List of keys or separate model? - google-app-engine

I'm building an app with users and their activities. Now I'm thinking of the best way of setting up the datastore models. Which one is fastest/preferred, and why?
class User(db.Model):
activities = db.ListProperty(db.Key)
class Activity(db.Model):
activities = db.get(user.activities)
class User(db.Model):
class Activity(db.Model):
owner = db.ReferenceProperty(reference_class=User)
activities = Activity.filter('owner =', user)

If a given activity can only have a single owner, definitely use a ReferenceProperty.
It's what ReferencePropertys are designed for
It'll automatically set up back-references for you, which can be handy since it gives you a bi-directional link (unlike the ListProperty which is a uni-directional link)
It enforces that the thing being linked to is the proper type/class
It enforces that only a single user is linked to a given activity
It lets you automatically fetch the linked objects without having to write an explicit query, if you so desire

I'm guessing the difference is going to be marginal and will likely depend more on your application than some concrete difference in read/write times based on your models.
I would say use the first option if you're going to use info from every activity a user has done each time you fetch a user. In other words, if almost everything a user does on your application coincides with a large subset of their activities, then it makes sense to always have the activities available.
Use option B if you don't need the activities all of the time. This will result in a separate request on the data store whenever you need to use the activity, but it will also make the requests smaller. Making an extra request likely adds more overhead than making bigger requests.
All of that being said, I would be surprised if you had a noticeable difference between these two approaches. The area where you're going to get much more noticeable performance improvements is by using memcache.

I don't know about the performance difference, I suspect it'll be similar. When it comes to perf, things are hard to control with the GAE datastore. If all your queries happen to hit the same tablet (bigtable server), that could limit your perf more than the query itself.
The big difference is that A would be cheaper than B. Since you have a list of activities you want, you don't need to write an index for every activity object you write. If activities are written a lot, your savings add up.
Since you have the activity key, you also have the ability to do a highly-consistent get() rather than an eventually consistent filter()
On the flip side, you won't be able to do backwards references, like look up an owner given an activity. Your ListProperty can also cause you to hit your maximum entity size - there will eventually be a hard limit on the number of activities per user. If you went with B, you can have a huge number of activities per user.
Edit: I forgot, you can have backwards reference if you index your ListProperty, but then that way, writing your User object would get expensive, and the limit on the number of indexed properties would limit the size of your list. So even though it's possible, B is still preferable if you need backwards references.

A will be a good deal faster because it is working purely with keys. Looking up objects with just keys goes straight to the data node in BigTable, whereas B requires a lookup on the indices first which is slower (and costs will go up with the number of Activity entities).
If you never need to test for ownership, you can modify A to not index the key list. This is definitely the cheapest and most efficient route. However, as I understand it, if you later need to index them app engine cannot retroactively update indices on the key list. So only disable the index if you're certain you'll never need it.

How about C: setting Activity's parent to user key? So that you can fetch user's activities with a Activity.query(ancestor=user.key).
That way you don't need additional keys/properties + good way to group your entities for HR datastore.


