Hello Stackoverflow crew. I'm a very amateur C programmer and I'm working on a program that reads some input about wedding gifts, and then outputs information that includes the maximum gift value, the minimum gift value, the total average of the gift values, and the average of the gifts that were valued at x > 0. I've finished writing everything, but the program always seems to crash after the first loop. I've been looking at it for the past few hours, so I'm having issues finding what the error might be. Here is the code I have:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {
//Opens the file and creats a pointer for it.
FILE *ifp;
ifp = fopen("gifts.txt", "r");
//Declares the variables
int i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, x, y;
int gift_sets, num_gifts, prices, max_value, max, avg_val, no_zero;
//Scans the file and assigns the first line to variable "gift_sets"
fscanf(ifp, "%d", &gift_sets);
//Begins a for loop that repeats based on the value of gift_sets
for (i = 0; i < gift_sets; i++) {
printf("Wedding Gifts #%d\n", i + 1);
printf("Gift Value\t Number of Gifts\n");
printf("----------\t ---------------\n");
//Scans the price values into the array prices[num_gifts]
fscanf(ifp, "%d", &num_gifts);
int prices[num_gifts];
//Creates a loop through the prices array
for (j = 0; j < num_gifts; j++){
fscanf(ifp, "%d", &prices[j]);
//Declares a frequency array
int freq[max + 1];
for (k = 0; k <= max; k++) {
freq[k] = 0;
for (l = 0; l < num_gifts; l++) {
for (m = 0; m < max + 1; m++) {
if (freq[m] > 0){
printf("%d\t%d",m, freq[m]);
//Zeroes the variable "max_val."
int max_val = prices[0];
//Loops through the array to find the maximum gift value.
for (n = 0; n < num_gifts; n++){
if (prices[n] > max_value)
max_value = prices[n];
// Zeroes "min_val."
int min_val = prices[0];
//Finds the lowest value within the array.
for(o = 0; o < num_gifts; o++){
if(prices[o] !=0){
if(prices[o] < min_val){
min_val = prices[o];
//Calculates the total number of gifts.
double sum_gifts = 0;
for(p = 0; p < num_gifts; p++){
sum_gifts = sum_gifts + prices[p];
//Calculates the average value of all the gifts.
avg_val = (sum_gifts / num_gifts);
//find non zero average
double x = 0;
int y = 0;
for(q = 0; q < num_gifts; q++){
if (prices[q] != 0){
x += prices[q];
//Calculates the average value of the gifts, excluding the gifts valued zero.
int no_zero = x / y;
//Prints the maximum gift value.
printf("The maximum gift value is: $%d", max_value);
//Prints the minimum gift value.
printf("The minimum gift value is: $%d\n", min_val);
//Prints the average of all the gifts.
printf("The average of all gifts was $%.2lf\n",avg_val);
//Prints the no zero average value of the gifts.
printf("The average of all non-zero gifts was $%.2lf",no_zero);
return 0;
Thanks in advance for the help guys. As always, it's much appreciated.
EDIT: To further elaborate, the "crash" is a windows error "gifts.exe has stopped working" when executing the program. It does say at the bottom of the window that "Process returned -1073741819 <0xC0000005>"
When you declare the array with the num_gifts variable, it generates assembly instructions which allocate enough space on the stack to hold num_gifts integers. It does this at compile-time. Normally this wouldn't compile, but depending on the behavior of the ms c compiler, it could compile and assume whatever value is put in num_gifts by default (maybe 0, maybe something else) is the length. When you access it, it's possible that you're trying to access an array with zero elements, which could cause an access violation.
I'll tell you one thing you should do, straight away.
Check the return values from fscanf and its brethren. If, for some reason the scan fails, this will return less than you expect (it returns the number of items successfully scanned).
In that case, your data file is not what your code expects.
You should also be checking whether ifp is NULL - that could be the cause here since you blindly use it regardless.
