I'm having several problems regarding OpenCL (total noob) but I think that if I manage to solve this one I will be able to solve some of the other. I have the following kernel that I want to store in a double array the a number calculated by the data of a struct. The argument that I pass to the kernel is a struct array and is initialised and the values are non zero (I tested it).
When executing the kernel though I get a "Floating point exception". If I got it right it means that the local_density variable is zero and the division causes an error. What I don't get is why it is zero since in the host the values of non-zero. Am I doing something wrong in the kernel?
#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable
typedef struct
double speeds[9];
} t_speed;
__kernel void prepare(__global const t_speed* cells,
__global const int* obstacles,
__global double* results,
const unsigned int count)
int pos = get_global_id(0);
if(pos >= count) return;
if(obstacles[pos] == 1) results[pos] = 0.00;
double local_density = 0.00;
for(int kk = 0; kk < 9; kk++)
local_density += cells[pos].speeds[kk];
results[pos] = (cells[pos].speeds[1] + cells[pos].speeds[5] +
cells[pos].speeds[8] - (cells[pos].speeds[3] +
cells[pos].speeds[6] + cells[pos].speeds[7])) /
Here is also the initialization of the variable that I pass as an argument. params->ny/nx have correct values.
cells = (t_speed*) malloc(sizeof(t_speed) * (params->ny * params->nx));
Also I quote the argument setting for the kernel for the cells variable.
m_cells = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, sizeof(t_speed) * count, NULL, NULL);
err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(commands, m_cells, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(t_speed) * count, cells, 0, NULL, NULL);
err |= clSetKernelArg(av_velocity_prepare_kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), &m_cells);
------------------------------------------ EDIT ------------------------------------------
OK, what is really weird is that I'm getting the same error (Floating point exception) even with the very simple following kernel. Anyone has got a clue?
#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable
__kernel void test(__global float* result, const unsigned int n)
int i = get_global_id(0);
if(i >= n) return;
result[i] += 1.0f;
I noticed that you are declaring your buffer as CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, yet your are writing to it inside the kernel. According to the OpenCL spec, this is undefined. Try using CL_MEM_READ_WRITE instead.
OK, so it was a completely different thing than I thought it was. The problem was that when I was calling
clEnqueueNDRangeKernel (command_queue, kernel, work_dim, *global_work_offset,
*global_work_size, *local_work_size, num_events_in_wait_list,
*event_wait_list, *event)
the global_work_size was not divisible by local_work_size. That caused the Floating point exception.
I've just started to learn CUDA and i wanted to fill an array (a 2D array represented as a 1D array) with random numbers. I followed another posts in order to generate random numbers, but i don't know if there is a problem with the generation of numbers or with the memory recovering from the device or anything else. The problem is that, though i have tried to fill any cell of the array with the id of the thread that is atending it in order to see the results after copying into the host memory, i receive an array that is filled with 0 in any position after recovering the data with cudaMemcpy().
I'm programming on Visual Studio 2013, with cuda 7.5, on a i5 2500k as my processor and a 960 GTX graphic card.
Here is the main and the method where i try to fill it. I'll update the cuRand Initialization too. If you need to see something else, just tell me.
__global__ void setup_cuRand(curandState * state, unsigned long seed)
int id = threadIdx.x;
curand_init(seed, id, 0, &state[id]);
__global__ void poblar(int * adn, curandState * state){
curandState localState = state[threadIdx.x];
int random = curand(&localState);
adn[threadIdx.x] = random;
// It doesn't mind if i use the following instruction, the result is a lot of 0's
//adn[threadIdx.x] = threadIdx.x;
int main()
const int adnLength = NUMCROMOSOMAS * SIZECROMOSOMAS; // 256 * 128 (32.768)
const size_t adnSize = adnLength * sizeof(int);
int adnCPU[adnLength];
int * adnDevice;
cudaError_t error = cudaSetDevice(0);
if (error != cudaSuccess)
curandState * randState;
error = cudaMalloc(&randState, adnLength * sizeof(curandState));
if (error != cudaSuccess){
//Here is initialized cuRand
setup_cuRand <<<1, adnLength >> > (randState, unsigned(time(NULL)));
error = cudaMalloc((void **)&adnDevice, adnSize);
if (error == cudaErrorMemoryAllocation){// cudaSuccess){
printf("\n error");
poblar <<<1, adnLength >>> (adnDevice, randState);
error = cudaMemcpy(adnCPU, adnDevice, adnSize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
//After here, for any i, adnCPU[i] is 0 and i cannot figure what is wrong
if (error == cudaSuccess){
for (int i = 0; i < NUMCROMOSOMAS; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < SIZECROMOSOMAS; j++){
printf("%i,", adnCPU[(i*SIZECROMOSOMAS) + j]);
return 0;
EDIT after answer solved: There was a particularity over the answer given, and is that you need a lower number of threads (half of that quantity worked for me) in order to seed correctly the random numbers with cuRand. For some reason, i could create the threads perfectly but i couldn't seed the pseudo-random algorithm generator.
