how to create a deinterlacer in xinimin.c (xine) - c

I've taken xinimin.c and added seek and osd functionality. The last big piece that I need to implement is deinterlacing, however, I'm finding very little documentation. I've been through the hacker's guide and of course I haved googled and googled. I found the deprecated method:
xine_set_param(stream, XINE_PARAM_VO_DEINTERLACE, 1);
which did not work. I saw that the current method involves post plugins, but my /usr/include/xine/post.h doesn't have the word deinterlace in it.
Can anyone provide an example of how to implement deinterlacing. It would be nice to have the flexibility down the road to change the deinterlacer, but something equivalent to the -D option on the command line is what I'm looking for to start with.
Is there a good resource for example source files?

Is this what you are looking for? src/post/deinterlace directory:
(4 links to pretty much the same:)
github || huceke/xine-lib-vaapi/tree/master/src/post/deinterlace
fossies dox ** xine-lib 1.2.1, deinterlace.h File Reference
xine_plugin.c File Reference
From hackersguide - Walking the source tree:
Video and audio post effect plugins live here. Post plugins
modify streams of video frames or audio buffers as they leave
the decoder to provide conversion or effects.
deinterlace (imported)
The tvtime deinterlacer as a xine video filter post.
hackersguide, Plugin system
I have only installed libxine, not anything else.
It is however a good idea to download the source as the project in large part is documented in the code. If you use i.e. Vim it is nice to use it with cscope and/or ctags. (As show in this tutorial.). Then you can jump to functions, definitions, callers, ... (across files etc), simply by a couple of key strokes. (They map where every function is defined, called, etc.)
When compiling, if on linux at least, I have to add the lib's at end (after source file):
gcc -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -std=c89 -o muxine muxine.c -lX11 -lxine
Perhaps this'll get you further on the way: Using sample code, muxine.c,:
And reading source documentation, (mainly here): xine.h
I added in main:
const char* const *tmp;
xine_post_t *post_x;
xine_post_api_t *post_api;
xine_post_in_t *input_api;
xine_post_api_descr_t *param;
const char *post_plug_t = "tvtime";
/*const char *post_plug_d = "deinterlace"; perhaps this?? */
After the existing sample code:
ao_port = xine_open_audio_driver(xine , ao_driver, NULL);
stream = xine_stream_new(xine, ao_port, vo_port);
I added
/* get a list of all available post plugins */
if((tmp = xine_list_post_plugins(xine)) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to get post plugins\n");
return 1;
printf("Post plugins:\n");
while (*tmp != NULL)
printf(" %s\n", *tmp++);
/* initialize a post plugin */
if ((post_x = xine_post_init(xine, post_plug_t, 1,
&ao_port, &vo_port)) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, " *ERR: Unable to 'post init' %s;\n",
return 1;
/* get a list of all outputs of a post plugin */
tmp = xine_post_list_outputs(post_x);
printf("Post List Outputs:\n");
while (*tmp != NULL)
printf(" %s\n", *tmp++);
! I get at least tvtime. Believe that is the deinterlacing plugin. (Sounds like it when reading the src/post/... comments.
One have the struct xine_post_api_t whic in turn has set_parameters(), that can be used to control the plugin (from the looks of it).


How do I get a list of available wifi-connections? [duplicate]

