How to find the next SQL Server Replication Statement - sql-server

I am debugging my database and I am finding that the replication is failing on a delete statement.
I look at the source and destination tables and they are the same. So someone deleted a row from the source and then put it back in. (The delete fails because of a FK reference to some manual data that I don't want to cascade delete.)
Is there a way to find out the PK of the row it is trying to delete?
(All Replication monitor will tell me is the name of the FK that is causing the delete statement to fail.)

There are a couple of ways. I'll tell you the easy one (because I'm lazy). Put a trace on your subscriber for non-successful stored procedure executions. You should get a hit for one called something like sp_MSdel_table (where table is the name of your table). The argument(s) to that procedure will be the primary key of the record that it's trying to delete.
Easy way number two is to modify the sproc identified in the previous method not to be angry at a missing row (after all, it's just going to delete it so the fact that's it's now missing isn't that big a deal). You might have other non-convergence issues, but at least you can get your commands flowing again. (EDIT: Just noticed the reason for your issue. I'd advise not having FK constraints at the subscriber since any referential integrity should be taken care of at the publisher. I'll make your replication faster when SQL doesn't have to check that each time it does an applicable insert, update, or delete).
Hard way number one involves looking at the error in replication monitor an noting that there's a transaction id and sequence number specified. You then use a sproc in the distribution database to get the text of the command being executed.
Hard way number two involved diffing the tables either with tablediff.exe, something like RedGate's SQLCompare, or a roll-your-own join over linked servers to show the difference. Keep this in your back pocket just in case one of the other one-row-at-a-time methods mentioned above doesn't do it for you. My threshold for such things is about three. YMMV.


Set Null works in Sqlite but not works in Sql Server when relating table itself

The problem is that "DeleteBehavior.SetNull" works only in Sqlite and doesn't work at all in Sql Server, is this some limitation of Sql Server with SET NULL?
I have the "User" model:
And I also have the "Partner" model:
Partner.Parent (virtual)
I create Partner 1
I create Partner 2 and define that the ParentId is Partner 1 (1 is the father of 2)
I try to delete Partner 1 (I try to delete the parent)
At that moment, Sqlite defines NULL in the ParentId of Partner 2, that's correct, that's the behavior I want, but in SQL Server I can't do that at all, I tried innumerable ways and I fall into some errors, follow below:
Delete Error:
Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): The DELETE statement conflicted with the SAME TABLE REFERENCE constraint "FK_Partners_Partners_ParentId". The conflict occurred in database "master", table "dbo.Partners", column 'ParentId'.
Migrations Error:
Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_Partners_Partners_ParentId' on table 'Partners' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints.
Could not create constraint or index. See previous errors.
I even found some old texts saying that this is a Sql Server limitation, but it's already 2023 and this limitation still exists? Is it possible to get around this in some way that is easy and affects every table in the database?
I already tried all the DefaultBehavior and none works like Sqlite, I was programming 100% in Sqlite and I managed to develop a system and everything is working, however when generating the migration and trying to use Sql Server I came across this problem.
The same thing is asked at The answers explain in detail why this isn't so easy to implement. Relational databases operate on sets of rows at a time, not individual rows. Deleting or updating rows one by one is the slowest way possible.
While SQLite is built to handle a few thousand rows for a single application running inside a watch, SQL Server has to handle thousands of concurrent operations to the same table that may contain several millions of rows spread across multiple partitions. The self-referencing ON DELETE SET NULL has to work reliably and predictably when deleting 1 row in an 1000 row table and when deleting 10K rows in a 50M row table.
As Mikael Eriksson explains in the first answer, ON DELETE SET NULL converts a DELETE operation on a table to an UPDATE operation on the same table.
This DBA question on cascading DELETEs shows what's involved in the easy case :
In this picture the server :
Finds the rows that need to be deleted in the first table,
Removes them from the parent table. That means marking rows and pages for deletion, writing records to the transaction log
Spool the deleted keys so they can be used on the related table
Repeat 1-2 on the child table
When all that finishes, commit the transaction by committing all changes in the data pages and the transaction log.
And that's a single operation. ON DELETE SET NULL on the other hand converts the DELETE operation to an DELETE and an UPDATE on the same table. The database would have to both DELETE and UPDATE index rows on the ParentID index to get this to happen. Different kinds of locks would have to be taken, and some of them could be taken
There's a similar statement that does multiple operations at once, MERGE. Aaron Bertrand's Use Caution with SQL Server's MERGE Statement shows a list of 30 bugs for that statement alone. MERGE isn't even atomic and the UPDATE/DELETE/INSERT operations are executed separately, which is the cause of some of the bugs.
I'd rather not have ON DELETE SET NULL than have a slow or unreliable one
While trying to reproduce this I found an SQLite limitation - foreign keys aren't enforced by default for compatibility with the way it worked over a decade ago. The docs warn this can change in the future:
Foreign key constraints are disabled by default (for backwards compatibility), so must be enabled separately for each database connection. (Note, however, that future releases of SQLite might change so that foreign key constraints enabled by default. Careful developers will not make any assumptions about whether or not foreign keys are enabled by default but will instead enable or disable them as necessary.) The application can also use a PRAGMA foreign_keys statement to determine if foreign keys are currently enabled.
This can seem like an illogical restriction in 2023 until one remembers that SQLite was built to run on the weakest possible devices (microcontrollers, not even processors) where the very fact of checking constraints can cause significant problems. Those devices can easily be inside a car or other hardware device with a lifetime of decades.