One thing you'll find in IDEs is that you may not be in the directory you think you're in (specifically the one where gifts.txt is).
And, on top of that, max ill be set to an arbitrary value, so that int freq[max+1]; will give you an array of indeterminate size. If that size is less than the largest price, you'll be modifying memory beyond the end of the array with:
That's a definite no-no, "undefined behaviour" territory.
At least at first glance, it looks like you haven't initialized max before you (try to) use it to define the freq array.
I am writing a program that will take any number of integers. The program will end when the terminal 0 has been entered. It will then output the number closest to 10 (except for the terminal character). If there are several numbers closest to 10 then it should output the last number entered.
My current code does read the numbers from the input stream, but I don't know how to implement the logic so that the program will give me the number that is closest to 10.
I know, that I need to keep track of the minimum somehow in order to update the final result.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int n = 1;
int number = 1;
int numberArray[n];
int resultArray[n];
int min;
int absMin;
int result;
int finalResult;
while (number != 0) {
scanf("%d", &number);
numberArray[n] = number;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
min = 10 - numberArray[i];
if (min < 0) {
absMin = -min;
else {
absMin = min;
resultArray[i] = absMin;
result = resultArray[0];
if (resultArray[i] < result) {
finalResult = resultArray[i];
printf("%d\n", finalResult);
return 0;
here's a simple code I wrote
One thing I must say is you can't simply declare an array with unknown size and that's what you have done. Even if the no. of elements can vary, you either take input the number of elements from the user OR (like below) create an array of 100 elements or something else according to your need.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int n = 0;
int number = 1;
int numberArray[100];
int resultArray[100];
int minNumber;
int *min;
do {
scanf("%d", &number);
numberArray[n] = number;
while (number != 0);
resultArray[0] = 0;
min = &resultArray[0];
minNumber = numberArray[0];
for (int i = 0; i < n-1; i++) {
resultArray[i] = numberArray[i] - 10;
resultArray[i] = 10 - numberArray[i];
if(resultArray[i] <= *min){
min = &resultArray[i];
minNumber = numberArray[i];
return 0;
I have improved your script and fixed a few issues:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <limits.h>
int main()
int n;
int number;
int numberArray[n];
while (scanf("%d", &number) && number != 0) {
numberArray[n++] = number;
int currentNumber;
int distance;
int result;
int resultIndex;
int min = INT_MAX; // +2147483647
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
currentNumber = numberArray[i];
distance = fabs(10 - currentNumber);
printf("i: %d, number: %d, distance: %d\n", i, currentNumber, distance);
// the operator: '<=' will make sure that it will update even if we already have 10 as result
if (distance <= min) {
min = distance;
result = currentNumber;
resultIndex = i;
printf("The number that is closest to 10 is: %d. It is the digit nr: %d digit read from the input stream.\n", result, resultIndex + 1);
return 0;
Reading from the input stream:
We can use scanf inside the while loop to make it more compact. Also, it will loop one time fewer because we don't start with number = 1 which is just a placeholder - this is not the input - we don't want to loop over that step.
I used the shorthand notation n++ it is the post-increment-operator. The operator will increase the variable by one, once the statement is executed (numberArray entry will be set to number, n will be increased afterwards). It does the same, in this context, as writing n++ on a new line.
We don't need that many. The interesting numbers are the result and the current minimum. Of course, we need an array with the inputs as well. That is pretty much all we need - the rest are just helper variables.
Iteration over the input stream:
To get the result, we can calculate the absolute distance from 10 for each entry. We then check if the distance is less than the current minimum. If it is smaller (closer to 10), then we will update the minimum, the distance will be the new minimum and I have added the resultIndex as well (to see which input is the best). The operator <= will make sure to pick the latter one if we have more than one number that has the same distance.
I have started with the minimum at the upper bound of the integer range. So this is the furthest the number can be away from the result (we only look at the absolute number value anyway so signed number don't matter).
