Clearcase Deliver - Display element log - clearcase

In ClearCase GUI during a delivery i can right click and "display element log"; is there a way to export this element log? I can run via command line but want to export from GUI if possible; maybe even by activity a week or two later.

For a given element during a merge, you can "export" the "display element log" dialog box in that you can copy-paste its content.
That is hardly a scalable solution however.
You could preview a merge (deliver or rebase) with a cleartool findmerge -print, however that would be limited to directory merges, not file merges.
The only information you got after a deliver is the UCM deliver_xxxx activity created automatically during that process and which allows you to get the exact list of files and directories merged during said deliver.
See for instances of that deliver activity "Describe baseline and expand deliver and rebase activities"
This won't contain the information of each "display element log" though...


How to list all modified files in actual view?

Is there a way to list all files modified since last deliver with clearcase ?
I'm using clearcase like this :
ct setview <myStreamName>
Then I work on files. But before deliver to integration stream, I want to check all modified file. Is there a way to list all file with pending changes and compare them with working revision ?
Edit :
<myStreamName> is a child stream with activities, created from integration stream.
Actually, that isn't quite right. The simplest way to see your pending changes is to run cleartool deliver -preview -long while set in your development view.
This will list all the undelivered activities and the versions on those activities, regardless of the component.
You can use diffbl, more or less, but you then have to delve into the mysteries of deliverbl baselines (created on every deliver operation listing the activities delivered in that deliver.) and use those baselines as a filter on the activities... This then gets more complicated because you can deliver the same activity multiple times if you delivered it, did more work on it, and then haven't delivered the additional work.
Just use deliver -preview -long...
setview will mask your current view, since you access your files directly through /vobs/yourVobs/.../yourfiles (as shown here).
If you are doing a deliver, that means you are using UCM and have set a baseline from your current view, on your current stream (that you are about to deliver to an integration stream).
If that is the case, do a diff between two baselines: (cleartool diffbl -ver baseline1#\apvob baseline2#\apvob)
the latest one of the integration stream.
the one you have set
For the first element, use a ct lsbl -comp C -stream S to get the latest baseline.
This assumes you are delivering one component.
I also mention deliver -preview in "ClearCase Inter project delivery": it needs an UCM view on the target UCM stream to operate.
See also "I need a list of all the component of a certain stream that still needs delivery to default".
The error message:
Error: Target stream "myStream" requires child development streams
to rebase to recommended baselines before performing deliver operation.
means the deliver policy "Require development stream to be based on the project's recommended baseline(s) prior to delivery)" is in place.
See "How to force rebase before each delivery?"
Try and change that policy, or, as enforced, rebase first.
Then do a deliver -preview.

Could i make a custom function in Clearcase's Toolbox ?

I want to make a new icon and a fuction for clearcase, i want to activate and deactivate the element * MAIN/LATEST function without to change manually the config spec.
I would like to have also the icon on my toolbox so i could know every time if MAIN/LATEST is active. My question is if someone could manipulate the clearcase's Toolbox. I was searching in google without to find out an answer!
The usual customization I see is through the ClearCase Context Menu Editor for Windows Explorer.
That would apply for Windows client only, and for ClearCase 7.x, not ClearTeam Explorer 8 though:
The tool that allows you to change the behavior of existing dialog boxes in Windows and ClearCase Explorer is ClearCase Context Menu Editor (tool called clearmenuadmin typical found in C:\Program Files\Rational\ClearCase\bin\clearmenuadmin.exe) which is available on all ClearCase Windows installations.
With the Context Menu Editor it is possible to:
Create new commands and other menu items available to ClearCase context menus.
Change properties of built-in and custom ClearCase context menu items.
Add items to or remove items from ClearCase context menus.
Test the changes to ClearCase context menus.
It would be good to know why you want to "disable /main/LATEST" and how you plan on doing that. Completely removing the line may cause problems if you need to create new elements, for example.
Whatever script that you're planning on using would need to:
Grab the current view configspec using cleartool getcs
Edit it to make the desired changes
use cleartool setcs {filename} to apply the changes
Some key "gotchas".
Removing /main/LATEST completely will break mkelem, unless have a "element * /main/0 -mkbranch {some branch}" rule.
If you use "-time now" to prevent seeing stuff on /main that others may still be checking in, that will work up to a point. This "now" means "when the configspec is recompiled" which can happen: on starting the view server process or if "cleartool setcs -current" is used to clear view caches.
Not having a configspec line for /main is intentionally introducing "no version selected by configuration" errors. As is using "element ... -none" rules. If you use snapshot or snapshot-derived view types (Web views, and likely Automatic views), you may see error messages on updating/loading views. You can ignore these messages, but only if you're aware they will happen. If you're doing automated updates (say as part of a build process) that tooling needs to be set up to ignore the "spurious" errors and catch the "real" ones.

Is there an equivalent of "rational synergy tasks" in "rational clearcase"?

