SQL Server BI: SIngle cube, multiple fact tables - sql-server

I'm new to creating cubes, so please be patient.
Here's an example of my data
I have multiple companies, each company has multiple stores.
Sales are each linked to a particular company, with a particular store on a particular date.
ex:5 sales took place for Company A, Store 1, on 5/19/2011
Returns are linked to a particular company on a particular date.
ex: 3 returns took place for Company A on 3/11/2012
Sometimes my users want to see a list of stores, the date, and how many returns took place, and how many sales.
Sometimes they want to see a list of companies, the specific stores, and the number of sales.
I have a table that stores
I end up having the value for returns repeated for each store under a particular COMPANY - DATE pair.
so if I'm writing a query, and I want to find out returns, I just do a
select distinct company, date, returns from mytable
but I am not sure how to this into a cube (using SS BI and Visual Studio).
(I've only made a couple of cubes so far)
Thanks! (also, feel free to point me at appropriate references)

It sounds like Company is an attribute of the Store and should be in the Store dimension rather than the fact table. There may have to be a transformation on returns to convert the Company to a store.
Am I missing anything?


Redundant relation: Is this a violation of database normalization?

I have a table with products that I offer. For each product ever sold, an entry is created in the ProductInstance table. This refers to this instance of the product and contains information such as the next due date (if the product is to be billed monthly) and other information relevant to this instance (e.g. personal branding).
For understanding: The products are service contracts. The template of the contract is stored in the product table (e.g. "Monthly lawn mowing"). The product instance is then e.g. "Monthly lawn mowing in sample street" and contains information like the size of the garden or something specific to this instance of the service instead of the general product.
An invoice is created for a product instance either one time or recurring. An Invoice may consists of several entries. Each entry is represented by an element in the InvoiceEntry table. This is linked to the ProductInstance to create the reference to the invoice.
I want to extend the database with purchase orders. To do this, a record is created in the Order table. This contains a relation to the customer and e.g. the order date. The single products of the order are mapped by an OrderEntry. The initial invoice generated for the order is linked via the field "invoice_id" in the table order. The invoice items from the initial order are created per OrderEntry and create one InvoiceEntry each. However, I want the ProductInstance to be created only after the invoice is paid. Therefore the OrderEntry has a relation to the product and not only to the ProductInstance. Once the order has been created, the instance is created and linked to the OrderEntry.
I see the problem that the relation between Order and Invoice is doubled: once Order <-> Invoice and once Order <-> OrderEntry <-> InvoiceEntry <-> Invoice.
And for the Product: OrderEntry <-> Product and OrderEntry <-> ProductInstance <-> Product.
Model of the described database
My question is if this "duplicate" relation is problematic, or could cause problems later. One case that feels messy to me is, what should I do if I want to upgrade the ProductInstance later (to an other product [e.g. upgrade to bigger service])? The order would still show the old product_id but the instance would point to a new product_id.
This is a nice example of real-life messy requirements, where the 'pure' theory of normalisation has to be tempered by compromises. There's no 'slam-dunk right' approach; there's some definitely 'wrong' approaches -- your proposed schema exhibits some of those. I suspect there's not even a 'best' approach. Thank you for expanding the description of the business context -- especially for the ProductInstance table.
But still your description won't support legally required behaviour:
An invoice is created for a product instance either one time or recurring. An Invoice may consists of several entries. Each entry is represented by an element in the InvoiceEntry table.
... I want the ProductInstance to be created only after the invoice is paid.
An invoice represents an indebtedness from customer to supplier. It applies at one date only, not "recurring". (So leaving out the Invoice date has exactly got in the way of you "thinking about relations".) A recurring or cyclical billing arrangement would be represented by something like a 'contract' table, from which an Invoice is generated by some scheduled process.
Or ... your "recurring" means the invoice is paid once up-front for a recurring service(?) Still you need an Invoice date. The terms of service/its recurrence would be on the ProductInstance table.
I can see no merit in delaying recording the ProductInstance 'til after invoice payment. Where are you going to hold the terms of service in the meantime? If you're raising an invoice, your auditors/the statutory authorities will want you to provide records of what the indebtedness relates to. Create ProductInstance ab initio and put a status on it. (Or in the application look up the Invoice's paid status before actually providing the service.)