The maximum number of threads per block is 1024 on your hardware, hence, you may not schedule a call with adnLength if it is larger than 1024.
The error you are having is most probably a call configuration error, and it is returned by cudaPeekAtLastError, as it occurs before any GPU work, right after the triple angled-bracket call. Indeed cudaMemcpy may not return it, even though it returns error from previous asynchronous calls.
The error that may occur is cudaErrorLaunchOutOfResources.
I am trying to implement an OpenCL version for doing reduction of a array of float.
To achieve it, I took the following code snippet found on the web :
__kernel void sumGPU ( __global const double *input,
__global double *partialSums,
__local double *localSums)
uint local_id = get_local_id(0);
uint group_size = get_local_size(0);
// Copy from global memory to local memory
localSums[local_id] = input[get_global_id(0)];
// Loop for computing localSums
for (uint stride = group_size/2; stride>0; stride /=2)
// Waiting for each 2x2 addition into given workgroup
// Divide WorkGroup into 2 parts and add elements 2 by 2
// between local_id and local_id + stride
if (local_id < stride)
localSums[local_id] += localSums[local_id + stride];
// Write result into partialSums[nWorkGroups]
if (local_id == 0)
partialSums[get_group_id(0)] = localSums[0];
This kernel code works well but I would like to compute the final sum by adding all the partial sums of each work group.
Currently, I do this step of final sum by CPU with a simple loop and iterations nWorkGroups.
I saw also another solution with atomic functions but it seems to be implemented for int, not for floats. I think that only CUDA provides atomic functions for float.
I saw also that I could another kernel code which performs this operation of sum but I would like to avoid this solution in order to keep a simple readable source. Maybe I cannot do without this solution...
I must tell you that I use OpenCL 1.2 (returned by clinfo) on a Radeon HD 7970 Tahiti 3GB (I think that OpenCL 2.0 is not supported with my card).
More generally, I would like to get advice about the simplest method to perform this last final summation with my graphics card model and OpenCL 1.2.
If that float's order of magnitude is smaller than exa scale, then:
Instead of
if (local_id == 0)
partialSums[get_group_id(0)] = localSums[0];
You could use
if (local_id == 0)
long integer_part=getIntegerPart(localSums[0]);
atom_add (&totalSumIntegerPart[0] ,integer_part);
long float_part=1000000*getFloatPart(localSums[0]);
// 1000000 for saving meaningful 7 digits as integer
atom_add (&totalSumFloatPart[0] ,float_part);
this will overflow float part so when you divide it by 1000000 in another kernel, it may have more than 1000000 value so you get its integer part and add it to the real integer part:
float value=0;
float float_part=getFloatPart_(totalSumFloatPart[0]);
float integer_part=getIntegerPart_(totalSumFloatPart[0])
+ totalSumIntegerPart[0];
just a few atomic operations shouldn't be effective on whole kernel time.
Some of these get___part can be written easily already using floor and similar functions. Some need a divide by 1M.
Sorry for previous code.
also It has problem.
CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE effects only current workgroup.
I confused. =[
If you want to reduction sum by GPU, you should enqueue reduction kernel by NDRangeKernel function after clFinish(commandQueue).
Plaese just take concept.
