BackboneJS test with jasmine if parameters are passed to fetch - backbone.js

I have a Backbone Collection and I need to pass some parameters to the .fetch({data : {gender : 'male'}}). Is there a way to test with jasmine that the parameters are passed?
thanks in advance

You could probably achieve that by using the method in the example below.
Please note that, the below code will intercept the fetch-call and return, the call will not reach the server. If you would like to have the server-side emulation, then you would need to use Sinon or some other such similar methods.
describe("People collection" function() {
var people = Backbone.Collection.extend({
// ...
function searchPeople(people, data ) {
it("must verify the fetch parameters!", function(){
var param = {data : {gender : 'male'}};
// Set up the spy.
spyOn(people, 'fetch').andReturn(); // Warning: this makes the call synchronous, Fetch actually won't go through!
// Now perform the operation that would invoke Collection.fetch.
searchPeople(people, param);
expect(people.fetch).toHaveBeenCalled(); // Verifies the fetch was actually called.
expect(people.fetch).toHaveBeenCalledWith(param); // Verifies that the fetch was called with specified param.


AngularJS Unit Testing: Attaching Data from $q.resolve() to object

I'm testing a service that uses another service for API calls, let's call this the data service. The data service is tested elsewhere, so I've abstracted it away with a simple implementation that contains empty functions; I'm returning data via a deferred object and Jasmine's spyOn syntax.
The trouble I'm finding with this approach is when the data is returned, it's not immediately available on the calling object, as it would be if I used $httpBackend. Aware I could just use $httpBackend, but I'd like to know if I've missed something (simple or otherwise) in this approach.
Example section of code I'm trying to test:
storeTheData = dataService.getSomeData();
storeTheData.$promise.then(function(data) {
/*this would work*/
/*but this would not, when testing using $q*/
_.forEach(storeTheData, function(storedData) {
/*do something with each object returned*/
As a side note, I don't think the situation is helped by the ...$promise.then on another line, but ideally I wouldn't change the code (I'm providing test coverage to something written a while ago...)
Example of the test:
dataService = {
getSomeData: function () { }
getSomeDataDeferred = $q.defer();
spyOn(dataService, "getSomeData").and.returnValue({$promise: getSomeDataDeferred.promise});
getSomeDataDeferred.resolve([{obj: "obj1"}, {obj: "obj2"}]);
With the test described above, the console.log(data) would be testable as the data is accessible from being passed into the .then(). But the data is not immediately available from storeTheData, so storeTheData[0].obj would be undefined. On debug, I can see the data if I go through the promise that was attached to storeTheData via storeTheData.$$state.value
Like I said, I know I could use $httpBackend instead, but is there any way to do this with $q without changing the code under test?
I've not found a way to do this with $q.resolve, but I do have a solution that doesn't involve using the data service or changing the code under test. This is as good, because the main things I wanted to avoid were testing the data service as a side effect and changing the code.
My solution was to create a $resource object via $injector...
$resource = $inject.get("$resource");
...then return that in my basic implementation of the data service. This means I could use $httpBackend to respond to the request to an end point that isn't reliant on the data service's definition staying consistent.
dataService = {
getSomeData: function () {
/* new code starts here */
var resource = $resource(null, null, {
get: {
method: "GET",
isArray: true,
url: "/getSomeData"
return resource.get();
/* new code ends here */
$httpBackend.when("GET", "/getSomeData").respond(...;