There's something else about Invoices you're currently failing to capture -- and that has also lead you to a wrong design: in general there is more making up the total $ value of an invoice than product lines, such as discounts applying to the invoice overall rather than particular products; delivery charges; installation costs or inspection/certification; taxes (local/State/Federal).
From your description perhaps the only one applying is taxes. ("in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.") And taxes are not specific to products/no product_instance_id is applicable on an InvoiceEntry.
For this reason, on ERP schemas in general, there is no foreign key declared from InvoiceEntry to Product/Instance. (In your case you might get away with product_instance_id being nullable, but yeuch.) There might be a system-generated XRef text column, which contains different content according to what the InvoiceEntry represents, but any referencing can't be declared to the schema. (There might be a 'fully normalised' way to represent that with an auxiliary linkage table, but maintaining that in step adds too much complexity to the application.)
I see the problem that the relation between Order and Invoice is doubled: once Order <-> Invoice and once Order <-> OrderEntry <-> InvoiceEntry <-> Invoice.
Again think about the business sequence of operations that generate these records: ordering happens as a prelude to invoicing. You can't put an invoice_id on Order, because you haven't created the Invoice yet. You might put the order_id on Invoice. But here you're again in the situation that not all Invoices arrive via Orders -- some might be cash sales/immediate delivery. (You could make order_id nullable, but yeuch.) For this reason on ERP schemas in general, there is no foreign key declared from Invoice to Order, etc, etc.
And the same thinking with OrderEntry <-> InvoiceEntry: your proposed schema has the sequencing wrong/the reference points the wrong way. (And not every InvoiceEntry will have corresponding OrderEntry.)
On OrderEntry, having all of (OrderEntry)id and product_id and product_instance_id seems to me to give you way too many opportunities for tangling it all up. Can an Order have multiple Entrys for the same product_id? -- why/how? Can it have multiple Entrys for the same product_instance_id? -- why/how? Can there be a product_instance_id which refers to a different product_id than OrderEntry.product_id? This is exactly the sort of risk for confusing entanglement that normalisation aims to remove/reduce.
The customer is ordering a ProductInstance: mowing a particular size of garden at a particular address, fortnightly on a Tuesday afternnon. So OrderEntry.product_instance_id is what you want; .product_id is wrong. So (again) you need to create ProductInstance at time of recording the Order. Furthermore I strongly suspect you don't need an id on OrderEntry; instead give it a compound key (order_entry_id, product_instance_id). [**]
[**] I see you're using 'eloquent'. I suspect this is requiring id on every table. So you're not even using a relational database, this is some sort of Object-Relational hybrid. Insisting on a dedicated single id as key on every table is toxic. It has lead schema designers astray every time I get called in to help -- as here. Please if you can at all avoid it, don't do that.

Count two sales opportunities with the same client and same close date as one

Summary of my problem:
Our company offers two software products (for simplicity we'll call them product A and product B). In the past, when a client wanted to buy both products, the sales team would create a separate opportunity object for each product. Both of these opportunity objects have the same client ID (unique identifier for each client) and same close date but a different opportunity ID (unique identifier for each opportunity object).
In the present time, if a client wants to buy both products, the sales person will only create one opportunity object containing both products. This presents a challenge when comparing statistics from past years to the present as the past statistics are inflated to appear like 2 opportunities were closed when in reality it was one client buying the two products at the same time.
Example in table data format:
Simple example of data
What I am trying to achieve
In either my SQL query or later in Power BI, I would like to count these old opportunities as one. In other words, whenever an opportunity has the same client and same close date as another opportunity in the table, I want to count this once.
I attempted to flag this with a CASE statement unsuccessfully. I also tried to nest a query within a join but ran into issues because my query already has 4 JOINS and 6 WHERE statements. Any ideas? If I need to provide more examples or details, please let me know. THANKS!
Just add a column with the "main" opportunity id, then you can do a distinct count in Power BI on this column if you want only the "real" opportunities. You can use the OVER clause for this:
SELECT *,MIN(opportunityId) OVER (PARTITION BY ClientId,closeDate) as MainOpportunityId
FROM opportunities