I would like to get a list of the wireless networks available. Ideally this would be via some C call, but I don't mind if I have to kludge it with a system call. Even better if the required C call or program doesn't require some exotic 3rd party package.
The internet seems to suggest I use sudo iwlist <interface> scan which does seem to do the trick from the command line, but I'd rather not require root permissions. I only want to see the basics, not change anything.
It's pretty easy to do a scan in the command line. The man pages are your friend here (check out iwconfig and iwlist). But using the C interface is a little more difficult so I'll focus on that.
First of all, as other people have mentioned, definitely download out the wireless tools source code. All the documentation for the programming interface is in the .c files. As far as I can tell, there is no web documentation for the api. However, the source code is pretty easy to read through. You pretty much only need iwlib.h and iwlib.c for this question.
While you can use iw_set_ext and iw_get_ext, the libiw implements a basic scanning function iw_scan, from which you can extract most of the information that you need.
Here is a simple program to get the ESSID for all available wireless networks. Compile with -liw and run with sudo.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <iwlib.h>
int main(void) {
wireless_scan_head head;
wireless_scan *result;
iwrange range;
int sock;
/* Open socket to kernel */
sock = iw_sockets_open();
/* Get some metadata to use for scanning */
if (iw_get_range_info(sock, "wlan0", &range) < 0) {
printf("Error during iw_get_range_info. Aborting.\n");
/* Perform the scan */
if (iw_scan(sock, "wlan0", range.we_version_compiled, &head) < 0) {
printf("Error during iw_scan. Aborting.\n");
/* Traverse the results */
result = head.result;
while (NULL != result) {
printf("%s\n", result->b.essid);
result = result->next;
DISCLAIMER: This is just a demonstration program. It's possible for some results to not have an essid. In addition, this assumes your wireless interface is "wlan0". You get the idea.
Read the iwlib source code!
The Wireless Tools package -- of which iwlist is a part -- also contains a Wireless Tools Helper Library. You need to include iwlib.h and link with libiw.a (i.e. add -liw). Then look up the documentation for the iw_set_ext function. The SIOCSIWSCAN parameter will be of most use. For an example of how to use this interface, take a look at the KWifiManager source in the KDE library (see: Interface_wireless_wirelessextensions::get_available_networks method). Alternatively, you can also download the Wireless Tools source code and take a look at how the iwlib iw_set_ext function is also used for scanning in iwlist.c.
As for privileges, I imagine the process will need to run as root to perform the scan. I'd love to know if this could be done otherwise as well.
Since you are using Ubuntu 8.04 the libiw-dev package should be of use.
You can use nmcli which does not require root permissions or name of WIFI interface.
nmcli -t -f ssid dev wifi

External file ressource on embedded system (C language with FAT)

My application/device is running on an ARM Cortex M3 (STM32), without OS but with a FatFs) and needs to access many resources files (audio, image, etc..)
The code runs from internal flash (ROM, 256Kb).
The resources files are stored on external flash (SD card, 4Gb).
There is not much RAM (32Kb), so malloc a complete file from package is not an option.
As the user has access to the resources folder for atomic update, I would like to package all theses resources files in a single (.dat, .rom, .whatever)
So the user doesn't mishandle theses data.
Can someone point me to a nice solution to do so?
I don't mind remapping fopen, fread, fseek and fclose in my application, but I would not like starting from scratch (coding the serializer, table of content, parser, etc...). My system is quite limited (no malloc, no framework, just stdlib and FatFs)
Thanks for any input you can give me.
note: I'm not looking for a solution where the resources are embedded IN the code (ROM) as obviously they are way too big for that.
It should be possible to use fatfs recursively.
Drive 0 would be your real device, and drive 1 would be a file on drive 0. You can implement the disk_* functions like this
#define BLOCKSIZE 512
FIL imagefile;
DSTATUS disk_initialize(BYTE drv) {
if(drv == 0)
return SD_initialize();
else if(drv == 1) {
r = f_open(&image, "0:/RESOURCE.DAT", FA_READ);
if(r == FR_OK)
return 0;
return STA_NOINIT;
DRESULT disk_read(BYTE drv, BYTE *buff, DWORD sector, DWORD count) {
UINT br, r;
if(drv == 0)
return SD_read_blocks(buff, sector, count);
else if(drv == 1) {
r = f_seek(&imagefile, sector*BLOCKSIZE);
if(r != FR_OK)
return RES_ERROR;
r = f_read(&imagefile, buff, count*BLOCKSIZE, &br);
if((r == FR_OK) && (br == count*BLOCKSIZE))
return RES_OK;
return RES_ERROR;
To create the filesystem image on Linux or other similar systems you'd need mkfs.msdos and the mtools package. See this SO post on how to do it. Might work on Windows with Cygwin, too.
To expand on what Joachim said above:
Popular choices of uncompressed (sometimes) archive formats are cpio, tar, and zip. Any of the 3 would work just fine.
Here are a few more in-depth comments on using TAR or CPIO.
I've used tar before for the exact purpose, on an stm32 with FatFS, so can tell you it works. I chose it over cpio or zip because of its familiarity (most developers have seen it), ease of use, and rich command line tools.
GNU Tar gives you fine-grained control over order in which the files are placed in the archive and regexes to manipulate file names (--xform) or --exclude paths. You can pretty much guarantee you can get exactly the archive you're after with nothing more than GNU Tar and a makefile. I'm not sure the same can be said for cpio or zip.
This means it worked well for my build environment, but your requirements may vary.
The cpio has a much worse/harder to use set of command line tools than tar in my opinion. Which is why I steer clear of it when I can. However, its file format is a little lighter-weight and might be even simpler to parse (not that tar is hard).
The Linux kernel project uses cpio for initramfs images, so that's probably the best / most mature example on the internet that you'll find on using it for this sort of purpose.
If you grab any kernel source tree, the tool usr/gen_init_cpio.c can used to generate a cpio from a cpio listing file format described in that source file.
The extraction code is in init/initramfs.c.
I've never used the zip format for this sort of purpose. So no real comment there.
Berendi found a very clever solution: use the existing fat library to access it recursively!
The implementation is quite simple, and after extensive testing, I'd like to post the code to use FatFs recursively and the commands used for single file fat generation.
First, lets generate a 100Mb FAT32 file:
dd if=/dev/zero of=fat.fs bs=1024 count=102400
mkfs.vfat -F 32 -r 112 -S 512 -v fatfile.fs
Create/push content into it:
echo HelloWorld on Virtual FAT >> helloworld.txt
mcopy -i fatfile.fs helloworld.txt ::/
Change the diskio.c file, to add Berendi's code but also:
DSTATUS disk_status ()
switch (pdrv)
printf("disk_status: FATFS_DRIVE_VIRTUAL\r\n" );
status = FATFS_SD_SDIO_disk_status();
Dont forget to add the enum for the drive name, and the number of volumes:
#define _VOLUMES 2
Then mount the virtual FAT, and access it:
f_mount(&VirtualFAT, (TCHAR const*)"1:/", 1);
f_open(&file, "1:/test.txt", FA_READ);
Thanks a lot for your help.

