Basic C header file syntax - c

I am looking at a math.h header included in my IDE. I am seeing the following code that is syntax I don't understand. This is basic stuff but can someone explain to me how this works?
#define isgreater(x,y) \
(__extension__ ({__typeof__(x) __x = (x); __typeof__(y) __y = (y); \
!isunordered(__x,__y) && (__x > __y);}))
So for example what does it do when you start something with double underscore eg: __typeof
Is that to allow for undefined sizes? so this macro can take values of different sizes?
Is the slash just to span line breaks in the source?
what does __extension__ do?

You are seeing the use of a few compiler extensions:
__typeof__ is a GCC extension that lets you get the type of the variable (and use it in a variable declaration); it is there so that the macro can handle whatever type x and y are.
The second GCC extension turns ({ ... }) into an expression that evaluates to the value of the last statement inside it; this lets you declare variables inside this block, which is for the purpose of avoiding evaluating the two operands x and y twice. The results of x and y (which could be something like i++ which you don't want to evaluate twice) are stored in two temporary variables __x and __y and then those two temporary variables are used instead of x and y to avoid double evaluation.
__extension__ is an extension that suppresses the warning you'd otherwise get about using the above extension.
And yes, the \ just makes the definition of the macro span multiple lines (\ joins lines together and is done very early in the compilation process, even before the macros and preprocessor definitions get looked at).
The whole point of this rigmarole is to avoid evaluating x and y twice. If you did
bool g = isgreater(x++, y++);
And you didn't use that trick, you'd get
bool g = !isunordered(x++, y++) && (x++ > y++);
Which would cause x and y to be incremented twice each instead of just once like you intended. Instead, with the trick, you get something like (using better names for the temporary variables)
int tmpx = x++;
int tmpy = y++;
bool g = !isunordered(tmpx, tmpy) && (tmpx > tmpy);
(if x and y are integers) which is correct and avoids double incrementation. This goes for other things as well, such as function calls:
isgreater(launch_missiles(3), launch_missiles(4));
Without the trick, you'd end up launching 14 missiles instead of 7, which would be catastrophic.

This reformatting of the definition may help you
#define isgreater(x,y) \
( \
__extension__ ( \
{ \
__typeof__(x) __x = (x); \
__typeof__(y) __y = (y); \
!isunordered(__x,__y) && (__x > __y); \
} \
) \
__extension__ marks code which uses gcc extensions to standard ANSI C. The extension in this case is the __typeof__ operator which provides the type of a variable at compile time, and it is used to declare __x and __y with the same types as x and y. It then goes ahead and checks that the pair of values are both ordered (isunordered is a Math library function) and __x is greater than __y.


