Silverlight Sharepoint 2010 web part windows authentication - silverlight

I'm trying to authenticate my silverlight application to get windows user name, which then I use to get some further information. Have looked it up, but the answers I found were about configuring the web service to get it. Is there a way, to get windows credentials strictly in Silverlight? I cannot find .Credentials, the only thing I see is .ClientCredentials, but apparently it doesn't show the required information. I am getting the string "System.ServiceModel.Security.UserNamePasswordClientCredential". It actually allows me to set up the name, not retrieve it. Also there is a web service called authentication.asmx, but as before it applies to other purposes. Neither do I have any web service I could reference to and configure them. Or am I missing something? Perhaps I can retrieve the windows credential by NTLM or Kerberos? I am using Visual Web Developer 2010 Express with Silverlight 5.

My Experience is that the Membership framework that is present in the world is not available in silverlight. In order to achieve something similar I had to implement a web service (WCF) that was directed at the domain's active directory (ldap) server. Silverlight is a very strict framework in terms of interoperability, its good for security but has some limitations.
I am not sure about your level of knowledge of the active directory but here is a link that deal with a lot of the possible operations and has sample C# code to go along.


Validate Local Windows Account Username and Password in .NET Core 3.1

I have a .NET Core 3.1 WPF app that I'm working on. In order to work with our older application it needs to validate credentials that are entered into a dialog for a local account. How can this be done?
It appears that all of the necessary classes have not been included in .NET Core yet, because the System.DirectoryServices package does not yet have the AccountManagement.PrincipalContext class that used to be used for this purpose.
I have to validate creds for an arbitrary user account that may or may not be the account executing the app.
I hate to tell you, but the simple answer is that you can not. Interaction with active directory. There are limits on how integrated DNC 3.1 is - and you stumbled upon one. Supposedly dotnet 5.0 will better integrate.
For now, you can either use win32 / native syntax for this, or use a server side proxy that handles the authentication.
To my knowledge, you re requirements are simple not implemnented in the scope of the platform chosen.
Anyone please feel free to correct me.
Update: This is doable in .NET not core - so you can put up a smple website for this as service in .NET. So from the wpf side this turns into "make a http request".

Map core 2.0 Identity to existing DB schema

I have built a small web application with core 2.0 MVC. In this web application, I did not implement any authentication methods so far.
Right now I have an MSSQL database running in the background and I can add/view/edit/delete users from the database.
I adapted this tutorial and followed it pretty closely. However I also added some functionality like localization and stuff, and everything is running pretty smoothly.
My next goal is to enable authentication and authorization. The authentication part shall be straightforward. The goal is that the application will be running as an intranet solution. This means the authentication method just shall check if the Windows User is existing in the previously mentioned database. I don't want to create a separate login. However, it might be that there is a Windows user in the active directory, which is not part of the database. This User should just be able to see a default error page.
I made quite a huge research and I also tried a lot of different stuff, however, I do absolutely not find any "database first" tutorial for this part or any other documentation which explains what to do.
I actually "just" want to teach the core 2.0 identity framework that it shall look into my user-table and check if the current windows user is existent and if not to forward him to the error page.
A second step would be to load all the roles which this user is assigned to from the mapping table.
Any kind of help would be highly appreciated.
Dosc Microsoft has a lot of posts regarding authentication for ASP.NET Core. Here are some of the links to get you started:
ASP.NET Core Authentication
ASP.NET Core Authentication Identity
and a lot more.

Understanding the different ways to connect to CRM 2011

I'm a beginner CRM developer and I'm quite confused about the connection methods to CRM.
What's the difference between creating a SOAP service reference to connect to CRM 2011 from a windows form application VS using connection string VS creating a web service?
Are they the same and I can use them interchangeably ? Or it depends on the task I want to do?
Out of the 3 links that you have provided, one contains the best approach.
this - CRM SDK says to use this approach when you want to connect with CRM from some other application like Winform app, WPF app, website. In summary, you provide connection values through configuration and then use dlls provided by CRM to access data.
this - This is a special case in CRM. So here you are accessing some data from CRM, processing it in a service and then using that service to access processed data.
this - This document itself says that you should not use this approach. Problem with this approach is about hard coded service references.
You can find plenty of examples to start up with from CRM SDK.

Call a WCF from only my silverlight application

I have a WCF.
I have a silverlight application.
I do not want anyone to be able to call the WCF except the Silverlight application.
I do not want to install any certificates on the client.
I do not want to hit any databases.
What would typically be the best way to do something like this?
You can address this using a cross domain policy file. Silverlight cannot connect to WCF services hosted on secondary domains without the implementation of this policy file.
Here are two links to get you in the right direction
Tim Heuer has a good writeup on the implementation of this file as well.
To prevent a WCF services from being accessed by other applications you will need to implement authentication of some sort Here is a related post

Access Sharepoint webservice from Silverlight with specfic user credentials

I am accessing Sharepoint web services from a Silverlight application, I have put the clientaccesspolicy.xml file in the root of my Sharepoint site, so I can access fine.
What I would like to do though is hard code the user credentials so the web service always connects with the same user.
Is this possible and if so how?
Thanks in advance.
After emailing Tim Heuer, I was informed that is not possible in SL3, but will be in SL4!
I've recently ran into similar case where I need to pass a specific credential to the generated web service client proxy in Silverlight 4 OOB. For whatever reason I am still getting prompted for authentication so, I'm not sure if it's there in SL4.
What I know possible in SL4 is you can force an HttpRequest to use a ClientHttp stack instead of the WebBrowser one. I've used this with SharePoint 2010 OData feed (_vti_bin/listdata.svc) before successfully, but to access SharePoint Web Services (for example: _vti_bin/lists.asmx), it's a different story.
I finally decided to create my own workaround (specific to SL OOB w/ Elevated Privilege) for this that should work on SL3 OOB and SL4 OOB with elevated privilege. Basically creating my own SharePoint Web Service proxy using the ClientHttp stack and composing and passing my own SOAP message manually using WebRequest.
I blogged about how to do this here.
