Integrating a file browser into ckeditor & CakePHP - cakephp

recently found an article in to integrate a file browser into ckeditor (file manager of core five labs )
I followed the steps but i get an error when I click the browse server button,
Missing Controller:
Error: CkeditorController could not be found.

I had the same error at some point during my setup, but I don't seem to recall what was it and how I fixed it. Let me know if my next solution does not fix your problem and I will investigate a little more:
First I followed the following tutorial which worked well, but missed the Authentication part:
Then I used the tutorial you referenced, except for the last section of code provided. Instead I added the following code directly to my view page: admin_add.ctp
<?php echo $form->textarea('body', array(/*'class'=>'ckeditor', */'id' => 'body', 'class' => 'body')) ?>
include_once 'ckeditor/ckeditor.php' ;
//require_once 'ckfinder/ckfinder.php' ;
//$initialValue = 'Default value goes here' ;
$ckeditor = new CKEditor() ;
$ckeditor->basePath = '/ckeditor/' ;
$ckeditor->config['filebrowserBrowseUrl'] = '/ckeditor/filemanager/index.html';
$ckeditor->config['filebrowserUploadUrl'] = '/ckeditor/filemanager/connectors/php/filemanager.php';
$ckeditor->config['filebrowserImageBrowseUrl'] = '/ckeditor/filemanager/index.html?type=Images';
$ckeditor->config['filebrowserImageUploadUrl'] = '/ckeditor/filemanager/connectors/php/filemanager.php?command=QuickUpload&type;=Images';
$ckeditor->config['filebrowserWindowWidth'] = '800';
//CKFinder::SetupCKEditor( $ckeditor,'/ckfinder/' ) ;
// This will replace CakePHP textarea listed above.
Also, for the Auth Section of his tutorial I changed it to match my requirements:
function auth() {
if(isset($_SESSION['Auth']['User']) )
//Since CKEditor for me is only used in the admin section
//I make sure only admins can access it, group_id=1
if($_SESSION['Auth']['User']['group_id'] == 1)
return true;
return false;

If it tries to find a controller this means it can not access the editors file or folder and instead the dispatcher of CakePHP gets the request and tries to load a fckeditor controller.
This means you'll need to place the editor in the right directory (for example app/webroot/fckedtor/) or use the correct url to access it.


CakePHP change view for action in plugin

I'm developing a plugin that has an action which decide the view to render according to data properties:
class ProfilesController extends MyPluginAppController {
public function myaction($id){
//..omitting checks..
$profile = $this->Profile->read(null,$id);
//Else render default action view
While this controller was inside the APP everything was working right,
after moving into Plugin, cake says:
Error: Confirm you have created the file:
While I'd expect to load it from:
While I'd expect to load it from:
It is attempting to load the default plugin path
If you trace through the code for finding template files it is checking multiple paths for plugin view files:
$paths = $this->_paths($plugin);
$exts = $this->_getExtensions();
foreach ($exts as $ext) {
foreach ($paths as $path) {
if (file_exists($path . $name . $ext)) {
return $path . $name . $ext;
The path in the error message is the last place CakePHP looks for a plugin view path, but it should also be checking the plugins directory. Debug the above code to see where CakePHP is looking for files if in doubt.
The path being wrong in the error message probably indicates using an out of date version of CakePHP; it's always, always a good idea to maintain your applications running the most recent maintenance release for the major version you are using. From the info provided that's 2.7.3 at the time of this answer.

CakePHP routing not redirecting correctly

I have a problem and i have no idea what's wrong.
I have build a basic authentication system, simple one. but what i noticed is that the URL- from the side bar is different from the one that is generatet from cakephp for example:
is the url that displays on toolbar.
When i do:
echo Router::url($this->here, true );
the result is:
The site still works, but time after time generates an error such as:
Missing Controller
Error: SitenameController could not be found.
Error: Create the class SitenameController below in file: app\Controller\SitenameController.php
<?php class SitenameController extends AppController {
So i dont know what is causing the problem...
If someone, anyone could help me i would very appruciate it...
Thank you very much.
Your app is in a subdirectory so you should use
Router::url(null, true);
If the $url param is null the method will find the address to the actual controller/action. Read more here.
From the book:
$this->request->here contains the full address to the current request.
The full address includes the subdirectory as well. So if you use Router::url() with the $full param set to true it "duplicates" the subdirectory.

