"no test history available" error when running cal - benchmarking

vogar --benchmark --stream --verbose --mode jvm ArraySortBenchmark.java
But it doesn't execute any benchmark, because "no test history available"
executing mkdir -p /tmp/vogar/573bd257-1b6e-4b91-92dd-1cdc6bdc491b
Actions: 1
skipped Users.louischiffre.projects.testing.ArraySortBenchmark.java
Task 0: prepare target
Task 1: rm /tmp/vogar/573bd257-1b6e-4b91-92dd-1cdc6bdc491b
depends on completed task: prepare target
Task 2: rm /tmp/vogar/run
depends on completed task: prepare target
running prepare target
executing rm -rf /tmp/vogar/run
executing mkdir -p /tmp/vogar/run
executing mkdir -p /tmp/vogar/run/tmp
executing mkdir -p /tmp/vogar/dalvik-cache
executing mkdir -p /tmp/vogar/run/user.home
running rm /tmp/vogar/run
running rm /tmp/vogar/573bd257-1b6e-4b91-92dd-1cdc6bdc491b
executing rm -rf /tmp/vogar/573bd257-1b6e-4b91-92dd-1cdc6bdc491b
executing rm -rf /tmp/vogar/run
parsing outcomes from 0 files
Skips summary:
Users.louischiffre.projects.testing.ArraySortBenchmark.java (no test history available)
Outcomes: 1. Passed: 0, Failed: 0, Skipped: 1. Took 129ms.
Interestingly, dn caliper example
do not have this problem.


Retrieve rows in DB corresponding to particular ID using kubectl

I am trying to fetch the no. of rows for a particular ID using kubectl but instead getting some extra data.
kubectl exec abc-db-0 -n cicd --kubeconfig /root/admin.conf -- bash -c "psql -U postgres -d db -f /tmp/queryInstanceId.sql -v v1=full_test | grep [0-9]"
Actual Output of above command:
Defaulting container name to abc-db.
Use 'kubectl describe pod/abc-db-0 -n cicd' to see all of the containers in this pod.
(0 rows)
Expected Output:
(0 rows)
Could anyone please let me know what I am doing wrong here?
The first 2 lines always comes when we login to the DB manually but in output I only want (0 rows)
The first two lines are output by kubectl exec because the Pod has multiple containers. It is sort of a warning that it picked the first one, which might not be the one you wanted use.
You can specify the target container in your command (-c containername):
kubectl exec abc-db-0 -n cicd --kubeconfig /root/admin.conf -c abc-db -- bash -c "psql -U postgres -d db -f /tmp/queryInstanceId.sql -v v1=full_test | grep [0-9]"
Or you can redirect the standard error with kubectl ... 2>/dev/null (os specific):
kubectl exec abc-db-0 -n cicd --kubeconfig /root/admin.conf -c -- bash -c "psql -U postgres -d db -f /tmp/queryInstanceId.sql -v v1=full_test | grep [0-9]" 2>/dev/null

Init build environment within a batch

I'm using a windows batch file to run vxWorks build.
In order to run the build, I need to run the wrenv.exe utility that set up the build environment.
I'm trying the following, but the update operation fails
call C:\WindRiver32\wrenv.exe -p vxworks-6.8
call wrws_update.bat -data "%WORKSPACE%" -l %APP_MODULE% -b build -c %CPU%
How can I force the batch to "remember" the wrenv.exe settings?
The two commands may be combined, like this:
call C:\WindRiver32\wrenv.exe -p vxworks-6.8 wrws_update.bat -data %WORKSPACE% -l %APP_MODULE% -b build -c %CPU%
This will run the command "wrws_update.bat -data %WORKSPACE% -l %APP_MODULE% -b build -c %CPU%", inside the "C:\WindRiver32\wrenv.exe -p vxworks-6.8" shell, returning control upon completion.

extracting and creating ipk files

ipk packages are the intallation packages used by opkg.
I'm trying to extract the contents of one of them and also create my own ipk.
I've read that I should be able to untar them but that is not true.
I've tried:
tar -zxvf mypack.ipk
and I get:
zip: stdin: not in gzip format
I've also tried:
tar -xvf mypack.ipk
and I get:
tar: This does not look like a tar archive
I've found that most of the information on the internet regarding ipk's are inaccurate.
My ipk was generated by bitbake. I'm having a hard time with bitbake and want to avoid using it.
Any ideas on how to extract and how to create ipk files? A simple template with a single package would be useful to have.
I figured it out.
You can extract the main package with the ar x command, then extract the control.tar.gz with the tar -zxf command.
I have tested "ar x package-name.ipk" command but it didn't help
I found bellow command which worked perfectly
tar zxpvf package-name.ipk
This extracts three files:
use the same command to open data.tar.gz and control.tar.gz files
for more information refer to
You need to create a control file, and then do some archiving using tar and ar. In my case, I was distributing just python scripts, so there was no architecture dependency. You should check the control and Makefile into version control, and delete all the other intermediate files.
Here are the contents of control
Package: my-thing-python
Version: 1.0
Description: python scripts for MyCompany
Section: extras
Priority: optional
Maintainer: John
License: CLOSED
Architecture: all
OE: my-thing-python
Homepage: unknown
Depends: python python-distutils python-pyserial python-curses python-mmap python-ctypes
Source: N/A
Here is my Makefile which sits in the same directory as all my python scripts.
all: my-thing-python.ipk
rm -rf ipk
mkdir -p ipk/opt/my-thing-python
cp *.py ipk/opt/my-thing-python
tar czvf control.tar.gz control
cd ipk; tar czvf ../data.tar.gz .; cd ..
echo 2.0 > debian-binary
ar r my-thing-python.ipk control.tar.gz data.tar.gz debian-binary
clean: FORCE
rm -rf ipk
rm -f control.tar.gz
rm -f data.tar.gz
rm -f my-thing-python.ipk
Extracting with these commands:
Extract the file by running the command:
ar -xv <.ipk file>
Extract the control.tar.gz file by running the command:
tar -zxvf control.tar.gz
data.tar.gz : untar by running the command:
tar –zxvf data.tar.gz
If you want a list of files in an ipk, you can do something like:
for f
tar -x -z -f $f ./data.tar.gz -O | tar tvzf -
-O is extract to standard output.
ipk files used to be AR (like DPKG), but are now tgz.
I feel that some dpkg utility ought to cope with ipkg files, but I haven't found the right one.