That's pretty much it.
Program not working, not giving output, I don't know what to do, where the problem is.
I'm trying to find out the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers.
#include <stdio.h>
main() {
int i, k, j, x;
long int a[1000000], palindrome[1000000], great, sum = 0;
// for multiples of two 3 digit numbers
for (k = 0, i = 100; i < 1000; i++) {
for (j = 100; j < 1000; j++) {
a[k] = i * j; // multiples output
for (i = 0, x = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
// for reverse considered as sum
for (; a[i] != 0;) {
sum = sum * 10 + a[i] % 10;
// for numbers which are palindromes
if (sum == a[i]) {
palindrome[x] = a[i];
// comparison of palindrome number for which one is greatest
great = palindrome[0];
for (k = 0; k < 1000000; k++) {
if (great < palindrome[k]) {
great = palindrome[k];
printf("\ngreatest palindrome of 3 digit multiple is : ", great);
What do you mean with "not working"?
There are two things, from my point of view:
1) long int a[1000000], palindrome[1000000]
Depending on you compile configuration you could have problems compiling your code.
Probably the array is too big to fit in your program's stack address space.
In C or C++ local objects are usually allocated on the stack. Don't allocate it local on stack, use some other place instead. This can be achieved by either making the object global or allocating it on the global heap.
#include <stdio.h>
long int a[1000000], palindrome[1000000], great, sum = 0;
main() {
int i, k, j, x;
2) printf("\ngreatest palindrome of 3 digit multiple is : ", great);
I will change it by :
printf("\ngreatest palindrome of 3 digit multiple is %li: ", great);
Compiling and running your code on an on-line compiler I got this:
prog.c:3:1: warning: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' [-Wimplicit-int]
main() {
prog.c:34:61: warning: data argument not used by format string [-Wformat-extra-args]
printf("\ngreatest palindrome of 3 digit multiple is : ", great);
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^
2 warnings generated.
Both the warnings should be taken into account, but I'd like to point out the last line. The program was taking too much time to run, so the process was killed.
It's a strong suggestion to change the algorithm, or at least to fix the part that checks if a number is a palindrome:
for (; a[i] != 0;) { // <-- If a[i] is not 0, this will never end
sum = sum * 10 + a[i] % 10;
I'd use a function like this one
bool is_palindrome(long x)
long rev = 0;
for (long i = x; i; i /= 10)
rev *= 10;
rev += i % 10;
return x == rev;
Also, we don't need any array, we could just calculate all the possible products between two 3-digits number using two nested for loops and check if those are palindromes.
Starting from the highest numbers, we can store the product, but only if it's a palindrome and is bigger than any previously one found, and stop the iteration of the inner loop as soon as the candidate become less then the stored maximum. This would save us a lot of iterations.
Implementing this algorithm, I found out a maximum value of 906609.
Here is a link to the problem I'm trying to solve: http://acm.timus.ru/problem.aspx?space=1&num=1086
Here is my approach:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main()
int n, i, m, p;
scanf("%d", &n);
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
scanf("%d", &m);
p = find_prime(m);
printf("%d\n", p);
return 0;
int find_prime(int a)
int i, p = 1, t, prime[15000], j;
prime[0] = 2;
for(i = 0; i < a; )
if(p == 2)
p = p + 1;
t = 0;
for(j = 0; prime[j] <= sqrt(p); j++)
if(p%prime[j] == 0 && p != 2)
t = 1;
if(t != 1)
prime[i] = p;
return p;
I know the algorithm is fine and it produces the correct answer. But I always get "Time Limit Exceeded". I can't get the runtime download to 2 seconds. It's always equal to 2.031 seconds. I have tried few other approaches, for example, I iterated through all the numbers until I found the mth prime number, I tried skipping the even integers greater than 2 but I still get 2.031 seconds.
What should I do?