We have the concepts of tasks in synergy. (we can create a task and associate our changes with that task).
Is there something similar in Rational clearcase?
as of now we just checkOut the files we need to edit , and check them in.
But If i want to search a set of related files for a CR, i cannot search it (this is where having a task helps)
With ClearCase UCM, you have the notion of activities.
An activity contains a change set, which lists all the modified versions (created by a checkout/checkin on an element - file or directory).

Delete ClearCase development stream

In ClearCase, I created my own development stream by going to 'Join Project' and selecting my ClearCase project. Now, when I right click on my development stream, I was expecting to see an option for 'Delete Stream' but I cannot see it.
Is there a way I can delete it, or can it only be done by a ClearCase administrator?
You should be able to delete your Stream, provided:
it is your Stream (you created it when joining the project)
it is empty (no attached view, no activity)
Make sure, however, to right click on it on the right side of the project explorer (not on the left side).
See "Using mainline projects and composite baselines to manage large-scale J2EE development with IBM Rational ClearCase" for more on the ClearCase ProjectExplorer in general.
Ensure it is a stream you created yourself (e.g. that you own).
If there's an attached view to the stream, the view needs to be deleted first.
If the attached view has activities, they need to be deleted first.
If the activities have files checked in, they need to be discarded from the activity first.
Once all of this check list is completed, you can delete your empty stream:
While your empty stream is selected, click on "File" on the upper left corner, and select "Delete".
If I remember right, you can probably also use the "Delete" key on your keyboard.
I'm also pretty sure this "Delete" trick also works for empty activities attached to views.
That's it.

ClearCase : How Can I Revert to Earlier baseline?

How Can I Revert to Earlier baseline? We have a UCM parallel development(multi-stream) project. Each developer have a snapshot view on Project's Integration stream.
Developers want to see earlier version of the application in their snapshot views so They can debug early version of application to find bugs.
When I want to change an existing snapshot views's foundition baselines, clearcase does not allow me. So How Can I do this?
Since you employ the term Baseline, I will assume you are using UCM.
On a stream, you can not revert backward a baseline.
One possibility is to make a parallel stream, with the desired baseline as foundation: this is the quickest way.
After changes on this new stream, you can make a new rebase to change the foundation baseline, but only if that new rebase is using a more recent baseline from the parent stream (not an older baseline)
For your specific need, I would recommand a non-UCM snapshot view with a simple rule
element * thePreviousBaseline
In order for the developer to have:
his/her current UCM view for development (always set on the LATEST of a branch associated to a stream)
a second snasphot view set to whatever baseline he/she needs.
That second snapshot view is completely not-related to the UCM project and takes advantage of the "full" nature of the baseline (do check that your baseline has been put as "full", not "incremental". If it is "incremental", simply change its type and upgrade it to full)
So, beside your current snapshot UCM view, you can create anywhere you want a non-snasphot view:
cleartool mkview -snap -tag mylogin_myComponentname_csl_snap -vws myPathToViewStorage myPathToRootView
cd myPathToRootView
cleartool edcs
[add the selection rule: element * myOlderBaseline]
[add the load rule at the end: 'load /myVob_Including_MyComponent]
[save, type 'yes']
That is fine for consultation/execution, but if you need to patch (that i is to write, check out and in some files), then I would recommend one UCM stream per baseline to be patched.
That way, the stream clearly represents the patch effort for a given baseline. There should not be too many of them, unless you put into production a new version of your application every five minutes... which is not advisable ;)
So to summarize:
the non-UCM snapshot view is unique and serve for a quick consultation/debug of one older baseline at a time.
for patches (source modification), you create a parallel stream properly named, with the correct foundation baseline, and then a UCM view on it. You can not only debug but also fix some bugs in an activity, the deliver that activity to the main Int stream if that bug need to be retro-fitted on an higher stream.
(note: all bugs do not always need to be delivered: they can be obsolete when compared with the current state of the development)
The way I have solved this problem is by making another Stream, a child Stream of the Integration Stream. The easiest way to create this Stream is to open ClearCase Project Explorer (not Rational ClearCase Explorer) and navigate to the Project and then the Stream in question. Right click on the Integration Stream and select "Create Child Stream..."
Click "Advanced Options" and select a baseline for each component. Do this by selecting the component and then selecting "Change..." and selecting the specific baseline you want to see. You probably want to select "Prompt me to create a View for this Stream." Select "OK".
Any developer can do this. You don't need to be a VOB owner or Project or Stream owner.
Well, it depends. Actually, the answer lies in setting up your config spec to point to the proper files. Your config spec tells your view which versions of elements to look at. But how you do write it depends on your project's approach to baselines. Did you apply a label to mark that baseline? If so, and if you only want to read and not checkout anything new, your config spec can be as simple as
element * <LABELNAME>
If you didn't use labels, you can also set up your config spec to show you files based on dates. It gets more complicated the more rules you need to add to constrain your element choices. If you have more specifics, I can try to elaborate on what rules you might need. Otherwise, I would read the manuals that come with ClearCase. If you view the Extended Help from ClearCase Explorer, and then do "Viewing Rational ClearCase Manuals On-Line" it should give you some links to the Command References. This is where I go whenever I need to modify my config spec in some new way.
Also, note that we only use dynamic views, so I don't know if snapshot views work differently.
