I'm looking for a tool (preferably open source) to work with JackRabbit. For example, I'd like to backup/restore some branches of a repository. Any pointer, recommendation ?
If you are just looking for backup, you can use the included backup capabilities of jackrabbit.
java -jar jackrabbit-standalone.jar --backup \
--repo=jackrabbit \
--conf=jackrabbit/repository.xml \
--backup-repo=jackrabbit-backupN \
However if you are more interested in a general tool I can only recommend the CLI tool of jackrabbit which I think is the swiss army knife for repository operations.
If you want to look at an existing repository in your filesystem you start it with:
java -Xmx256m -jar jackrabbit-standalone-2.2.4.jar --cli file:///scratch/jcr/repository
If you jcr is running remotely you can also connect with jndi, davex, or rmi, depending on how your repository is exposed.
java -Xmx256m -jar jackrabbit-standalone-2.2.4.jar --cli http:///localhost:8080/server
java -Xmx256m -jar jackrabbit-standalone-2.2.4.jar --cli rmi:///localhost:1099/jackrabbit
Once you have logged in you can do all sorts of repository navigation, node creation or querying. You also have the export and import commands which can export respective import to and from a file in the filesystem.
exportsys /testbranch /tmp/export.xml
There are more parameters that you can see by typing
help exportsys
All available commands can be seen with
There are some caveats of this tool as it doesn't support more sophestic operations like ACL modifications or node type creation but for the basic stuff it is my favorite.
I am attempting to run foswiki on OpenBSD. Things are installed and i am able to open "/bin/Configure" page of foswiki configuration screen. but the page reports few errors, complaining that following files are either not found or outdated and new versions are required.
The Files are : grep, rcs, ci, co,rlog, rcsdiff
I tried commands like "pkg_add -Uu" to upgrade packages installed, but it reports all packages are uptodate.
I also tried "pkg_add rcs" "pkg_add grep" etc but non works.
So my basic question is how to I update above files to their latest version required by foswiki.
While I’m not familiar with Foswiki, my first thought is your web server is chrooted, as this is the default on OpenBSD, and, as a result, Foswiki cannot find the files it needs. You can copy the files Foswiki needs into the chroot or run the web server without chroot, which is bad from a security perspective.
all programs mentioned are part of a base openbsd install and the above answer is correct. the openbsd documentation on chrooted apache has more info.
if you don't have to stick with foswiki you can try dokuwiki instead which has package support on openbsd and installs easily in very much the same way you tried already:
sudo pkg_add -U dokuwiki
hope the process is pretty much self-descriptive. in addition, the manpage for pkg_add is a good thing to read. good luck!
Being windows users, we created one svn repo with a hierarchy of folders. The bottom nodes contain the svn standard layout:
... and so on ad infinitum. The repo now contains around 100+ real svn projects with the trunk/branches/tags structure, but almost none of them at the top level.
How would I configure subgit to handle this?
SubGit can work in two different modes: local mirror mode and remote mirror mode. Below you can find a general overview of these modes and some recommendations for your particular case.
Local Mirror Mode
In this mode both Subversion and Git repositories reside on the same host, so SubGit has local access to both SVN and Git sides.
Below I've provided basic instructions. Please find detailed documentation and common pitfalls in SubGit 'Local Mode' Book.
subgit configure <SVN_REPO>
SubGit version <VERSION> build #<BUILD_NUMBER>
Detecting paths eligible for translation... done.
Subversion to Git mapping has been configured:
/ProjectA/ApplicationOne/ModuleX : <SVN_REPO>/git/ProjectA/ApplicationOne/ModuleX.git
/ProjectA/ApplicationTwo/ModuleY : <SVN_REPO>/git/ProjectA/ApplicationTwo/ModuleY.git
This command tries to auto-detect repository layout and generate configuration file at <SVN_REPO>/conf/subgit.conf. It may take a while in case of big Subversion repository like yours.
Please make sure that auto-generated configuration file looks as follows, adjust it if necessary:
[git "ProjectA/ApplicationOne/ModuleX"]
translationRoot = /ProjectA/ApplicationOne/ModuleX
repository = git//ProjectA/ApplicationOne/ModuleX.git
pathEncoding = UTF-8
trunk = trunk:refs/heads/master
branches = branches/*:refs/heads/*
shelves = shelves/*:refs/shelves/*
tags = tags/*:refs/tags/*
Authors mapping
At this stage you have to create /conf/authors.txt file that maps existing SVN usernames to Git authors. Please refer to documentation for more details.
