how to run an ARM application on device? - c

I have compiled a simple executable application written in C, using the arm-linux-gnueabi compiler for ARM.
How to run it on device?
Assuming that I have two devices for test it:
A Samsung phone with Windows Mobile 6.1, ARM926EJ OMAP1710 processor
A Foston tablet with Android 2.x, the processor name I not found but is one of processors in the ARM family.
If is not possible run it on the current operating system, then how to format the device and put my kernel instead of Android/Linux?

An application is typically built to run on top of an operating system. An operating system is typically built to run on top of hardware. Keep this in mind.
Running your application instead of Android/Linux implies that your application is a operating system of some sort. If you didn't write or include explicit code to control the hardware chips in the device, then you are only asking the wrong question, you should ask "I've wrtten an application in C, now how do I run it on my phone's operating system." If you did write or include explicit code to control the hardware chips in the device, then you did ask the right question (but some of the details seem off). This style of development happens a lot with the arduino/PIC/embedded ARM community.
Assuming you are not doing embedded development, the application must be compiled with some understanding of what the operating system offers (against the operating system's available api's) which generally makes them incompatible with other operating systems. This means the first step is to determine what operating system you are targeting, and obtain it's development suite. Once you have that, assuming that it supports C code (as most do), the suite will recompile your source code in a format that is both compatible with the CPU of the device and the API of the operating system on the device.
Small devices like phones typically run operating systems that have a tiny fraction of the features of a PC, so be prepared for fewer convenience features, and possibly "missing" libraries. That said, if you do get it to compile, typically you then hook the device up with the supported "bus" (USB is very popular), and save the program on the device (which sometimes involves sending "development / debugging" codes across the bus, and the development suite does this for you).
If everything worked well, you can then launch your program from the phone. If the program misbehaves and renders the phone inoperable, each development suite / phone has specific instructions on how to recover or reload a fresh operating system.
Here are resources for a few well known platforms (and percentages of the phones using them)
(worldwide according to Gartner's latest study, US according to Nielsen's latest study)
As referenced from wikipedia on 4/27/2012
(52%, 46.3%) Android Standard Development Kit
(16.9%, 1.4%) Symbian Standard Development Kit
(15%, 30%) iOS Phone Standard Development Kit
(11%, 14.9%) Blackberry Phone Standard Development Kit
(2.2%, 0%) Bada Standard Development Kit
(1.5%, 5.9%) Windows Phone Standard Development Kit
Note that these measurements are like most surveys, while they attempt to be random and unbiased, they are prone to measurement error and sampling error, so the numbers are more useful as relative indicators than absolute values.


Do you have to build a new compiler for a new operating system?