__kernel void sumGPU ( __global const double *input,
__global double *partialSums,
__local double *localSums)
uint local_id = get_local_id(0);
uint group_size = get_local_size(0);
// Copy from global memory to local memory
localSums[local_id] = input[get_global_id(0)];
// Loop for computing localSums
for (uint stride = group_size/2; stride>0; stride /=2)
// Waiting for each 2x2 addition into given workgroup
// Divide WorkGroup into 2 parts and add elements 2 by 2
// between local_id and local_id + stride
if (local_id < stride)
localSums[local_id] += localSums[local_id + stride];
// Write result into partialSums[nWorkGroups]
if (local_id == 0)
partialSums[get_group_id(0)] = localSums[0];
if(local_id < get_num_groups(0)){ // 16384
for(int n=0 ; n<get_num_groups(0) ; n+= group_size )
localSums[local_id] += partialSums[local_id+n];
for(int s=group_size/2;s>0;s/=2){
if(local_id < s)
localSums[local_id] += localSums[local_id+s];
if(local_id == 0)
partialSums[0] = localSums[0];
I'm trying to learn the new features of OpenCL 2.0, and I've created a small kernel in an attempt to demonstrate device-side enqueue. The Kernel is below:
#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_amd_printf : enable
__kernel void call_me(__global int *a);
__kernel void templateKernel(__global unsigned int * output,
__global unsigned int * input,
const unsigned int multiplier);
__kernel void call_me(__global int *a)
//do nothing
int id = get_global_id(0);
//a[id] = b[id];
__kernel void templateKernel(__global unsigned int * output,
__global unsigned int * input,
const unsigned int multiplier)
uint tid = get_global_id(0);
int lid = get_local_id(0);
int gid = get_group_id(0);
int broadcast = 1;
int global_size = get_global_size(0);
if(gid == 0) {
broadcast = work_group_broadcast(5, 0);
int collection = work_group_scan_exclusive_add(broadcast);
void (^kernel_block)(void) = ^{call_me(input);};
//output[tid] = input[tid] * multiplier + collection + broadcast;
output[tid] = collection;
//output[tid] = global_size;
size_t size = 100;
//printf("hey %d\n", broadcast);
ndrange_t ndrange = ndrange_1D(size);
queue_t default_queue = get_default_queue();
if(tid == 0){
int status = enqueue_kernel(
This kernel is supposed to do nothing, other than have it be a successful call in the kernel, that doesn't result in the program segfaulting. What's wrong with it? The segmentation fault is removed when the enqueue_kernel call is removed. My OpenCL C compiler is set to --cl-std=CL2.0 and is confirmed to be working, since the broadcast and collect functions work properly.
I'm using AMDAPPSDK 3.0 Beta. Any help is appreciated.
I have solved my own problem.
The issue was that in OpenCL 2.0, the API call to create command queues
clCreateCommandQueue() has been deprecated. Instead AMD suggests that one should use the new API call clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties() in order to enable device-side queues, for the device-side kernel calls.
In addition to using the new API call, one must also make at least 2 command queues. One for the host-side, and one for the device-side.
The device queue is made in the host, using the additional properties that come with the new API call.
I'm aware that there are multiple questions similar to this one already answered but I've been unable to piece together anything very helpful from them other than that I'm probably incorrectly indexing something.
I'm trying to preform a sequential addressing reduction on input vector A into output vector B.
The full code is available here http://pastebin.com/7UGadgjX, but this is the kernel:
__global__ void vectorSum(int *A, int *B, int numElements) {
extern __shared__ int S[];
// Each thread loads one element from global to shared memory
int tid = threadIdx.x;
int i = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
if (i < numElements) {
S[tid] = A[i];
// Reduce in shared memory
for (int t = blockDim.x/2; t > 0; t>>=1) {
if (tid < t) {
S[tid] += S[tid + t];
if (tid == 0) B[blockIdx.x] = S[0];
and these are the kernel launch statements:
// Launch the Vector Summation CUDA Kernel
int threadsPerBlock = 256;
int blocksPerGrid =(numElements + threadsPerBlock - 1) / threadsPerBlock;
vectorSum<<<blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock>>>(d_A, d_B, numElements);
I'm getting a unspecified launch error which I've read is similar to a segfault. I've been following the nvidia reduction documentation closely and tried to keep my kernel within the bounds of numElements but I seem to be missing something key considering how simple the code is.
Your problem is that the reduction kernel requires dynamically allocated shared memory to operate correctly, but your kernel launch doesn't specify any. The result is out of bounds/illegal shared memory access which aborts the kernel.
In CUDA runtime API syntax, the kernel launch statement has four arguments. The first two are the grid and block dimensions for the launch. The latter two are optional with zero default values, but specify the dynamically allocated shared memory size and stream.
To fix this, change the launch code as follows:
// Launch the Vector Summation CUDA Kernel
int threadsPerBlock = 256;
int blocksPerGrid =(numElements + threadsPerBlock - 1) / threadsPerBlock;
size_t shmsz = (size_t)threadsPerBlock * sizeof(int);
vectorSum<<<blocksPerGrid, threadsPerBlock, shmsz>>>(d_A, d_B, numElements);
[disclaimer: code written in browser, not compiled or tested, use at own risk]
This should at least fix the most obvious problem with your code.
All, I wrote a very simple OpenCL kernel which transforms an RGB image to gray scale using simple averaging.
