Where do I go for interactive help when learning the Maude Language?
I've found books, tutorials, and webpages with excellent instruction. I can't find any sort of interaction such as an IRC channel, active mailing list, or stack exchange (There is such a list but it gets one or two messages a month.)
What other interpersonal resources exist for this language?
I created the channel #maude on freenode, let's lurk there and turn it into an active community.
Maude is a nice language.
I am new to programming and would like to create a chatbot(I know a little about arithmetic, statistic, linear algebra but no knowledge yet in ML/DL/AI theory. And as I'm starting, I haven't done any projects yet. But the final goal I set myself is to be able to create a chatbot with artificial intelligence. But after some research, I saw that it will take me quite a long time.
So I set myself an intermediate level. One just to create a chatbot that can send and reply to messages automatically. To this end, the programming languages that have been recommended to me are: Python, Ruby, PhP, Java... but (in view of my final objective : creating a chatbot with AI) I would like to know which programming language will be more useful and more appropriate for me?
[RE]: Given my situation, I haven't started a project yet (I'm looking for the right language to be able to get started). Yes, I know I'm repeating myself but that's why I can't present a community-specific problem. Besides since I just learned that my question is a matter of opinion and that it does not respect the rules of the platform, I humbly ask the moderators to remove it.
Thanks !
Hey that’s an interesting project to do.
As you are more focused on the artificial intelligence I would stick with the biggest and most common ML language:
Python - this is currently the biggest Machine Learning language and allows you to use open source tensorflow for your ML models.
I think what you will find interesting and challenging, once you go into more complex sentences is dealing with natural language processing, Python has the nltk (Natural Language Toolkit) that’s a good place to start and learn from.
Once you have gotten a possible basic python console chat system working you might want to show it off in a nicer presented way so more so you could wrap it in a simple python api and call upon it using a small JavaScript web browser chat application. Although your more interested in the first part so I’d suggest go with python.
I’d start off by trying to make the ai respond to predefined strings and then go from there. It’s worth nothing there is a number of open-source GitHub projects that have ML and Natural Language Processing bots so have a little look around for inspiration. https://github.com/topics/chatbot
Also fyi if your writing a report on this doing detailed investigative work in what tooling and language to use is an important part of your report and you should gather information and sources about usage etc and then reason as to why.
Hope this points you in the correct direction and good luck 👍
Does anyone know the actual programming language(s) used to develop Amazon Alexa, not the skills but Alexa itself? I have been searching online but the answers I'm seeing are all related to Alexa skills' development.
I suppose there is not that one language.
First at all you have all the Natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning stuff.
Most probably delivered by this team: https://www.amazon.jobs/en/landing_pages/amazon-aachen-development-center. See the job descriptions there - they are looking for experience in: "Java, C++ or Python".
You can also watch about job descriptions of the cambridge team: https://amazon.jobs/de/landing_pages/Cambridge. There are also some short videos.
Also the overall team https://www.amazon.jobs/en/teams/alexa-information is looking for similar languages. See the job descriptions there.
Can any one tell me or guide me in programming an ai Assistant something like Jarvis or Google Assistant etc which has both online and offline voice recognition capability.
I am new to Ai so I tried many tuorials and all still not able to understand or build one. Also don't know where to start and how to start please any help I really need help.
To be frank, natural language processing is one of the most complex and technically difficult fields in computer science. so if you want to make your own version of google assistant, it would help to have an advanced degree in AI, a million dollars in research funding and your own team of engineers.
That being said, a chatbot makes for a really fun hobby project. For now, try not to worry about online and offline voice recognition capability. Make a text-based chatbot that handles basic conversation. You can always add more capability later, and you'll probably have your bearings by then and know what to do.
A good place may be microsoft's new bot framework. I've never used it, myself, but its goal is to take some of the technologies behind the likes of Google Assistant and Jarvis, and to make them available for the everyday developer. It seems to fit your use-case, and as a microsoft product, it'll (probably) have some documentation or tutorials for you to get started.
There are a couple of options to get started.
First off, try to build a
bot using C# for native windows
applications. Microsoft has great documentation for the same, and there are a couple of great tutorials on YouTube for the same.
You can also try
to build a bot. It's a bit less hands on, but a good way to get started.
To really try doing everything yourself, try learning a bot of machine learning first. Google has great YouTube tutorials for the same.
C# bot on windows
Google machine learning
The best choice to start is api.ai. It is simple to learn and integrate, and have a good response time. I tried most of the chatbot engines, apply to the natural language by phone to build voice assistants (Voximal). An important factor in this case is the response time. If you plan to integrate a lot of complex datas the reponse time will increase, and remember that you need to add the time duration of the SpeechToText and TextToSpeech too...
Use my project as an inspiration, is a personal A.I. assistant that is running on Windows 10/11(maybe even 8, not tested). It uses Tokenization and content analysis and association with set parameters for natural language processing and offline and online speech recognition for speech recognition. It can search content on Amazon, Google, Google Images, Google News, Netflix, Wikipedia and eBay. It can open and close multiple applications and it can also navigate in the settings menu on windows on any page or sub-section.