I would like to build an OS some time in the future, and now thinking of some light sketches on how it would be. I have pretty much been coding in C compiled for the Windows environment (and some little Java). I would have to recompile any of my C programs should I want to run it under Linux. So the binaries, the product of compilation, must be different for each operating system. If I design a totally new OS from scratch, for both hobby and academic purpose, without using the Linux kernel or any known base code of an OS, what I understand as to happen is that I cannot compile my C programs with GCC since my OS will not be among its target systems. Here my question written on the title emerges. Thanks in advance for any hints.
It depends. You could easily choose to re-use an existing compiler, such as the immemorial example GCC, and thus you would reap the benefits of an existing compiler. But there are some big provisos that must be cleared up.
Regards of whether or not you choose to build a new compiler, the challenge will remain in porting a C library. You technically can use C without a standard library (which is what the Linux kernel, or any self-hosted example for that matter, has to do, for example) but this is a ridiculous proposition for programs intended to run under an operating system, as most systems impose memory restrictions, etc, meaning that you cannot just have carte blanche in terms of using memory. Thusly, a C library call such as malloc is required.
Since any programs under your kernel (99% of your OS in all likelihood) will need a set of functions to link against, porting a C library is your biggest task. The C library is a huge monolith, and writing your own would be rather silly, especially with many implementations already available, the most well known being GCC's. So, the question you really should be asking is, do you want to write my own version of libc? (The answer is almost always no, and most alternative implementations are for niche use cases.) Plus, if you want to make your OS POSIX-compliant, then you'll have to implement more functions, adding to the hassle.
Whether you write your own compiler for your OS is a minor detail compared to which C library will be included with it. You can always use your own compiler with an already-written implementation of the C library.
My advice to your rather opinion-based question: no. Port an existing compiler such as GCC or clang, and then use that. Plus, that has several advantages:
Compatibility with existing tools and toolchains
A familiar program (no need for your users to learn how to use a new compiler)
They're open source - and in spite of that, you'd be insane to go at it alone. Heck, even Apple integrated two already existing compilers - GCC and clang - into their toolchains rather than do it themselves, and they're a billion-dollar company.
Take a look at this page. It demonstrates how to port GCC to your OS using Newlib as your C library.
No, you can just port an existing compiler. You can even choose an existing executable format, such as ELF, and use your standard GCC + GNU Binutils toolchain. You will need to port the standard library and C runtime, and you will need to write an ELF loader into your operating system.
I suspect the majority of the work will be in porting the C library.
A search turned up this page: Porting GCC to your OS
(1) No, you usually don't have to write your own compiler. Writing a good optimizing compiler can be actually big task which I would better avoid.
But in order to enable writing applications for your OS in some higher level language you will either need to provide
some (2.1) API emulation layer (so that code written and compiled for other OS can be run on your OS)
or you'll have to (2.2) port some existing compiler to your OS
or at least make your OS a new available (2.3) target platform in an existing compiler
or some other option I don't know about
The choices are multiple each with its own pros/cons.
Some examples (other then the obvious GCC already mentioned by #dietrich-epp, #sevenbits) to help you decide which way you want to follow:
(3.1) Free Pascal (see compiler can be extended with another target platform
Free Pascal is a 32,64 and 16 bit professional Pascal compiler. It can target multiple processor architectures: Intel x86, AMD64/x86-64, PowerPC, PowerPC64, SPARC, and ARM. Supported operating systems include Linux, FreeBSD, Haiku, Mac OS X/iOS/Darwin, DOS, Win32, Win64, WinCE, OS/2, MorphOS, Nintendo GBA, Nintendo DS, and Nintendo Wii. Additionally, JVM, MIPS (big and little endian variants), i8086 and Motorola 68k architecture targets are available in the development versions
(3.2) Inferno Operating System (see has its own application language (see Limbo) with OS specific words, own compiler etc. Applications run in virtual machine (see Dis)
Inferno® is a compact operating system designed for building distributed and networked systems on a wide variety of devices and platforms. With many advanced and unique features, Inferno puts an unrivalled set of tools into your hands...Inferno can run as a user application on top of an existing operating system or as a stand alone operating system...
(3.3) Squeak (see is a self contained OS with graphics and everything. It uses Smalltalk-80 as the language. Compiler included, applications run in virtual machine (see Cog VM). The VM could be emitted as portable C code and then ported to a bare-bone hardware.
Squeak is a modern, open source, full-featured implementation of the powerful Smalltalk programming language and environment. Squeak is highly-portable, running on almost any platform you could name and you can really truly write once run anywhere. Squeak is the vehicle for a wide range of projects from multimedia applications and educational platforms to commercial web application development...
(3.4) MenuetOS (see is 64bit OS written in assembly language. Flat Assembler (see FASM) compiler which can emit native binaries was ported to the OS including OS API and is included in basic installation. Later on C library was also ported
MenuetOS is an Operating System in development for the PC written entirely in 32/64 bit assembly language...supports 32/64 bit x86 assembly programming for smaller, faster and less resource hungry applications...Menuet isn't based on other operating system nor has it roots within UNIX or the POSIX standards. The design goal, since the first release in year 2000, has been to remove the extra layers between different parts of an OS, which normally complicate programming and create bugs...
(3.5) Google's Android OS (see Wikipedia: Android (operating system)) ported Java Virtual Machine (see Dalvik later replaced by Android Runtime) and provided OS APIs for the Java programming language, reusing existing compilers and IDEs just consuming the produced binaries
Android Runtime (ART) is an application runtime environment used by the Android mobile operating system. ART replaces Dalvik, which is the process virtual machine originally used by Android, and performs transformation of the application's bytecode into native instructions that are later executed by the device's runtime environment...
There are many more useful examples available. Whether you have to or don't have to basically depends on the programming paradigm your new OS will introduce. Why you want to build it and how will it differ from the existing ones.
Examples for no are: (3.1), (3.4), (3.5)
Examples for yes are: (3.2), (3.3)

Resources on how build your own Mobile Phone?

