Printing a very large whole number in C - c

I've stored a very large number in a float variable, but when I print it I want to only display the whole number part and nothing after the decimal point.
For numbers in the int or long range, I would do a casting but this hasn't helped me because the number I want to print is too long for int or long.
I've looked at this explanation: but I haven't succeeded in solving this.
this is my code and my attempt to do the casting:
double sum=552074001368;
long long_sum;
long_sum = (long)(sum); //int casting for double "add"
if(sum>=0) printf("=\n%ld\n",long_sum);
else printf("=\n%ld\n",-long_sum);
I don't want to use a specific precision like printf("%15f") because this variable fluctuates and is sometimes very short like 4 digits.

Use the precision modifier .0 and print the floor of the number:
printf("%.0f\n", floor(sum));
(Or the floor of the abs, if you want only the magnitude, as in your example code.)

I think what you're after is %.0f. For example:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
double x = 1234.567;
printf("%.0f", x);
return 0;

Why are you casting to long at all? Use the printf format specifiers to control what and how many characters are printed.
Remember that both the width and the precision can be specified by a variable and doesn't have to be known at compile time:
printf("=\n%.*lf\n", 4, sum); // print 4 places behind the decimal point
int i;
i = 5;
// print only the whole number part of sum and output at least i characters,
// pad with leading spaces if number requires fewer than i characters
printf("=\n%*.*lf\n", i, 0, sum);

This line is problematic:
double sum=552074001368;
Since that is an integer literal, the compiler will first check if the number will fit in an int, then long, then long long. If it won't fit in long long I suspect you'll get either a compiler error or undefined behavior wrap-around, I'm not sure of which.
If your compiler supports long long, then the code will work and the number will be stored in a temporary long long (which will be optimized away). This long long is then stored inside a double.
Instead, write like this:
double sum=552074001368.0;
The .0 syntax gives you a double floating point literal without involving integer types at all.

double sum=552074001368LL;
long long long_sum;
long_sum = (long long)(sum);
if(sum>=0) printf("=\n%lld\n",long_sum);
else printf("=\n%lld\n",-long_sum);


Decimal To Binary Conversion in C using For

I am not able to convert from decimal to binary in C.Everytime I get a output which is one less than the desired output.For ex.:5 should be 101 but shows up as 100 or 4 should be 100 but shows up as 99.
void main() {
int a,b=0;
int n;
printf("Enter a Decimal Number\n");
for(int i=0;n>0;i++) {
My output is always one less than the correct answer and I dont know why.It fixes the problem if take b as 1 instead of 0 in the beginning but i dont know why.Please Help.I have just started C a few days ago.
pow is a floating-point function; it takes a double argument and returns a double value. In the C implementation you are using, pow is badly implemented. It does not always produce a correct result even when the correct result is exactly representable. Stop using it for integer arithmetic.
Rewrite the code to compute the desired power of ten using integer arithmetic.
Also, do not compute binary numerals by encoding them a decimal within a int type. It is wasteful and quickly runs into bounds of the type. Use either bits within an unsigned type or an array of char. When scanf("%d",&n); executes, it converts the input string into binary and stores that in n. So n is already binary; you do not need to decode it. Use a loop to find its highest set bit. Then use another loop to print each bit from that position down to the least significant bit.
This code seems fine. I quickly tested it on an online compiler and it seems to be working okay.
I am very sure it has to do with different versions of compilers.
compiler which I tested your code in:
pow() function is not reliable when used with integers since the integer you pass into it as parameter is implicitly converted into data type of double and returns double as output. When you stuff this value into the integer again, it drops the decimal values. Some compilers seem to produce "correct" result with their version of pow() while some don't.
Instead, you can use a different approach to solve your decimal to binary conversion without errors in general use:
void main() {
int remainder,result = 0,multiplier = 1;
int input;
printf("Enter a Decimal Number\n");
remainder = input%2;
result = remainder*multiplier + result;
printf("The binary version of the decimal value is: %d",result);