Understanding BackboneJS flow

I have been given a Project which is written entirely in Backbone.js, which I am supposed to change according to our specific needs. I have been studying Backbone.js for the past 2 weeks. I have changed the basic skeleton UI and a few of the features as needed. However I am trying to understand the flow of the code so that I can make further changes.
Specifically, I am trying to search some content on Youtube. I have a controller which uses a collection to specify the url and parse and return the response. The code is vast and I get lost where to look into after I get the response. I tried to look into views but it only has a div element set. Could someone help me to proceed. I wont be able to share the code here, but a general idea of where to look into might be useful.
Code Snippet
],function( youtubeModelForSearch, Config, PagedCollection, CoreTV ) {
"use strict";
return PagedCollection.extend({
model: youtubeModelForSearch,
initialize: function() {
this.url = '';
fetch: function(options) {
if (options === undefined) options = {};
if ( === undefined) = {};
// = Config.getCMDCHost();
//CoreTV.applyAccessToken(options);, options);
parse: function(response) {
var temp = response.feed
/*temp["total"] = 20;
temp["start"] = 0;
temp["count"] = 10; */
return temp.entry;
inputChangeFetch: function(query) {
if(query) { = query;
// = Config.api.region;
// = Config.api.catalogueId;
Let's assume your collection endpoint is correctly set and working. When you want to get the data from the server you can call .fetch() on you collection.
When you do this, it will trigger an request event. Your views or anybody else can listen to it to perform any action.
When the data arrives from the server, your parse function is called, it is set using set or reset, depending the options you passed along fetch(). This will trigger any event related to the set/reset (see the documentation). During set/reset, the data retrieved from your server will be parsed using parse (you can skip it, passing { parse: false }.
Right after that, if you passed any success callback to your fetch, it will be called with (collection, response, options) as parameters.
And, finally, it will trigger a sync event.
If your server does not respond, it will trigger an error event instead of all this.
Hope, I've helped.

Backbone, Marionette, Jasmine: How to test jQuery deferred event

I'm very new to Jasmine and Marionette and looking for some help on how to test and even just the proper way to think about testing my application. Any pointers are welcome.
I have a Marionette Controller that I use to fetch my model, instantiate my views and render them. I use a method found at the bottom of this page so that the model is fetched before the view is rendered:
My controller method to fetch the model and display the view looks like so:
showCaseById: function(id){
App.models.Case = new caseModel({ id: id });
var promise = App.models.Case.fetch();
$.when(promise).then(_.bind(this.showContentView, this));
As you can see, it calls the showContentView after the model is fetched. That method is here:
showContentView: function(model){
App.views.Body = new bodyView({
model: App.models.Case
App.views.Body.on('case:update', this.submitCase, this);
// this.layout is defined in the controller's initialize function;
What is the proper way to test this functionality? I'd like to test the calling of the showContentView function after the completion of the promise. How should I break up the specs for this?
First, spy on your showContentView method and assert it has been called:
it('showCaseById', function (done) {
var controller = new Controller();
spyOn(controller, 'showContentView');
Secondly, I would recommend you stub out the call to fetch() so you don't hit the network, but it's starting to get a bit hairy now:
function caseModel() {
this.fetch = function () {
// return a promise here that resolves to a known value, e.g. 'blah'
Now, you can have a slightly stronger assertion, but this is a bit shonky because you're fiddling around with internals of your dependencies:
By overriding caseModel, when your controller method goes to create one, it gets your new version instead of the old one, and you can control the implementation of the new one just for this test.
There are ways to make this code more testable, but as it seems you're just starting out with testing I won't go into it all. You'll certainly find out those things for yourself as you do more testing.
First, it's important to understand that _.bind(fn, context) doesn't actually call fn. Instead, it returns a function that when called will call fn(). The context defines the object that fn will use internally as this.
It's not necessary but you could write showCaseById as :
showCaseById: function(id){
App.models.Case = new caseModel({ id: id });
var promise = App.models.Case.fetch();
var fn = _.bind(this.showContentView, this);
As I say, that is unnecessary but now you understand that _.bind() returns a function and that $.when(promise).then(...) accepts a function as its (first) argument.
To answer the actual question, you can confirm that the App.models.Case.fetch() promise has been fulfilled by adding a further $.when(promise).then(...) statement, with a test function of your own choosing.
showCaseById: function(id){
App.models.Case = new caseModel({ id: id });
var promise = App.models.Case.fetch();
$.when(promise).then(_.bind(this.showContentView, this));
// start: test
$.when(promise).then(function() {
console.log("caseModel " + id + " is ready");//or alert() if preferred
// fin: test
The second $.when(promise).then(...) will not interfere with the first; rather, the two will execute sequentially. The console.log() satatement will provide reliable confirmation that the this.showContentView has been called successfully and that initial rendering should have happened.
If nothing is rendered at this point or subsequently, then you must suspect that this.showContentView needs to be debugged.