Your buffer for prime numbers doesn't need to be a local variable that's recalculated every time.
You can try to memoize by storing the buffer in the global scope and using a global counter to keep track of how many primes you have already calculated until now and which number was the maximum number requested.
If the next number that's requested from you is smaller than the previous maximum, you should fall back to the corresponding pre-calculated number. If the next number is larger than the previous maximum, make it the new maximum - and also try to start calculating from where you last left off.
if(p == 2)
p = p + 1;
and replace it with
as I understand it,
the problem is to find the next prime greater that the sum of all the prior input numbers.
That means there are certain expectations.
1) the sum of the prior input numbers is available in find_prime().
2) for simplification, the last found prime number is available in find_prime().
Neither of these expectations are implemented.
Then there is that 60 thousand byte array on the stack in find_prime().
Suggest moving that to a file global position and including a 'static' modifier.
move the prior sum of inputs to a file global location, so it is always available.
for overall speed,
calculate all the primes in the array as a first thing, thereby filling the array with prime values. then
1) add new input to sum,
2) index into array using sum.
3) return value found in array.
I am participating in Harvard's opencourse ware and attempting the homework questions. I wrote (or tried to) write a program in C to sort an array using bubble sort implementation. After I finished it, I tested it with an array of size 5, then 6 then 3 etc. All worked. then, I tried to test it with an array of size 11, and then that's when it started bugging out. The program was written to stop getting numbers for the array after it hits the array size entered by the user. But, when I tested it with array size 11 it would continuously try to get more values from the user, past the size declared. It did that to me consistently for a couple days, then the third day I tried to initialize the array size variable to 0, then all of a sudden it would continue to have the same issues with an array size of 4 or more. I un-did the initialization and it continues to do the same thing for an array size of over 4. I cant figure out why the program would work for some array sizes and not others. I used main to get the array size and values from the keyboard, then I passed it to a function I wrote called sort. Note that this is not homework or anything I need to get credit, It is solely for learning. Any comments will be very much appreciated. Thanks.
* helpers.c
* Computer Science 50
* Problem Set 3
* Helper functions for Problem Set 3.
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "helpers.h"
sort(int values[], int n);
int main(){
printf("Please enter the size of the array \n");
int num = GetInt();
int mystack[num];
for (int z=0; z < num; z++){
mystack[z] = GetInt();
sort(mystack, num);
* Sorts array of n values.
sort(int values[], int n)
// this is a bubble sort implementation
bool swapped = false; // initialize variable to check if swap was made
for (int i=0; i < (n-1);){ // loops through all array values
if (values[i + 1] > values [i]){ // checks the neighbor to see if it's bigger
i++; // if bigger do nothing except to move to the next value in the array
else{ // if neighbor is not bigger then out of order and needs sorting
int temp = values[i]; // store current array value in temp variable for swapping purposes
values[i] = values[i+1]; //swap with neighbor
values[i+1] = temp; // swap neighbor to current array value
swapped = true; // keep track that swap was made
// if we are at the end of array and swap was made then go back to beginning
// and start process again.
if((i == (n-1) && (swapped == true))){
i = 0;
swapped = false;
// if we are at the end and swap was not made then array must be in order so print it
if((i == (n-1) && (swapped == false))){
for (int y =0; y < n; y++){
printf("%d", values[y]);
// exit program
} // end for
// return;
You can easily use 2 nested for loops :
int i, j, temp ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < n - 1 ; i++ )
for ( j = 0 ; j <= n - 2 - i ; j++ )
if ( arr[j] > arr[j + 1] )
temp = arr[j] ;
arr[j] = arr[j + 1] ;
arr[j + 1] = temp ;
also you should now it's a c++ code not a c, because c doesn't have something like :
int mystack[num];
and you should enter a number when you're creating an array and you can't use a variable (like "int num" in your code). This is in C, but in C++ you're doing right.
