Custom Map Image WIndows Phone 7 - wpf

I have custom map image with specific height and width.
i need to map x-y coordinates of image to latitude longitude from four corner latitude longitude available.
this requirement is for fulfill current location of user into custom image map.
more on this on image i have specific few points on image, based on current position of user, i need to find near by point on image in Windows Phone Application.
Thanks in advance.

If you are using the Bing Maps Silverlight Control for WP7, there are APIs for want you want to achieve.
The Map class for example provides methods LocationToViewportPoint and ViewportPointToLocation for converting coordinates.
There is also the class MercatorUtility which provides helpful methods like LocationToLogicalPoint and LogicalPointToLocation.
However, depending on what you mean with custom map image, nobody except you would possibly know how it maps to view coordinates.


Floorplan with GPS location markers

I want to be able to display a floor plan with pan / zoom capability and overlay location markers using GPS coordinates (similar to the uber clone but with a location plan as the base rather than a map).
What would be the best avenue to explore?
You can use the location manager to get a location listener. You can use the lat/lng values from the location listener to position the image correctly using either an image viewer or manually using drawImage (from Graphics). You would need to know the latitude and longitude values corresponding to the image corners so you can position the image correctly.

How to load a open street map from local source?

I'm using the wpf map control of DevExpress 15.1.5 and I'm trying to load a map from a local source.
DevExpress's help allows me to download a .osm file of a selected map area by me, but I can not load a .osm with this control; it only supports .kml and .shp.
What can I do?
You need to download map data in a different format, see. :
OpenStreetMap data
I recommend the first download a small country and try it if that's what you need.
Map consists of multiple layers, which together form "what you see". Layers are buildings, roads, places, waterways,landuse ... and are formed by shapes *.shp file (eg. Building plan, the route of the road ...)
You can view video here:
also the source code is available in github.
the Control works on local OSM tiles
it is written in C#
I created OSM MAP Control which have the following functionalities:
1. Accurate Zoom with the mouse wheel.
2. Move left , up ,bottom and right
3.if tiles are missing , it ask to start download those missing tiles.
4. Create line on the map history by friendly name
6. you can download area of tiles - with zoom.

Windows Phone 8 Map Overlay/Region

In Windows Phone 8, using the Map control, is it possible to place a region or an overlay on top of the map that covers a certain area? Let's say for example i wish to cover the entire area of London with an overlay of some sort... the colour blue for example...
Would this be at all possible?
Yes, you can do this. The basic steps are:
Create a new MapPolygon instance (in your example this instance will be used to define the geographical boundaries of London as well as the color you want to use for the overlay)
Add the GeoCoordinate instances that define the geographical boundaries (i.e. the lat/long coordinates) for each point that defines the geographical area you want to cover to the Path property on your MapPolygon instance
Set the properties you want for the polygon (fill color, stroke color, etc)
Add your MapPolygon instance (created in step 1) to your map control's MapElements property.
You can also draw regular lines on the map using the MapPolyline class and get more fancy and put any control on top of the map (e.g. images representing various information) using the MapLayer and MapOverlay classes.

Is there a documentation on how to use weather overlay from

I am trying to add a weather overlay to my maps , the tile images on are what i want but i couldn't find any documentation on how to construct url to consume & arrange tiles of overlays for a given lon/lat. below is the a sample url that returns a single tile.
The web service i am working on generates a sectional aviation chart/map for a given lon/lat dimension and zoom level . one of the overlays i am rendering on top of the generated base map is weather(radar reflective ..)
based on the information i have (lon/lat, dimension and zoom level) i want to render weather overlay on top of my base map.
the challenge i am facing is how do i get weather overlay using lon/lat ?
After researching a lot i found out that NOAA Tile System uses this Tile arrangement, based on that i was able to get PNG images overlay for a given (lon/lat/zoom) as follows{0:yyyyMMddHHmm}/{1}/{2}/{3}.png
{0:yyyyMMddHHmm} = date time in 5 minute increments
{1} ZoomLevel
{2} X or tile column
{3} Y or Tile Row
Without more information about what you are trying to integrate into, here is what I know. If you want to create a custom KML file, there is this page that will do that for you. For more info about other layers, check out this page as well.
If you provide more info about your environment, we might be able to help with more specifics.
For just the transparent gifs, see this page here
There is quite a bit of information for downloading actual data here

Drawing maps in WPF

I want to draw a map in WPF without using any third party controls.
I need each and every state of all the countries, and based on certain conditions I want to color them.
How can I get the polygon shapes of each state of all the countries?
Here is an SVG file with all the states as separate polygons (look at the source!)
You can convert it to xaml if you want and fill the state differently.
Just google for svg world map. One of the first hits seems to be a nice resource.
