I have an application where I'm trying to use ember-routemanager. (I'm using rake-pipeline as my build environment, but I don't think that's relevant. Or is it?) The problem is, the app seems to be ignoring routes in the location bar.
This jsfiddle shows the state manager setting up and entering the entry state properly. After two and a half seconds, the script runs App.stateManager.set('location', 'desktop'); which according to the ember-routemanager README should move me to the state with "desktop" as its route parameter (right?). But it doesn't.
(This is as close as I can get to cloning the problem in jsfiddle, where I can't easily put a path in the location bar. When I do that on my development environment, e.g. http://localhost:9292/desktop or http://localhost:9292/#desktop , it's clear that the app is not consuming the path; it returns "Entity not found: /desktop".)
Note that another version of the same fiddle which uses goToState instead of setting location works just fine.
What am I doing wrong?
Sylvius.stateManager = Ember.RouteManager.create({
initialState: 'launch',
enableLogging: true,
wantsHistory: true,
launch: Em.ViewState.create({
view: Sylvius.LaunchView,
desktop: Em.ViewState.create({
view: Sylvius.DesktopView,
route: 'desktop',
sectionSelected: Em.State.create({
route: ':sectionSlug',
enter: function(manager, transition) {
console.log('We found the slug: ' + Sylvius.stateManager.getPath('params.sectionSlug'));
You're defining a route like /desktop/:sectionSlug for your sectionSelected state. If you invoke Sylvius.stateManager.set('location', 'desktop/123'); then it works as expected.
If you want a state which handles the route '/desktop' you have to create a new state without a route property, see http://jsfiddle.net/pangratz666/NMgKH/:
index: Em.State.create({
enter: function(manager, transition){
console.log('invoked for /desktop');
Hellow there! I am using the wdio/cli so I created the wdio.conf.js with this command, then I start doing the test. But the issues is when have more than one test in a single or multiple test files.
In the test file I have something like this:
beforeEach(async function() {
$('~home').waitForDisplayed(81000, false);
Where home tag is a tag in the first view when the app runs in first screen. And appear this error:
element ("~home") still not displayed after 10000ms
So need to do kind of driver.resetApp()/ But dont know how to do it, what import do I need to do etc.
Did you try resetApp? You can't user driver as "main object" - Everything is under browser variable. Try this
await browser.resetApp();
Check Appium doc + wdio documentation.
I'm trying to create a search form view based on the following example of Sencha :
I made a few changes just not to create the view by code but export it in a view.
To set up the store, i use this in the config :
store: Preconisations.app.getStoreAdherents(),
where Preconisations is my project name and getStoreAdherents the function set in the app.js:
getStoreAdherents: function () {
if (!this.storeAdherents) {
var gestionAdherent = new DAL_Adherent(); // custom classes
var tc = gestionAdherent.GetAll(); // and functions which returns a json string with data
this.storeAdherents = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
model: "Preconisations.model.ADHERENT",
data: tc,
sorters: 'nom',
groupField: 'code'
return this.storeAdherents;
Now, everything works fine but when i make the testing or the production build, i've got this error :
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getStoreAdherents' of undefined
at the store definition...
Maybe, there's a better way to set up the store by code but i can't understand why it's working in developpement and not with the production or testing build...
Is anyone had this problem ? Or how do you set up dynamically a store with a function ?
Thanks... I'm banging my head on the wall on this one...
It is clear that you have a build dependency issue in Ext Build. In the code snippet posted, there is a chance that you missed to add "Preconisations.model.ADHERENT" to a class path. If so, please add the following to your app.js
requires: ["Preconisations.model.ADHERENT"]
If the issue persist, Please do the following diagnostics :
Run your app (development mode) in Google Chrome with the Console open; Look for warnings that states a particular class is being synchronously loaded and add requires statement for those classes.
In fact i think there's a bug in setting a store dynamically in the config.
I found this workaround which work in developpement and in build production :
I don't specify a store : xxxx in the view.
Instead, in a controller i put this code in the launch function :
where getMainView is a reference to my view.
That's all !
I'm looking for something to accomplish in Backbone. Here is the explanation.
I have backbone routes like
'': 'defaultRoute',
'test': 'test',
'testing': 'testing'
Assuming my root url is '/routes'
Now when I say 'router.navigate('test', {trigger: true});' url changes to /routes/test.
Similar way when I call 'router.navigate('testing', {trigger: true});' url changes to /routes/testing.
But when I call 'router.navigate('', {trigger: true});' url changes to /routes/.
You know i didn't expect that / at the end. I never passed that. It should have been back to root url i.e. '/routes'.
Adding / at the end makes lot of difference/meaning. Checkout 'http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.in/2010/04/to-slash-or-not-to-slash.html'
Any fix for that (i.e. not having / at the end for default route)?
Try to override Backbone.History.prototype.navigate.