Now that webOS is opensource I am trying to find any resources on building your own mobile phone in the US. That is put webOs on some custom hardware that has 3G voice access.
I realize this question is not a programming question but I could not find another StackExchange that was applicable.
I would suggest looking at OpenMoko and their history of attempting to release phones based on open hardware specifications for open source mobile operating systems.
Per the wiki article, Openmoko phones now support Android, Debian, Gentoo, Qt Extended Improved, QtMoko, and SHR. The announcement of the webOS opensourcing means that it's possible that webOS could be ported, as well.
You're likely going to have to wait a bit before using just any hardware. While webOS is going open source, right now the only thing that's released is Enyo (the application framework, minus the UI elements). There are other components to the OS that are still unreleased, and the OS runs on a modified linux kernel. They do plan, however, to release a version by the end of this year, called open webOS 1.0, which will run on a standard linux kernel.

Are there any ARM based systems/emulators with a graphical frame buffer that allow for (relatively) legacy-free Assembly programming?

I am looking for a modern system to do some bare bones Assembly programming (for fun/learning) that does not have the legacy burden of x86 platforms (where you still have to deal with BIOS, switching to protected mode, VESA horrors to be able to output pixels to the screen in modern resolutions/colordepths etc.). Do such systems even exist? I suspect it is not even possible today to do low-level graphics programming without dealing with proprietary hardware.
qemu is likely what you want if you dont want to have to build that stuff in. You wont get as much visibility as to what is going on in the guts of it.
For hardware, beagleboard (dont get the old one get the new one with reasonable connectors, etc), or the open-rd board. I was disappointed with the plug computer thing. The hawkboard I like better than the beagleboard, but am concerned about the big banner about a pcb design problem. The raspberry pi will be out at some point and will also provide what you are looking for. Note that for beagleboard, etc, you dont have to run linux or anything like that, you can write your own binary and xmodem it over or use the network and then just run it, not a problem at all.
The stellaris eval boards all/most have oled displays, monochrome and small but graphics, not sure how much you were after.
earth-lcd used to have an arm based board with a decent sized panel on it.
there is of course the gameboy advance and the nintendo ds. flash/developer cartridges are under $20. the gba is better to start with IMO, as the nds is like two gbas competing for shared resources and a little confusing. with a ez flash cartridge (open source software to program), was easy to put a bootloader on the gba and for like another $20 create a serial cable, I have a serial based bootloader for loading the programs. If you have an interest in this path start with the visual boy advance emulator to get your feet wet and see how you feel about the platform.
If you go to there are likely a number of boards that either already have lcd connectors that you would mate up with a display or definitely displays and breakout boards that you could connect to a number of microcontroller development boards. Other than the insanely painful blue leds, and the implication that there is 64KB (there is but non-linear 32KB+16+16) the mbed board is nice, up to 100mhz, cortex-m3. I have some mbed samples at github as well that walk you through building an arm binary too boot an arm from flash for those that have not done it (and want to learn that rather than call some apis in a sandbox).
the armmite pro and the maple (sparkfun) are arm based arduino footprint platforms, so for example you can get the color lcd shield or the gameduino
