Prefix route I want to create already exists as controllers - cakephp

I'm new to cakephp so go easy on me!
I have a table called promoters and users can be promoters.
I want to create a "promoters dashboard/control panel". To do this I wanted to create a prefix route of "promoters".
E.g. you go to you get to the promoter_add function within EventsController.
So the problem is that I actually have a controller called PromotersController which I need for the admin users (e.g.
I hope you're following.
So... my question is, will I just have to do what I think I'm going to have to do which is to create a different prefix route? Maybe call it promos or something?
Or can I create a prefix route of promoters and just have it override the controller named PromotersController if it needs to?

Can't you just add the promoters dashboard method to the PromotersController?
class PromotersController extends AppController {
public function dashboard() {
you can then visit:


Creating static home page for CakePHP3

I am working on a CakePHP3 project. I want a static homepage that will be loaded on
For this I have created a PagesController which will handle all the static pages in the website like about,contact,etc.
I am having display.ctp view in Template/Pages/display.ctp to load on
But, for testing (routes are not configured yet), I'm using and to show the view but it gives error as
SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'mysite.pages' doesn't exist
Do I need to create Table for this ?
It is much, much easier than that
For this I have created a PagesController
There is already a pages controller for serving static content, and a
static template for the home page, there is no need to create/overwrite the default pages controller, to replace it with the same (or less) functionality. This is also mentioned in the documentation
The steps to modify static pages (with default routes) are:
edit src/Template/Pages/home.ctp - look at the url /
create/edit src/Template/Pages/something.ctp - look at the url /pages/something
The error means that the application is looking for a model named Page. To tell the application that your controller does not refer to any model you have to use something like bellow. Also add the proper action. means in controller "pages" call action "display".
class MyController extends AppController {
var $uses = false;
public function display {}

Allowing the user to change config settings in CakePHP

Using CakePHP 2.6.7
I have created a plugin and there are 2 variables which for the most part are effectively constants - but the user should be able to change their values (they are paths to header and footer images).
I had been trying to use Configure::read() and Configure::write() but now realise that isn't what Configure is intended for and doesn't actually work in that manner at all.
How should these two variables be stored so that the values can be changed by a user and these changes would be permanent (until they make another change)?
Initial Solution
I've now solved the problem by serializing the data in an array to a text file. It would be great if someone had a more elegant solution though.
Simplest solution would be to store these values in the database as settings and then load them in.
We often do this using a Setting model to store the name-value pairs then attach a component (often to AppController) that loads in the data. For example, create a component like this:-
App::uses('Component', 'Controller');
class SettingsComponent extends Component {
public function initialize(Controller $Controller) {
$settings = $Controller->Setting->find('all');
foreach($settings as $setting) {
Configure::write('Setting.' . $setting['Setting']['name'], $setting['Setting']['value']);
Then load this for any controller that needs these settings:-
public $components = array('Settings');
You can then access the values in your code like:-
Configure::read('Setting.app_name', 'My Cake App');
You can easily extend the functionality of the component and what is stored in the settings table to make this approach as flexible as you need.

CakePHP - can't create more than one method (admin_index) in plugin

I'm a newbie in CakePHP, please have patience with me :)
So, I'm trying to create a plugin called References. I've baked "plugin's core" through cake's console. Then I've created ReferencesController class that extends ReferencesAppController and Reference class (model) that extends ReferencesAppModel. My next step was creating action admin_index (just code to save form), it's view and a little bit validation in Reference model. To my problem, I'm unable to create any other action, ex. admin_add. When I do (I create new action and I add it's view), then I try to access it through the URL (localhost/my_project/admin/references/add), and there comes the message "Error: References.AddController could not be found.". I am not sure, what I do wrong, I don't want to create another controller, just action. Thank you
Because only the plugin index action (when plugin and controller have the same name) is directly routed.
For all others you need to verbosly add the plugin name and the controller name to the url:
If you had created a link to this action, the routing would have shown you that.

CakePHP global variables in model

I am making one CakePHP project with Auth component. When I log in I got Session variable with user data. At the moment I am using this variable in controllers to pass data to the model.
$user = $this->Session->read('Auth');
$costs = $this->Posts->get_quartal_cost($user, $quartal, TRUE);
As I am using this in many controllers/models I am thinking that this is not DRY approach, so I wanted to make it better - something in AppModel(?)
Do you have some advice how to do that better?
You could use the beforeFilter event in your AppController and do something like this:
public function beforeFilter()
if ( $this->Session->check('Auth') )
Configure::write('Auth', $this->Session->read('Auth'));
From anywhere in your controllers, models and even views, you'll be able to access it by using echo Configure::read('Auth');. See the Configuration class documentation for more information.

Cakephp: Routing and default views

I'm currently trying to add an admin mode to my cakephp site.
I followed a tutorial on the web and added a routing prefix:
Configure::write('Routing.prefixes', array('admin'));
Then I implemented login and logout functionality.
I added a admin_view.ctp and admin_index.ctp to a model where I want to restrict access. Therefore I deleted view.ctp and index.ctp and expected that only admins could view the model by using:
But when I entered
a default view appeared that I could not disable (it allows model manipulation). Is there a standard way to disable all these default views or do I have to create a index.ctp and view.ctp that simply show error messages?
If you want to disallow certain action, you need to setup ACL, which is described here. And for authentication, in your controller you need something like this:
class SomethingsController extends AppController
var $components = array('Auth');
//this will allow all users access to the index
//and view methods ( but not any other)
function beforeFilter() {
// other actions
Hope this helps.
Delete default controller methods: function index(), view(), add(), edit() and delete(). Removing *.ctp templates is not enough.
