How to manage no of node in taxonomy page? - drupal-7

I am developing site using Drupal7 with JD Fashion theme from Joomlart
I have created one vocabulary and terms it in the taxonomy.I have use this terms for menu navigation and added some stories(node) for each menu item.
In post setting I have kept no of nodes in main page to 3 using admin/content management/post setting.
But it is only working for home page and not for inner pages.
I want to restrict the no of nodes to 3.
How can i do that?
Is their any module or extension for pagination to control no of article per page?

You can turn on the Taxonomy Term view in the Views UI to have more control over the taxonomy pages. This view is automatically generated by the Taxonomy module, but is disabled by default.
Once turned on you can set the Pager in the Page setting area to Display a specified number of items and set the numer of Items per page to the desired number.
This will limit the number of nodes displayed in the Taxonomy pages.

You can do this without views.
The number of nodes displayied in taxonomy page is determined by the default_nodes_main variable, that also controls, the n° of nodes in the home page and the number of blog posts.
You can adjust that at admin/config/system/site-information > front page > n° of nodes in front page.
So, beware of side effects. I made a search in all of the D7 code and i found out that default_nodes_main appears in, limiting the number of post
node.module:2601, limiting the number of sticky nodes (front page), limiting number of nodes in the taxonomty page
Known the consequences, you can use that setting.


CouchCMS Blog index items to display inline (blog_list.html)

I've used Couch CMS to create a blog page with index of articles.
I've used Couch for blog systems before and the blog index item always displays underneath each other. However, this time they must display next to each other. I've tried so many things, but the index items remains under each other oppose to next to each other. The website is based on bootstrap, but the columns just keep on stacking on top of each other.
Can someone please help?
Solved. Just make sure the couch page open and page close tags are in the correct place.
Everything in between the tags gets repeated with the blog index.

Angularjs How to manage Code

I am new to Angularjs. I have a page like this.
I have a single controller which does all the work which is currently working fine. I want to manage my code to use angular-given-functionalities by using filters, services, controllers etc.
In this page i have many sections i am mentioning here.
Search filters
Pagination Section plus Grid or List links
Sort plus Compare section
Product data to display
How can i break my code in separate chunks to manage it properly.
I have created a service which does all ajax related work.
Here is the dependency.
1. Search does nothing except page redirect
2. Category can have a view more which will update itself will more then 10 records
3. Attributes can have viewmore button to display more then 10 attributes. Attribute can also impect on the following
When we select single on multiple attribute it will change
1. Category
2. Attributes
3. Tags
4. Pagination
5. Listing (Product data to display)
4. Tags can be removed and can have excatly same behavior as Attributes
5. Pagination will change itself and product data display
6. Sort will have same as pagination
7. Nothing
I dont need code just some suggestions on how can i choose things from Angular to make managed code.

How to list most visited links in Drupal from different pages?

I have made one block for most visited links (Top Links) in my drupal website but I dont know how to list most visited from different pages. For example, if I have created a page named drupal and within that page i have added some content with some title, then i have to examine and count those titles and list the top visited title from each and every page on my homepage(only one from each and every title that is most visited) and list them on my homepage block.
Could anyone help me with this.
Thanks in advance!
Make sure the statistics module is enabled. Visit /admin/config/system/statistics (Drupal 7) and make sure Count content views is enabled (ticked).
Use views to create a block the usual way; for example add a field like Content: Title. Then make sure you add a sort criteria of Content statistics: Total views (desc).

How to know the link clicked by the user to set the breadcrumb using views in drupal 7?

I'll try to explain my problem giving a little context first.
I'm building a catalog of products and to categorize them I'm using a taxonomy tree with 4 sublevels. Each product can be related with one or more subcategories.
I used views to navigate the taxonomy tree to access the products related with each subcategory. To manage the breadcrumbs in here I redefined the hook_breadcrumb() function on my template.php and this is working perfectly.
The problems start here: when I get to the last level of subcategories I have the respective products and when I click one of the products it will enter the node page of that product. At this time I lose my breadcrumb trail because I entered the node. I could get the taxonomy tree of that product to build the breadcrumbs but the problem is that the product can be related with multiple subcategory terms.
So, in order to solve this problem I think that I need to know from wich path trail the visitor arrived to the product. In other words, I need to know the last taxonomy subcategory that the user visited to enter a specific product so that I can build the breadcrumbs correctly with that information.
So, can someone help me on how to know the path that the user was before entering a node?
Thanks in advance!
You can check a recent project which uses browsers history to show breadcrumb

Getting breadcrumbs to work on taxonomy pages

I have Drupal 7.10 installed with Pathauto, Global Redirect, and Custom Breadcrumbs.
I've assigned a pattern to all my taxonomy term pages (products/browse/vocabulary/term-name). Now, on every term page, I'd like the breadcrumb trail to read something like this:
Home > Products > Vocabulary
I've tried to achieve that with Custom Breadcrumbs, but what I apply to the vocabulary doesn't work on the term page itself, and working at term-level it seems I'd be required to write a manual path for each and every term (<-- major bad idea).
I've also tried overriding the term page with Panels, then using Custom Breadcrumbs to create a trail for that specific panel. The problem here: no available taxonomy tokens to get the vocabulary name.
Any ideas on how to achieve this?
