How can I URL-encode spaces in an NT batch file? - batch-file

I have the misfortune of working with a program which requires all filenames passed into it to be valid URLs. (No, I don't know why.) Rather than having to drop to the command line and hand-craft file: URLs each time, I'm throwing together a batch file onto which I can simply drop files dragged from the Windows GUI.
A full, proper URL encoder is beyond my needs or interest (most of the characters the app chokes on aren't valid in Windows filenames, anyway), but the two cases I do need to solve are backslashes and spaces. Backslashes are easily handled by variable replacement syntax (SET URL=%URL:\=/%), but spaces are tricky — % is special for both URLs and batch files.
Neither type of batch escaping I'm familiar with (^%, %%) allows the variable replacement to behave as desired and I haven't had any success Googling a solution. Can any batch gurus help me out?
Here's what I have so far:
SET URLPATH=file:/%~dp1
REM none of these work
REM works; I just need to figure out how to generate it
SET URLPATH=file:/C:/Documents%%20and%%20Settings/bblank/example.dat
stupidapp.exe %URLPATH%

Side note - I believe you want %~f1 instead of %~dp1
You need to switch over to delayed expansion.
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "URLPATH=file:/%~f1"
set "URLPATH=!URLPATH: =%%20!"
stupidapp.exe !URLPATH!
A bit more work is required if any of your file names happen to contain the ! character because it will be corrupted when %1 is expanded if delayed expansion is enabled.
#echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
set "URLPATH=file:/%~f1"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "URLPATH=!URLPATH: =%%20!"
stupidapp.exe !URLPATH!

dbenham's solution is almost certainly preferable (being rather easier to read), but for the sake of completeness, here is an alternative solution:
SET URLPATH=file:/%~dp1
REM for each space in the path, split the path into the portions before and after
REM that space, then join them with an escaped space
stupidapp.exe %URLPATH%


Convert configuration file into variables and convert forward slash to backslash

I have a configuration file which I need for my bash script which has a layout:
I want to use the same configuration file for my windows batch file. I need to convert the above file into variables which I have done using:
for /f "delims=" %%x in (test.txt) do (set "%%x")
How do I go about converting this file into variables while also converting all the forward slashes into backslashes?
add after your for line,
for /f "delims==" %%x in (q888.txt) do call set "%%x=%%%%x:/=\%%"
or, as a replacement for your existing for,
for /f "tokens=1*delims==" %%x in (q888.txt) do set "%%x=%%y"&call set "%%x=%%%%x:/=\%%"
(I used a file called q888.txt for testing)
The first smply executes a substitution, using a parsing trick. The second combines the set and substitution into one cascaded command by tokenising on = into %%x and %%y
This could be done with the following batch code:
#echo off
if not exist "test.txt" goto :EOF
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /F "usebackq tokens=1* delims==" %%I in ("test.txt") do (
if not "%%~J" == "" (
set "Value=%%~J"
set "Value=!Value:/=\!"
set "_%~n0_%%~I=!Value!"
echo The variables set from file are:
set "_%~n0_"
The batch file first checks if the file to process exists in current directory at all. The batch file processing is exited with a jump to predefined label EOF (end of file, requires enabled extensions which are enabled by default) in case of the file test.txt does not exist at all.
Next the file is read line by line with skipping empty lines and lines starting with a semicolon by command FOR which splits each line up into two strings.
The first string left of first equal sign is assigned to loop variable I. Everything right of first equal sign is assigned next loop variable J according to ASCII table.
The IF condition in the loop checks if a value is also defined for a variable. The value is assigned to an environment variable on which a string substitution is executed using delayed expansion to replace all / by \.
Then the modified value is assigned to an environment variable with a name starting with _, the name of the batch file, one more underscore and the string assigned to loop variable I read from the file.
For demonstration the variables with their values are finally output before the local variables are discarded on execution of last command ENDLOCAL.
I strongly recommend not assigning the values read from the file directly to environment variables whose name is completely also read from the file as this makes the batch file easy to manipulate by just modifying the contents of the text file. For example path=C:\Temp in text file would otherwise result in set "Path=C:\Temp" and from this point of batch file execution the running Windows command process would not find anymore any standard executable in directories defined by default in environment variable PATH like %SystemRoot%\System32.
A second variant which incorporates answer posted by Magoo with above batch code:
#echo off
if not exist "test.txt" goto :EOF
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
for /F "usebackq tokens=1* delims==" %%I in ("test.txt") do if not "%%~J" == "" set "_%~n0_%%~I=%%~J" & call set "_%~n0_%%~I=%%_%~n0_%%~I:/=\%%"
echo The variables set from file are:
set "_%~n0_"
The advantage of this variant is that delayed expansion is not needed for this solution which makes it possible to correct process also lines from file containing 1 or more exclamation marks on which first variant fails. And it is also a little bit faster, not noticeable faster for a human, but nevertheless a bit faster.
In both batch code blocks _%~n0_ can be replaced by (nearly) anything including also nothing although that is not recommended. Using just an underscore would be also possible as there are no environment variables defined by default by Windows which start with an underscore.
For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
call /? ... explains %~n0 (name of argument 0 - the batch file name - without path and without file extension).
echo /?
endlocal /?
for /?
goto /?
if /?
pause /?
set /?
setlocal /?
The simplest solution is to let the ~f FOR variable modifier put the full path in canonical form (including conversion of forward slashes to back slashes). I use the DELIMS and TOKENS options to split each line into the variable name and path so that I can apply the ~f to the path. It is important to use tokens=1* instead of tokens=1,2 just in case the path includes a = character.
for /f "delims== tokens=1*" %%A in (test.txt) do (set "%%A=%%~fB")
Note, however, that this strategy only works if your "test.txt" already contains full, absolute paths. If the file contains relative paths, then the ~f modifier will add drive and or folder values from the current directory to turn the relative path into an absolute path.

