How to simulate multi developer scenario with RTC source control - clearcase

Is it possible to simulate multi developer scenario with RTC source control so that when I make code changes I can test accepting change sets for example. This is just so I can test a multi developer environment but using just one user.
I've tried creating multiple Eclipse workspaces, and loading the same project area into each Eclipse workspace. Using this method I am unable to accept change sets as RTC source control will just ask me to resync my workspace once I make a change in work Eclipse workspace:
It seems the only method of accepting incoming changes is to
1. Right click on the stream from within 'Pending CHanges' view
2. Select load
3. Select following option :

Make sure you use the Stream (ie make sure you don't deliver directly to another repo workspace simulating another user)
(Note: this is entirely different in ClearCase, where the "out of sync" can happen between the configuration of an UCM view and the one of a Stream after a rebase)
If you create different repo workspace (loaded in different Eclipse workspace), this can cause some confusion when used within the same Eclipse instance.
As said in this thread
repository workspaces are meant to isolate changes - being your private stream.
There is no automatic accepting of changes so you are in full control of what flows in. You can also run private builds on them. that is the whole idea.
If you want to run several repository workspaces with shared code you should use a Stream I think.
The clean repo workspace would be used to accept the changes you decide to deliver to your stream.
So you are trying to use a repository workspace as a stream. While they are almost identical, I am not sure about how they would react to changes delivered to them. Especially while being loaded.
You should use two Eclipse instances. I am concerned about having the same eclipse projects loaded multiple times in the same sandbox and the same Eclipse
That "confusion" is explained in the same thread:
This is expected behavior.
When you change WS1 by delivering to it, the content you've loaded to disk for WS1 isn't updated. So you have to reload.
For this reason, you are not allowed to deliver to other user's workspaces. You can't alter someone's workspace but you can alter your own because you would know why it went out of sync.
Check out point 7 and 10 of "Good practices and key workflows for Rational Team Concert Source Control users".
Note: the article "Loading Content from a Jazz Source Control Repository in Rational Team Concert 2.0" (also valid for RTC3.0) mentions in the section "Reloading Out-of-sync Shared Folders" a similar advice than the one given by the OP:
The local workspace can become out of sync with the remote workspace due to a couple of reasons:
The remote workspace is loaded multiple times and changes have been checked in or accepted from another client session.
An error was encountered during an operation (e.g. Accept) that modifies both the local and remote workspaces.
When the local workspace became out of sync with the remote workspace in RTC 1.0, the user was forced to run the Load wizard and reselect the folders that needed to be reloaded.
In RTC 2.0, this new option will automatically select the out of sync folders and reload them so they are no longer out of sync.
Also new in RTC 2.0 is an indication in the Pending Changes view that there are projects out of sync, as shown below.
Clicking on the Reload out of sync link in the Pending Changes view will open the Load wizard.
The reload option will be selected by default and clicking next will then allow you to select which folders to reload.
As you can see in the following screen shot, all the projects in the Foundation component are out of sync and need to be reloaded.
Clicking Finish will reload these folders and bring them back in sync.
Also the thread "How to handle project out of sync " provides an interesting illustration of that mechanism (even though it isn't exactly your situation).


Need to understand on Pipeline for the issue that i am facing

I am working on POC for my client to implement VSTS Pipelines for CICD.
While working on i have observed that my pipeline is picking all the components instead of one component.
Ex: I have 4 components and change was made only on one component, when i create a pull request for deployment to target org, ideally it should pick only the change which was modified, instead during deployment it is picking all the 4 components.
What's being deployed is controlled by the manifest file (package.xml). You specify what you're interested in, what you want to retrieve & deploy. Sometimes you can put wildcards in it (deploy all apex classes you can find), sometimes you really have to list stuff (standard objects, reports, email templates).
So out of the box deployment is always a complete package, whether files changed or not. It's bit overkill but on the other hand what are you going to sign-off in user acceptance test phase? Not just the tickets changed, the state of whole system including regression tests.
If you don't want that - you'd need a script that cherry-picks files changed from commit X to commit Y or something. There's been some attempts to do it, check answers to How to create Salesforce incremental package.xml automatically?
Next year (safe harbor blah blah blah) SF plans to release better DevOps tools:

Indesign real-time package for collaboration

I manage a team of designers working on Indesign.
When we work on a project, it often happens that a designer has to work on the project of another. We work with Dropbox for Business.
But when we take the work of another designer, there is often missing links and fonts.
Is there a plugin or a way to develop a plugin that would allow, when we create a new indd file (or for the protection of the same file):
Automatically create a "Links" folder and another "Document fonts" at side of the indd file
Systematically add a new link or new typography in the corresponding folder?
To simplify: each action on font or on a link, make a kind of "Indesign Package" in real time?
If this is not a solution, do you have any solutions to meet this need?
I don't know of a specific script or plugin that does this.
However, it should be possible to write a script with an eventhandler with a beforeClose event that runs certain script commands every time a user closes a document (or even every time a user adds, changes or deletes a link). At this point the script could run some copyLink commands on all the images and fonts (?) placing them all in the folders next to the document.
The whole script could be made a startup script, so it becomes active anytime any user runs InDesign.
(I'm actually not sure, if fonts can be copied so easily. Worst case scenario would be that the script would need to run some packaging command to gather the fonts somewhere, copy them over to where you need them and then delete the rest of the temporary package.)
Did you consider Creative Cloud Libraries ? They are meant to allow sharing assets within a team. Apart form that, you users would need to have a same access to the file system (a common drive letter for the network path for example).
Another solution would be to use a DAM solution so users would link files from the DAM.
Eventually, you could sure think of a script as mdomino offered.

