Using dlmwrite to write cell objects MATLAB - file

I have a cell array with 7 columns. All these columns contain strings. I want to write this cell array into a text file. To start, I was doing this on only 1 element of the cell and this is my code:
cell{1} looks like this:
Columns 1 through 2
[1x30 char] [1x20 char]
Column 3
Column 4
Columns 5 through 6
'Cyanobacteria00' 'Cyanobacteria'
Column 7
It gives me the output without separating the columns. Sample output is:
The correct output should have spaces between all the columns :
Acaryochloris_marina_MBIC11017 Acaryochloris_marina Acaryochloris Cyanobacteria001 Cyanobacteria00 Cyanobacteria Bacteria
Note that for the second column, we need to add the underscore between Acaryochloris and marina. There is originally a space between those two words.
I hope I explained the problem correctly, Would appreciate the help. Thanks!

DLMWRITE is for numerical data. In your case it process the char data as numbers, each character as a time. You probably view the resulted file in such a way that you don't see tab delimiters.
You can use XLSWRITE to write cell string array to a file. If you don't want the output to be in Excel format, run DLMWRITE before it to write some number to a file.
xlswrite(filename, Acell{1})
Don't call you variable cell, which a keyword in MATLAB.
As an alternative you can write to a file with lower level function, like FPRINTF.
If you want to use XLSWRITE in a for-loop and not to overwrite the data you can specify the row to start from:
for k = 1:10
xlswrite( filename, Acell{k}, 1, sprintf('A%d',k) )
Unfortunately it does not work anymore in the latest MATLAB releases (I believe starting from R2012b). XLSWRITE gives error about wrong file type.

Something along the lines of the following should do what you want:
fid = fopen('735.txt', 'w');
fprintf(fid, '%s\t', cell{1}{:});


Loop inside Pentaho Data Integration Transformation

I have a transformation as
where the text file is in the following format:
For each of the t_cmp(the number of t_cmp is not known prior) in the text file, I want to execute Read Company
But it is giving error as
Can anyone please tell me where am I going wrong?
You need to pass 3 rows, each with 1 field, instead of a single row with 3 fields.
The number of fields must match the number of parameters of your query.
So, in short, transpose your data. Either:
read line as a single field then use Split field to rows
or read as now and use Row normalizer
Both approaches should work.

VBA FormulaArray range class error when the Characters are less than 255

The VBA .FormulaArray seems to have a problem with my range. I've read that it can't handle over 255 characters, but mine is only about 108, but I could be understanding it wrong.
It gives an
Error 1004:
Unable to set FormulaArray property of the Range class.
I've tried leaving the formula in the table column and let it automatically populate when the table is filled with the Macro, but the problem is that the Index array table doesn't exist yet before the Macro starts running.
Also tried leaving it as text and then changing the column to "general" but it doesn't work. And I know it will create a problem changing it to an array formula this way as well.
This is the code I'm using:
With wsOutdated.ListObjects("Table_Outdated_Stock_Counts")
.ListColumns("Ranging").DataBodyRange.NumberFormat = "General"
.ListColumns("Ranging").DataBodyRange.FormulaArray = "=INDEX(Table_DispoData[[Class]],MATCH([#Article]&[#Site],Table_DispoData[Article]&Table_DispoData[Site],0),1)"
End With
I need the table column to populate automatically with the array formula.
It works for other columns(they are not array formulas though and only need to match a single value).
Maybe you could try:
.ListColumns("Ranging").DataBodyRange.Cells(1, 1).FormulaArray = "=INDEX(Table_DispoData[[Class]],MATCH([#Article]&[#Site],Table_DispoData[Article]&Table_DispoData[Site],0),1)"
Instead of :
.ListColumns("Ranging").DataBodyRange.FormulaArray = "=INDEX(Table_DispoData[[Class]],MATCH([#Article]&[#Site],Table_DispoData[Article]&Table_DispoData[Site],0),1)"
and see if it works for you!
Your code is trying to write Array formula to multiple cells simultaneously which is not allowed.
If you try to do this in Excel then it will return an error "Multi-cell array formulas aren't allowed in tables".

Data type cannot be converted in matlab or excel

I recently copy and pasted some data from a database (USGS stream gauge data to be specific. I copy and pasted into excel, creating a column of my own for time.
When I import the data into matlab, only the column I made shows up.
obs = xlsread('ObservedMR.xlsx','jun30For');
I tried to convert the values in excel to numbers, but to no avail. In excel, the numbers are left justified (which I know means that they are not being registered as numbers), but there are no other characters visible.
When I create an empty matrix and try to copy and paste data in, I get an error reading that I cannot paste data that contains strings.
Using the following,
p = readtable('ObservedMR.xlsx','Sheet','jun30For')
I get
p =
x0 x0_31
___ _________
1 '0.31  '
2 '0.31  '
3 '0.31  '
4 '0.31  '
5 '0.31  '
6 '0.31  '
I got error messages trying to use str2num (requires string or character input) and table2array.(types double and cell).
I was going to try to use
regexprep(p, ''' , '')
to replace the quotes, but I am getting messages about the single quotes being unclosed.
Does anyone know how I can use this data, by writing a code to edit out the quotes and spaces, import another way, convert it some way, etc?
Thank you!
you can specify the format of the columns in readtable.
p = readtable('ObservedMR.xlsx','Sheet','jun30For', 'Format', '%f%f')
will read the columns as floats. If it doesn't do the conversion correctly, try reading them as strings %s and then using str2num once you have them in Matlab.
Anyway I would suggest correcting your data in Excel. If you click on the cell and look at the formula bar you will probably see a quote ' at the left of the number which indicates the cell is stored as text. Convert it to number, save the Excel and done.