set PATH with multiple lines

In a Batch file I need to add some paths to the PATH env variable. Since its a larger numer of long paths I tried to spread them on multiple line and tried to make the bat-file as clean as I can by indenting the lines.
But it seems that the spaces at the beginning of the newline (and so in the %PATH%) are interpreted as part of the actual path.
does not work (programs are not found). Is there some trick I can use?
Because it is a medium complex batch file some indentation would be nice.
for %%x in (
) do call set "path=%%path%%%%~x"
this will append the extra items to the path. You'd need to initialise path to nothing first if all you want is to build the directory sequence specified.
There is no way to have PATH ignore the leading spaces. I see two possible options if you want indented lines:
Option 1 - Use undefined variable to indent, so spaces never get in the value
#echo off
% =%\\somewhere\Tools\strawberryperl\perl\site\bin;^
% =%\\somewhere\Tools\strawberryperl\perl\bin;^
% =%\\somewhere\Tools\strawberryperl\c\bin;^
% =%\\somewhere\Tools\KDiff3;^
% =%%PATH%
Option 2 - Remove the spaces afterwards
#echo off
set "PATH=%PATH:; =%"
First let me start by informing you that adding to the PATH variable in this way is ONLY for the running session. Once the cmd session is closed that variable returns to its previous value.
Here are a suggestion, append each addition one by one:
SET "ToAdd=\\somewhere\Tools\strawberryperl\perl\site\bin;"
SET "ToAdd=%ToAdd%;\\somewhere\Tools\strawberryperl\perl\bin;"
SET "ToAdd=%ToAdd%;\\somewhere\Tools\strawberryperl\c\bin;"
SET "ToAdd=%ToAdd%;\\somewhere\Tools\KDiff3"
BTW, if you were hoping to add to the environment variable beyond the running session then it is important that you ignore anyone suggesting you use SETX instead of SET. (the variable will be truncated at 1024 bytes therefore corrupting it). Your best solutions would involve editing the registry and possibly using a built in tool such as powershell.
This shows the method mentioned in my comment and uses the same structure as Magoo's answer:
batch file
#Echo Off
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
For /F "UseBackQDelims=" %%A In ("C:\MyDir\paths.txt") Do Set "Path=!Path!;%%~A"
Timeout -1
This means that you only really need to include the for loop each time instead of adding each of the paths to it.
Not even remotely bulletproof, but the Magoo's answer reminded me this. Just because someone, somewhere, could find a better usage for this construct
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('echo "%path:;=" "%"
""') do (set "path=%%~a") & call set "path=%%path:" "=;%%"