Prevent deadlock in read-committed SELECT

I am extracting data from a business system supplied by a third party to use in reporting. I am using a single SELECT statement issued from an SSIS data flow task source component that joins across multiple tables in the source system to create the dataset I want. We are using the default read-committed isolation level.
To my surprise I regularly find this extraction query is deadlocking and being selected as the victim. I didn't think a SELECT in a read-committed transaction could do this, but according to this SO answer it is possible: Can a readcommitted isolation level ever result in a deadlock (Sql Server)?
Through the use of the trace flags 1204 and 12222 I've identified the conflicting statement, and the object and index in question. Essentially, the contention is over a data page in the primary key of one of the tables. I need to extract from this table using a join on its key (so I'm taking out an S lock), the conflicting statement is performing an INSERT and is requesting an IX lock on the index data page.
(Side note: the above SO talks about this issue occurring with non-clustered indexes, but this appears to be occurring in the clustered PK. At least, that is what I believe based on my interpretation of the deadlock information in the event log and the "associatedObjectId" property.)
Here are my constraints:
The conflicting statement is in an encrypted stored procedure supplied by a third party as part of off-the-shelf software. There is no possibility of getting the plaintext code or having it changed.
I don't want to use dirty-reads as I need my extracted data to maintain its integrity.
It's not clear to me how or if restructuring my extract query could prevent this. The lock is on the PK of the table I'm most interested in, and I can't see any alternatives to using the PK.
I don't mind my extract query being the victim as I prefer this over interrupting the operational use of the source system. However, this does cause the SSIS execution to fail, so if it must be this way I'd like a cleaner, more graceful way to handle this situation.
Can anyone suggestion ways to, preferably, prevent the deadlock, or if not, then handle the error better?
My assumption here is that you are attempting to INSERT into the same table that you are SELECTing from. If no, then a screenshot of the data flow tab would be helpful in determining the problem. If yes, then you're in luck - I have had this problem before.
Add a sort to the data flow as this is a fully blocking transformation (see below regarding blocking transformations). What this means is that the SELECT will be required to complete loading all data into the pipeline buffer before any data is allowed to pass down to the destination. Otherwise, SSIS is attempting to INSERT data while there is a lock on the table/index. You might be able to get creative with your indexing strategies here (I have not tried this). But, a fully blocking transformation will do the trick and eliminates the need for any additional indexes to the table (and the overhead that entails).
Note: never use NOLOCK query hints when selecting data from a table as an attempt to get around this. I have never tried this nor do I intend to. You (the royal you) run the risk of ingesting uncommitted data into your ETL.