Get printf to print all float digits

I'm confused about the behavior of printf("%f", M_PI). It prints out 3.141593, but M_PI is 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288. Why does printf do this, and how can I get it to print out the whole float. I'm aware of the %1.2f format specifiers, but if I use them then I get a bunch of unused 0s and the output is ugly. I want the entire precision of the float, but not anything extra.
Why does printf do this, and how can I get it to print out the whole
By default, the printf() function takes precision of 6 for %f and %F format specifiers. From C11 (N1570) § The fprintf function (emphasis mine going forward):
If the precision is missing, it is taken as 6; if the precision is
zero and the # flag is not specified, no decimal-point character
appears. If a decimal-point character appears, at least one digit
appears before it. The value is rounded to the appropriate number
of digits.
Thus call is just equivalent to:
printf("%.6f", M_PI);
The is nothing like "whole float", at least not directly as you think. The double objects are likely to be stored in binary IEEE-754 double precision representation. You can see the exact representation using %a or %A format specifier, that prints it as hexadecimal float. For instance:
printf("%a", M_PI);
outputs it as:
which you can think as "whole float".
If all what you need is "longest decimal approximation", that makes sense, then use DBL_DIG from <float.h> header. C11 Characteristics of floating types :
number of decimal digits, q, such that any floating-point number with
q decimal digits can be rounded into a floating-point number with p
radix b digits and back again without change to the q decimal digits
For instance:
printf("%.*f", DBL_DIG-1, M_PI);
may print:
You can use sprintf to print a float to a string with an overkill display precision and then use a function to trim 0s before passing the string to printf using %s to display it. Proof of concept:
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void trim_zeros(char *x){
int i;
i = strlen(x)-1;
while(i > 0 && x[i] == '0') x[i--] = '\0';
int main(void){
char s1[100];
char s2[100];
printf("s1 = %s, s2 = %s\n",s1,s2);
printf("s1 = %1.20f, s2 = %1.20f\n",23.01,M_PI);
return 0;
s1 = 23.010000000000002, s2 = 3.1415926535897931
s1 = 23.01000000000000200000, s2 = 3.14159265358979310000
This illustrates that this approach probably isn't quite what you want. Rather than simply trimming zeros you might want to truncate if the number of consecutive zeros in the decimal part exceeds a certain length (which could be passed as a parameter to trim_zeros. Also — you might want to make sure that 23.0 displays as 23.0 rather than 23. (so maybe keep one zero after a decimal place). This is mostly proof of concept — if you are unhappy with printf use sprintf then massage the result.
Once a piece of text is converted to a float or double, "all" the digits is no longer a meaningful concept. There's no way for the computer to know, for example, that it converted "3.14" or "3.14000000000000000275", and they both happened to produce the same float. You'll simply have to pick the number of digits appropriate to your task, based on what you know about the precision of the numbers involved.
If you want to print as many digits as are likely to be distinctly represented by the format, floats are about 7 digits and doubles are about 15, but that's an approximation.

Parsing a number with more than 10 digits in C

I'm trying to calculate UPC codes using C as a language, but I'm now having a problem with the precision. I tried int, float, long long, etc.
Here's the code:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
float upc;
printf("Enter UPC:\n");
scanf ("%d", &upc);
printf("upc = %f ", upc);
the results are :
Enter UPC code:
upc = 123456790528.000000 d= 1
Process returned 30 (0x1E) execution time : 6.672 s
Press any key to continue.
How can I show the number as is? It's only 12 digits.
I'm using CodeBlocks, is there an IDE that can handle this better?
Note: please don't tell me to just use char! I want to make some calculations later.
Universal product codes are not subject to integer arithmetic operations, so it doesn't entirely make sense to represent them using int. Each digit is assigned a particular meaning, so a string makes more sense.
If you really just want a band-aid, uint64_t from <stdint.h> will always be able to hold a 12-digit number. Do not use a floating-point type, though, as they are not designed to hold exact integers, but rather to approximate real numbers.
The correct way to use uint64_t with printf and scanf is with the fixed-width format specifiers from <inttypes.h>:
scanf ( "%" SCNd64, &upc);
printf("upc = %" PRId64 "\n", upc);
A float can typically store just 6-7 decimal digits. A 32-bit int can store 9 digits (10 if the leading digits is 3 or less). To store a 12-digit integer, you need to use either a long long (up to 18 digits) or perhaps a double (up to 15-16 digits), though a double is less desirable.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
long long upc;
printf("Enter UPC:\n");
scanf ("%lld", &upc);
printf("upc = %lld\n", upc);
Actually can you be more clear of what you want as your output? I suggest you one modification in to use long long int instead of float.

