, since this application has to be developed under MVVM pattern, where could I place that code? According to what I've read, that code has to be place in the view class, am I right?.
Thank you in advance.

You show a WPF Window modally using Window.ShowDialog. Also this WPF Window Overview will help.
Besides, since this application has to be developed under MVVM
pattern, where could I place that code?
Look under the Related questions to your right, there are many answers to this question in there. For example:
Open dialog in WPF MVVM


WPF Multiple Instances of Windows and MVVM

How do I use multiple windows in an WPF MVVM app?
I have a Main Window with a menu control that needs to open up new instances of the window each time the item it is selected. I need to be able to show windows next to each other, it is a requirement and not page or usercontrol navigation.
Does anyone have an example of doing this?
I've read it is not recommended UI design but it is the requirement I have to implement.
Actually I have this working by using the WindowManager from Caliburn.Micro which seems like an very excellent framework for this type of application. I did look into prism but it seems over complicated and Caliburn is very easy to understand which did meet the requirements. I looked into MVVM Light but the documentation is horrible and lacks examples and I don't have time to figure it out.

WPF Usercontrol Inheritance

I am new to WPF and I am facing a problem here. In one of our application, few dialogs responsible for similar kind of work. All dialogs have OK and APPLY buttons. But in our new UI Design, these will be displayed on a side bar which is a panel(Yet to decide control). I thought of having a Base Usercontrol which will have OK and APPLY button with few methods. And my other dialogs(which are Usercontrols now in new UI) are derived from this Base User Control.
I downloaded few code samples from internet, but problem didn't solve.
If you have any idea/code sample please share.
Thanks in advance.
WPF (also WinForm to some extent) doesn't play well with inheritance. You could create the UI in C# code and get inheritance working but I don't think designer play well so you'll be stuck in design mode and in Blend.
To work around it you could create piece of functionality that you want to reuse and use composition instead of inheritance, which is considered a better approach anyway.

How to Design a MVVM UserControl WPF and hosted it into a Windows Forms ElementHost?

i have a some questions about WPF + MVVM + ElementHost. I try to explain it so clear i can.
I'm building an addin(VSTO 2010) that's mean i need an ElementHost to hosted a WPF.
The first Point mean that my WPF can only be an UserControl (WPF)
Regarding Point 1 and 2 ;
It's possible to build an MVVM WPF(UserControl) having Popup(Children) like this One and which can be hosted into a ElementHost?
I hope my Question is enough clear! Thank u for helping.
You sure can, there are a few gotcha's though.
I have had issues with my WPF control not drawing when initially displayed, so I worked around it by tweaking the width when the Child is set. See
Next is the MVVM style application you want to build, the main issue around this is the VSTO model around windows/documents/custom task panes are all different, one is based on the open workbook (context), one is windows (view) and custom task panes are also window based (view).
MVVM style apps are built more around the current context, or the current opened workbook, I have been working on VSTO contrib for a while now to solve this problem, it even gives you MVVM like bindings when declaring your RibbonXML ribbons if you need ribbon support.
Grab it at and please let me know if it indeed helps you.
And finally the popup, there is nothing stopping you, but you will find in Office 2007 that when you try to open the window for a second time that Office will probably crash. The following code will make your WPF window experience a bit smoother.
if (System.Windows.Application.Current == null)
new Application { ShutdownMode = ShutdownMode.OnExplicitShutdown };
System.Windows.Application.Current.ShutdownMode = ShutdownMode.OnExplicitShutdown;
Basically when you display the first window, all is good, but WPF will spin up a Application, which by default exits when the last window is closed. So when your window closes, then you try to open it again, WPF will blow up :P

WPF Menu on Winforms

Is it possible to show WPF Context menu on WinForms?
If yes, how could we do that?
OK, so I've found the answer myself... (I tried to give a 50 point bounty, but I don't think I can award myself :P)
We have a lot of legacy WinForms... forms... still in our project at work. And here's the secret code that is needed to display a WPF Context Menu in a WinForms project!
var myMenu = new System.Windows.Controls.ContextMenu();
myMenu.IsOpen = true;
Tada!!! - There is no secret code needed... you can write this code in a WPF App or a WinForms app and it works the same.
And there's your answer :)
You can mix the 2 technologies using WindowsFormsHost (WinForm inside WPF window) and ElementHost (WPF inside WinForm window).
You will not encounter the Airspace issue as you are adding a WPF menu into a Winform application. But you will if you create WPF windows with Winform UserControls. This Blog post has some ideas about solving it, but it is not pretty.
I don't know if it can be done, but this article might help point you in the right direction. As a WPF developer, it seems strange to me to want to mix winforms and wpf, but i can see the case for re-use.

Have a wpf window inside another wpf window

Is there a way to host a WPF window inside another WPF window. I have a couple of somewhat complex forms in place. But now to simplify things I am trying to merge a few of them as tabpages inside one 'Dashboard' form.
Please note that I am not trying to host a Windows Form, but another WPF window
If you want tabpages, why not use a TabControl with UserControls inside ? If you need to transform one of these tabs to a floating window, just put the UserControl in a new Window...
Can I answer this question with another question; why would you not create them as controls rather than other WPF windows, that you want to host in the main WPF window?
a bit late on this, but I guess with WindowsForms interop you can put in WPF a WinForms control host and in that host put a WinForms control that hosts the handle of a WPF window
I think what you're asking for is MDI, Multiple Document Interface. Something like this might help.
Do note, however, that the MDI paradigm is largely shunned these days. There are usually better ways to achieve the same functionality.
I think you want to hosting contents of WPF Window1.xaml (page1.xaml) inside within another WPF Window. can use Navigation. Instead running window1.xaml contents inside tab then you can work with your data inside Navigation. Navigation can run within WPF Window Application. You just design your form / UI in page1.xaml.
one another..MDI old and rusty. We want clear of top window nowadays.