Clustered Column Store Index gets created in the beginning and vanishes once the job is completed

I have an existing application which has many SQL Server stored procedures that run as below.These stored procs are applied on a data file and compute is done as per some business rules.
1) Pre-process
2) Process
3) Post-Process
In Pre-process, we are creating 'n' no. of tables with clustered column store index in place. When the job kicks off the tables get created with clustered column store index but the indexes vanish once the job is completed. ( This happens only for a large input data file. )
When I run the job on a small data file the clustered column store index gets created on the tables and it exists even after the completion of job.
Note :- The code is the same when i executed it for both small and large data files.
Can somebody share your thoughts on this if you have encountered similar problem?
Two things will cause an already fully established Index to 'vanish' from a table:
A process or user deletes it.
The transaction in which the index was created is rolled back, either because an exception was raised later in the transaction, the transaction wasn't recoverable, or via an explicit Rollback.
And that's it. You're answer lies in one of the two above.
I know this is not the answer you were looking for, it is however guaranteed to be THE answer. Somewhere your code is failing and that's why the indexes are now vanishing.
Sql Server isn't a slapdash RDBMS - if it just arbitrarily just randomly dropped indexes then you know we'd be all over it. By your own admission you have complicated code.
Our DataWarehouse routinely drops and rebuilds indexes of all sorts - the only times it's 'missing' them has been the result of a bug in our code.

Empty the contents of a database

I have a huge data base with complicated relations, how can I delete all tables contents without violating foreign key constraints,is there a a such way to do that?
note that I am writing a SQL script file to delete tables such as the following example:
delete from A
delete from B
delete from C
delete from D
delete from E
but I don't know what table should I start with.
In SQL Server, there is no native way to do what you're asking. You do have a few options depending on your particular environment limitations:
Figure out the relationships between the tables and start deleting rows out in the appropriate order from foreigns to parents. This may be time-consuming for a large number of objects, but is the "safest" in terms of least destruction.
Disable the foreign key constraints and TRUNCATE TABLE. This will be a bit faster if you're dealing with lots of data, but you still have to to know where all your relationships are. Not too terrible if you're working with fewer tables, though option 1 becomes just as viable
Script out the database objects and DROP DATABASE/CREATE DATABASE. If you don't care about a raw teardown of the database, this is another option, however, you'll still need to be aware of object precedence for creation. SQL Server—as well as third-party tools— offer ways to script object DROP/CREATE. If you decide to go this route, the upside is that you have a scripted backup of all the objects (which I like to keep "just in case") and future tear-downs are nearly instantaneous as long as you keep your scripts synchronized with any changes.
As you can see, it's not a terribly simple process because you're trying to subvert the very reason for the existence of the constraints.
Steps can be:
disable all the constraint in all the tables
delete all the records from all the tables
enable the constraint back again.
Also see this discussion: SQL: delete all the data from all available tables
Removes all rows from a table without
logging the individual row deletions.
TRUNCATE TABLE is similar to the
DELETE statement with no WHERE clause;
however, TRUNCATE TABLE is faster and
uses fewer system and transaction log
Dude, taking your question at face value... that you want to COMPLETELY recreate the schema with NO data... forget the individual queries (too slow)... just destroydb, and then createdb (or whatever your RDBM's equivalent is)... and you might want to hire a competent DBA.

Confirm before delete/update in SQL Management Studio?