atof accuracy with double is causing grief

I have an ascii "15605632.68128593" and I wish to convert
it to a double without losing accuracy
double d;
printed result is 15605632.681286
Any ideas?
It's likely you're not getting all the trailing decimal places. Try printf("%.8f", d).
You might also try sscanf("15605632.68128593", "%lf", &d) in place of the atof call.
It's also not necessary to cast the result of atof to double. It's already a double. But the cast does no harm.
Note that - at least about 6 years ago when I looked at this in detail - many printf and scanf implementations were buggy in the sense that they didn't function as perfect inverses as you'd assume. Visual C/C++ and gcc both had problems in their native implementations. This paper is a useful reference.
Cygwin with gcc 4.3.4:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
double x;
sscanf("15605632.68128593", "%lf", &x);
printf("%.8f\n", x);
return 0;
And then:
# gcc foo.c
# ./a
Goal: Convert "15605632.68128593" to a double without losing accuracy.
atof() accomplished that to best the program could do. But since "15605632.68128593" (a 16-digit number) is not exactly representable as a double in your C, it was approximated to 1.560563268128593080...e+07. Thus accuracy was lost, albeit a small loss.
Typical double can represent about 264 different numbers. The nearby candidates and OP's string are shown below for reference.
15605632.68128 592893... previous double
"15605632.68128 593" code's string
15605632.68128 593080... closest double
15605632.68128 6 output
The grief comes when attempting to print, thinking that what printed was the exact value of x. Instead the nearby double value was printed. Printout is also rounded. Using the %f specifier defaults to 6 places to the right of the '.' giving the reported 15605632.681286, a 14 digit number.
A better way to see all the significant digits for all double is to use the %e format with DBL_DIG or DBL_DECIMAL_DIG. DBL_DIG is the most number of digits to the right of the '.', in decimal exponential notation %e, to show all the digits needed to "round-trip" a double (string to double to string without a string difference). Since %e always shows 1 digit to the left of '.', the print below shows 1 + DBL_DIG significant digits. DBL_DECIMAL_DIG is 17 on my mine and many C environments, but it vary.
If you wish to show all the significant digits, you need to qualify what is significant. The nextafter() function shows the next representable double. So we might want to show at least enough digits to distinguish x and the next x. I recommend DBL_DECIMAL_DIG. Details
The exact value the program used for your "1.560563268128593e+07" is 15605632.68128593079745769500732421875. There are few situations where you need to see all those digits. Even is you request lots of digits, at some point, printf() just gives you zeros.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <tgmath.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
double x;
x = atof("15605632.68128593");
printf("%.*le\n",DBL_DIG, x); // All digits "round-trip" string-to-double-string w/o loss
printf("%.*le\n",DBL_DIG + 1, x); // All the significant digit "one-way" double-string
printf("%.*le\n",DBL_DIG + 1, nextafter(x, 2*x)); // The next representable double
printf("%.*le\n",DBL_DIG + 3, x); // What happens with a few more
printf("%.*le\n",DBL_DIG + 30, x); // What happens if you are a bit loony
return 0;
double does not have that much precision. It can only round-trip 15 (DBL_DIG from float.h) decimal places from decimal string to double back to decimal string.
Edit: While, in general, my claim is true, it doesn't seem to be your problem here. While there exist 16-decimal-place numbers which can't be round-tripped, this particular input can.

C : erroneous output for "(long long int) = (long long int) * (double)"?

long long int A = 3289168178315264;
long long int B = 1470960727228416;
double D = sqrt(5);
long long int out = A + B*D;
This gives result : -2147483648
I am not able to figure out why (it should be a positive result).
Can somebody help?
maybe you have to specify those constants as "long long" literals? e.g. 3289168178315264LL
What compiler/operating system are you using? I ran your code using Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition on Windows XP and IT WORKS - answer: 6578336356630528 (this is a 53-bit number, so it just fits inside a double).
I also tried two variations to see if the order of operations mattered:
long long int out = A;
long long int out = B*D;
These both work as well!
My guess is that the compiler needs to round the result from "A+B*D" to an integer first, because you're storing the result inside an int field. So basically, you're having a datatype conflict.
Both A and B are still valid numbers for a long long int, which is 8 bytes long. You could even multiply them by 1.000 and still have valid long long int values. In some other languages it's also known as the int64.
A double, however, is also 64-bits but part of those are used as exponent. When you multiply a double with an int64, the result would be another double. Adding another int64 to it still keeps it a double. Then you're assigning the result to an int64 again without using a specific rounding method. It would not surprise me if the compiler would use a 4-bit rounding function for this. Am even amazed that the compiler doesn't puke and break on that statement!
Anyways, when using large numbers like these, you have to be extra careful when mixing different types.
Your answer (have to verify) calcuates successfully, however, it causes an overflow into the sign bit, which makes the answer negative. Solution : make all your variables unsigned.
Numbers are stored as series of bits in you computer's memory. The first bit in such a series, when set means that you number is negative. So the calculation works, but overflows into the sign bit.
If you're working with numbers this big, I recommend you to get a multiprecision arithmetic library. 'T will save you a lot of time and trouble.
The parameter to sqrt should be double.
#include <math.h>
double sqrt( double num );
And also we should explict cast the result from B * D to long long.
long long int A = 3289168178315264;
long long int B = 1470960727228416;
double D = sqrt(5.0);
long long int out = A + (long long) (B * D);