Rule to ensure developer runs private build & it compiles prior to delivering - RTC source control

Before a developer delivers any code to a change set is it possible to ensure the developer runs a private build and if the build fails the developer will be unable to deliver the change set to the stream. Something similar to how if there are compilation errors a code change cannot be delivered ?
In ClearCase, you could had a pre-op hook to enforce some policy at the start of a deliver
It is possible to add hooks in the Team Configuration / Operation Behavior / Source Control / Deliver (client) section.
But I wouldn't recommend that approach.
I would rather use the Automated Builds described in the "Multiple-Stream Development" article.
That would be a "Post-build Deliver" step to the build definition.
You can even auto-deliver any changeset that has successfully build from the "build" Stream to another Stream.
The article "How to keep your streams flowing smoothly in Rational Team Concert 3.0.1" has more on that approach.

Auto update dialog / Notification for WPF Application

I want a automatic update notification in my application. A message box should appear which tells that an update is available, if user wants then it can download the latest version in downloads folder of windows. Nothing else (user will install it manually) not application.
-I'm using Installshield so no Click once solution.
If you want an out-of-the-box solution to this problem you're likely to be disappointed. I haven't found anything that works except ClickOnce, and I dislike it. I did find this:
My solution was to roll my own. It's actually not that difficult. I wrote a small bootstrapper application that first checks for updates, downloads them if necessary, and then launches my application in a new AppDomain. Pretty easy.
If you want to check for updates while your app is running, you need to write and add a component/class to your project that performs that task, and informs the user (MessageBox or whatever) that an update is available. If they choose to perform the update then you need to launch your bootstrapper (so it can fetch the updates) and kill your current process.
All of this is very possible with a little time and some custom code. It's not as difficult as it sounds. The biggest thing is determining how configurable you want your custom solution to be because that can affect when/where your bootstrapper goes to look for updates (I built mine to look for updates on a network share).
i found one. This one is quite simple and solve the purpose.

Best practice for updating silverlight deployment that is actively being used

I am currently running a SL3 project where we are in a highly iterative development mode with about 25 active test customers. I am making small changes at a clip of about 4 new builds per day. It is important to know this application is mission critical line of business for these 25 people, it is the tool they use all day to do their work so they are using it constantly and often launch their browser and the app in the morning and never close it until the end of the day.
The challenge is that when I make an update to the application I have no clean way to notify the users, in most cases this is ok as it is rare that I introduce a data contract change or something that would be a classic 'breaking' change to the app/service. Users keep plugging along and will get the change next time they refresh.
Right now we have resorted to emailing everyone and telling them to force refresh or close the browser and log back in.
Surely there is a better way...
Right now my train of thought is to have a method on the server that compares client xap versions and determines if the client being used is the most up to date, if so I will notify the user and make them update.
What have you done to solve this problem?
One way of doing it is to use a push mechanism (I used Kaazing Websoocket Gateway but any would do). When a new version of the XAP is released a message (either manually entered into the system by admin or automated triggered by XAP file change event) would be sent to all the clients. In the simplest scenario some notification would be shown to a user (telling him that a new version is released and the application needs to refresh) and then the app would refresh (by simply reloading the page) saving user's state if necessary.
If I would do this I would just keep it simple. A configuration value in web.config and a corresponding service method that simply returns that value (the value itself could be anything, but a counter is probably wise). Then you could have your Silverlight app poll that service method at regular intervals. Whenever the value changes (which you would do manually when you deploy a new version), just pop up a dialog telling the user to refresh the browser or log in/out. This way you don't have to force them to refresh every time. If you go with the idea of comparing xap file versions they will always be required to refresh, even for non-breaking changes.
If you want to take it further you could come up with some sort of mechanism to distinguish between different severity levels. For instance, if the new config value would contain the string "update_forced", you could force the users to reload the app by logging them out automatically (a little harsh, perhaps). If it contains the string "update_recommended", just show a little icon at the top right corner saying that there is a new version and that they should upgrade in their own time.
Granted, this was targeted at Silverlight 3, but with the PollingDuplex client and such in the newer versions of Silverlight, you could publish an "Update Now" bit to the clients, and build a mechanism in the client to alert the user that there is an update that is now out... that they should update it shortly, etc. You may even be able, through serialization and such, to save the state that they are in when they close the app to reload it.
We've done stuff similar with a LOB app that we built, so that as users are changing things, the rest of the userbase sees those changes immediately. Next up will be putting the flags in to change authorization and upgrades "on the fly" if you will.
