Clone an existing database to a new database - database

I'm struggling to find a suitable solution to this. I have a fairly large SQL Server 2008 Express database containing 60+ tables (many with key constraints) and a whole bunch of data.
I need to essentially copy all of these tables and the data and the constraints exactly from one database to another. I'm basically duplicating website A - to produce an exact copy (website B) on a different domain so we end up with two completely identical websites running in parallel, each with their own identical database to begin with.
Database A is up and running on website A. Database B is set up and has it's own user. I just need to get the tables and the data intact from A to B. I can them modify my web.config connection to use the log-in credentials for database B and it should work.
I've tried backing up database A and restoring to database B via Management Studio Express, but it tells me:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The backup set holds a backup of a database other than the existing 'database-B' database.
I've also tried right clicking database A in Management Studio Express and going to Tasks > Generate scripts. But when I do this and run the SQL scripts on database B I get a whole load of errors to do with foreign keys etc as it imports the content. It seems like it's doing the right thing, but can't handle the different keys/relationships.
So does anyone know of a simple, sure-fire way of getting my data 100% exact and intact from database A to database B?
I think I used SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard to do something like this about 5 years ago, but that product seems to be defunct now - I tried to install it and it wanted me to regress my version of SQL Server to 2005, so I'm not going there!

Don't use the UI for this. If you're not familiar with the various aspects of BACKUP/RESTORE the UI is just going to lead you down the wrong path for a lot of options. The simplest backup command would be:
BACKUP DATABASE dbname TO DISK = 'C:\some folder\dbname.bak' WITH INIT;
Now to restore this as a different database, you need to know the file names because it will try to put the same files in the same place. So if you run the following:
EXEC dbname.dbo.sp_helpfile;
You should see output that contains the names and paths of the data and log files. When you construct your restore, you'll need to use these, but replace the paths with the name of the new database, e.g.:
RESTORE DATABASE newname FROM DISK = 'C\some folder\dbname.bak'
WITH MOVE 'dbname' TO 'C:\path_from_sp_helpfile_output\newname_data.mdf',
MOVE 'dbname_log' TO 'C:\path_from_sp_helpfile_output\newname_log.ldf';
You'll have to replace dbname and newname with your actual database names, and also some folder and C:\path_from_sp_helpfile_output\ with your actual paths. I can't get more specific in my answer unless I know what those are.
** EDIT **
Here is a full repro, which works completely fine for me:
EXEC [DB-A].dbo.sp_helpfile;
Partial results:
name fileid filename
-------- ------ ---------------------------------
DB-A 1 C:\Program Files\...\DB-A.mdf
DB-A_log 2 C:\Program Files\...\DB-A_log.ldf
Now I run the backup:
Of course if the clone target (in this case DB-B) already exists, you'll want to drop it:
USE [master];
Now this restore will run successfully:
WITH MOVE 'DB-A' TO 'C:\Program Files\...\DB-B.mdf',
MOVE 'DB-A_log' TO 'C:\Program Files\...\DB-B_log.ldf';
If you are getting errors about the contents of the BAK file, then I suggest you validate that you really are generating a new file and that you are pointing to the right file in your RESTORE command. Please try the above and let me know if it works, and try to pinpoint any part of the process that you're doing differently.

I realize this is an old question, but I was facing the same problem and I found that the UI was easier and faster than creating scripts to do this.
I believe Dan's problem was that he created the new database first and then tried to restore another database into it. I tried this as well and got the same error. The trick is to not create the database first and name the database during the "Restore Database" process.
The following article is somewhat useful in guiding you through the process:


Moving DataBase from Microsoft SQL folder to App_Data folder (appseting.json)