Google App Engine / NDB - Strongly Consistent Read of Entity List after Put

Using Google App Engine's NDB datastore, how do I ensure a strongly consistent read of a list of entities after creating a new entity?
The example use case is that I have entities of the Employee kind.
Create a new employee entity
Immediately load a list of employees (including the one that was added)
I understand that the approach below will yield an eventually consistent read of the list of employees which may or may not contain the new employee. This leads to a bad experience in the case of the latter.
e = Employee(...)
Now here are a few options I've thought about:
I only care about a consistent list read for the user who added the new employee. I don't care if other users have an eventual consistent read.
Let's assume I do not want to put all the employees under an Ancestor to enable a strongly consistent ancestor query. In the case of thousands and thousands of employee entities, the 5 writes / second limitation is not worth it.
Let's also assume that I want the write and the list read to be the result of two separate HTTP requests. I could theoretically put both write and read into a single transaction (?) but then that would be a very non-RESTful API endpoint.
Option 1
Create a new employee entity in the datastore
Additionally, write the new employee object to memcache, local browser cookie, local mobile storage.
Query datastore for list of employees (eventually consistent)
If new employee entity is not in this list, add it to the list (in my application code) from memcache / local memory
Render results to user. If user selects the new employee entity, retrieve the entity using key.get() (strongly consistent).
Option 2
Create a new employee entity using a transaction
Query datastore for list of employees in a transaction
I'm not sure Option #2 actually works.
Technically, does the previous write transaction get written to all the servers before the read transaction of that entity occurs? Or is this not correct behavior?
Transactions (including XG) have a limit on number of entity groups and a list of employees (each is its own entity group) could exceed this limit.
What are the downsides of read-only transactions vs. normal reads?
Thoughts? Option #1 seems like it would work, but it seems like a lot of work to ensure consistency on a follow-on read.
If you don not use an entity group you can do a key_only query and get_multi(keys) lookup for entity consistency. For the new employee you have to pass the new key to key list of the get_multi.
Docs: A combination of the keys-only, global query with a lookup method will read the latest entity values. But it should be noted that a keys-only global query can not exclude the possibility of an index not yet being consistent at the time of the query, which may result in an entity not being retrieved at all. The result of the query could potentially be generated based on filtering out old index values. In summary, a developer may use a keys-only global query followed by lookup by key only when an application requirement allows the index value not yet being consistent at the time of a query.
More info and magic here : Balancing Strong and Eventual Consistency with Google Cloud Datastore
I had the same problem, option #2 doesn't really work: a read using the key will work, but a query might still miss the new employee.
Option #1 could work, but only in the same request. The saved memcache key can dissapear at any time, a subsequent query on the same instance or one on another instance potentially running on another piece of hw would still miss the new employee.
The only "solution" that comes to mind for consistent query results is to actually not attempt to force the new employee into the results and rather leave things flow naturally until it does. I'd just add a warning that creating the new user will take "a while". If tolerable maybe keep polling/querying in the original request until it shows up? - that would be the only place where the employee creation event is known with certainty.
This question is old as I write this. However, it is a good question and will be relevant long term.
Option #2 from the original question will not work.
If the entity creation and the subsequent query are truly independent, with no context linking them, then you are really just stuck - or you don't care. The trick is that there is almost always some relationship or some use case that must be covered. In other words if the query is truly some kind of, essentially, ad hoc query, then you really don't care. In that case, you just quote CAP theorem and remind the client executing the query how great it is that this system scales. However, almost always, if you are worried about the eventual consistency, there is some use case or set of cases that must be handled. For example, if you have a high score list, the highest score must be at the top of the list. The highest score may have just been achieved by the user who is now looking at the list. Another example might be that when an employee is created, that employee must be on the "new employees" list.
So what you usually do is exploit these known cases to balance the throughput needed with consistency. For example, for the high score example, you may be able to afford to keep a secondary index (an entity) that is the list of the high scores. You always get it by key and you can write to it as frequently as needed because high scores are not generated that often presumably. For the new employee example, you might use an approach that you started to suggest by storing the timestamp of the last employee in memcache. Then when you query, you check to make sure your list includes that employee ... or something along those lines.
The price in balancing write throughput and consistency on App Engine and similar systems is always the same. It requires increased model complexity / code complexity to bridge the business needs.

Finding unique products (never seen before by a user) in a datastore sorted by a dynamically changing value (i.e. product rating)