Use Bat file to split a string with semi-colon as delimiter

I want to delete a special path using batch.
I cannot use set somevar=" %path:specialstr=%",because the specialstr has dynamic part. Can I use batch to remove strings which are produced by %cd% from a large string like %path%?
Follow Dennis van Gils' advice, use Delayed Expansion as follows:
SETLOCAL EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
set "specialstr=%CD%\"
set "somevar=!path:;%specialstr%;=;!"
If you can't use Delayed Expansion for some reason, use call set (read Advanced usage : CALLing internal commands):
warning: some partial paths in %path% variable contain facultative trailing backslash whereas other do not.
call set "somevar=%%path:;%specialstr%;=;%%" most common usage.
call set "somevar=%%path:;%specialstr%=%%" use if ;%specialstr% is trailing part of %path% but be aware that Variable Edit/Replace is greedy and replaces all occurences of ;%specialstr% in %path%.
call set "somevar=%%path:%specialstr%;=%%" use if %specialstr%; is leading part of %path% but be careful for the same caution.
A sample script:
SETLOCAL EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
where p.bat
pushd "C:\Utils"
set "specialstr=%CD%\"
echo specialstr=%specialstr%
echo path end=...%path:~-46%
call set "somevar=%%path:;%specialstr%=%%"
echo somevar end=...%somevar:~-36%
set "path=%somevar%"
echo path end=...%path:~-36%
where p.bat
where p.bat
Output (shows only some few trailing characters of %path% and %somevar% variables for better readability):
==> D:\bat\SO\38017804.bat
path end=...Microsoft SQL Server\120\Tools\Binn\;C:\Utils\
somevar end=...Microsoft SQL Server\120\Tools\Binn\
path end=...Microsoft SQL Server\120\Tools\Binn\
INFO: Could not find files for the given pattern(s).

How do you set variables NORMALLY after using setlocal?