Html To PDF in CakePhp Using html2pdf Hangs

I use html2pdf, which is based on TCPDF, in CakePhp to render Views in PDF.
However, sometimes the generation hangs, I mean the browser freezes and never receives data.
There is a way to debug such a behavior? In apache logs I do not see any kind of error...
$view = new View(null, false);
$view->viewPath = 'Quotations';
$view->layout = 'preventivo';
if ($quotation['Quotation']['quotation_type'] == SERVICE)
$content = $view->render('print_s_template');
the print.ctp has
App::import('Vendor', 'HTML2PDF', array('file' => 'html2pdf'.DS.'html2pdf.class.php'));
$html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P','A4','it');
and the html is in print_s_template.ctp.
I found a solution myself. The problem is that I forgot to pass some variables to the View $view. And I suppose cake throw an error which, next, html2pdf cannot "render".
So: double check that all the variables in the view do exist!

CakePHP Cakemenu plugin fails after global error due to incorrect string encoding

I am using CakePHP 2.1.2 with PHP 5.3.5 and a plugin called 'Cakemenu' which normally works fine. The plugin stores menus in a db table with the menu link stored as text like
The helper in the plugin gets those values, then executes this code to convert that text to an array:
//Try to evaluate the link (if starts with array)
if (eregi('^array', $value['Menu']['link'])) {
$code = "\$parse = " . $value['Menu']['link'] . ";";
$result = eval($code);
if (is_array($parse)) {
$value['Menu']['link'] = $parse;
Everything works fine unless CakePHP is handling an error. For example if I mistype the name of a controller in the browser I should get a menu and then the missing controller message. Instead I get a page full "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in..." messages pointing to the line with the eval statement. If I printout the variable that is getting eval'ed I see that it has been (incorrectly) encoded with Html entities when it normally does not.
Good string to be eval'ed:
$parse = array('plugin'=>null,'controller'=>'assets','action'=>'index');
Bad string to be eval'ed:
$parse = array('plugin'=>null,'controller'=>'Parts','action'=>'add');
To temporarily fix the problem I added two statements to just replace the offending characters
$value['Menu']['link'] = str_replace( ''','\'',$value['Menu']['link']);
$value['Menu']['link'] = str_replace( '>','>',$value['Menu']['link']);
and everything works great again. Some other pieces of information that might be helpful is that the array of data used to generate the menu is read during the beforeFilter of the app and saved in a view variable and then the menu is generated as an element in the view.
I'm thinking that the error causes CakePHP (or PHP) to skip some loading or configuration process and that causes the string to be mishandled. Any help would be appreciated, thanks
Your beforeFilter() method won't be executed on error pages. You'll have to handle your errors yourself and manually call beforeFilter(). I wrote a blog post on how to use custom error pages - pay close attention to the Controller Callbacks section.

CakePHP - Miles Uploader Plugin - Isset Error

I have tried several CakePHP file uploaders, but have not been successful' in setting up and making it work. I've settled down with Miles Uploader Plugin and I am doing everything I can to make it work. Installation instructions are excellent and I have followed them to the letter, but I still cant get it to work.
When I post an Article I get the following error:
Warning (2): Illegal offset type in isset or empty [APP/plugins/uploader/controllers/components/uploader.php, line 1104]
if (isset($this->_data[$file])) {
I am making the following call in my add articles view
echo $form->input('main_image', array('type' => 'file'));
And I am using the following in my add action but it is returning false
if (!empty($this->data)) {
//This call is not successful which skips to the }else{ display the message below
if ($data = $this->Uploader->upload('main_image')) {
// Upload successful, do whatever
$this->setFlash('Uploader Error',true);
Can anyone please shed some light on what could possibly be wrong.
** EDIT **
I am not able to try this out right now, but do I need to do the following to make it work:
if ($data = $this->Uploader->upload(data['Article']['main_image'])) {
Spent many hours trying to figure out why it does not work. Finally I gave up last night trying and settled with trying to configure CakePHP's Media Plugin. That now works great. Setup was a breeze.