How to move from Excel to designing a Data Warehouse Model

I just started in Data Warehouse modeling and I need help for the modeling of a problem.
Let me tell you the facts: I work on flight data (aeronautical data),
so I have two Excel (fact) files, linked together, one file 'order' and the other 'services'.
the 'order' file sets out a summary of each flight (orderId, departure date, arrival date, City of departure, City of arrival, total amount collected, etc.)
the 'services' file lists the services provided by flight (orderId, service name, quantity, amount / qty, etc.)
with a 1-n relationship (order-services) each order has n services
I already see some dimensions (Time, Location, etc ...). However, I would like to know how I could design my Data Warehouse, knowing that I have two fact files linked together by orderId.
I thought about it, and the star and snowflake schema do not work in my case (since I have two fact tables) and the galaxy schema requires to have dimensions in common, but I block it, is that I put the order table as a dimension and not as a fact table or I should rather put the services table as a dimension, but these are fact tables. I get a little confused.
How can I design my model?
First of all realize that in a star schema it is not a problem to have more fact tables that are connected - see the discussion here.
So the first draw will simple follow your two fact tables with the native provided dimensions.
Order is in one context a fact table, in other context a dimensional table for the service table.
Dependent on your expected queries you could find useful to denormalize some dimensions of the order table in the service table. So the service will have defined the departure date, arrival date etc. dimensions.
This will be done at the load time in the ETL job.
I will be somehow careful to denormalize the measures from order to service - which will basically eliminate the whole order table.
There will be no problem with the measure total amount collected if this is a redundant sum of the service amounts - you may safely get rid of it.
But you will need for sure the number of flights or number of people transported - those measure are better defined in the order fact table; you can not simple replicate them in the N rows for each service.
A workaround is possible, if you define a main service for each order and those measures are defined only in this row - in other rows the value is NULL. This could lead to unexpected results if queried naively, e.g. for number of flights per service.
So basically I'd start with the two fact tables and denormalize some dimensions to the services if this would help to optimize the queries.
I would start with one fact table of Services. This fact would include all of the dimensions you might associate with the Order including a degenerated dimension of OrderId.
Once this fact is built out and some information products are consuming it, return to the Order and re-evaluate it to see if there are any reporting needs which are not being served, or questions which are difficult to answer with the Services fact.
Joining two facts together is always a bad idea. Performance is terrible. You are always better off bring the dimensions from, in your case, Order to Services. Don't forget to include the context of the dimension in the column name and a corresponding role-playing dimension view for this context. E.G. OrderArrivalCity, OrderDepartureDate, OrderDepartureTime.
You can also get yourself a copy of Ralph Kimball's The Data Warehouse Toolkit

multiple stores (sId), multiple products(pId) different prices. how do I design an efficient database

