drag polygon overlay - leaflet open source map API - maps

I am creating a web application on maps, using open source maps. I have to create a polygon overlay which can be dragged anywhere on the map. I checked Leaflet API for this but I couldn't find any. Any help is appreciated. thanks.

I'm doing the same thing. But having some problems while draging. Look into the wrapper L.Draggable in the source, this is used for dragging any element in leaflet


insert pdf file into mobile app development

I have a pdf file of a map of the building and I want to attach this map into the app. How can I do it? I try to convert the pdf file into the URL and use action event in the button but it didn't work. I also screenshot the map and attach the picture into the button but it is too large and I can't zoom in the detail in the map. Do you have any idea about this?
You can use an image an then place it with an ImageViewer. That allows pinch to zoom on the device so you can see the finer details.

How to add custom markers to mapbox-gl js?

I am trying to add markers in a map using mapbox gl. I checked mapbox gl example but they have set of default icons predefined in there style. I want to add my custom markers and their styling. And I would be able add a click or hover event over the marker too.
Or can we add custom markers like we add in leaflet. just with the code and defining everything in the code.
I am integrating mapbox gl with react js (server side rendering). I am being stuck at showing the markers on the map.
Did anyone try this before? Thanks.
Mapbox Custom Marker
I even tried this example but could not work for me.
With Custom Image Marker

Qt5/QML Displaying a custom route on a map

What would be the best way to draw a custom route on a QML Map with a set of given coordinates?
Basically, all I need is that the map highlights the path along the road and does not go straight to each point.
No animations needed either.
I need it to be in a desktop application.
One option is to display a HTML website using Leaflet or OpenLayers. Both support displaying a GPX track. The track can be obtained by using one of the various online routers for OSM.

Event when all markers for Angular Google Maps makers have been drawn

Im currently using the Angular Google Maps lib (http://angular-google-maps.org/), have an application that makes a request for data that is plotted as markers (this happens long after the map has been drawn). However this data set is large and it takes some time for all the markers to have been drawn on the map. Is there a way to catch an event or watch for when all the markers have been drawn e.g. to allow for a spinner to be shown while the markers are being drawn. I have already looked at the events such as idle however this only accounts for pan and zoom. Any help greatly appreciated.
Managed to resolve this by listing to the DOMNodeInserted on the .angular-google-map-container element, this fires when the markers have been drawn on the map

error in embedding deep zoom

I created a website separately first and then opened it in Expression web to insert the deep zoom image in, but I keep getting this error:
"Add the page to a site and then try to insert the deep zoom image"
I have no idea what to do next, could somebody please point me in the right direction?
Where are you inserting the image? Deep zoom image is not a single image. It is collection of images. One embeds the deep zoom player that comes with deep zoom composer into a web page to display those images. Did you use deep zoom composer for creating deep zoom images? You can try http://www.imagesurf.net which allows online automated deep zoom/open zoom of photos and also allows to embed it in your web page. I am affiliated with the site.