1. "WebApi": "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=TaskDB; Integrated Security=true"
2. "WebApi": "Server=(localdb)\\mssqllocaldb;AttachDBFilename=%CONTENTROOTPATH%\\App_Data\\TaskDB.mdf;Trusted_Connection=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=true"
I am trying to move my DataBase from main folder of Microsoft SQL to project folder App_Data, but it does not work for some reason. I do not know why maybe my connection string is wrong. So with number 1 is working fine, but it is in main folder of Microsoft SQL, but with number 2 there is something wrong I guess
The files of database are exclusive in hand of SQL Server. You can not move database when it is online. Taking database offline, requires that no one be connected to database.
First take the database offline then try to move the files. You can take the database offline both using SSMS and query. First line of code kill all active sessions then set database multiple user; but it must be offline before anyone can connect to database so all these code must be executed together.
USE master
Be aware that when you move file to another location database could not been brought ONLINE if you do not set new filename before taking the database offline.
Use this code for all of files that you want to move them.
MODIFY FILE (NAME = 'LOGICAL_NAME', FILENAME = 'New_Directort\Filename.mdf')
After you moved the files then bring online the database with this statement.
As you can see this action is not a kind, that can be done without plan. Specially with application code. When trying to do it in application code; then all session including application connection will be lost. then you can not continue the progress.

Failure of DB Copy on MSSQL server

I am trying to copy an MSSQL DB on the same MSSQL server as the source DB to use as a test version.
I am using the Copy DB wizard in SQL Server Management Studio and the SQL server version is 2008.
However it fails on the last step with a totally vague error message that doesn't give any info in the event log either:
Package "CDW_XXXXX-_XXXXX-_1" failed.
Has anyone got any experience of DB copy in MSSQL and can shed some light on where I might look to solve the issue. (It's not a lot to go on I realise, but any hints may help!)
I wouldn't use the wizard.
First find out the files you need to deal with:
SELECT name, type_desc
FROM [db].sys.database_files
ORDER BY [type];
In most cases this will yield two rows:
name type_desc
----------- ---------
db_log LOG
You'll need this information in a minute.
Now, take a backup of the database:
BACKUP DATABASE db TO DISK = 'C:\wherever\db.bak';
Once that is finished, you can restore the database using a new name. But in order to prevent over-writing the files for the original database, you need to use the information above to specify the WITH MOVE parameters.
RESTORE DATABASE db_copy FROM DISK = 'C:wherever\db.bak'
WITH MOVE 'db' TO 'C:\wherever\db_copy_data.mdf',
MOVE 'db_log' TO 'C:\wherever\db_copy_log.ldf';

What causes "SQL01268: Msg 1834: cannot be overwritten. It is being used by database"? (in Database Project)

Full error below:
Error 1 SQL01268: .Net SqlClient Data Provider: Msg 1834, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 The file 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA\testdatabase.mdf' cannot be overwritten. It is being used by database 'testdatabase'. SchemaCompare5 25 0
I read about this on some forums and quite a few people were getting this and supposedly for some it had to do with parameterising the file path name to the db etc. or ticking "ignore file names and path for files and log files" prior to doing the comparison - this I have tried to no avail.
Someone else who has the same/similar issue:
Basically for me I seem to get this error irrespective of which databases I am using for target and source. Say even if I create a new database with one table and another database with no tables and different name and try to update the schema of the database with no tables using the db with the single table it still gives me the error. Almost like SQL server express has gone nuts. I remember using the schema comparison tool before with no trouble. All db connections were created, tried many ways to do this to no avail ie: pointing to copy of *.mdf db in another folder or deleting things from the DATA folder in mysql directory in program files etc.
Also believe I read someone had solved a similar issue be deleting some files the scheme
comparison tool creates, think they were *.sql type not sure which ones though.
The problem arises because the database files already exist.
Try the below within the Visual Studio database project.
Create the schema comparison.
Go to menu: Data > Schema Compare > Export to > Editor
Once the script has been created delete the alter database commands that add the physical files. Then create a connection, switch to SQLCMD mode (making sure you have focus on the script) and execute the script.
To switch to SQLCMD mode access: Data > Transact-SQL Editor > SQLCMD Mode
If the target DB already exists, just delete through Management Studio first before you deploy for the first time.
I had already created the database manually through SQL Server Management Studio when I was establishing the original connection when creating the Database Project via the SQL Server 2008 Wizard in VS. It wouldn't allow me to continue until it could detect that the database existed. Then once I got to the Deploy step for the first time, it threw the same error as above. I just went into Management Studio and deleted the DB, then tried to deploy and it worked fine. Interestingly, it's deploying every time now without me having to go in and delete it every time.
WITH MOVE 'DataFileLogicalName' TO 'C:\SQL Directory\DATA\B.mdf',
MOVE 'LogFileLogicalName' TO 'C:\SQL Directory\DATA\B.ldf',
REPLACE ---> Needed if database B already exists