git_remote_connect always return wrong

i'm new in libgit2. and my problem is about git_remote_connect function, this problem has been confusing me for many days.
when i use git_remote_connect, it always return wrong, the message is:This transport isn't implemented. Sorry
The code is simply looks like:
git_remote *remote = NULL;
git_remote_load(remote, git_repo, remote_name);
// output the correctly result, just like run: git remote -v
g_message("remote user:", git_remote_name(remote)); // github-username
g_message("remote url:", git_remote_url(remote)); //
if (git_remote_connect(remote, GIT_DIRECTION_FETCH) < 0) {
const git_error *e = giterr_last();
g_error("connect wrong!\n"
"message: %s",
The protocol you're asking libgit2 to use was not included while compiling. Install the development package/headers for whatever package is needed and compile libgit2 again. The cmake output will tell you what was discovered; see the README for the libraries.
As an aside, is a local path, which is always available, so it's unlikely that this is the URL which libgit2 is trying to use.
you should enable SSH in CMakeLists.txt
OPTION(USE_SSH "Link with libssh2 to enable SSH support" ON)

video capturing with opencv

I am coding an app in C for windows using openCV. I want to capture video from the webcam and show it in a window.
The app is almost finished but it doesn't work properly. I think it's because of the cvQueryFrame() that alwasy returns NULL and I don't know why. I tried capturing some frames before going into the while but didn't fix the problem.
The compiler doesn't show me any error. It's not a compiling problem but an execution one. I debugged it step by step and in the line
if(!originalImg) break;
it allways jumps out of the while. That's why the app doesn't remain in execution. It opens and closes very fast.
Here's the code:
void main()
cvNamedWindow("Original Image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
while (1)
originalImg = cvQueryFrame(capture);
if(!originalImg) break;
cvShowImage("Original Image", originalImg);
c = cvWaitKey(10);
if( c == 27 ) break;
cvDestroyWindow("Original Image");
Let's see if someone have some idea and can help me with this, thanks!
Assuming the compilation was ok (included all relevant libraries), it may be that the camera has not been installed properly. Can you check if you are able to use the webcam otherwise (using some other software)
If the compilation is actually the issue, please refer to the following related question:
Quick summary:
Recompile opencv_highgui changing the "Preprocesser Definitions" in the C/C++ panel of the properties page to include: HAVE_VIDEOINPUT HAVE_DSHOW
There are other good answers that raise some relvant good points, but my gut feeling is that the above solution would work :-)
It seems you have not opened capture.
Add in the beginning of main:
CvCapture* capture = 0;
capture = cvCaptureFromCAM(0);

How can I make the printer work in C in MS VC++ Express edition?

