Using WPF controls in a Surface application - wpf

I'm needing a TreeView control in our surface application. Situation is ive already created a TreeView implementation using infragistics XamlDataTree. Im wondering whether this control set can be used in a Surface application (being that it is a WPF app under the hood)?
Question also in general can you reuse standard WPF controls in the surface environment?
Also is there a tool already in the Surface SDK suite that would suit a TreeView style layout?
Thanks in advance

Don't know about the XamlDataTree, but in general, you can use any WPF control in a Surface Presentation Layer Application.


Can we integrate a WinForms application with a WPF application?

I want to integrate two existing applications into one. One of those apps is built on Windows Forms and the other on WPF.
Is it possible to achieve this?
WPF supplies the WindowsFormsHost class that allows you to host WinForms controls inside a WPF window; conversely, WinForms supplies ElementHost that allows you to host WPF controls inside a form.
Unfortunately how well things work out is highly dependent on exactly what you are doing, last time I checked there were more than a few rough edges. For more information, definitely start from this MSDN page.
If you want to have "independent" WPF windows and WinForms forms inside the same application, you will have to make both frameworks "share" some code in your UI thread's message loop. For a primer on how to do that, see here.
There are various classes to help you with this.
For hosting Windows Forms controls in a WPF Window, you can use the WindowsFormsHost class. For hosting WPF Controls in a Windows Forms Window, you can use the ElementHost class.
You can look here for mor information on the subject (windows forms section):

WPF forms+ Winforms in MDI

We have an application which is using winforms. Now we want to upgrade it.
We are planning to use some WPF forms and some old winforms. and we also need to use MDI.
From MDIParent we need to open both winforms and WPF forms. And these forms need to be in tile format. I got to know that WPF doesn't support MDI.
Is there any other way to achieve this?
Using AvalonDock, can we display the forms in tiles format also. I know that it display in Dockable format.
why you want to upgrade your application to wpf and still use some of your old winforms and the mdi concept any further?(i dont like mixup both:))
for quick and dirty what about using your winform app and integrate wpf in it - if you want/have to?
if you want your WinForms in Wpf you can use
<WindowsFormsHost />
It should work with Avalon too. Here is an example for WindowsFormsHost.

Wpf Docking Control with UI Automation compatibility

We have slowly been creating UI Automation tests using Ranorex on our product but have ran into several problems.
We are using Telerik Wpf controls (TabControl, TreeView, Grid and Docking) and so far we've only been able to test the TreeView and Grid using Ranorex. We replaced the TabControl for the standard Wpf TabControl which works with Ranorex. However the Docking control does not work and of course there is no standard out of the box Wpf Docking control for us to use instead.
My question is this: Does anybody know of any Wpf Docking controls that can be tested using an UI Automation tool (preferably Ranorex)?
I found AvalonDock, which at first looked promising, but according to this thread on their site it doesn't support UI Automation :(
Cheers for any comments,
As of now, Telerik has their own product that supports UI automation for WPF - Telerik Test Studio - including RadDocking control.

Can the controls in the toolbox be used in both Winform and WPF application?

If not, how can I know which controls are used in winforms, which controls are used in WPF?
If you develop a WinForms application, WPF controls are not shown in your toolbox, and vice versa.
If you want to use a WinForms control in a WPF application anyway, there's the WindowsFormsHost WPF control for that.
For hosting a WPF control in a Windows Forms app, you can use the System.Windows.Forms.Integration.ElementHost control.
The toolboxes already filter what controls you can use depending on whether you have created a Win Form or a WPF application project.

Creating graphics control in WPF and integrate to other winform application

We have a existing applicaiton in winform .net. It has a form which displays a kind of flow chart diagram. Now we want to create a control which has enhanced graphics to display this flow chart. With my limited knowledge on wpf, is it possible -
Create a graphics control in wpf which is display the flow chart
Integrate this control to exisiting winform application.
The diagram should have user interation, like moving blocks in the chart.
Is wpf a better solution ?
it is possible to integrate WPF into Winform tutorial here.
With regards to actually creating a flow chart and making it interact with your existing Winform can have its own challenges. Keep in mind that WPF is a very powerful tool so you should consider moving over to WPF if you have the man-power and resources to do so.
Also look into the Model-View-ViewModel design pattern for WPF and you cannot go wrong. Good luck.
