Examples for successful real life mobile cross-platform / hybrid apps? - mobile

I have nothing found here or on google.
Do you know any (good/successful/most sold/most downloaded) samples for mobile cross-platform apps?
If so, on which frameworks (jQuery Mobile, Sensa, PhoneGap, etc.) are they built on?
I want to get some feeling for wether it is possible to create successful mobile cross-platform apps or not.

The success of your application doesn't depend on the platform or framework :))
First, you have to decide whether you want develop a game/social/finance app because games are usually implemented per-platform, but it isn't a rule since appMobi GameDev XDK can be used to create cross-platform games.
appMobi app gallery: http://www.appmobi.com/index.php?q=content/built-appmobi
PhoneGap app gallery: http://phonegap.com/apps
Sencha Demo apps: http://www.sencha.com/products/touch/demos/
Appcelerator apps: http://www.appcelerator.com/thinkmobile/showcase
I recommend you to find out what kind of app you want to develop. Later, you can evaluate the platforms/frameworks.

LinkedIN Engineering has published a series of fantastic case studies on their experiences and findings while developing a Hybrid mobile app for iPad :-
Please refer to another thread i have started on this same topic :-
Are there any Case Studies similar to the ones published by LinkedIn Engineering?

QtWebkit you can use html and native code. Famous apps have used this approach.


Ionic Framework and Mobile Web

The problem: build a somewhat complex form that submits data to MySQL+PHP back-end. Requirements include:
Accessible from browsers running on mobiles, tablets and desktops
Must be completely platform independent; works well on Edge, Safari, Chrome, and other modern browsers.
Must be implemented so that in the future, native versions can be implemented using the same code-base.
Based on my research, Ionic seems to be the best fit. However, I don't see anything about using Ionic for web-apps on their official website.
Can Ionic be used to meet the above requirements? If yes, what is the best way to use Ionic for web-apps? Is there an official guideline from Ionic for this?
How else would you go about meeting the above requirements if not using Ionic?
Ionic is built for developing mobile apps / progressive web apps. If you are looking for something which can be accesses through browsers Angular is the best option. Progressive web apps also will be something you can look into. Except for native functionalities in mobile and routing in browsers , angular code will be reusable.

Cordova or Phonegap? Which one?

I'm a Web Designer and Web Developer, I want to switch to cross platform mobile framework, so I want use Cordova or Phonegap .
But my question is which one is better or overall what's the difference between these frameworks? Phonegap is an Adobe product and Cordova is an Apache product.
I do not know which one should I choose and learn?
PhoneGap is powered by the code of Cordova. I encourage you to search on Google for a precise answer. Here are a couple links about that subject. http://phonegap.com/2012/03/19/phonegap-cordova-and-what%E2%80%99s-in-a-name/
To answer your question; they do the same thing but PhoneGap have more functionalities.
Recently phoneGap released an amazing dev tool : http://app.phonegap.com/
The PhoneGap Developer App
Develop locally then see the changes instantly on your mobile device.

Cross platform mobile framework

I am looking into building an intranet based app which can support different mobile platforms.
I have looked into phonegap, sencha touch and jquery mobile. I am confused as to how the business logic can be incorporated on the client side ? Any input will be appreciated.
Phonegap is just a web browser that has an access to native apis. So you can use more or less any technology that a normal web browser can interpret.
With that in mind, for a business logic you have to general options: 1) create an api somewhere on you server and just make ajax calls from you application and/or 2) use javascript. This is the only language that can be used for business logic inside phonegap (beside the native java, objective-c and etc).
Out of all those mobile frameworks available, I would suggest you to go for Sencha Touch with PhoneGap. The reason I prefer Sencha Touch over Jquery Mobile is that Sencha Touch is far more smoother than JQM when it comes to page transition and navigation. Also, the extensive documentation from Sencha gives you a quick start on building mobile apps for both Android and iOS.
You may use PhoneGap if you would like to access any of the native features like Camera, Contacts etc.,
Here are some useful links:

Using yeoman for development of a mobile website?

I am currently looking for a tool/workflow to support me in creating a mobile version of our website. Due to the main subject of our website, this should be a dedicated mobile version instead of a responsive version of our main site.
I came across yeoman and it looks really promising with a lot of features that I would be using like CSS and JS minifying, Spriting etc., a lot of tools that support me for the deployment of the webpage.
However as far as I can see the main focus for yeoman is on "normal" web apps, not for mobile. Am I right? Has someone used yeoman already for a mobile website and what was the experience and/or points to look out for? Are there any other alternatives to consider?
Try mobile-boilerpate generator for yeoman.
It scaffolds out H5BP Mobile Boilerplate
You are right Yeoman is for any web app you want to build; not just mobile specific.
For a mobile version of a website; they can be made similar to desktop sites although you still have to keep responsiveness in mind as not all devices are the same size.
In terms of a framework to consider, Lungo is a brilliant UI framework that can be used to make a native looking website.

Mobile Application Development Framework

I am looking for an mobile development framework, using which I can develop application like widgets for any mobile. I found Yahoo Blueprints. But for this I need to expose my server to internet. Are there any such frameworks like Yahoo blueprints, through which I can develop mobile widgets.
If you're looking to do cross platform application development, your best bet is to use something like phonegap.com. Then you can use a combination of HTML, JavaScript and native code to create applications.
