I am attempting to create a ListView control which is populated via a binding to an ObservableCollection, which itself contains another ObservableCollection from which I need to display data in the ListView.
To clarify I have an object hierarchy as follows:
int ID = 123;
string Name = "Value";
int ID = 456;
ObservableCollection<ClassA> CollectionOfClassA;
int ID = 789;
ObservableCollection<ClassB> CollectionOfClassB;
From this I would like to end up with the following ListView layout:
(ClassC.CollectionOfClassB ListView)
| ClassB.ID | CollectionOfClassA.ClassA.ID | CollectionOfClassA.ClassA.ID |
| ClassB.ID | CollectionOfClassA.ClassA.ID | CollectionOfClassA.ClassA.ID |
To achieve this I would assume I need to bind my ListView to my CollectionOfClassB collection, however, the datatemplate structure and subsequent binding for producing the rows has me a bit stumped.
Can anyone assist me with this please?
Many thanks,
The first column in the table above references the ID field for the indexed object in the ClassC.CollectionOfClassB collection, each row being an individual object stored in the CollectionOfClassB.
Each of the ClassB objects stored in CollectionOfClassB has its own CollectionOfClassA, which I am attempting to place in the listview on the same row as its parent. Each ClassA object in CollectionOfClassA being a column.
Edit 2:
The first column is populated by the ID field from ClassB for the current item in the CollectionOfClassB, the subsequent columns are populated with data from each item in the CollectionOfClassA. The column header would be ClassA.ID, whilst the content would be ClassA.Name for example.
I am looking for example XAML markup that will allow me to achieve this.
If you know that ClassB.CollectionOfClassA is always the same length, you can bind to an indexed value of it
Here's a rough example
<!-- Assumes DataContext is ClassC -->
<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding CollectionOfClassB}">
<GridViewColumn DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Id}" Header="ClassB.Id" />
<GridViewColumn DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding CollectionOfClassA[0].Id}" Header="ClassA[0].Id" />
<GridViewColumn DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding CollectionOfClassA[1].Id}" Header="ClassA[1].Id" />
If you have a dynamic number of columns, it becomes a bit trickier
The simplest way would be to use a custom column and display the items in something like a horizontal StackPanel
<!-- Assumes DataContext is ClassC -->
<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding CollectionOfClassB}">
<GridViewColumn DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Id}" Header="ClassB.Id" />
<GridViewColumn Header="CollectionOfA"
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding CollectionOfClassA}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Id}" Width="50" />
Of course, this doesn't use the built-in GridView features like sorting
<ListView Name="lvAnyList" ItemsSource="{Binding}">
<GridViewColumn Header="xx" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding XX}" CellTemplate="{DynamicResource MyDataTemplate}"/>
<GridViewColumn Header="yy">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding YY}" />
If I access the TextBlock inside DataTemplate I will have access to information about the bound path.
But I don't know how to find (starting from the TextBlock) its containing GridViewColumn (which is in the GridViewRowPresenter columns list) and compare it to the grid's GridViewColumn (from GridViewHeaderRowPresenter column list) to get the header's name.
At the end I should have the pairs: xx->XX, yy->YY
I can find a list of all TextBlocks inside ListView by using this:
GridViewRowPresenter gvrp = ControlAux.GetVisualDescendants<GridViewRowPresenter>(element).FirstOrDefault();
IEnumerable<TextBlock> entb = GetVisualDescendants<TextBlock>(gvrp);
I can find a list of all GridViewColumnHeaders:
GridViewHeaderRowPresenter gvhrp = ControlAux.GetVisualDescendants<GridViewHeaderRowPresenter>(element).FirstOrDefault();
And I cannot find the connection between the TextBlocks and the GridViewColumns...
I hope this is understandable.
GridViewColumns are abstract objects they never appear anywhere in the UI, you can try to name the column and bind it to the Tag of a control where you need it using ElementName or if that fails a Source with x:Reference on the name.
i have a nested listview, i can bind the selected item of the basic listview to my viewmodel but not my selected item of the nested listview ( in the basic listview ) I just do:
this is my listview:
<ListView Height="155" ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll="True" ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" dd:DragDrop.IsDragSource="True"
dd:DragDrop.IsDropTarget="False" Margin="24,506,280,169" Background="#CDC5CBC5"
dd:DragDrop.DropHandler="{Binding}" SelectedItem ="{Binding Path=SelectedCluster,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged,Mode=TwoWay}" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Clusters,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged,Mode=TwoWay}" >
<GridViewColumn Header="Titel" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Title}"/>
<GridViewColumn Header="Questions">
<ListView DataContext="{Binding}" ItemsSource="{Binding ExaminationQuestions}" SelectedItem="{Binding Path=SelectedExaminationQuestionInCluster,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged,Mode=TwoWay}">
<GridViewColumn Header="Description" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Question.Description}"/>
public ExaminationQuestion SelectedExaminationQuestionInCluster
get { return selectedExaminationQuestionInCluster; }
set { selectedExaminationQuestionInCluster = value;
Someone who knows what i am doing wrong? If i set a breakpoint of the setter of selecteditem of the second listview. He just ignores that..
