Can someone please share complete code for external pagination using display tag in JSP and/or servlets. Please no hibernate, spring or struts 1 or 2. (I don't care if you have MySQL or DB2 or Oracle on the backend).
If you don't have this, can you send me code for jmessa in JSP or Servlet.
I'm on GAE and I need simple working code that has external pagination so I could integrate with GAE.
This would help immensely and save me some time!
I am working on an App which is going to be huge.This app is using Laravel for backend and currently uses Angular to load views which i believe is not suitable for a large application.I would like to rewrite the code to load the views using Laravel's Blade engine.
I have gone through this:
What application structure to use with AngularJS and Laravel?
I am interested in the second option provided in the answer but have no idea how to implement it in my existing application.
Please suggest me what changes do i need to do.
Thanks in advance.
I am working on a project that involves building a line chart. I am getting the data from a mysql DB. I want to know how its possible to use AngularJs and some bootstrap templates to accomplish this. I would very much appreciate it if there is a step by step way of explaining.
thank you in advance
Try using AngularJS service to read the data from your Back end server via HTTP REST API or url that returns json.
Then use nvd3-angular-directive library to show the chart e.g
My assignment is to create a realtime application using Laravel and AngularJs. I have gone through some blogs and youtube videos. But i am not able to decide what are the exact technologies i should use.
I have created REST API in Laravel and frontend in AngularJs. There are some modules in the application which requires data should be realtime.
Example : There is a job listing page having status property, This status should be automatically changed if the status of job is updated by someone else.
Suggestions would be really appreciated. Thanks in advanced.
in laravel 5.1 there is an option to use pusher,which is works like as socket.Using this i did an realtime chatting application.See the video it will help you to make sense how will you go
I've been learning Java for more than 6 months. I'm developing a web app and learning through building it. I'm using Glassfish Server and MySql. No frameworks. Using Servlet, JSP and EJB.
Now I'm querying database through JSP page and displaying results. Is this the best way? or Should I use servlet for querying database and displaying results in JSP?
I want to display only part of the resultset object and show the remaining if the user wants to see it. So Could I implement this using jsp alone?
I would recommend usind your Servlet to handle the database-connunication only and perhaps some logging on the usage of the Connection. The logic would best be implemented in JSP alone since you can better maintenance it.
Querying database through JSP page is not the best way. And because you are not using any framework is definitely not the best way to learn. While learning you need to try as much frameworks as possible to find out which one you can use or not to use. You are also need to learn patterns for building Java EE applications.
Should I use servlet for querying database and displaying results in jsp?
This approach is much better, but is not enough because of coupling database code with servlet code.
I want to display only part of the resultset object and show the remaining if the user wants to see it. So Could I implement this using jsp alone?
What do you want to display should be coded in the servlet.
You should avoid coding your business logic codes in your JSPs. Segrate your application into multiple layers, take a look at MVC design pattern.
Model: These are plain POJO classes where your DB transaction and business logic happens.
Controller: This is where your servlets goes. These classes accept user request, call appropriate Model classes and send response to view.
View: This is you JSPs, displays data to users. Avoid using Scriptlets in your Jsps. Use JSTL and EL.
Take a quick look at this example MVC application, and do your own searching on MVC. Hope it helps you to get started.
AngularJs code for CREATE,INSERT,DELETE,UPDATE operations using Phonegap. The database can be sqlite or mysql
I use for my storage needs with my angular phonegap apps and it works really well. Check out the following blog post for an example of how this works.