defining proper Macros in C [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
C macros and use of arguments in parentheses
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I tried to play with the definition of the macro SQR in the following code:
#define SQR(x) (x*x)
int main()
int a, b=3;
a = SQR(b+5); // Ideally should be replaced with (3+5*5+3), though not sure.
return 0;
It prints 23. If I change the macro definition to SQR(x) ((x)*(x)) then the output is as expected, 64. I know that a call to a macro in C replaces the call with the definition of the macro, but I still can’t understand, how it calculated 23.
Pre-processor macros perform text-replacement before the code is compiled so
SQR(b+5) translates to
(b+5*b+5) = (6b+5) = 6*3+5 = 23
Regular function calls would calculate the value of the parameter (b+3) before passing it to the function, but since a macro is pre-compiled replacement, the algebraic order of operations becomes very important.
Consider the macro replacement using this macro:
#define SQR(x) (x*x)
Using b+5 as the argument. Do the replacement yourself. In your code, SQR(b+5) will become: (b+5*b+5), or (3+5*3+5). Now remember your operator precedence rules: * before +. So this is evaluated as: (3+15+5), or 23.
The second version of the macro:
#define SQR(x) ((x) * (x))
Is correct, because you're using the parens to sheild your macro arguments from the effects of operator precedence.
This page explaining operator preference for C has a nice chart. Here's the relevant section of the C11 reference document.
The thing to remember here is that you should get in the habit of always shielding any arguments in your macros, using parens.
Because (3+5*3+5 == 23).
Whereas ((3+5)*(3+5)) == 64.
The best way to do this is not to use a macro:
inline int SQR(int x) { return x*x; }
Or simply write x*x.
The macro expands to
a = b+5*b+5;
a = b + (5*b) + 5;
So 23.
After preprocessing, SQR(b+5) will be expanded to (b+5*b+5). This is obviously not correct.
There are two common errors in the definition of SQR:
do not enclose arguments of macro in parentheses in the macro body, so if those arguments are expressions, operators with different precedences in those expressions may cause problem. Here is a version that fixed this problem
#define SQR(x) ((x)*(x))
evaluate arguments of macro more than once, so if those arguments are expressions that have side effect, those side effect could be taken more than once. For example, consider the result of SQR(++x).
By using GCC typeof extension, this problem can be fixed like this
#define SQR(x) ({ typeof (x) _x = (x); _x * _x; })
Both of these problems could be fixed by replacing that macro with an inline function
inline int SQR(x) { return x * x; }
This requires GCC inline extension or C99, See 6.40 An Inline Function is As Fast As a Macro.
A macro is just a straight text substitution. After preprocessing, your code looks like:
int main()
int a, b=3;
a = b+5*b+5;
return 0;
Multiplication has a higher operator precedence than addition, so it's done before the two additions when calculating the value for a. Adding parentheses to your macro definition fixes the problem by making it:
int main()
int a, b=3;
a = (b+5)*(b+5);
return 0;
The parenthesized operations are evaluated before the multiplication, so the additions happen first now, and you get the a = 64 result that you expect.
Because Macros are just string replacement and it is happens before the completion process. The compiler will not have the chance to see the Macro variable and its value. For example: If a macro is defined as
#define BAD_SQUARE(x) x * x
and called like this
the compiler will see this
2 + 1 * 2 + 1
which will result in, maybe, unexpected result of
To correct this behavior, you should always surround the macro-variables with parenthesis, such as
#define GOOD_SQUARE(x) (x) * (x)
when this macro is called, for example ,like this
the compiler will see this
(2 + 1) * (2 + 1)
which will result in
Additionally, Here is a full example to further illustrate the point
#include <stdio.h>
#define BAD_SQUARE(x) x * x
// In macros alsways srround the variables with parenthesis
#define GOOD_SQUARE(x) (x) * (x)
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
printf("BAD_SQUARE(2) = : %d \n", BAD_SQUARE(2) );
printf("GOOD_SQUARE(2) = : %d \n", GOOD_SQUARE(2) );
printf("BAD_SQUARE(2+1) = : %d ; because the macro will be \
subsituted as 2 + 1 * 2 + 1 \n", BAD_SQUARE(2+1) );
printf("GOOD_SQUARE(2+1) = : %d ; because the macro will be \
subsituted as (2 + 1) * (2 + 1) \n", GOOD_SQUARE(2+1) );
return 0;
Just enclose each and every argument in the macro expansion into parentheses.
#define SQR(x) ((x)*(x))
This will work for whatever argument or value you pass.

GCC typeof extension and math on typeof result

Today I ran across this macro in the Linux kernel (include/linux/kernel.h)
#define DIV_ROUND_CLOSEST(x, divisor)( \
{ \
typeof(x) __x = x; \
typeof(divisor) __d = divisor; \
(((typeof(x))-1) > 0 || /* <-- why does this work */ \
((typeof(divisor))-1) > 0 || (__x) > 0) ? \
(((__x) + ((__d) / 2)) / (__d)) : \
(((__x) - ((__d) / 2)) / (__d)); \
} \
Now, I understand the purpose of the macro, and that it is somehow leveraging "Statement Expressions" (the link below mentions this). What I'm not understanding is how ((typeof(x))-1) > 0 amounts to anything useful. From this link in the gcc docs, I think I understand how the typeof extension is meant to be used. But knowing this doesn't seem to answer how it's used in this macro. From my own experimentation, (typeof(x)-1) doesn't seem to evaluate to anything other than -1 so isn't this always going to be less than 0 (i.e. false for the first two parts of the ternary)?
If this has already been answered, please point me to it. I did search but my attempts didn't return a result specific to this usage.
It's not using (typeof(x)-1) - it's using ((typeof(x))-1), which is of the form (type)value - ie, it's a cast expression.
It's casting the value -1 to the same type as the expression x, and then testing if the result is greater than zero. If x has signed integral type or floating point type the result will be false, if x has unsigned integral type the result will be true, and for most other types the behaviour will be undefined.