Copy default function and change this line :
var url = this.root + fragment;
to :
if(this.root !== '/' && fragment === ''){
var url = this.root.replace(trailingSlash, '');
var url = this.root + fragment;
First things first:
If your application is not being served from the root url / of your
domain, be sure to tell History where the root really is, as an
option: Backbone.history.start({pushState: true, root:
In your case, it is most likely to be something like root: "/routes". Something you need to keep in mind is that your website is seen in the browser as either a resource or a remote folder, therefore the default route without a trailing slash may not fully work by just leaving it as "" because that means usually "the current folder". You could try to set your root url as root: "/" instead (just as it should be by default) and create a "routes" resource as your default route, something like the following:
'test': 'test',
'testing': 'testing',
'routes': 'defaultRoute',
'*': 'catchAll'
Another recommendation that I am doing to you (as you can see it above) is to set your a catch all URL at the end in case someone enters a non-existent one, and you can also use it to redirect your users to your default route.
// your code above ...
defaultRoute: function() {
// your default route code...
catchAll: function() {
this.navigate('routes', {trigger: true});
// your code below ...
Finally, by any reason mess up with Backbone URLs manually, you are highly risking yourself to break the whole thing AND if in the future the API changes it should be easier to update if you just follow the intended use.
This has been already fixed in Backbone's latest version. I asked a question on there forum and found the answer. I'm adding it here as an answer if it helps anyone who is looking for the same thing.
I try to study and use Backbone/Marionette in my project. Now I stuck with Router navigation which work not as I though it should.
class MyApp.Router extends Marionette.AppRouter
appRoutes :
'info/:place/(:what)' : 'places_page'
MyApp.Controller = ->
places_page: (place,what)->
console.log 'Triggered places_page'
MyApp.addInitializer( ->
controller = new MyApp.Controller()
new MyApp.Router
controller: controller
Backbone.history.start( pushState: false )
MyApp.vent.on('do:search', ->
console.log 'triggered do:search'
place = 'Moscow'
what = 'Пицца'
info_model.set place: place, item:what
new_url = 'info/'+where+'/'+what
if new_url != decodeURIComponent(Backbone.history.fragment)
Backbone.history.navigate(new_url, {trigger: false})
On initial load of site.com/#info/Budapest/Vine page or reload it, I get Triggered places_page message as I expect.
But when I fire do:search event which update url to site.com/#info/Moscow/Пицца, I get Triggered places_page again! So it reload all my views from scratch instead of just change url and re-render one model.
What I can do wrong here?
Update 2:
Found strange thing. If I use latin letters in new url, everything work like it should.
But if I use cyrillic in new url path, it will trigger route function.
Backbone: 1.0, Marionette:v1.0.3, jquery: 1.9.1
Mystery solved!
That happens because of non-latin symbols in url.
Correct code:
new_url = 'info/'+encodeURIComponent(where)+'/'+encodeURIComponent(what)
if new_url != Backbone.history.fragment
Backbone.history.navigate(new_url, {trigger: false})
Because Backboune.navigate don't execute navigate if url didn't change and trigger is false by default, I can write it simple like that:
new_url = 'info/'+encodeURIComponent(where)+'/'+encodeURIComponent(what)
Backbone.history takes an object when starting. Try this syntax in CoffeeScript:
pushState: false
In addition, pushState is false by default, so you can just have Backbone.history.start()
Does this solve your issue?
Proper URL encoding is required. I couldn't find this in the docs of Backbone related to the router functionality.
I had the same issue, alas with spaces in the query part, i.e.:
#app/terms?filter=java ee
Together with the encodeURIComponent solution as described in your answer, I also found the following lines of comments in backbone.js (1.0.0), pertaining to the navigate function:
// Save a fragment into the hash history, or replace the URL state if the
// 'replace' option is passed. You are responsible for properly URL-encoding
// the fragment in advance.
I'm using the Sencha Command Line 3 tools with a newly generated Sencha Touch 2 application.
Assuming my app.js file looks like this:
name: "CA",
event_code: "test123",
launch: function() {
console.log("application launched!");
My views and object stores depend on generating a URL based on CA.app.event_code equaling "test123";
During development in the browser, everything works fine, CA.app returns the variables I need.
When I compile my application with sencha app build and try to run the minified version in the browser, I get an error like this:
Error evaluating http://localhost:8888/app.js with message: TypeError: Cannot read property 'event_code' of undefined localhost:11
I'm not entirely sure why this is happening or how I can fix it. I am open to any and all ideas or suggestions, any pointers in the right direction will be greatly appreciated.
Ran into the exact same issue. You have no access to the namespaced app within the views... really sucks that they let you in development and not when built. Anyway, I got around it by adding a static helper class and using that all over my app:
In /app/util/Helper.js:
Ext.define('MyApp.util.Helper', {
singleton: true,
alternateClassName: 'Helper',
config: {
foo: "bar",
bat: "baz"
staticFunction: function() {
// whatever you need to do...
Then in your view or controller:
Ext.define('MyApp.view.SomeView', {
requires: ['Events.util.Helper'],
someViewFunction: function() {
var someValue = Helper.staticFunction();
// and you can use Helper.foo or Helper.bat in here
For reference, here's some documentation on Sencha Singletons. And one important note: make sure that your Helper singleton is in it's own file! If it's small, you may be inclined to put it at the bottom of your app.js, and things will work at first, and the build process will work, but the code will not. Don't worry, the build process puts all of your JS code in one big, compressed file anyway.