How to include custom .h files in /usr/include - c

I have some custom .h files placed under /usr/include, but in a directory (/usr/include/itsmag1c), and I'm trying to include them in my C file. I'm guessing that because I use
#include "filename.h";
for files in the same directory, and I would use angle brackets for including a file like math.h or stdio.h. Am I right in guessing that I would use the angle brackets for including my custom header files? If so, my program wont compile, I get the error that the included files cannot be found. Can someone please point to me how I would include these files, or would it be best to have them in the same directory as my program?

Two choices:
Use #include <itsmagic1c/filename.h>
Use #include <filename.h> as before but add a -I switch.
Boost etc use method 1. (which works well provided you have Boost installed in system locations as you would on a reasonably standard Linux box with reasonable package management).
Method 2. is fine too, but more work on the build system, Makefiles, etc.

Usually, you would put your own headers in the same directory or in a subdirectory. Same-dir includes work with "". For bracket includes, if you use gcc, you can pass additional include directories with


c language including files without directory?

to include /usr/include/test/head1.h file I should write #include "test/head1.h" but how can I just write #include "head1.h" to include this file.
The compiler looks for the usual places like /usr/include for files.
One way to achieve this if you know your compiler already looks at /usr/include for include files anyway, is the following instead:
#include "test/head1.h"
This would be a good approach if you plan to include no more files from /usr/include/test and you know no other include directory has files with similar name to avoid conflict.
Other method would be to give compiler a hint for the directory while compiling:
gcc -I/usr/include/test <other-options> yourcode.c
Have fun writing C!
The answer above mine is correct, but I just wanted to add some advice pertaining to making the #include that you want work if you're using CMake.
If you're using CMake, you can add the path up till your header in CMakeLists.txt, like so:
target_include_directories(<projectname> PUBLIC path/to/headers), and you can add as many paths as you want, separated by spaces.

How to include a folder of libraries in C?

I'm trying to include a folder that contains a combination of around 60 .h and .hpp files. This folder contains libraries for programming robots with a Wallaby (a mini-computer-like device) for Botball competition. include is located in the same place as main.c (inside code). Up until now, this is what my header for including libraries looks like:
#include "../code/include/accel.h"
Just like accel.h, I have 60 other .h and .hpp files inside include. So, coming to my question, do I need to type out all the 60 header lines? or is there a way to include the include folder.
I'm using Clion for this project, if I can't include the folder itself, does anyone know of a shortcut in Clion to include all the files in include.
I was also thinking of using some sort of placeholder for the folder name and only specify the file type. So, for example: #include "../code/include/(generic placeholder name).h". I have no clue if something like this exists.
I would also request you to keep in mind that I'm a beginner to programming, so please keep your answers simple.
This is just for some extra info:
The Wallaby is a mini computer to which you would connect your sensors, motors, servos and cameras in order to control a robot for the Botball competition. Usually, one can connect to the Wallaby either via Wifi Direct or a cable and write programs on it directly through an online interface (not entirely sure of the word for it, but you just type in an IP address in your browser and it brings up an interface where you can make projects and code). All the code written in that interface saves directly onto the Wallaby. Here the default include statement is #include <kipr/botball.h>, so I'm assuming that botball.h (which is located on the Wallaby's storage) has all those 60 libraries consolidated in it. I got the include folder that I'm using from GitHub. This link was provided to me by one of the Botball organisers. So the main point in me trying to download the library is so that I can write and successfully compile code even when I'm not connected to the Wallaby. Hope this provides some relevant context.
Thank you for your answers!
What I'd do is
Create (maybe with scripting tools or a specific program) a "all.h" file which includes all the other header files
#include "accel.h"
#include "bccel.h"
#include "zccel.h"
Include "all.h" in your main file
#include "../code/include/all.h"
You can create "all.h" automatically every time you build your code.
CLion is an IDE for Clang and GCC. These compilers are instructed to search paths for include files by specifying -I<path> command line arguments. Any number may be specified, and they are searched in the order given, and the first match found is the file that gets included.
I am not familiar with CLion specifically but no doubt it has a dialog somewhere where you can set header file search paths.
Edit: It seems that CLion may not make this so straightforward. I understand that you have to add then via CMake:, but after that, the IDE will not recognise the header in the editor and will warn you of unrecognised files and will not provide code comprehension features. I believe it will build nonetheless.