The project is here: https://github.com/CSharpTeoMan911/Eva
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I am working on a independent project for school, and I need a bit of guidance on possible resources. Basically, I am trying to build a Unix-style shell (possibly porting later to Windows) in C or C++. I will add shell commands in a modular fashion, adding functionality as I go. The final step will be to ad a "connect" command which will allow a user to connect to a telnet BBS that I have designed. The BBS will also only have basic, skeletal functionality. E.G., I am probably going to have news blurbs, maybe a basic application and a basic door game.
I don't really need help with the programming (at least, not yet), but I have been having trouble finding good resources to help me out. What I am looking for is a good book on shell programming (not writing scripts, but actually programming a shell from scratch, and its various interactions with the underlying system), and a good book on adding telnet functionality- what I mean by this is that I want to use my computer as a server, and allow a few other users to connect in order to test that my system works. I am currently reading the Sans "Teach Yourself TCP/IP in 24 hours" which has proved reasonably useful for someone with a good understanding of CS, algorithms, data structures, etc. I just need something a little more specific.
Just a little background- I am a second year Computer Science student at Purdue, and I am doing this independent study in order to tie together many of the concepts I have learned thus far. If anyone could point me toward some truly excellent resources, it would be very much appreciated.
Please let me know if you need more detail or clarification in order to point me toward the appropriate resource. Note that I am willing to buy any book available if it proves to be a valuable resource. Also, I did try a search for these resources on SO, but most questions seemed to be too specific (generally about issues that someone is having with their implementation of a shell, etc.); I would also prefer personal recommendations from experienced programmers in the field.
Thanks in advance.
PS- To clarify "BBS" for younger programmers- this is what existed before the Internet. Old school, dial-up, text based bulletin board systems on a 2400 baud modem. I obviously can't recreate that exactly, but my hope was to synthesize the experience using telnet or SSH. See http://www.telnetbbsguide.com/ for more information on a telnet BBS. I need to be able to write my own software, though, that merely has a fraction of the functionality of a real BBS. But, I am not sure what I need to be searching for to learn more about this- should I be looking at server books, networking books, or something else entirely?
PPS- More clarification. Most of the books I have been seeing on BBS's are books about how to setup, run, and maintain a BBS as a sysop, using pre-existing software. What I need to do is write the software myself. I will likely use telnet, as it appears to be easier to use that SSH (at least, to program- please correct me if I am wrong about this). I friend of mine recommended that I get a book on patterns, and also a copy of "The Pragmatic Programmer". Please let me know if he is pointing me in the right direction for what I want to build. Also, just as a side note, I do have a pretty decent (if basic) knowledge of programming, algorithms, and data structures- but absolutely no knowledge of networking or servers and I am not really sure how much I actually need to know in order to start development on this project. Well, I know a little bit about networking, just not from a programmer's perspective. Thank you all again.
There is a book about programming unix shells! written by none other than Axel Tobias-Schreiner, illustrious author of ooc.pdf, The "Object-Oriented C" PDF (Google it, but don't forget his name!).
It's called "Using C with Curses, Lex and Yacc: Building a Window Shell for Unix System V", Prentice Hall, 1990; and it really should be considered Part 3 of the saga begun in K&R "The C Programming Language", and continued in the second half of K&P "The UNIX Programming Environment".
The shell the book describes is a rogue-style "window system" that works inside the terminal (using curses), it includes a text-file viewer, and a command-language interpreter that runs commands inside of these "windows". The command language uses lex and yacc to implement the lexer/parser. So the book serves as an introduction to doing such things, a large literate program in C, and goldmine of snippets for using curses, complicated options processing, and implementing a programming language using the much-touted standard unix tools.
I've never seen a book about programming of shells, although I'd be happy to find out that such a thing exists.
But really, isn't programming a shell basically a list of features that you'll implement AND the order of evaluation of how interpret the users input? You can see a good write-up on order of evaluation in 'Classic Shell Programming', Robbins and Beebe AND in 'C Shell Field Guide' (the Andersons) and possibly others.
Of course, you would learn a lot by digging in on the available source codes for shells, bash, z shell, ksh.
Sorry, I don't have any ideas about the BBS server part of your question. As you found the SAMS book helpful, I'd recommend looking at the W. Richard Stevens' Network Programming Series of books, which is 99% Unix network programming and maybe not what you want.
(Finally, consider changing out your recommendation tag for bash or zsh, as many regular contributors at S.O. check for new questions by searching on 'their' tags. The people that can answer your question better may not be reading it)
I hope this helps.
I'm trying to find information on how to program an embedded mobile controller such as the ifm R 360. Where could I find specific information on the programming language used, the required development environment and any other useful information?
From what I understand, the programming language is based on IEC 61131-3. What books or tutorials should I look at to better understand this?
Here is a J1939 Software Protocol Stack
Apparently you need a version of CoDeSys adapted to the controllers, see the products page.