The first thing to do when debugging a problem like this is ensure that the computer is seeing the data you think it should be seeing. You do that by printing out the data as it is entered. You're having trouble with the inputs; print out what the computer is seeing:
static void dump_array(FILE *fp, const char *tag, const int *array, int size)
fprintf(fp, "Array %s (%d items)\n", tag, size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
fprintf(fp, " %d: %d\n", i, array[i]);
int main(void)
printf("Please enter the size of the array \n");
int num = GetInt();
printf("num = %d\n", num);
int mystack[num];
for (int z = 0; z < num; z++)
mystack[z] = GetInt();
printf("%d: %d\n", z, mystack[z]);
dump_array(stdout, "Before", mystack, num);
sort(mystack, num);
dump_array(stdout, "After", mystack, num);
This will give you direct indications of what is being entered as it is entered, which will probably help you recognize what is going wrong. Printing out inputs is a very basic debugging technique.
Also, stylistically, having a function that should be called sort_array_and_print() suggests that you do not have the correct division of labour; the sort code should sort, and a separate function (like the dump_array() function I showed) should be used for printing an array.
As it turns out the reason why it was doing this is because when comparing an array's neighbor to itself as in:
if (values[i + 1] > values [i])
The fact that I was just checking that it is greater than, without checking if it is '=' then it was causing it to behave undesirably. So if the array is for example [1, 1, 5, 2, 6, 8] then by 1 being next to a 1, my program did not account for this behavior and acted the way it did.
Ok so I get this code to do the averaging : (written in C )
int sum[3];
int j;
int avg;
for(;;) //infinite loop
i = ReadSensor(); // function that keeps saving sensor values as int i
printf("Sonar: %d \r \n", avg >> 2);
Is this correct ? im shifting by 2 to divide by avg / 2^(2) which is 4
The problem is im expecting a value of about 15, however I get about 8--9 .. Im not sure why this is happening ?
Basically the sensor's readings fluctuate between 15-17, I want to get an average instead of printing noise values. Is my code correct ? Then why do I get wrong outputs !?
Looks like your script only captures three values (j=0, j=1, j=2), then divides by four.
You have a few problems, here are some suggestions:
You're iterating through the inside loop 3 times, however you're saying you have 4 sensors, you should change your for loop to: for (j = 0; j < 4; j++).
sum is an array of 3 elements, yet you're accessing an element 1 past the end of the array when calculating avg (sum[3]). This will cause undefined behaviour. sum should be declared as char sum[4] for this reason and the one above.
(Optional) sum does not need to be an array in the above example, it can simply be an int.
(Optional) If you want to divide an int by 4, use the division operator. The compiler should be better at optimizing the code for your particular architecture than you.
This is how your code could now look, depending on whether you need to keep an array or not:
int sum[4];
int total, j;
for (;;)
total = 0; /* reset at every iteration of the outside loop */
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
sum[i] = ReadSensor();
total += sum[i];
printf("Sonar: %d \r \n", total / 4);
int total, j;
for (;;)
total = 0; /* reset at every iteration of the outside loop */
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
total += ReadSensor();
printf("Sonar: %d \r \n", total / 4);
Isn't this
should be
as the loop as well declaration int sum[3]; means we are trying to store only 3 values.
Now if you want 4 and ok with divide operator. There are the new code which should replace the mentioned lines
int sum[4];
avg=sum[0]+sum[1]+sum[2]+sum[3]; // this part stays the same
The number of values read from sensor is required twice. First, to control the number of iterations of for loop. Second, as the divisor of sum. Introduce a variable (say, N) to capture that.
Also, the division by shifting does not sound right, because that restricts the number of readings from the sensor to power of two.
enum { N = 4 };
sum = 0;
for( j = 0; j < N; j++) {
i = ReadSensor(); // function that keeps saving sensor values as int i
sum += i;
avg = sum / N;
printf( "Sonar average: %d\n", avg );