How do I use makefile to test my shell implementation?

Here is my current makefile, which does not run test correctly:
shell2: shell2.o
shell2.o: shell2.c
rm -f *.o
test: shell2
cd ..
sleep 100 &
My program tests for newline to know when a command has been entered. This is the output of my
program when I compile it myself manually:
$ pwd
$ cd ..
$ jobs
$ sleep 1000 &
To the background: 20203
$ jobs
$ jobs
$ killall sleep
sleep(17014): Operation not permitted
sleep(17305): Operation not permitted
sleep(17433): Operation not permitted
sleep(19741): Operation not permitted
sleep(19841): Operation not permitted
sleep(20041): Operation not permitted
sleep(20183): Operation not permitted
$ jobs
$ exit
now exiting...
Here is the output when I run make test:
make test
$ pwd
$ cd ..
$ jobs
make: jobs: Command not found
make: *** [test] Error 127
Also, I have to hit ctrl+D every time for a new line to execute during make test.
I'm trying to write this makefile for my class so that I can submit my assignment, my professor did not explain at all how to use a makefile besides the basic
./a.out [input command]
He never explained how to use a makefile in the case that your program is running on a continuous loop like a shell is, waiting for the user to press [enter] or new line for the command to be parsed.
I checked the GNU man for make but it didn't explain much in the "testing" section.
Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it.
test_input.txt's output:
./shell2 < test_input.txt
"Sending command: pwd"
"Sending command: cd .."
"Sending command: pwd"
"Sending command: jobs"
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Jobs:
"Sending command: sleep 1000 &"
$ $ To the background: 27199
$ $ Jobs:
"Sending command: killall sleep"
$ $ $ $ Jobs:
"Sending command: jobs"
$ $ now exiting...
echo "Sending command: pwd"
echo "Sending command: cd .."
cd ..
echo "Sending command: pwd"
echo "Sending command: jobs"
echo "Sending command: sleep 1000 &"
sleep 1000 &
echo "jobs"
echo "Sending command: killall sleep"
killall sleep
echo "Sending command: jobs"
echo "exit"
It looks like you're trying to supply input to your program. You can't do this with make (directly) as make simply executes each line with /bin/sh -c COMMAND.
What you can do is
test: shell2
./shell2 < test_input.txt
to redirect input to the file test_input.txt, which would contain the commands you want.

Why does my regex break inside a Makefile?

I have a bunch of C source files named sequentially (say f1.c, f2.c, f3.c etc).
In my Makefile I have a clean: definition which used to look like this:
rm -f f1
rm -rf f1.dSYM
rm -f f2
rm -rf f2.dSYM
# etc
So I wanted to replace that with a regex, and this works great if I input it directly into the command line:
ls | grep -P ^f[0-9]+(|\.dSYM)$ | xargs rm -rf
However, if I then put that command in my clean definition, when I run make clean, I get this:
$ make clean
ls | grep -P ^f[0-9]+(|\.dSYM)| xargs rm -rf
/bin/sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `('
/bin/sh: -c: line 0: `ls | grep -P ^ex[0-9]+(|\.dSYM)| xargs rm -rf'
make: *** [clean] Error 2
I guess there are some special characters in my regex that are causing a syntax error... I've tried quoting and escaping stuff but nothing's really helping, does anyone know how I could get this working inside my Makefile?
Yet another solution, using $(wildcard) to find the C sources and pattern substitution to get the derived file names:
SOURCES := $(wildcard f[0-9]*.c)
clean :
rm -f $(SOURCES:.c=)
rm -rf $(SOURCES:.c=.dSYM)
ls | grep
is a useless use of ls. http://porkmail.org/era/unix/award.html#ls
rm -rf f[0-9] f[0-9]*[0-9] f[0-9]*.dSYM
In clear, use globing. See http://mywiki.wooledge.org/glob.
Direct solution: quote your regex. Better solution: globs, brace expansion, and/or find ... -delete.
rm -rf f{1,2}{,.dSYM}
rm -rf f? f?.dSYM
ffind . -regex '.*/f[0-9]' -o -regex '.*/f[0-9].dSYM' -delete
Your command line shell is probably different from the shell make uses. I guess you use /bin/bash at the command line, but make uses /bin/sh by default. You can change it by prepending
to the Makefile.
Adding quotes around vertical bars and parentheses is always safer than use them unquoted. Also note that the dollar sign must be doubled in a Makefile not to be treated as a special character.