Attach .mdf file located on desktop?

In SQL Server 2008 I can attach databases located only in its predefined folder (C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA). On may occasions, especially when I read a book, I need to attach test database from desktop rather then copy each database every time I need it, but SQL Server does not allow me to access desktop.
Any workaround to solve this issue?
It's probably a matter of granting the account running the SQL service appropriate permissions to your desktop folder (C:\Documents and Settings\YourLogin\Desktop). But, rather than use a location like Desktop that is specific to your login and possibly inaccessible to the account running the SQL service, why not use a common holding location for these files? Something like C:\AdHocDBs or whatever you want to call it.
When a database file (data or log) is first created, it is (of course) located in a specific drive and folder. When a backup is created, this information is stored as part of the backup. A database RESTORE command will assume that the database is to be restored in the exact same location, unless instructed otherwise. To do this, in the RESTORE command under the "with" option, you must include the "move" option. It looks something like this:
move '<logcalFileName>' to 'physicalFileName'
,move '<logcalLogFileName>' to 'physicalLogFileName'
One move must be included for each file to be so moved, so you usually end up with at least two of these clauses. The tricky part is that you must know the database files' logical names. These can be found via sp_helpFile on an attached database, and
from disk = '<backupFile>'
On an existing backup.
(I'm sure all this can be done somehow with the SSMS backup/restore GUIs. I switched over to TSQL-based scripts years ago, to provide quick and flexible access to all the features wrapped in the backup and restore commands.)

How Do I Copy and Overwrite a Database in SQL Server 2005 with SSIS?

I HAVE to be missing something really simple here!
I have a database in my development environment called Project.
I have a database in my test environment called Project_UAT.
I've created an SSIS package that successfully copied my database from Project to Project_UAT. I'm pretty sure this eliminates most permission and configuration issues.
Now, I want to re-create the package and this time allow it to overwrite the destination, which is Project_UAT. This is simply because from time to time I want to click a button in the Microsoft SQL Management Studio that pushes the new database schema, data, users, and everything, out to my testing environment. I WANT to overwrite the data.
So I create the package just like I did before, but this time I specify the already-existing database name as the "Destination database" and I select the radio button called "Drop any database on the destination server with the same name, then continue with the database transfer, overwriting existing database files."
I click Next, and what does it tell me?
"Database name already exists at destination"
Well, I KNOW! I just told you I want to overwrite it!
How do I make this work?
Not sure if I am missing the point but why do you not use a task to drop/delete the existing database prior to your deployment step?
Perhaps you could qualify the SSIS Component Tasks you are using within your SSIS package.
Cheers, John
You can add an Execute SQL Task into the Control Flow to drop the database. Just set the SQLStatement property to
After this step is executed the new copy of the Project_UAT database won't have to overwrite the old one.
I had this problem because I deleted the database before hand. The database is not in the destination folder, but SQL Server 2008 still thinks it is there. Refresh didn't work. And SQL Server wouldn't honor the selection of "Drop any database on the destination server..." It just complained that the database already existed.
Guys this is a common sense solution. A lot of complexity for nothing.
Backup the destination database you want to copy to and delete the destination database.
Open the copy database wizard and follow the steps.
Use the detach and attach method.
When you get to the configure destination database use the option if destination database exists select drop database on destination server with same name.
Now it will continue to the next screen.
But this only works if you delete the destination database first before starting the wizard.
I may have missed something but this worked for me.
