Full Text Search in GAE - google-app-engine

I've developing a test app using GAE/J + Objectify and now trying to query my Data with Full Text Search (assuming Full Text Search is same as queries my data with GQL).
When I go to http://localhost:8888/_ah/admin/search it shows me following error:
There are no Full Text Search indexes in the Empty namespace. You need
to add data programatically before you can use this tool to view and
edit it.
I do have some data in my database to test the search.
What should I do enable that to search my data using GQL.

I believe FTS is still under a trusted tester program (I haven't seen any official docs even for the dev environment)
You might want to try signing up here:


How to get the URL query string from Azure Search Parameters

I used to be able to retrieve the search URL from Microsoft.Azure.Search.Models.SearchParameters by calling ToString() on an object of that type. This seems to have broken, now ToString() just returns the class name (default .net behavior).
Is there an alternate way to get the search URL from SearchParameters.
I'm on Azure search 9.0.1.
The behavior that I'm expecting was documented in a previous version here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/azure/dn957315(v%3dazure.100)
The use case for this is that I have a search UI built on top of the azure search SDK - take a look here https://www.music4dance.net/song/advancedsearchform. The UI runs on top of an Asp.Net MVC infrastructure that uses Azure Search as the engine to produce results.
When diagnosing issues or looking into ways to extend this UI, I used to be able to run a search and see both the results and generate a URL (using the aforementioned ToString()). The search URL made it easy to plug back into the Search Explorer in the Azure Portal and tweak things until I get what I want before going back to code to make it generate the right query.
If you would like this behavior back, please create a github issue: https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/issues
For now you can implement it by yourself using the old code as guide: https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/blob/e63db195f2f2213984d4bdf81e7c495527b6217d/src/SDKs/Search/DataPlane/Microsoft.Azure.Search.Data/Customizations/Documents/Models/SearchParameters.cs#L157

Solr instance accessible from browser but not from terminal

I'm working on creating a search engine using Python + Solr. I went through the demo tutorials given here https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/7_2/solr-tutorial.html#exercise-1 . I am able to create the solr instance as well as create a collection and add documents to it and perform search. I'm able to open the link on my browser. The same is not opening from the terminal. Would anyone here have an idea how to fix this ?

Liferay document checkin issue

I'm still new to Liferay and using Liferay 6.2
what i'm doing:
I am trying to add a document manually into my database using insert statement.
I inserted into dlfileentry, dlfileversion and AssertEntry.
Also, i created a folder with the valid name and file.
The issue:
upon entering the Documents and Media portlet, i can see the document name there but when i click on checkout, it will prompt a error saying that Documents and Media is temporarily unavailable. however i am still able to download the valid document.
Am i doing something wrong? Personally, i feel that i am missing one more table for the database but i'm not sure .
Yes, you're doing something wrong: You should never write to Liferay's database with SQL, as there might be more data required than what's directly visible to you. Obviously, you're running into exactly such an issue.
Liferay has an API which you can use locally, from within the same application server, or remotely as JSON or SOAP service. You should exclusively use this for write access to the database.
Alternatively, you might consider WebDAV access to your document repository as the way to add more documents to the document library.

Manually add entity to empty Google App Engine DataStore

From the tutorial, which I confirmed by creating a simple project, the index.yaml file is auto-generated when a query is run. What I further observe is that until then the admin console (http://localhost:8080/_ah/admin/datastore) does not show the data-store.
My problem is this: I have a project for which data/entities are to be added manually through the datastore admin console. The website is only used to display/retrieve data, not to add data to the data-store.
How do I get my data-store to appear on the console so I can add data?
Yes, try retrieving from the empty data-store through the browser just so I can get the index.yaml to populate, etc. But that does not work.
The easiest way is probably just to create a small python script inside your project folder and create your entities in script. Assign it to a URL handler that you'll use once, then disable.
You can even do it from the python shell. It's very useful for debugging, but you'll need to set it up once.
In order to do the same on production, use the remote_api:
This is a very strange question.
The automatic creation of index.yaml only happens locally, and is simply to help you create that file and upload it to AppEngine. There is no automatic creation or update of that file once it's on the server: and as the documentation explains, no queries can be run unless the relevant index already exists in index.yaml.
Since you need indexes to run queries, you must create that file locally - either manually, or by running the relevant queries against your development datastore - then upload it along with your app.
However, this has nothing at all to do with whether the datastore viewer appears in the admin. Online, it will always show, but only entity kinds that actually have an instance in the store will be shown. The datastore viewer knows nothing about your models, it only knows about kinds that exist in the datastore.
On your development server you can use the interactive console to create/instantiate/save an entity, which should cause the entity class to appear in the datastore interface, like so:
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
class YourEntityModel(ndb.Model):

Open and Save Word files through internet

I have a situation that override my knowledge. Here is situation:
A simple web based system store a Word files. Users create them locally, then upload them to server. After that, another user can download, edit and upload again. All that is okay, but that steps of repeating Download/Upload cause troubles - in case when user forgot to upload after he make changes. The prerequisites is that they want to use only Word, so i can't use any web editors like CKEditor or Google Documents.
So - a question - is there a way to let users open/save that DOC files with Word without setting a VPN?
Server is a Windows 2008, and language is ASP.NET / classicASP. User access system via browsers.
I think you can embed a plugin called aceoffix in your web system, if the customers do not have to download, upload and save back to server. With aceoffix they can edit online and save back to the server directly. It is exactly the same interface as MS Office. Hope this will be helpful.
How about a tiny app (on clients) to act as a syncronizer (using FTP) ?
I think an embedded Word viewer would be something quite complex to pull off - especially if they require the native, proper and exact Word look/menus.
One alternative is to provide a plugin to your users, where they can access/sync documents directly from/to the server. But then you aren't using the a web site but a local plugin, which comes with its own headaches of course.
Creating a Word plugin is a nice way to make it seem like something "in the Office program" when you have actually created it yourself, so that your user don't have to feel like they are using another program. My idea is that you could create a way for users to load a Word file from the server, do changes to it and then upload them back to the server automatically.