GCC header search path deprecated

I have found an unusual C makefile setup that relies upon a deprecated feature of GCC that appears to have no modern replacement.
This system needs to preprocess or 'cook' the local header files before including them. The makefiles take care of this and put the cooked versions in local './prepared/' directories. The header files are included as normal in the c using their normal names eg #include "name.h". The system simply needs './prepared/' to occur in the GCC header file search path before '.'.
Gcc used to offer the -I- option to remove the default '.' and allow the addition of header search path entries before it, but this option is deprecated.
From the gcc docs:
GCC looks for headers requested with #include "file" first in
the directory containing the current file, then in the directories
as specified by -iquote options, then in the same places it would
have looked for a header requested with angle brackets. For example,
if /usr/include/sys/stat.h contains #include "types.h", GCC looks
for types.h first in /usr/include/sys, then in its usual search path.
Is there no way to control the C header search path properly in gcc any more? Or is there another sensible way forward? I don't want to use a deprecated feature that may disappear. Right now I am sadly filtering the gcc deprecated feature warning messages to hide them. I didn't create the build environment, and it would be unpopular to solve the problem in a way that breaks the 'cookery'.
As far as I can tell, GCC provides no other means than the one you've described to avoid having each source file's directory first in the include search path used when compiling that file.
The best solution is probably to fix the headers and build system to get rid of header cooking. Such a scheme is very unusual -- pretty much everybody else gets by without.
If you must continue to rely on header cooking, then you probably should move the original headers to a directory that is not in the include search path. For example, create an "include" subdirectory of the main source directory, and put them there.
Edited to add:
Another alternative is to switch from the quoted include style to the angle-bracketed include style, and rely on -I options to set up the needed internal include directories however you want.

How to link a non-standard header file into a C compiler

I'm trying to use a non-standard header file ( Its used in lots of codes in various different places on my computer. Currently I have to put the header file and the object file in every folder which its needed with the preprocessor directive:
#include "gnuplot_i.h"
In the file. Is there a way by which I can put the header file in one place so I can reference it like other standard header file. Cheers.
Compile with -I<directory>
compile with -I/usr/local/gnuplot/inc.
Also it might be worth your reading up on include paths and the difference between:
#include <include_file.h>
#include "include_file.h"
Linking in an object file needs to be done explicitly the same way as a C file, which means (I believe) that you need a full path. However if you archive it into a proper library then you can use -l<library name> and -L<library path> instead. E.g.
gcc -I/usr/local/gnuplot/inc -L/usr/local/gnuplot/lib -lgnuplot -o my_prog my_prog.c
Most compilers have a flag -I that lets you add a directory of your choosing to the search path for include files.

How to tell the preprocessor to search for a particular folder for header files, when I say #include <xyz.h>

I have around 120 header files (.h files) , and in all of them each one includes many other header files using #include <abcd/xyz.h>, but as I kept .h files in a specific folder, preprocessor is generating filenotfound error.
I moved all the .h files to the single .C file that is calling the first headerfile.
One way to do is make #include <abcd/xyz.h> as #include "abcd/xyz" , but I need to do this in all the header files wherever there is an include statement, and there are hundreds of them.
I can't include many of them in the headerfiles section in Visualstudio because, some of the headerfiles have the same name, but they reside in different directories. (<abcd/xyz.h>,<efgh/xyz.h>).
Any way to do this?
You should add a path into "Additional include directories" in the "C++" section of the project options (the "General" tab). You can use environment variables as well as "this folder" (.) shortcut and "up one folder" (..) shortcut for this setting to not be bound to a certain directory structure.
and I can't include many of them in the headerfiles section in Visualstudio because , some of the headerfiles have the same name, but they reside in different directories.(,)
That's a pretty big problem unless the files that are including those non-uniquely named headers are in the same directory as the header files themselves.
You have no way to guarantee that the compiler will locate one header before another without modifying the #include directive itself (and adding a relative path as one example).
EDIT: It looks like Visual Studio will allow you to specify different Additional Include Directories for each source file in a project (rt-click on the source file in Solution Explorer and modify C/C++ properties). But I think this would be more work than modifying the #include directives themselves - depends on how many non-unique header filenames you have.
In the project settings (under C/C++ in VS2005/2008) there's an option for "additional include directories". You can add the folders containing your header files here, using relative paths.
You can also do this at the IDE level in Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> VC++ Directories -> Include Files. Typically this method is reserved for headers included as part of a formal library. The first option is typically preferred as it's portable (you can ship your project file to another developer and, provided you use relative/macro'd paths, they can build the project as-is).
What you're looking for is the -I flag and you give the directory...
If you have a Makefile, you should add it to the CPP_FLAGS something like that....
You can also add an INCLUDE variable to your environment variables.