Finally you have to import your Subversion repository to Git and enable synchronization by running subgit install command:
subgit install repo
SubGit version <VERSION> build #<BUILD_NUMBER>
Subversion to Git mapping has been found:
/ProjectA/ApplicationOne/ModuleX : <SVN_REPO>/git/ProjectA/ApplicationOne/ModuleX.git
/ProjectA/ApplicationTwo/ModuleY : <SVN_REPO>/git/ProjectA/ApplicationTwo/ModuleY.git
Processing '/ProjectA/ApplicationOne/ModuleX'
Translating Subversion revisions to Git commits...
Processing '/ProjectA/ApplicationTwo/ModuleY'
Translating Subversion revisions to Git commits...
Subversion revisions translated: <REVISIONS_NUMBER>.
Total time: <TIME_SPENT> seconds.
Git Server
When the installation is over and synchronization between Subversion and Git repositories is enabled, you can setup some Git server (or reuse existing Apache HTTP server). Please refer to documentation on that and see a couple of posts on this topic in our blog:
VisualSVN Server and SubGit
Gitolite and SubGit
Remote Mirror Mode
When using this mode one has to install SubGit into Git repository only and keep this repository synchronized with remote Subversion server hosted on a different machine.
Below you can find some basic instructions. Please refer to SubGit 'Remote Mode' Book for more details.
In remote mirror mode SubGit does not try to auto-detect repository layout, so you have to run subgit configure --svn-url <SVN_URL> command for every module within Subversion repository:
subgit configure --svn-url <SVN_ROOT_URL>/ProjectA/ApplicationOne/ModuleX <GIT_ROOT_DIR>/ProjectA/ApplicationOne/ModuleX.git
SubGit version <VERSION> build #<BUILD_NUMBER>
Configuring writable Git mirror of remote Subversion repository:
Subversion repository URL : <SVN_ROOT_URL>/ProjectA/ApplicationOne/ModuleX
Git repository location : <GIT_ROOT_DIR>/ProjectA/ApplicationOne/ModuleX.git
As result SubGit generates configuration file <GIT_REPO>/subgit/config for every Git repository. For your case this configuration file should look as follows:
url = <SVN_ROOT_URL>/ProjectA/ApplicationOne/ModuleX
trunk = trunk:refs/heads/master
branches = branches/*:refs/heads/*
tags = tags/*:refs/tags/*
shelves = shelves/*:refs/shelves/*
fetchInterval = 60
connectTimeout = 30
readTimeout = 60
keepGitCommitTime = false
auth = default
[auth "default"]
passwords = subgit/passwd
useDefaultSubversionConfigurationDirectory = false
subversionConfigurationDirectory = <SVN_CONFIG_DIR>
Authors mapping
At this stage you have to create /subgit/authors.txt file that maps existing SVN usernames to Git authors. Please refer to documentation for more details.
SVN credentials
In case you're not using file:// protocol you have to provide necessary credentials, so SubGit is able to authenticate against Subversion server. For more information on that please read corresponding chapter in SubGit Book.
We also recommend enabling pre-revprop-change hook on Subversion side which makes further installation and maintenance a bit easier, see SubGit Book.
Finally you have to import your Subversion repository to Git and enable synchronization by running subgit install command:
subgit install git
SubGit version <VERSION> build #<BUILD_NUMBER>
Translating Subversion revisions to Git commits...
Subversion revisions translated: <REVISIONS_NUMBER>.
Total time: <TIME_SPENT> seconds.
This command also launches background process that polls SVN server and fetches new revisions when they appear there. Basically, that means that SubGit uses dedicated process for every Git repository. Sometimes it makes sense to avoid running such processes and use some job scheduler instead.
Git server
Those links I've provided above are relevant for remote mode as well.
However, if you're going to use Atlassian Stash for Git hosting, you can use SVN Mirror Plugin which is based on SubGit engine and provides some better experience with regards to UI and maintenance.
We have the following guideline which is based on our experience:
In case of many independent Subversion repositories, it's better to use SubGit in local mirror mode as it doesn't require SVN polling and maintaining additional process(es) for that.
In case of one giant Subversion repository with many modules, it's better to use remote mirror mode with file:// protocol and also adjust basic setup slightly.
It definitely doesn't make sense to run 100+ background processes in your case, instead we recommend installing additional post-commit SVN hook that checks what particular modules were modified by a given revision and then triggers synchronization for corresponding Git repositories.
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask us here at Stack Overflow, at our issue tracker or contact us via email: support#subgit.com.
I'm having a little trouble understanding how Solr fits in with Jetty, and why I can't seem to get the start.jar in the distribution package to work.