Right now, I am designing the database, as such I don't have any code. I am looking to use sql server, asp.net if that is relevant.
I have a big number of stores and a big number of products too, both in some thousands. For the same pId, prices may vary by sId. I would build it like this:
1. one "store" table containing fields (sId, name, location),
2. one "products" table containing fields (pId, name size, category, sub-category) and
3. "max(sId)" number of price tables containing fields (pId, mrp, availability).
where max(sId) is the total number of stores.
I would rather not make "max(pId)" number of tables containing fields (sId, mrp, availability) as I need to provide a UI to each store so that they can update the details about product prices and availability at their respective stores. I also need to display some products of a particular store but I never need to display some stores for any specific product. That is, search for stores by product is not required, but listing of products by store would be required.
Is this a good way or can I do better?
You appear to be on the right track and I will offer some recommendations. Although there is no requirement to display some stores for any specific products, you should always think about how the requirements will change and how your system can handle that. Build your system so that you can answer questions like these easily - What stores have product ABC priced under $3/piece?
Store table should contain, as you mentioned, information about stores. Take Aaron Bertrand's comment seriously. Name the fields in a way that the next developer can read and figure out what it is. User StoreID instead of sID.
StoreID StoreName ...other fields
------- --------------
1 North Chicago
2 East Los Angeles
Product table should contain information about products. It would be better to store category and sub-category into a different table.
ProductID ProductName ...other fields
--------- --------------
1 Bread
2 Soap
Categories can be located in its own table with hierarchal structure. See Hierarchal Data and how to use hierarchyid data type. This may help in finding out the depth of each top level category and help management decide if they are going overboard with categorization and making life miserable for everybody, including themselves unknowingly.
Many-to-many ProductCategory table can link products to categories. Also keep a history table. When a product's category is changed, keep track of what it was and what it is set to. It may help in answering questions such as - How many products were moved from Agriculture to Construction category in the last 6 months?
Many-to-many StoreProductPrice can bring together store and product and a price can be defined there. Also remember - prices may differ by customers also. Some customers may get discounts at a certain level. Although this may be too much to discuss here, it should be kept in the back of the mind in case a requirement to support customer discount structure comes up.
StoreProductID StoreID ProductID Price
-------------- ------- --------- -----
1 1 1 $4.00
2 1 2 $1.00
3 2 1 $4.05
4 2 2 $1.02
Availability of the product should be done through the inventory management database table(s). For example, you may have a master table of Warehouse and master table of Location. Bringing them together would be WearhouseLocation table. A WarehouseProduct table may bring together warehouse, product and units available.
Alternatively, your production or procurement facility might be dumping data into ProcuredProduct table. Your manufacturing unit might be putting locks on a subset of products while building something out of it. Your sales unit might be putting locks on a subset of products they are trying to sell. In other words, your products may be continually get allocated. You may run queries to find out availability of a certain product and that can be a little taxing. During any such allocation, the number of available units can be updated in a single table (which contains calculated available products that you can comfortably rely on).
So...depending on your customer's needs, the system you are building can get fairly complicated. I am recommending that you think about these things and keep your database structure flexible to anticipated changes. Normalization is a good thing, and de-normalization has its place also. Use them wisely.

Best approach to views on archive data with change logs

(Sorry about the vagueness of the title; I can't think how to really say what I'm looking for without writing a book.)
So in our app, we allow users to change key pieces of data. I'm keeping records of who changed what when in a log schema, but now the problem presents itself: how do I best represent that data in a view for reporting?
An example will help: a customer's data (say, billing address) changed on 4/4/09. Let's say that today, 10/19/09, I want to see all of their 2009 orders, before and after the change. I also want each order to display the billing address that was current as of the date of the order.
So I have 4 tables:
Orders (with order data)
Customers (with current customer data)
CustomerOrders (linking the two)
CustomerChange (which holds the date of the change, who made the change (employee id), what the old billing address was, and what they changed it to)
How do I best structure a view to be used by reporting so that the proper address is returned? Or am I better served by creating a reporting database and denormalizing the data there, which is what the reports group is requesting?
There is no need for a separate DB if this is the only thing you are going to do. You could just create a de-normalized table/cube...and populate and retrieve from it. If your data is voluminous apply proper indexes on this table.
Personally I would design this so you don't need the change table for the report. It is a bad practice to store an order without all the data as of the date of the order stored in a table. You lookup the address from the address table and store it with the order (same for partnumbers and company names and anything that changes over time.) You never get information on an order by joining to customer, address, part numbers, price tables etc.
Audit tables are more for fixing bad changes or looking up who made them than for reporting.