I'm trying to make a simple batch file ("javapath.bat") to add the Java compiler to the path when I need it so it won't be on the path all the time. I also want be able to do something like #call javapath.bat in other build scripts so the path can be added automatically when needed. Since those will be run repeatedly during the edit-save-compile-run grind, that means that javapath.bat needs to check if Java is already on the path and not readd it if it is, because apparently Microsoft thinks it's a good idea to let the path variable have lots of silly duplicates.
So to detect if it needs to be added I use setlocal to enable "command extensions" so I can use the environment variable string substitution thing. That ugliness works fine.
Then I use endlocal so I can actually set the enviroment variables without the changes being reverted at the end of the script. That's not working. Or, it certainly stops the variable changes being reverted, but it's not normal: it completely stops them from being visible locally, but they are still visible afterwards.
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions
if "%path:jdk1=%"=="%path%" (
set ANT_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\ant
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_07
path %ANT_HOME%\bin;%path%
path %JAVA_HOME%\bin;%path%
After the above, ANT_HOME and JAVA_HOME are properly set. But the only change to PATH is that "\bin;" has been prepended to it, because none of the variables set during the script seem to be visible until afterwards (so ANT_HOME and JAVA_HOME are blank, and the first change to PATH is forgotten). Therefore, running it twice adds Java to the path okay, and not Ant. I could hardcode the paths twice but this behavior is so bizarre and ridiculous and I've been stuck on it for an hour.
Edit: Adding enabledelayedexpansion had no effect either.
#echo OFF
ECHO starting %PATH%
if "%path:jdk1=%"=="%path%" CALL :addjava
ECHO resulting %PATH%
GOTO :eof
set ANT_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\ant
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_07
SET "path=%ANT_HOME%\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%path%"
GOTO :eof
This is what I'd use - other methods run afoul of the mininterpreted closing-parenthesis problem.
The key to understanding this odd behaviour is history. Batch has always substituted the parse-time value of any %var% into the code, then validated the result and executed if valid. As the language developed, it was necessary to maintain compatibility with existing batches, so you could only ADD new keywords and functionality, not remove or alter functionality.
So, as the capacity to call internal subroutines was added, and cascade instructions on a single line with '&' and allow multi-line instructions for if and for by enclosing the instructions in parentheses were introduced, and the capacity to use spaces and other separator characters in file or directory names was required, the batch language began to have a few little quirks.
It was a really bizarre decision to have the ! to access the run-time value of a variable invoked as a subclause of setlocal - personally, I'd have used a switch like ECHO on/off (ie EXPANSION on/off) but I'm not running the project. In the same way, DATE could have been equipped with a /u switch to return the date in a universal form, but the opportunity was missed (and continues to be missed, 17 years after NT4 and 5 wingenerations later...)
As others have noted, extensions should already be enabled except under rather extraordinary circumstances. All you need is to eliminate your SETLOCAL and restructure your IF a bit so that it exits the script if the PATH is already set.
#echo off
if not "%path:jdk1=%"=="%path%" exit /b
set "ANT_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\ant"
set "JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_07"
path %ANT_HOME%\bin;%path%
path %JAVA_HOME%\bin;%path%
If you really need to enable extensions, then
#echo off
setlocal enableExtensions
if not "%path:jdk1=%"=="%path%" exit /b
set "ANT_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\ant"
set "JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_07"
path %ANT_HOME%\bin;%path%
path %JAVA_HOME%\bin;%path%
If your script has additional work to do, then
#echo off
setlocal enableExtensions
if not "%path:jdk1=%"=="%path%" goto :skip
set "ANT_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\ant"
set "JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_07"
path %ANT_HOME%\bin;%path%
path %JAVA_HOME%\bin;%path%
REM carry on with additional code as needed
Everything inside the if block is evaluated in one go. So %ANT_HOME% has no effect after set ANT_HOME, you want delayed expansion you need to type:
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if "%path:jdk1=%"=="%path%" (
set ANT_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\ant
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_07
path = !ANT_HOME!;!path!
path = !JAVA_HOME!;!path!
:: important trick since they evaluate together %path% is still
:: what is inside local
endlocal & path %path%
Otherwise no delayed expansion. Also you need to use on undeleyed call with endlocal to escape the block. remember % variables never delay.