My guess is the binding is probably incorrect. In your outer ListView, you bind to "Clusters". Your inner ListView is probably trying to bind to "SelectedExaminationQuestionInCluster" on the current Cluster. You can see if this is the case by using snoop. It's a valuable tool when debugging WPF apps. It will highlight broken bindings in red and tell you what's wrong with them.
If you want to bind to "SelectedExaminationQuestionInCluster" on the parent DataContext, you could use this syntax:
SelectedItem="{Binding Path=DataContext.SelectedExaminationQuestionInCluster,
You'll have to give the outer ListView a name of course.
EDIT: I just realized this might not make sense. If each Cluster has its own collection of ExaminationQuestions, then each Cluster should also have a SelectedExaminationQuestion. The parent DataContext should not have any concept of a SelectedQuestion unless it is shared amongst all Clusters.
I have a collection of objects which I would like to represent columns in a GridView.
Currently I am binding individual columns in my GridView to items in the collection like this:
<GridViewColumn Header="{Binding Path=MyColumns[0].Title}"></GridViewColumn>
<GridViewColumn Header="{Binding Path=MyColumns[1].Title}"></GridViewColumn>
<GridViewColumn Header="{Binding Path=MyColumns[2].Title}"></GridViewColumn>
This works well, but what I really want to do is to bind to the collection itself (since the number of items in the collection might change at run-time). I would like to accomplish this in XAML. What I have in mind is something like this (note this does not work - the ColumnsSource attribute is make-believe):
<GridView ColumnsSource="{Binding Path=MyColumns}">
Can this be done? If so, how?
You can use an attached property to create a ColumnsSource property, see this question for an example.
If i bind a data table to WPF Toolkit-data-grid.....no need to specify the column names there...it will automatically take that from the datable.
But if I am binding a list-view to an observable collection...I have to specify the column header names for each column one by one..in xaml file.
So if I have a list of column names ->List<ColumnHeaderNames>
along with
list of item to populate ->List<Object to populate list>
I can bind item list to list-view...and column name list to list-view header...but i don't know if there s any property in list-view...to bind my header.
That means...
I have a user control in which i have 2 list-views ...one is available and another is selected. I need this user control shud be reusable...That means...if I am binding a list like ...the list shud contain two columns...first column with name as "state" and second column name as "county". But if I am binding a list like ..Then listview shud contain 3 columns...with column names as fruit, color and price.
I think the best for you would be to set the View property of your ListView to a GridView. Then you can easily bind the columns header :
<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding ListOfValues}">
<GridView >
<GridViewColumn DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding XVal}" Header={binding header}"/>
for more information you can go there http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.controls.gridview.aspx
And if you use a struct which contains the list and the name : < {listOfFruits,"Fruits"}, {listofStates,"States>
And then :
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding ListOfStruct}">
<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding ListOfitem}">
<GridViewColumn DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding}" Header="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor, AncestorType=ListView}, Path=DataContext.Header}"/>
It is not the best way but I don't know how to do
I might sound dumb here, but I want to do something really simple. At design time, I want to add columns to a listview control and add some data to it. I need to add combobox in each column of the listview. The thing I am not able to find is where to mention the column number in the listviewitem. Any help appreciated guys.
<ListView IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True" Margin="8,68,304,188"
<GridViewColumn Width="150" Header="Column1"/>
<GridViewColumn Width="150" Header="Column2"/>
Each column in the listviewitem is rendered based on the GridView definition, so there is no real concept of column numbers. What you do is bind objects to the the listview's itemsource and it creates listviewitems from it. Thus, there are a few hoops to jump through.
This link has an example of how to do some simple object data binding. The advantage of this is what binding structure you have for design time can probably be reused for run-time if you set the datacontext/itemsource to an empty object instead of the static one in XAML.
If you're doing this to show examples or you just have a static data source that you want to use, I would recommend using the XmlDataProvider. Then you'd change your ListView to be like this,
<ListView IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True" Margin="8,68,304,188"
<GridViewColumn Width="150" Header="Column1" DisplayMemberPath="{Binding XPath=/A/B}"/>
<GridViewColumn Width="150" Header="Column2" DisplayMemberPath="{Binding XPath=/A/C"/>