Silverlight 5 player to test Silverlight 4 apps safe? - silverlight

Is it safe to install the Silverlight 5 player when I'm testing Silverlight 4 apps? Could compatbility issues pop up or bugs in Silverlight 4 which won't appear in 5 or if I install Silverlight 5 it will still use the Silverlight 4 player for Silverlight 4 content?

Depends on what you're doing.
If you're working on a media player of DRM-protected videos for instance, it's not quite safe:

You should have no problems with that. Just go ahead and install Silverligh 5

backward compaitablity problems may occur. Such as we use some 3rd party components they behave diffrent in silverlight 4 and silverlight 5. But minor problems we had.
On design time there are some other problems with Silverlight 5 because it uses .Net Framework 4.5 so there are some changes between 4.5 and 4.0. These changeset cause some design time problems. i.e. you can't view your XAML design if you use MVVM pattern for some Graphical components.
Have a look at
The error says that 'System.Delegate System.Reflection.MethodInfo.CreateDelegate(System.Type, System.Object)
this method exist on Framework 4.5 not in 4.0.
As a result you cant guarantee the compaitablity because of the frameworks diffrence.


Silverlight 5 Backward Compatibility

I have a Silverlight application developed with version 4.0. I tried running it with Silverlight 5 client and everything seems to be fine up to now.
But I am wondering; if my users installs Silverlight 5 for client, is it sure my application will still work well? Do I have to run all my Test Cases again?
If anyone notices something that has been broke between versions, please list it here! :)
There's little evidence around the internet at the moment, other than that published by Microsoft, which can be found here and here, which states, to summarise:
Several changes have been made to the Silverlight runtime and the
Silverlight Tools between Silverlight 4 and Silverlight 5. For these
changes, the following principles apply:
Most Silverlight 4 applications will work with Silverlight 5 without
any changes.
When breaking changes are required, Silverlight will try to maintain
support for the old behavior, as well as the new behavior, by using a
quirks mode.
Nevertheless, some changes made to Silverlight components can
potentially cause your older Silverlight-based applications to fail
(compile time, XAML load time, or possibly design time) or to behave
There are no known breaking changes between Silverlight 4 and
Silverlight 5 in the Silverlight core runtime. Applications that were originally compiled using Silverlight 4 tools, and that continue to target the Silverlight 4 runtime, should work without issues on a client that has the Silverlight 5 runtime.
If your project references any Silverlight SDK client assemblies [...] make sure that your project
specifically references the Silverlight 5 version of the SDK client
assemblies [...]. A project that targets Silverlight 5 cannot use the Silverlight
4 SDK assemblies.
There's more information in the links I provide, for instance, related to quirks mode, third party references, and behavioural changes.
I have a project with a Silverlight 4 tool used to display a barchart etc. The Project upgrade to VS2013 automatically upgraded to Silverlight 5 and there were no warnings. I worked on other areas of the project and only by chance did I actually run it in debug mode to find that the display was broken somewhere inside the tool. I managed to scamper back to VS2012 and scavenge the changes I had made in the VS2013 version of the project.

how do I embed an existing xna 4 app into silverlight 5?

I've been struggling with this for a while, I have an XNA 4 app running just fine and I'd like to embed it into silverlight. I can't find any information on how this could be done (pretty much everything I've googled has been about silverilght 5 beta where silverlight 5 RC has changed code and stuff).
Any ideas?
Silverlight 5 supports limited subset of XNA and cannot execute existing XNA apps as is. You would have to port your application to Silverlight 5. Latest silverlight toolkit (Sep. 2011) provides templates, samples and integration with XNA content pipeline to help you started.
For instance, the current Silverlight implementation of XNA supports only shader model 2.0 It means no more than 64 shader instructions among other limitations.
I understood that we could maybe have shader model 3 while under full trust for the final release but nothing certain here...
But more important is that a SL app is a web delivered app. Therefore you don't want to donwload 200Mb of data before being able to play a SL game. Streaming of game resourcesis mandatory... and requires architectural modifications.

Should I build for Silverlight 3 or Silverlight 4?

I have a zip library (DotNetZip); currently the silverlight build is "unofficial" but I'm making it official.
Should I build for SL3 or SL4 or both?
Thanks for the input.
If you are releasing to the general public, consider releasing for both 3 and 4 (and 5 in a few months).
We still have to develop for Silverlight 3, for several clients, as their servers have not been updated to .Net 4 (required for some of the cooler server-side features of SL 4). Plesk based .Net hosting services also do not yet support .Net 4.

Where to get the older version silverlight 3?

I installed silverlight 4 recently, but we still have legacy projects need to be tested on silverlight 3. Where can I get it?
The Silverlight 4 plugin will behave like the Silverlight 3 plugin when the XAP version indicates its built with Silverlight 3. This includes any bugs that Silverlight 3 had where the fixes for these bugs would break an existing Silverlight 3 app. This is known as "quirksmode" (sounds familiar).
Whilst it is probably best for belts and braces to test Silverlight 3 apps on the actual Silverlight 3 plugin you will probably find that the same problems will be picked up even if you are using the Silverlight 4 plugin.
Use google or that link.
Isn't this it?

Why do Silverlight 4 Assemblys still have the version

Why do Silverlight 4 Assemblys still have the version in Visual Studios Object Browser?
Well I can't claim to know the exact reason for this, you would need someone from the SL team to state the reason categorically and I haven't seen any blogs from them doing that.
However I strongly suspect this is related to the fact that there is still only one Silverlight plugin, that is to say when a user installs the Silverlight 4 plugin it replaces the existing one. The Silverlight 4 plugin will run not only Silverlight 4 apps but also Silverlight 3 and 2 apps. As a consequence Silverlight 2 apps will be looking for libraries and that certain issues are avoided if the later versions simply use the same version number.
Of course I could be way off and hope that if I am an MS geezer come and shoot this down, in the process of which giving us the real answer.
Because it needs to reference the System.Core