There is the open pandora project. I was quite dissappointed with the experience, after over a year paid another fee to get the unit and it failed within a few minutes. Sent it back and I need to check my credit card statement, maybe we took the return and give it to someone who wants it path. I have used the gamepark gp32 and gpx2, but not the wiz, the gpx2 was fine other than some memory I/O problem in the chip that caused chaotic timing. the thing would run just fine but memory performance was all over the map and non-deterministic. the gp32 is not what you are looking for but the gpx2 might be, finding connectors for a serial cable might be more difficult now that the cell phone cable folks used to cut up is not as readily available.
gen 1 ipod nanos can still be had easily, as well as the older gen ipod classics. easy to homebrew, the lcd panels are easy to get at. grayscale only, maybe only black and white I dont remember. All the programming info is had from the ipodlinux folks.
I have not tried it yet but the barns and noble folks are homebrew friendly or as friendly as anyone on that scale has been so far. the nook color can easily be turned into a generic android device, so I assume that also means you could develop homebrew on the metal, not sure though, have not studied it.
You might look at always innovating, my experience with them was similar to the open pandora folks. These folks started with a modified beagleboard in a box with a display and batteries, then added a couple more products, any one of them should be very open, and homebrew friendly so you can write whatever level you want, boot and run on the metal, no problem. For the original product it was one of those wait for several months things.
I am hoping the raspberry pi becomes the next beagleboard but better.
BTW all hardware is proprietary, it is just a matter of whether they choose to provide programming information or not. vesa came about because no two vendors did it the same way, and that has not changed, you have to still read the dataseets and programmers reference manuals. But as you can see above I have only scratched the surface, and covered the sub or close to $100 items. If you are willing to pay in the thousands of dollars that greatly opens the door to graphics based development platforms that are well documented and relatively sandbox free. many are arm based since arm is the choice for phones, etc and these are phone-like, tablet-like, eval platforms.
The Android emulator is such a beast; it runs a linux kernel and driver stack (including /dev/fb) that one can log into via the android debugger bridge, and run (statically linked) arm-linux-eabi applications. Framebuffer access is possible; see example.
The meta-question rather is, what do you mean by "low-level" graphics programming; no emulator is going to expose all the register and chip state complexity that's behind a modern graphics chip pipeline. But simple framebuffer contents manipulation (pixel buffer access) is surely simple enough, as is experimenting with software rendering in ARM assembly.
Of course, things that you can do with the Android emulator you can also do with cheap physical ARM hardware, like the beagleboard and similar. Real complexity only begins when you want to access "advanced" things - that's anything accelerated functionality beyond just reading/writing framebuffer contents.
New Answer
I recently came across this while looking for emulators to run NetBSD on, but there's a project called GXemul that provides a full-system computer architecture emulation with support for a variety of virtual devices and CPUs. The primary and most up-to-date core looks to be MIPS-based, but it also lists support for emulating the ARM architecture. It even includes an integrated debugger and it sounds like you can just assemble your code into a raw binary with some bootstrapping code and boot it as a kernel inside the emulator from the commandline.
Previous Answer
This isn't an emulator, but if you're interested in having a complete, ARM-based computer that you can develop whatever you want on that doesn't cost much, you should keep an eye on the Raspberry Pi project. They're very close to selling a complete, tiny, low-power ARM-based computer for $25 a piece. It has USB ports, ethernet, video out, and an SD card reader, and can boot Linux, although in your case you'd probably want to boot your own code and access the hardware directly.
EDIT: Looks like Erik already mentioned it.