CMacro and integer arithmetic

I need to implement something like this but using CMacro:
int a = //some constant;
int x = //constant
int c = //constant
int y = a*x+b;
I've tried something like:
#define A 3
#define X 6
#define B 8
#define Y ((A)*(X) + (B))
However if I use the flag -E in the gcc it shows me 3*6 + 8.
Isn't there any way to perform integer arithmetic using CMacro, before the substitution I mean?
My purpose would be something like, just a piece of code...:
#define func_impl(NY,NX,R) \
void func_#NY_#NX(int* y, int* x) { \ //x size NX, y size NY
int tmp[2*NX - R]; \
for(int i = 0; i < 2*NX - R; i++) tmp[i] = 0; \
//other processing operations... \
I know both NX, NY and R a priori, although they're generated by another program. So basically I want to avoid to let the program P1 to generate too many macro constants if possible.
However if I use the flag -E in the gcc it shows me 3*6 + 8.
That's actually fine, because any decent compiler will perfom constant folding on such expression, so you'll end up with 26 within machine code.
Other than that, you might try using an static inline function, which has advantage of being type-safe. Macros are pretty error-prone and are rather difficult to debug.
No, macros only serve as textual replacement, nothing else.
The only place where the preprocessor evaluates expressions is in its own #if/#else construct. But there it might actually be a bit different than you think at a first look, because the types for integers are always [u]intmax_t.