AngularJS Execute function after a Service request ends

I am using AngularJS Services in my application to retrieve data from the backend, and I would like to make a loading mask, so the loading mask will start just before sending the request. but how can I know when the request ends?
For example I defined my servive as:
angular.module('myServices', ['ngResource'])
.factory('Clients', function ($resource) {
return $resource('getclients');
.factory('ClientsDetails', function ($resource) {
return $resource('getclient/:cltId');
So I use them in my controller as:
$scope.list = Clients.query();
$scope.datails = ClientsDetails.get({
So the question would be, how to know when the query and get requests ends?
As a side note in this question I've been using using angularjs 1.0.7
In AngularJS 1.2 automatic unwrapping of promises is no longer supported unless you turn on a special feature for it (and no telling for how long that will be available).
So that means if you write a line like this:
$scope.someVariable = $http.get("some url");
When you try to use someVariable in your view code (for example, "{{ someVariable }}") it won't work anymore. Instead attach functions to the promise you get back from the get() function like dawuut showed and perform your scope assignment within the success function:
$http.get("some url").then(function successFunction(result) {
$scope.someVariable = result;
I know you probably have your $http.get() wrapped inside of a service or factory of some sort, but you've probably been passing the promise you got from using $http out of the functions on that wrapper so this applies just the same there.
My old blog post on AngularJS promises is fairly popular, it's just not yet updated with the info that you can't do direct assignment of promises to $scope anymore and expect it to work well for you:
You can use promises to manage it, something like :
Clients.query().then(function (res) {
// Content loaded
}, function (err) {
// Error
Another way (much robust and 'best practice') is to make Angular intercepting your requests automatically by using interceptor (see doc here :$http).
This can help too : Showing Spinner GIF during $http request in angular
As left in a comment by Pointy I solved my problem giving a second parameter to the get function as following:
$scope.datails = ClientsDetails.get({
}, function(){
// do my stuff here

Qunit + Sinon to test Backbone's model events

These days I'm trying to put up some tests for my first serious Backbone app. I had no problem so far with normal test but now I'm stuck trying to setting up an async test.
Basically my server API return a page with a 500 HTTP code error if I try to save a model with invalid attributes and I want to check if this trigger the right "error" state in Backbone.
I've tried to set-up the test in this way:
asyncTest("Test save Model function", function(){
var user = new User({});
var err_spy = this.spy();
equal( err_spy.callCount, 1, "Callback 'error' called once");
The problem is that the error callback of the save function overrides the one in the model, so the only way to trigger it would be to do it manually:
I don't think it is a right way to test because in my production environment there is no error callback for model's save function, but on the other hand I don't know how to tell Qunit to wait the ajax response to evaluate the test assertion.
Can someone suggest me a way to make it work? Thank you!
Something like this should do the trick. I'm going from memory here, but the sinon fake server should allow you to immediately return the 500 error state and subsequently invoke the spied-on function. You might need to tweak the server.respondWith(...) call.
asyncTest("Test save Model function", function(){
var user = new User({});
// Set up a fake 500 response.
var server = sinon.fakeServer.create();
server.respondWith(500, {}, "");
// Create the error callback.
var err_callback = function(){};
var err_spy = sinon.spy(err_callback);, {error: err_callback});
equal( err_spy.callCount, 1, "Callback 'error' called once");