I can run all of the example configurations via java -jar start.jar. However, when I try to run something like the follwing --
java -Dsolr.solr.home=/Users/jwwest/solr -jar $(brew --prefix solr)/libexec/example/start.jar
-- the following error occurs:
java.io.FileNotFoundException: No XML configuration files specified in start.config or command line.
at org.eclipse.jetty.start.Main.start(Main.java:506)
at org.eclipse.jetty.start.Main.main(Main.java:95)
I opened up the start.jar file, and there is a start.config file located inside of the jar which I'm assuming should handle this configuration for me. I'm not understanding why it will work when run from inside of the distribution examples directory, but not outside of it.
You also need to define the jetty.home property. Try:
java -Dsolr.solr.home=/Users/jwwest/solr -jar $(brew --prefix solr)/libexec/example/start.jar -Djetty.home=$(brew --prefix solr)/libexec/example
You can see the effective command line start.jar generates by using the --dry-run command line flag.
java -jar start.jar --dry-run
That will output everything with full path names so you can run it from outside the directory.
Source: http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/documentation/9.0.0.M3/advanced-jetty-start.html
The start.jar is a jetty specific mechanism that works to build out all the classpath requirements for starting up Jetty. It is generally only used in the scope of the jetty distribution. Pulling the start.jar out of the configuration and placing it somewhere else renders the default configuration of the start.config rather moot.
My understanding of Solr is that it bundles itself with a distribution of jetty, placing what it needs to run into the distribution and repackages it as its own. They may have a custom start.config file that further adds its own locations for classpath resources and the like, or not.
The exception you are seeings stems from the start.config file expecting an etc/ directory containing jetty.xml formatted xml files which are used to configure the jetty process.
Jetty being often used in an embedded format has little to do with this issue, it is simply a common use case because jetty is incredibly easy to embed into an application. Embedded instances of jetty rarely (if ever) leverage a start.jar...instead it is up to the embedding application to manage its own classpath.
First, you need to change your folder where start.jar is located, then execute the same command.
Jetty is often used as embedded container. If you want to use the jetty, then a good start would be to copy the example directory and rename it to what you want it to be. The solr directory is the one for basic configuration.
Else it is recommended to use tomcat and the solr.war file.
This seems like it should be very easy but I don't see a link to it anywhere.
How do I download the source code of a google app engine project?
appengine-java-sdk\bin\appcfg.cmd -A <your_app_id> -V <your_app_version> download_app <output-dir>
./appengine-java-sdk/bin/appcfg.sh -A <your_app_id> -V <your_app_version> download_app <output-dir>
For completeness, using the Python implementation:
appcfg.py download_app -A $appID -V $appVersionNumber $downloadDirectory --oauth2
--oauth2 is of course optional, you can omit it and provide your email + app-specific password (or your password, and then go implement two-factor authentication right after), but it's easier, and frankly there's no reason not to.
App Engine actually recently added the ability for the developer who uploaded a given app version to download its source code.
As of October 2019 you can simply go to --> App Engine --> Services and in the tool dropdown select 'source' and the source code is there
Posting this since none of the listed methods above didn't take me to the code (by June 2021)
You could try accessing it through;
Google Cloud Platform > Debugger > choosing the version of the
Application from combo at top.
This will list the files of that version on the left pane. There is no way to download it automatically but you can copy-paste the code.
Hope you will find this helpful.
IMHO, the best option today (Aug 2018) is:
Under the main menu, under Products, go to Tools -> Cloud Build -> Build history.
There, click the ID of the build you want (for me - the last one).
Then, in the opened window (Build details), click the "source" link, the download of your compressed code begins.
As simple as that.
Working with App engine standard using Go, the debugger isn't available yet.
How I managed to download the source code for an existing service was to use the gcloud tool.
First: Get the version id of your service using the app engine console or running: gcloud app versions list
Second: use the version and service name and run: gcloud app versions describe <versionID> --service=<service name>
the describe parameter will give you the storage locations for your source files that looks like this:
sha1Sum: e3fe5848c2640eca7ac3591490e1debc2d3a9b09
sourceUrl: https://storage.googleapis.com/<project>/<file id>
Third: you can then use the storage console, using the file id, to download the files you are interested in.
this process based on java sdk
Its works for me...