been trying to solve this problem for a week and couldn't come up with any solutions in all my research so I thought I'd ask you all.
I have a "Product" table and a "productSent" table, here's a quick scheme to help explain:
class Product(ndb.Model):
name = ndb.StringProperty();
rating = ndb.IntegerProperty
class productSent(ndb.Model): <--- the key name here is md5(Product Key+UUID)
pId = ndb.KeyProperty(kind=Product)
uuId = ndb.KeyProperty(kind=userData)
action = ndb.StringProperty()
date = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
My goal is to show users the highest rated product that they've never seen before--fast. So to keep track of the products users have seen, I use the productSent table. I created this table instead of using Cursors because every time the rating order changes, there's a possibility that the cursor skips the new higher ranking product. An example: assume the user has seen products 1-24 in the db. Next, 5 users liked product #25, making it the #10 product in the database--I'm worried that the product will never be shown again to the user (and possibly mess things up on a higher scale).
The problem with the way I'm doing it right now is that, once the user has blown past the first 1,000 products, it really starts slowing down the query performance. Because I'm literally pulling 1,000+ results, checking if they've been sent by querying against the productSent table (doing a keyName lookup to speed things up) and going through the loop until 15 new ones have been detected.
One solution I thought of was to add a repeated property (listProperty) to the Product table of all the users who have seen a product. Or if I don't want to have inequality filters I could put a repeated property of all the users who haven't seen a product. That way when I query I can dynamically take those out. But I'm afraid of what happens when I have 1,000+ users:
a) I'll go through the roof on the limit of repeated properties in one entity.
b) The index size will increase size costs
Has anyone dealt with this problem before (I'm sure someone has!) Any tips on the best way to structure it?
Okay, so had another idea. In order to minimize the changes that take place when a rating (number of likes) changes, I could have a secondary column that only has 3 possible values: positive, neutral, negative. And sort by that? Ofcourse for items that have a rating of 0 and get a 'like' (making them a positive) would still have a chance of being out of order or skipped by the cursor--but it'd be less likely. What do y'all think?
Sounds like the inverse, productNotSent would work well here. Every time you add a new product, you would add a new productNotSent entity for each user. When the user wants to see the highest rated product they have not seen, you will only have to query over the productNotSent entities that match that user. If you put the rating directly on the productNotSent you could speed the query up even more, since you will only have to query against one Model.
Another idea would be to limit the number of productNotSent entities per user. So each user only has ~100 of these entities at a time. This would mean your query would be constant for each user, regardless of the number of products or users you have. The creation of new productNotSent entities would become more complex, though. You'd have to have a cron job or something that "tops up" a user's collection of productNotSent entities when they use some up. You also may want to double-check that products rated higher than those already within the user's set of productNotSent entities get pushed in there. These are a little more difficult and well require some design trade-offs.
Hope this helps!
I do not know your expected volumes and exact issues (only did a quick perusal of your question), but you may consider using Json TextProperty storage as part of your plan. Create dictionaries/lists and store them in records by json.dump()ing them to a TextProperty. When the client calls, simply send the TextProperties to the client, and figure everything out on the client side once you JSON.parse() them. We have done some very large array/object processing in JS this way, and it is very fast (particularly indexed arrays). When the user clicks on something, send a transaction back to update their record. Set up some pull or push queue processes to handle your overall product listing updates, major customer rec updates, etc.
One downside is higher bandwidth going out of you app, but I think this cost will be minimal given potential processing savings on GAE. If you structure this right, you may be able to use get_by_id() to replace all or most of your planned indices and queries. We have found json.loads() and json.dumps() to be very fast inside the app, but we only use simple dictionary/list structures.This approach will be, though, a big, big quantum measure lower than your planned use of queries. The other potential issue is that very large objects may run into soft memory limits. Be sure that your Json objects are fairly simple+lightweight to avoid this (e.g. do no include product description, sub-objects, etc. in the Json item, just the basics such as product number). HTH, -stevep

Choosing the right model for storing and querying data?