How to split string without for loop in batch file

I want to split a string in two parts, without using any for loop.
For example, I have the string in a variable:
I want to get 45 in a variable and abc in another variable. Is it possible in batch file?
pattern is like somenumber:somestring
You could split the str with different ways.
The for loop, you don't want use it.
The trailing part is easy with the * (match anything until ...)
set "var2=%str:*:=%"
The leading part can be done with a nasty trick
set "var1=%str::="^&REM #%
The caret is needed to escape the ampersand,
so effectivly the colon will be replaced by "&REM #
So in your case you got the line after replacing
set "var1=4567"&REM #abcde
And this is splitted into two commands
set "var1=4567"
REM #abcde`
And the complete code is here:
set "str=4567:abcde"
echo %str%
set "var1=%str::="^&REM #%
set "var2=%str:*:=%"
echo var1=%var1% var2=%var2%
Edit 2: More stable leading part
Thanks Dave for the idea to use a linefeed.
The REM technic isn't very stable against content with quotes and special characters.
But with a linefeed trick there exists a more stable version which also works when the split argument is longer than a single character.
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set ^"str=456789#$#abc"
for /F "delims=" %%a in (^"!str:#$#^=^
!^") do (
set "lead=%%a"
goto :break
echo !lead!
Solution 3: Adpated dbenhams answer
Dbenham uses in his solution a linefeed with a pipe.
This seems a bit over complicated.
As the solution uses the fact, that the parser removes the rest of the line after an unescaped linefeed (when this is found before or in the special character phase).
At first the colon character is replaced to a linefeed with delayed expansion replacement.
That is allowed and the linefeed is now part of the variable.
Then the line set lead=%lead% strips the trailing part.
It's better not to use the extended syntax here, as set "lead=%lead%" would break if a quote is part of the string.
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "str=45:abc"
set ^"lead=!str::=^
set lead=%lead%
echo "!lead!"
You can try this . If its fixed that numbers to left of the colon will be always 2 & to the right will be 3. Then following code should work assuming your str has the value.
set "str=45:abc"
echo %str%
set var1=%str:~0,2%
set var2=%str:~3,3%
echo %var1% %var2%
Keep me posted. :)
It seems pointless to avoid using a FOR loop, but it does make the problem interesting.
As jeb has pointed out, getting the trailing part is easy using !str:*:=!.
The tricky bit is the leading part. Here is an alternative to jeb's solution.
You can insert a linefeed into a variable in place of the : using the following syntax
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "str=45:abc"
echo !str::=^
The empty line above the last ! is critical.
I'm not sure why, but when the output of the above is piped to a command, only the first line is preserved. So the output can be piped to a FINDSTR that matches any line, and that result directed to a file that can then be read into a variable using SET /P.
The 2nd line must be eliminated prior to using SET /P because SET /P does not recognize <LF> as a line terminator - it only recognizes <CR><LF>.
Here is a complete solution:
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "str=45:abc"
!|findstr "^" >test.tmp
<test.tmp set /p "var1="
del test.tmp
set "var2=!str:*:=!"
echo var1=!var1! var2=!var2!
I believe I've mostly figured out why the 2nd line is stripped from the output :)
It has to do with how pipes are handled by Windows cmd.exe with each side being processed by a new CMD.EXE thread. See Why does delayed expansion fail when inside a piped block of code? for a related question with a great answer from jeb.
Just looking at the left side of the piped command, I believe it is parsed (in memory) into a statement that looks like
C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo {delayedExpansionExpression}"
I use {delayedExpansionExpression} to represent the multi-line search and replace expansion that has not yet occurred.
Next, I think the variable expression is actually expanded and the line is broken in two by the search and replace:
C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /S /D /c" echo 43
Only then is the command executed, and by normal cmd.exe rules, the command ends at the linefeed. The quoted command string is missing the end quote, but the parser doesn't care about that.
The part I am still puzzled by is what happens to the abc"? I would have thought that an attempt would be made to execute it, resulting in an error message like 'abc"' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. But instead it appears to simply get lost in the ether.
note - jeb's 3rd comment explains why :)
Safe version without FOR
My original solution will not work with a string like this & that:cats & dogs. Here is a variation without FOR that should work with nearly any string, except for string length limits and trailing control chars will be stripped from leading part.
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "str=this & that:cats & dogs"
set ^"str2=!str::=^
cmd /v:on /c echo ^^!str2^^!|findstr /v "$" >test.tmp
<test.tmp set /p "var1="
del test.tmp
set "var2=!str:*:=!"
echo var1=!var1! var2=!var2!
I delay the expansion until the new CMD thread, and I use a quirk of FINDSTR regex that $ only matches lines that end with <cr>. The first line doesn't have it and the second does. The /v option inverts the result.
Yes, I know this is a very old topic, but I just discovered it and I can't resist the temptation of post my solution:
#echo off
set "str=45:abc"
set "var1=%str::=" & set "var2=%"
echo var1="%var1%" var2="%var2%"
You may read full details of this method here.
In the Light of people posting all sorts of methots for splitting variables here i might as well post my own method, allowing for not only one but several splits out of a variable, indicated by the same symbol, which is not possible with the REM-Method (which i used for some time, thanks #jeb).
With the method below, the string defined in the second line is split into three parts:
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set fulline=one/two/three or/more
set fulline=%fulline%//
REM above line prevents unexpected results when input string has less than two /
set line2=%fulline:*/=%
set line3=%line2:*/=%
set line1=!fulline:/%line2%=!
set line2=!line2:/%line3%=!
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
"three or/more//"
i recommend using the last so-created partition of the string as a "bin" for the remaining "safety" split-characters.
Here's a solution without nasty tricks for leading piece
REM accepts userID#host
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "str=%1"
set "host=%str:*#=%"
for /F "tokens=1 delims=#" %%F IN ("%str%") do set "user=%%F"
echo user#host = %user%#%host%