I am using VC++ 2008 express edition for C. When I try to run this:
/* Demonstrates printer output. */
#include <stdio.h>
float f = 2.0134;
fprintf(stdprn, "This message is printed.\n\n");
fprintf(stdprn, "And now some numbers:\n\n");
fprintf(stdprn, "The square of %f is %f.", f, f*f);
/* Send a form feed */
fprintf(stdprn, "\f");
I get four of these errors: error C2065: 'stdprn' : undeclared identifier.
On this forum, they wrote that it works to define the printer as follows:
FILE *printer;
printer = fopen("PRN", "w");
It builds with a warning that fopen is unsafe. When it runs the error appears:
Debug Assertion fails.
File: f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\fprintf.c
Line: 55
Expression: (str != NULL)
The stdprn stream was an extension provided by Borland compilers - as far as I know, MS have never supported it. Regarding the use of fopen to open the printer device, I don't think this will work with any recent versions of Windows, but a couple of things to try:
use PRN: as the name instead of PRN (note the colon)
try opening the specific device using (for example) LPT1: (once again, note the colon). This will of course not work if you don't have a printer attached.
don't depend on a printer dialog coming up - you are not really using the WIndows printing system when you take this approach (and so it probably won't solve your problem, but is worth a try).
I do not have a printer attached, but I do have the Microsoft XPS document writer installed, s it shoulod at least bring up the standard Windows Print dialog from which one can choose the printer.
No. It wouldn't bring up a dialogue. This is because you are flushing data out to a file. And not going through the circuitous Win32 API.
The print doesn't work because the data is not proper PDL -- something that the printer could understand. For the print to work fine, you need to push in a PDL file, with language specific constructs. This varies from printer to printer, a PS printer will need you to push in a PostScript snippet, a PCL -- a PCL command-set and in case of MXDW you will have to write up XML based page description markup and create a zip file (with all resources embedded in it) i.e. an XPS file to get proper printout.
The PDL constructs are important because otherwise the printer doesn't know where to put the data, which color to print it on, what orientation to use, how many copies to print and so on and so forth.
Edit: I am curious why you are doing this. I understand portability is probably something you are trying to address. But apart from that, I'd like to know, there may be better alternatives available. Win32 Print Subsytem APIs are something that you ought to lookup if you are trying to print programmatically on Windows with any degree of fidelity.
EDIT It builds with a warning that fopen is unsafe.
This is because MS suggests you use the safer versions nowadays fopen_s . See Security Enhancements in the CRT.
When it runs the error appears:
Debug Assertion fails. File: f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\fprintf.c Line: 55
Expression: (str != NULL)
This is because fopen (whose return value you do not check) returns a NULL pointer. The file open failed. Also, if it did succeed a matching fclose call is called for.
There's no such thing as stdprn in ANSI C, it was a nonstandard extension provided by some compilers many years ago.
Today to print you have to use the specific APIs provided on your platform; to print on Windows you have to use the printing APIs to manage the printing of the document and obtain a DC to the printer and the GDI APIs to perform the actual drawing on the DC.
On UNIX-like OSes, instead, usually CUPS is used.
You can substitute the printer using this command with net use, see here on the MSDN kb
NET USE LPT1 \\server_name\printer_name
There is an excellent chapter on printing in DOS using the BIOS, ok, its a bit antiquated but interesting to read purely for nostalgic sake.
Onto your problem, you may need to use CreateFile to open the LPT1 port, see here for an example, I have it duplicated it here, for your benefit.
// handle error
ov.hEvent = CreateEvent(0, false, false, 0);
char szData[] = "1234567890";
if (!WriteFile(hFile,szData, 10, &p, &ov))
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING)
// handle error
// Wait for write op to complete (maximum 3 second)
DWORD dwWait = WaitForSingleObject(ov.hEvent, 3000);
if (dwWait == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
// it took more than 3 seconds
} else if (dwWait == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
// the write op completed,
// call GetOverlappedResult(...)
But if you insist on opening the LPT1 port directly, error checking is omitted...
FILE *prn = fopen("lpt1", "w");
fprintf(prn, "Hello World\n\f");
Hope this helps,
Best regards,