Format text file so I can import it into excel

I have a huge list of addresses and details I need to convert into an Excel spreadsheet and I think the best way would be to read the data and then write a second document that separates the lines so that they are tab-delimited whilst recognizing blank lines (between data entries) to preserve each separate address.
It is in the format:
So the difficulty also comes when there are multiple names for a company, but I can hand format those if necessary (ideally they want to take on the same address as each other).
The resulting text document then, wants to be tab-delimited to:
Name|AddressA|AddressB|Postcode|Phone Number
I am thinking this would be easiest to do within a simple .bat command? or should I open the list in excel and run a script through that..?
I'm thinking if I can run through where it adds each entry to an array ($address $name etc) then I can use that to build a new text file by writing $name[i] tab $address[$i] etc
There are hundreds of entries and putting it in by hand is proving.. difficult.
I have some experience in MEL (basically C++) so I do understand programming in general, but somewhat at a loss in how .bat and Excel (VB?) handle and define empty lines and tabs.
The first step would be to bring the data into an Excel file. Once the data has been imported, we can re-package it to meet your specs. The first step:
Sub BringFileIn()
Dim TextLine As String, CH As String
Close #1
Open "C:\TestFolder\question.txt" For Input As #1
Dim s As String
Dim I As Long, J As Long
J = 1
I = 1
Do While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, TextLine
Cells(I, J) = TextLine
I = I + 1
Close #1
End Sub
Any text editor that can do regex search and replace across multiple lines can do the job nicely.
I have written a hybrid JScript/batch utility called REPL.BAT that performs a regex search and replace on stdin and writes the result to stdout. It is pure script that works on any modern Windows machine from XP forward - No 3rd party executable required. Full documentation is embedded within the script.
Assuming REPL.BAT is in your current directory, or better yet, somewhere within your PATH, then:
type file.txt|repl "\r?\n" "\t" mx|repl "\t\t" "\n" x|repl "^(([^\t]*\t){4})([^\t]*)$" "$1\t$3" x >newFile.txt
The above modifies the file in 3 steps and writes the result to a new file, leaving the original intact:
convert all newlines into tabs
convert consecutive tabs into newlines
insert an empty column (tab) before the last column on any line that contains only 5 columns.
Here's a method using only Word and Excel. I used the data that you posted. I am assuming that Name2 is the only optional field.
Paste your text into Word.
Replace all paragraph marks with a special
characters. (Ctrl-h, Search for ^p, Replace with |)
Replace all line breaks with a different special character. (Ctrl-h, Special character, search for Manual line break, replace with ;)
This is what it looks like in Word:
Then convert text to table (Insert -> Table -> Convert text to table), delimiting by ;. This gives 3 rows (plus 2 blank rows) of 1 column.
Then copy the table.
Now in Excel:
Paste the table. (It'll be one row in each row, with all of your fields in column A.)
Convert the text to columns (Data tab, Text to columns, Delimited, check semicolon)
Sort by column E. The phone numbers should be grouped together.
Cut the phone numbers in column E and copy to column F.

Select specific rows from a column in a MATLAB workspace into an array

I have a column filled with data in those rows and i would like to select the 1st row from that column but skipping the 2nd row and choosing the 3rd row after and insert them into an array.
Example of the row:
Basically, i would want to select the first row, which is 153....282 and then select the 3rd row which is 30...1661 and repeat this process for all other rows accordingly. From there i would like to then insert those data into an array.
The source of these data are from a PostgreSQL database which i have imported into my workspace.
Is this possible to do?
If I understand correctly, this should work:
output = data([1 3],:);
This selects the 1st and 3rd rows of data, and adds them to a new variable called output. To select every odd row, use the colon notation and the end keyword, like this:
output = data(1:2:end, :);
This starts at the first row selects every 2nd row until the end.
One solution would be to dump it all to a text file and then use importdata() which will allow you to specify the delimiter character, as in data = importdata(file.txt,':'). This will give you a MATLAB array data full of numbers, which you can then process as you please.
Let's assume that after you import your data, it is a cell array of strings, called A (this is what it appears to be in your question, because of the single quotes on each line).
First, let's get rid of the the letters appearing in the data, since we probably want just the numbers. We do this with a regular expression replacement:
A = cellfun(#(x) regexprep(x, '[^\d:]', ''), A,'UniformOutput',0);
Next, we use the strread function to parse each line into an array of integers
B = cellfun(#(x) strread(x, '%d:', -1), A, 'UniformOutput',0);
Now each element of B is the array form of the corresponding element of A. So you can get the 3rd row, for example with