I am working on my first GAE project using java and the datastore. And this is my first try with noSQL database. Like a lot of people i have problems understanding the right model to use. So far I've figured out two models and I need help to choose the right one.
All the data is represented in two classes User.class and Word.class.
User: couple of string with user data (username, email.....)
Word: two strings
Which is better :
Search in 10 000 000 entities for the 100 i need. For instance every entity Word have a string property owner and i query (owner = ‘John’).
In User.class i add property List<Word> and method getWords() that returns the list of words. So i query in 1000 users for the one i need and then call method like getWords() that returns List<Word> with that 100 i need.
Which one uses less resources ? Or am i going the wrong way with this ?
The answer is to use appstats and you can find out:
To keep your application fast, you need to know:
Is your application making unnecessay RPC calls? Should it be caching
data instead of making repeated RPC calls to get the same data? Will
your application perform better if multiple requests are executed in
parallel rather than serially?
Run some tests, try it both ways and see what appstats says.
But I'd say that your option 2) is better simply because you don't need to search millions of entities. But who knows for sure? The trouble is that "resources" are a dozen different things in app engine - CPU, datastore reads, datastore writes etc etc etc.
For your User class, set a unique ID for each user (such as a username or email address). For the Word class, set the parent of each Word class as a specific User.
So, if you wanted to look up words from a specific user, you would do an ancestor query for all words belonging to that specific user.
By setting an ID for each user, you can get that user by ID as opposed to doing an additional query.
More info on ancestor queries:
More info on IDs:
It really depends on the queries you're using. I assume that you want to find all the words given a certain owner.
Most likely, 2 would be cheaper, since you'll need to fetch the user entity instead of running a query.
2 will be a bit more work on your part, since you'll need to manually keep the list synchronized with the instances of Word
Off the top of my head I can think of 2 problems with #2, which may or may not apply to you:
A. If you want to find all the owners given a certain word, you'll need to keep that list of words indexed. This affects your costs. If you mostly find words by owner, and rarely find owners by words, it'll still make sense to do it this way. However, if your search pattern flips around and you're searching for owners by words a lot, this may be the wrong design. As you see, you need to design the models based on the queries you will be using.
B. Entities are limited to 1MB, and there's a limit on the number of indexed properties (5000 I think?). Those two will limit the number of words you can store in your list. Make sure that you won't need more than that limit of words per user. Method 1 allows you unlimted words per user.

"Connected" vs "disconnected" data model at GAE: how should I proceed in this case?

It's better to start with an example to illustrate this case. Let's say we have an User class and it should have an list of Post.
The first thought is to create this list inside the User class, but analyzing the use cases we find out that most of the times we want to retrieve the user without its posts and retrieve the posts without the user. However we need the user ID to retrieve posts. So the other way to create the data model is to not have the associations but create Post indexed by User ID.
In terms of cost, what are the pros and cons of both implementations?
See the billing page, in particular the section on the datastore operations:
Datastore read costs grow per entity.
Datastore write costs grow per indexed property.
The first method will be much cheaper since it only operates on one User entity, and there's no indexing required.
However, cost probably isn't your sole deciding factor. Entities are limited to 1MB each, so if you're storing your posts within your User entity, you'll likely run into a wall. Time to read/write entities also depend on size, so large entities will take longer to read/write.
My previous answer was assuming you were actually storing a list of Post objects within your User entity. It sounds like you're asking if the User and Post are both entities, and the User stores a list of keys to the Posts.
The main benefit to the first case (User with a List of keys to Post entities) is that it enables you to fetch Posts in a consistent manner. After getting the User object, you can read the list of POSTS and fetch them individually. Datastore get-by-key operations are consistent. Depending on how you issue the get operations, this may be slower than a query.(ie, if you just use a for loop).
There's a possible very minor other benefit is as long as you don't index your Post List in your User, you can update your User relatively inexpensively this way. As an extreme example, if your User adds 5 Posts at once, you can add them all to the list, and then write the User once with one write operation. This isn't really all that great, since you probably have to write your Post entity anyways, But it's one less index write op per entity.
There is still the limit on the size of the User entity, so your List will have a maximum limit. There's also a maximum on the number of index entries per entity, so if you index the List, that could be a limit (but that would make the User entity more expensive to write too).
From a read perspective, the first case is non optimal.
The second case works better from a read perspective, it makes it easier to get Posts if you have the User id, but you have the index write ops when you write your Post. If you don't write Posts often, this is better. Note that queries are eevntually consistent.