Running MPI code in my laptop

I am new to parallel computing world. Can you tell me is it possible to run a c++ code uses MPI routines in my laptop with dual core or is there any simulator/emulator for doing that?
Most MPI implementations use shared memory for communication between ranks that are located on the same host. Nothing special is required in terms of setting up the laptop.
Using a dual core laptop, you can run two ranks and the OS scheduler will tend to place them on separate cores. The WinXP scheduler tends to enforce some degree of "cpu binding" because by default jobs tend to be scheduled on the core where they last ran. However, most MPI implementations also allow for an explicit "cpu binding" that will force a rank to be scheduled on one specific core. The syntax for this is non-standard and must be gotten from the specific implementations documentation.
You should try to use "the same" version and implementation of MPI on your laptop that the university computers are running. That will help to ensure that the MPI runtime flags are the same.
Most MPI implementations ship with some kind of "compiler wrapper" or at least a set of instructions for building an application that will include the MPI library. Either use those wrappers, or follow those instructions.
If you are interested in a simulator of MPI applications, you should probably check SMPI.
This open-source simulator (in which I'm involved) can run many MPI C/C++/Fortran applications unmodified, and forecast rather accurately the runtime of the application, provided that you have an accurate description of your hardware platform. Both online and offline studies are possible.
There is many other advantages in using a simulator to study MPI applications:
Reproducibility: several runs lead to the exact same behavior unless you specify so. You won't have any heisenbugs where adding some more tracing changes the application behavior;
What-if Analysis: Ability to test on platform that you don't have access to, or that is not built yet;
Clairevoyance: you can observe every parts of the system, even at the network core.
For more information, see this presentation or this article.
The SMPI framework can even formally study the correction of MPI applications through exhaustive testing, as shown in that presentation.
MPI messages are transported via TCP networking (there are other high-performance possibilities like shared performance, but networking is the default). So it doesn't matter at all where the application runs as long as the nodes can connect to each other. I guess that you want to test the application on your laptop, so the nodes are all running locally and can easily connect to each other via the loopback network.
I am not quite sure if I do understand your question, but a laptop is a computer just like any other. Providing you have set up your MPI libs correctly and set your paths, you can, of course, use MPI routines on your laptop.
As far as I am concerned, I use Debian Linux ( for all my parallel stuff. I have written a little article dealing with HowTo get MPI run on debian machines. You may want to refer to it.

Writing an OS for Motorola 68K processor. Can I emulate it? And can I test-drive OS development?

Next term, I'll need to write a basic operating system for Motorola 68K processor as part of a course lab material.
Is there a Linux emulator of a basic hardware setup with that processor? So my partners and I can debug quicker on our computers instead of physically restarting the board and stuff.
Is it possible to apply test-driven development technique to OS development? Code will be mostly assembly and C. What will be the main difficulties with trying to test-drive this? Any advice on how to do it?
I would recommend developing an operating system for the classic Amiga computers, which had different versions of the 68000 processor. Since the Amiga computer is a complete computer and is extremely well documented, I thought this would be a good exercise.
There is an emulator for it called UAE (and Win-UAE) which is very exact and
can be configured with different kinds of processors (68000 - 68060) and other capabilities. Normally, you would also need to acquire ROMs for it, but since you are developing an operating system yourself, this is not necessary.
Tools you will need is either Cygwin (for developing under Windows) or a Linux computer. Then you will need cross compilers. This includes both a C compiler and an assembler. Here is a template for creating a simple ROM which changes screen color and flicks the power LED. It will create a file 'kick.rom' which UAE then searches for in the current directory.
Reference on the 68000 instruction set can be found at the links below. Be aware that different assembler programs may use slightly different syntax and instruction set.
If you need to demo the operating system on real hardware, there are modern Amiga clones sold on Ebay and other places. Search for "Minimig".
Nowadays AROS also runs on UAE as well as physical Amigas.
[Cross Compilers]
[68000 reference]
I would suggest QEMU for m68k emulation.
(The system emulator you want in QEMU is "Coldfire" - that's what Freescale calls the successor to the m68k architecture).
You certainly can tdd this project. First off decouple all accesses to the hardware with simple routine calls, e.g. getch() and printf, then you can provide simple mocks that provide test input and check output. You can then write well over 90% of the project on a PC using gcc, msdev or xcode. Once you have got some confidence in the decoupling routines you will need very little access to the hardware, and only then to occasionally check that your mocks are acting as you expect.
Keep to C until you find a particular bottle neck, and only then resort to assembler.
There are a few new projects that use hardware simulated 68000 cpus, the C-One project, the Minimig (Mini Amiga) project and the Natami (Native Amiga) project - they are new 68k compatible Amiga systems.
C One, reconfigurable computer, Minimig, in development, prototypes done: FPGA Arcade and Natami.
The Easy68k simulator might help you.
The uClinux project started on a m68k board. They may have the tools you need...