The need for parentheses in macros in C [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
C macros and use of arguments in parentheses
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I tried to play with the definition of the macro SQR in the following code:
#define SQR(x) (x*x)
int main()
int a, b=3;
a = SQR(b+5); // Ideally should be replaced with (3+5*5+3), though not sure.
return 0;
It prints 23. If I change the macro definition to SQR(x) ((x)*(x)) then the output is as expected, 64. I know that a call to a macro in C replaces the call with the definition of the macro, but I still can’t understand, how it calculated 23.
Pre-processor macros perform text-replacement before the code is compiled so
SQR(b+5) translates to
(b+5*b+5) = (6b+5) = 6*3+5 = 23
Regular function calls would calculate the value of the parameter (b+3) before passing it to the function, but since a macro is pre-compiled replacement, the algebraic order of operations becomes very important.
Consider the macro replacement using this macro:
#define SQR(x) (x*x)
Using b+5 as the argument. Do the replacement yourself. In your code, SQR(b+5) will become: (b+5*b+5), or (3+5*3+5). Now remember your operator precedence rules: * before +. So this is evaluated as: (3+15+5), or 23.
The second version of the macro:
#define SQR(x) ((x) * (x))
Is correct, because you're using the parens to sheild your macro arguments from the effects of operator precedence.
This page explaining operator preference for C has a nice chart. Here's the relevant section of the C11 reference document.
The thing to remember here is that you should get in the habit of always shielding any arguments in your macros, using parens.
Because (3+5*3+5 == 23).
Whereas ((3+5)*(3+5)) == 64.
The best way to do this is not to use a macro:
inline int SQR(int x) { return x*x; }
Or simply write x*x.
The macro expands to
a = b+5*b+5;
a = b + (5*b) + 5;
So 23.
After preprocessing, SQR(b+5) will be expanded to (b+5*b+5). This is obviously not correct.
There are two common errors in the definition of SQR:
do not enclose arguments of macro in parentheses in the macro body, so if those arguments are expressions, operators with different precedences in those expressions may cause problem. Here is a version that fixed this problem
#define SQR(x) ((x)*(x))
evaluate arguments of macro more than once, so if those arguments are expressions that have side effect, those side effect could be taken more than once. For example, consider the result of SQR(++x).
By using GCC typeof extension, this problem can be fixed like this
#define SQR(x) ({ typeof (x) _x = (x); _x * _x; })
Both of these problems could be fixed by replacing that macro with an inline function
inline int SQR(x) { return x * x; }
This requires GCC inline extension or C99, See 6.40 An Inline Function is As Fast As a Macro.
A macro is just a straight text substitution. After preprocessing, your code looks like:
int main()
int a, b=3;
a = b+5*b+5;
return 0;
Multiplication has a higher operator precedence than addition, so it's done before the two additions when calculating the value for a. Adding parentheses to your macro definition fixes the problem by making it:
int main()
int a, b=3;
a = (b+5)*(b+5);
return 0;
The parenthesized operations are evaluated before the multiplication, so the additions happen first now, and you get the a = 64 result that you expect.
Because Macros are just string replacement and it is happens before the completion process. The compiler will not have the chance to see the Macro variable and its value. For example: If a macro is defined as
#define BAD_SQUARE(x) x * x
and called like this
the compiler will see this
2 + 1 * 2 + 1
which will result in, maybe, unexpected result of
To correct this behavior, you should always surround the macro-variables with parenthesis, such as
#define GOOD_SQUARE(x) (x) * (x)
when this macro is called, for example ,like this
the compiler will see this
(2 + 1) * (2 + 1)
which will result in
Additionally, Here is a full example to further illustrate the point
#include <stdio.h>
#define BAD_SQUARE(x) x * x
// In macros alsways srround the variables with parenthesis
#define GOOD_SQUARE(x) (x) * (x)
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
printf("BAD_SQUARE(2) = : %d \n", BAD_SQUARE(2) );
printf("GOOD_SQUARE(2) = : %d \n", GOOD_SQUARE(2) );
printf("BAD_SQUARE(2+1) = : %d ; because the macro will be \
subsituted as 2 + 1 * 2 + 1 \n", BAD_SQUARE(2+1) );
printf("GOOD_SQUARE(2+1) = : %d ; because the macro will be \
subsituted as (2 + 1) * (2 + 1) \n", GOOD_SQUARE(2+1) );
return 0;
Just enclose each and every argument in the macro expansion into parentheses.
#define SQR(x) ((x)*(x))
This will work for whatever argument or value you pass.

Is there any difference using {} pair or () pair when define function-like macro in C?

For example:
#define FOO(x) (printf(x))
#define FOO(x) {printf(x)}
It seems that both are viable for preprocessing, but which is better?
If you're treating the macro as an expression, use the () form.
If you're treating it as a command (and never as an expression) then use the {} form. Or rather, use the do{}while(0) form as that has fewer substitution hazards when used near keywords like if:
#define FOO(x) do { \
printf(x); \
} while(0)
Parentheses () are used to enforce correct evaluation regardless of operator precedence, so that you hopefully won't get any nasty side effects when the macro is expanded.
Braces {} are used to make the macro a C block statement, although the canonical way to do this is:
#define FOO(x) \
do { \
... stuff ... \
} while (0)
Note that gcc provides an extension to the C language which makes it possible to return a value from a block - the last expression evaluated will be the value returned if the block is used as part of an expression.
The purpose of using parens in a macro is to control precedence when the macro is expanded. Consider:
#define X( a, b ) a * b
if the macro is used like this
X( 1 + 2, 3 )
we would presumably like the answer to be 9, but what we get on expansion is:
1 + 2 * 3
giving us 7. To avoid this kind of thing, we should have written the macro as:
#define X( a, b ) ((a) * (b))
If precedence is not an issue, brackets either type are not absolutely required, though braces may be needed depending on the ,macros semantics - if for example you want to create a local variable,
If you will ever need FOO(x) inside an expression, then you cannot use the {} form. For example:
result = FOO(some_variable);
if (FOO(some_variable))