Enforcing Unique Constraint in GAE

I am trying out Google App Engine Java, however the absence of a unique constraint is making things difficult.
I have been through this post and this blog suggests a method to implement something similar. My background is in MySQL.Moving to datastore without a unique constraint makes me jittery because I never had to worry about duplicate values before and checking each value before inserting a new value still has room for error.
"No, you still cannot specify unique
during schema creation."
-- David Underhill talks about GAE and the unique constraint (post link)
What are you guys using to implement something similar to a unique or primary key?
I heard about a abstract datastore layer created using the low level api which worked like a regular RDB, which however was not free(however I do not remember the name of the software)
Schematic view of my problem
sNo = biggest serial_number in the db
Insert new entry with sNo as serial_number value //checkpoint
User adds data pertaining to current serial_number
Update entry with data where serial_number is sNo
However at line number 3(checkpoint), I feel two users might add the same sNo. And that is what is preventing me from working with appengine.
This and other similar questions come up often when talking about transitioning from a traditional RDB to a BigTable-like datastore like App Engine's.
It's often useful to discuss why the datastore doesn't support unique keys, since it informs the mindset you should be in when thinking about your data storage schemes. The reason unique constraints are not available is because it greatly limits scalability. Like you've said, enforcing the constraint means checking all other entities for that property. Whether you do it manually in your code or the datastore does it automatically behind the scenes, it still needs to happen, and that means lower performance. Some optimizations can be made, but it still needs to happen in one way or another.
The answer to your question is, really think about why you need that unique constraint.
Secondly, remember that keys do exist in the datastore, and are a great way of enforcing a simple unique constraint.
my_user = MyUser(key_name=users.get_current_user().email())
This will guarantee that no MyUser will ever be created with that email ever again, and you can also quickly retrieve the MyUser with that email:
my_user = MyUser.get(users.get_current_user().email())
In the python runtime you can also do:
my_user = MyUser.get_or_create(key_name=users.get_current_user().email())
Which will insert or retrieve the user with that email.
Anything more complex than that will not be scalable though. So really think about whether you need that property to be globally unique, or if there are ways you can remove the need for that unique constraint. Often times you'll find with some small workarounds you didn't need that property to be unique after all.
You can generate unique serial numbers for your products without needing to enforce unique IDs or querying the entire set of entities to find out what the largest serial number currently is. You can use transactions and a singleton entity to generate the 'next' serial number. Because the operation occurs inside a transaction, you can be sure that no two products will ever get the same serial number.
This approach will, however, be a potential performance chokepoint and limit your application's scalability. If it is the case that the creation of new serial numbers does not happen so often that you get contention, it may work for you.
To clarify, the singleton that holds the current -- or next -- serial number that is to be assigned is completely independent of any entities that actually have serial numbers assigned to them. They do not need to be all be a part of an entity group. You could have entities from multiple models using the same mechanism to get a new, unique serial number.
I don't remember Java well enough to provide sample code, and my Python example might be meaningless to you, but here's pseudo-code to illustrate the idea:
Receive request to create a new inventory item.
Enter transaction.
Retrieve current value of the single entity of the SerialNumber model.
Increment value and write it to the database
Return value as you exit transaction.
Now, the code that does all the work of actually creating the inventory item and storing it along with its new serial number DOES NOT need to run in a transaction.
Caveat: as I stated above, this could be a major performance bottleneck, as only one serial number can be created at any one time. However, it does provide you with the certainty that the serial number that you just generated is unique and not in-use.
I encountered this same issue in an application where users needed to reserve a timeslot. I needed to "insert" exactly one unique timeslot entity while expecting users to simultaneously request the same timeslot.
I have isolated an example of how to do this on app engine, and I blogged about it. The blog posting has canonical code examples using Datastore, and also Objectify. (BTW, I would advise to avoid JDO.)
I have also deployed a live demonstration where you can advance two users toward reserving the same resource. In this demo you can experience the exact behavior of app engine datastore click by click.
If you are looking for the behavior of a unique constraint, these should prove useful.
I first thought an alternative to the transaction technique in broc's blog, could be to make a singleton class which contains a synchronized method (say addUserName(String name)) responsible adding a new entry only if it is unique or throwing an exception. Then make a contextlistener which instantiates a single instance of this singleton, adding it as an attribute to the servletContext. Servlets then can call the addUserName() method on the singleton instance which they obtain through getServletContext.
However this is NOT a good idea because GAE is likely to split the app across multiple JVMs so multiple singleton class instances could still occur, one in each JVM. see this thread
A more GAE like alternative would be to write a GAE module responsible for checking uniqueness and adding new enteries; then use manual or basic scaling with...
Then you have a single instance running on GAE which acts as a single point of authority, adding users one at a time to the datastore. If you are concerned about this instance being a bottleneck you could improve the module, adding queuing or an internal master/slave architecture.
This module based solution would allow many unique usernames to be added to the datastore in a short space of time, without risking entitygroup contention issues.