Some background:
The image is stored in mapped memory, as a 24 bit, non padded memory block
The output array is stored in pinned memory (mapped with clEnqueueMapBuffer) and is 8 bpp
There are two buffers allocated on the device (clCreateBuffer), one is specifically read (which we clWriteBuffer into before the kernel starts) and the other is specifically write (which we clReadBuffer after the kernel finishes)
I am running this on a 1280x960 image. A serial version of the algorithm averages 60ms, the OpenCL kernel averages 200ms!!! I'm doing something wrong but I have no idea how to proceed, what to optimize. (Timing my reads/writes without a kernel call, the algorithm runs in 15ms)
I am attaching the kernel setup (sizes and arguments) as well as the kernel
EDIT: So I wrote an even dumber kernel, that does no global memory accesses inside it, and it was only 150ms... This is still ridiculously slow. I thought maybe I'm messing up with global memory reads, they have to be 4 byte aligned or something? Nope...
Edit 2: Removing the all parameters from my kernel gave me significant speed up... I'm confused I thought that since I'm clEnqueueWriteBuffer the kernel should be doing no memory transfer from host->device and device->host....
Edit 3: Figured it out, but I still don't understand why. If anyone could explain it I would be glad to award correct answer to them. The problem was passing the custom structs by value. It looks like I'll need to allocate a global memory location for them and pass their cl_mems
Kernel Call:
//Copy input to device
result = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(handles->queue, d_input_data, CL_TRUE, 0, h_input.widthStep*h_input.height, (void *)input->imageData, 0, 0, 0);
if(check_result(result, "opencl_rgb_to_gray", "Failed to write to input buffer on device!")) return 0;
//Set kernel arguments
result = clSetKernelArg(handles->current_kernel, 0, sizeof(OpenCLImage), (void *)&h_input);
if(check_result(result, "opencl_rgb_to_gray", "Failed to set input struct.")) return 0;
result = clSetKernelArg(handles->current_kernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&d_input_data);
if(check_result(result, "opencl_rgb_to_gray", "Failed to set input data.")) return 0;
result = clSetKernelArg(handles->current_kernel, 2, sizeof(OpenCLImage), (void *)&h_output);
if(check_result(result, "opencl_rgb_to_gray", "Failed to set output struct.")) return 0;
result = clSetKernelArg(handles->current_kernel, 3, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&d_output_data);
if(check_result(result, "opencl_rgb_to_gray", "Failed to set output data.")) return 0;
//Determine run parameters
global_work_size[0] = input->width;//(unsigned int)((input->width / (float)local_work_size[0]) + 0.5);
global_work_size[1] = input->height;//(unsigned int)((input->height/ (float)local_work_size[1]) + 0.5);
printf("Global Work Group Size: %d %d\n", global_work_size[0], global_work_size[1]);
//Call kernel
result = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(handles->queue, handles->current_kernel, 2, 0, global_work_size, local_work_size, 0, 0, 0);
if(check_result(result, "opencl_rgb_to_gray", "Failed to run kernel!")) return 0;
result = clFinish(handles->queue);
if(check_result(result, "opencl_rgb_to_gray", "Failed to finish!")) return 0;
//Copy output
result = clEnqueueReadBuffer(handles->queue, d_output_data, CL_TRUE, 0, h_output.widthStep*h_output.height, (void *)output->imageData, 0, 0, 0);
if(check_result(result, "opencl_rgb_to_gray", "Failed to write to output buffer on device!")) return 0;
typedef struct OpenCLImage_t
int width;
int widthStep;
int height;
int channels;
} OpenCLImage;
__kernel void opencl_rgb_kernel(OpenCLImage input, __global unsigned char* input_data, OpenCLImage output, __global unsigned char * output_data)
int pixel_x = get_global_id(0);
int pixel_y = get_global_id(1);
unsigned char * cur_in_pixel, *cur_out_pixel;
float avg = 0;
cur_in_pixel = (unsigned char *)(input_data + pixel_y*input.widthStep + pixel_x * input.channels);
cur_out_pixel = (unsigned char *)(output_data + pixel_y*output.widthStep + pixel_x * output.channels);
avg += cur_in_pixel[0];
avg += cur_in_pixel[1];
avg+= cur_in_pixel[2];
avg /=3.0f;
if(avg > 255.0)
avg = 255.0;
else if(avg < 0)
avg = 0;
*cur_out_pixel = avg;
Overhead of copying the value to all the threads that will be created might be the possible reason for the time; where as for a global memory the reference will be enough in the other case. The only the SDK implementer will be able to answer exactly.. :)
You may want to try a local_work_size like [64, 1, 1] in order to coalesce your memory calls. (note that 64 is a diviser of 1280).
As previously said, you have to use a profiler in order to get more informations. Are you using an nvidia card ? Then download CUDA 4 (not 5), as it contains an openCL profiler.
Your performance must be far from the optimum. Change the local work size, the global work size, try to treat two or four pixels per tread. Can you change the way pixels are stored privous to your treatment? Then break your struct for tree arrays in order to coalesce memomry access more effectively.
Tou can hide your memory transfers with the GPU work: it will be more easy to do with a profiler near you.