Download Google cloud SDK
gcloud init
enter image description here
Follow through process of logging in using your credentials
Enter following command from SDK
C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\appengine-java-sdk-1.9.49\bin
enter image description here
Enter Following command to download source code
appcfg.sh -A [YOUR_APP_ID] -V [YOUR_APP_VERSION] download_app [OUTPUT_DIR]
Eg: appcfg.sh -A my-project-name-1234 -V 2 download_app C:\Users\india\Desktop\my project
Note: this progress based on java-appengine sdk so we use appcfg.sh instead of appcfg.py
check if your app is uploaded with same email id that is in your app engine. if you are not sure then in app engine > control > Clear deployment credentials and then click on any project, deploy to sign in again then use this
appcfg.py download_app -A {app id from google app engine} -V {1} "{c:\path}" --oauth2_credential_file=C:\Users\{your account name}/.appcfg_oauth2_tokens
change all {} to your needs
Things have changed since this question was asked so I'm adding an updated answer. Note that this only applies to GAE Standard Environment
Google has deprecated appcfg.py and so the previous responses appcfg.py download_app no longer works.
gcloud which is the SDK in use (it replaced appcfg) does not have the functionality to download your source code.
When you deploy your app via gcloud app deploy, it copies your source code to a bucket. The default bucket is staging.<project_name>.appspot.com. Your files will stay in this bucket for a maximum of 15 days before they are deleted. You can modify the rule so that the files are retained for longer or less time.
The file names in the bucket are encoded so you can't figure out what each file is unless you open it (i.e. download it). Google has a mapping of the encoded names to the original file names. To get this mapping, you run the gcloud app versions describe command and it will list the file names and their encoded names. To download the files, you have to manually click each url one by one. So essentially, you have to download each file manually and then use the mapping to rename them (or open the file, check the content and then rename them). Also note that downloading the files manually will not maintain the folder structure in which they were uploaded.
If you do not wish to go through all of the above hassles (imagine having to manually open each url for each file if you have a small to mid-sized project which has hundreds of files), our App - https://nocommandline.com - now supports downloading source code from the default bucket - staging.<project_name>.appspot.com (so far as your files are still there which means any deployment i.e update not older than 15 days from your current date unless you previously increased the deletion age on your staging bucket's lifecycle page).
In simple terms, you enter your project name, the version number and our App will take care of retrieving the original file name to encoded name mapping, automatically downloading the files and renaming them to the original names, while maintaining the folder structure. For more information, refer to https://nocommandline.com/help/#faq_download_source_code_from_gae.
Log in to the console.developers.google.com
Select the project you want to download the code from (Google App Engine Standard Envoronment).
Go to the App Engine Dashboard. Under Summary is Debug and Source. Click on Source.
Select each file one at a time and copy it (highlight the code, copy and paste into your local editor.)
Select the next file....
You need to use svn to checkout the files.
If you are on Windows, you can use tortoise svn for your GUI end.
Here are tutorials on how to do it, here is the related question.
I need to download the application files that are deployed using command prompt into google appengine server.
if anybody know about this plz tell me!
thanks in advance!
SDK 1.4.0 has this sort of feature (Python only):
The developer who uploaded an app version can download that version's
code using the appcfg.py
download_app command. This feature can
be disabled on a per application
basis in the admin console, under the
'Permissions' tab. Once disabled,
code download for the application
CANNOT be re-enabled.
Note that although the 'download_app' command is only available in the Python SDK, it can be used to download Java applications from App Engine. If you have a Java app that you want to download, just do:
Install Python (version 2.x only), if necessary.
Install App Engine 1.4.0 (or higher), Python version.
Run the python download_app command as described in the documentation, like appcfg.py download_app -A <your app name> -V <version to download> <path to download to>.
Your Java app will download. Hooray!
It's not possible to download your code from App Engine, unless you included code to support it when you uploaded your app. You can download static files by simply fetching them, of course.
To achieve this, you need to use a source control system, such as SVN or Git, and store/retrieve your code from there - App Engine isn't intended to act as source control.
You can use appcfg.sh / appcfg.cmd in your GAE SDK, as pointed out in this official guide.
But notice that as of 2012-05-07, at least for the Windows version appcfg.cmd, the command's syntax is
appcfg -A yourappid -V yourversionnumber download_app c:\path\to\download\directory
Also notice that when you run this command and you get asked for your password and you happen to have activated Google's 2-step verification, you must not provide your Google password, but instead must provide an application-specific password (which you can generate on this side)
As explained in this post: http://www.labnol.org/software/download-appengine-files/19348/
App Engine 1.5.0 introduced the feature to download your source code.
The command is:
appcfg.py download_app –A MyAppName -V 1 c:\AppEngine\SourceCode
You can use appcfg.py with download_data option, see docs.
You can download an application's source code by running appcfg.py with the download_app action in the Python SDK command-line tool:
appcfg.py download_app -A <your_app_id> -V <your_app_version> <output-dir>