So for the second day in a row, someone has wiped out an entire table of data as opposed to the one row they were trying to delete because they didn't have the qualified where clause.
I've been all up and down the mgmt studio options, but can't find a confirm option. I know other tools for other databases have it.
I'd suggest that you should always write SELECT statement with WHERE clause first and execute it to actually see what rows will your DELETE command delete. Then just execute DELETE with the same WHERE clause. The same applies for UPDATEs.
Under Tools>Options>Query Execution>SQL Server>ANSI, you can enable the Implicit Transactions option which means that you don't need to explicitly include the Begin Transaction command.
The obvious downside of this is that you might forget to add a Commit (or Rollback) at the end, or worse still, your colleagues will add Commit at the end of every script by default.
You can lead the horse to water...
You might suggest that they always take an ad-hoc backup before they do anything (depending on the size of your DB) just in case.
Try using a BEGIN TRANSACTION before you run your DELETE statement.
Then you can choose to COMMIT or ROLLBACK same.
In SSMS 2005, you can enable this option under Tools|Options|Query Execution|SQL Server|ANSI ... check SET IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS. That will require a commit to affect update/delete queries for future connections.
For the current query, go to Query|Query Options|Execution|ANSI and check the same box.
This page also has instructions for SSMS 2000, if that is what you're using.
As others have pointed out, this won't address the root cause: it's almost as easy to paste a COMMIT at the end of every new query you create as it is to fire off a query in the first place.
First, this is what audit tables are for. If you know who deleted all the records you can either restrict their database privileges or deal with them from a performance perspective. The last person who did this at my office is currently on probation. If she does it again, she will be let go. You have responsibilites if you have access to production data and ensuring that you cause no harm is one of them. This is a performance problem as much as a technical problem. You will never find a way to prevent people from making dumb mistakes (the database has no way to know if you meant delete table a or delete table a where id = 100 and a confirm will get hit automatically by most people). You can only try to reduce them by making sure the people who run this code are responsible and by putting into place policies to help them remember what to do. Employees who have a pattern of behaving irresponsibly with your busness data (particulaly after they have been given a warning) should be fired.
Others have suggested the kinds of things we do to prevent this from happening. I always embed a select in a delete that I'm running from a query window to make sure it will delete only the records I intend. All our code on production that changes, inserts or deletes data must be enclosed in a transaction. If it is being run manually, you don't run the rollback or commit until you see the number of records affected.
Example of delete with embedded select
delete a
--select a.* from
from table1 a
join table 2 b on =
where b.somefield = 'test'
But even these techniques can't prevent all human error. A developer who doesn't understand the data may run the select and still not understand that it is deleting too many records. Running in a transaction may mean you have other problems when people forget to commit or rollback and lock up the system. Or people may put it in a transaction and still hit commit without thinking just as they would hit confirm on a message box if there was one. The best prevention is to have a way to quickly recover from errors like these. Recovery from an audit log table tends to be faster than from backups. Plus you have the advantage of being able to tell who made the error and exactly which records were affected (maybe you didn't delete the whole table but your where clause was wrong and you deleted a few wrong records.)
For the most part, production data should not be changed on the fly. You should script the change and check it on dev first. Then on prod, all you have to do is run the script with no changes rather than highlighting and running little pieces one at a time. Now inthe real world this isn't always possible as sometimes you are fixing something broken only on prod that needs to be fixed now (for instance when none of your customers can log in because critical data got deleted). In a case like this, you may not have the luxury of reproducing the problem first on dev and then writing the fix. When you have these types of problems, you may need to fix directly on prod and you should have only dbas or database analysts, or configuration managers or others who are normally responsible for data on the prod do the fix not a developer. Developers in general should not have access to prod.
That is why I believe you should always:
1 Use stored procedures that are tested on a dev database before deploying to production
2 Select the data before deletion
3 Screen developers using an interview and performance evaluation process :)
4 Base performance evaluation on how many database tables they do/do not delete
5 Treat production data as if it were poisonous and be very afraid
So for the second day in a row, someone has wiped out an entire table of data as opposed to the one row they were trying to delete because they didn't have the qualified where clause
Probably the only solution will be to replace someone with someone else ;). Otherwise they will always find their workaround
Eventually restrict the database access for that person and provide them with the stored procedure that takes the parameter used in the where clause and grant them access to execute that stored procedure.
Put on your best Trogdor and Burninate until they learn to put in the WHERE clause.
The best advice is to get the muckety-mucks that are mucking around in the database to use transactions when testing. It goes a long way towards preventing "whoops" moments. The caveat is that now you have to tell them to COMMIT or ROLLBACK because for sure they're going to lock up your DB at least once.
Lock it down:
REVOKE delete rights on all your tables.
Put in an audit trigger and audit table.
Create parametrized delete SPs and only give rights to execute on an as needed basis.
Isn't there a way to give users the results they need without providing raw access to SQL? If you at least had a separate entry box for "WHERE", you could default it to "WHERE 1 = 0" or something.
I think there must be a way to back these out of the transaction journaling, too. But probably not without rolling everything back, and then selectively reapplying whatever came after the fatal mistake.
Another ugly option is to create a trigger to write all DELETEs (maybe over some minimum number of records) to a log table.
