While there are various ways to find the length of an array in C, the language doesn't provide one.
What was the reason for not including such a common operation in C or any of its revisions?
One of the guiding philosophies of C's design is that all data types map directly to memory, and attempting to store metadata for array types such as length runs counter to that philosophy.
From an article by Dennis Ritchie describing the development of C, we find this:
Embryonic C
These semantics represented an easy transition from B, and I experimented with them for some months. Problems became evident when I tried to extend the type notation, especially to add structured (record) types. Structures, it seemed, should map in an intuitive way onto memory in the machine, but in a structure containing an array, there was no good place to stash the pointer containing the base of the array, nor any convenient way to arrange that it be initialized. For example, the directory entries of early Unix systems might be described in C as
struct {
int inumber;
char name[14];
I wanted the structure not merely to characterize an abstract object but also to describe a collection of bits that might be read from a directory. Where could the compiler hide the pointer to name that the semantics demanded? Even if structures were thought of more abstractly, and the space for pointers could be hidden somehow, how could I handle the technical problem of properly initializing these pointers when allocating a complicated object, perhaps one that specified structures containing arrays containing structures to arbitrary depth?
The solution constituted the crucial jump in the evolutionary chain between typeless BCPL and typed C. It eliminated the materialization of the pointer in storage, and instead caused the creation of the pointer when the array name is mentioned in an expression. The rule, which survives in today's C, is that values of array type are converted, when they appear in expressions, into pointers to the first of the objects making up the array.
Emphasis mine. Just replace the term "pointer" with "metadata" in the passage above, and I think we have the answer to your question.
Unless someone here happens to be on the C standard committee, you're unlikely to get an authoritative answer. But two reasons I can think of:
In many (most?) situations, you don't have an array, you just have a pointer.
Storing metadata about the array increases the storage size, etc. The general rule of C is that you don't pay for what you don't use.
C is not object-oriented, so it has no concept of methods that are attached to objects. It was designed with speed and simplicity in mind, and the common idiom sizeof (array) / sizeof(array[0]) is short and straightforward.
It is down to efficiency. C is a very efficient programing language.
Array syntax in C is just a syntactic sugar for pointer arithmetic. If you want to have a real array with length and bounds checking, you can create a struct which contains an array pointer and its length and access it only through functions which check bounds.
I'm not trying to replicate the usual question about C not being able to return arrays but to dig a bit more deeply into it.
We cannot do this:
char f(void)[8] {
char ret;
// ...fill...
return ret;
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
char obj_a[10];
obj_a = f();
But we can do:
struct s { char arr[10]; };
struct s f(void) {
struct s ret;
// ...fill...
return ret;
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
struct s obj_a;
obj_a = f();
So, I was skimming the ASM code generated by gcc -S and seems to be working with the stack, addressing -x(%rbp) as with any other C function return.
What is it with returning arrays directly? I mean, not in terms of optimization or computational complexity but in terms of the actual capability of doing so without the struct layer.
Extra data: I am using Linux and gcc on a x64 Intel.
First of all, yes, you can encapsulate an array in a structure, and then do anything you want with that structure (assign it, return it from a function, etc.).
Second of all, as you've discovered, the compiler has little difficulty emitting code to return (or assign) structures. So that's not the reason you can't return arrays, either.
The fundamental reason you cannot do this is that, bluntly stated, arrays are second-class data structures in C. All other data structures are first-class. What are the definitions of "first-class" and "second-class" in this sense? Simply that second-class types cannot be assigned.
(Your next question might be, "Other than arrays, are there any other second-class data types?", and I think the answer is "Not really, unless you count functions".)
Intimately tied up with the fact that you can't return (or assign) arrays is that there are no values of array type, either. There are objects (variables) of array type, but whenever you try to take the value of one, you immediately get a pointer to the array's first element. [Footnote: more formally, there are no rvalues of array type, although an object of array type can be thought of as an lvalue, albeit a non-assignable one.]
So, quite aside from the fact that you can't assign to an array, you can't even generate a value to try to assign. If you say
char a[10], b[10];
a = b;
it's as if you had written
a = &b[0];
So we've got an array on the left, but a pointer on the right, and we'd have a massive type mismatch even if arrays somehow were assignable. Similarly (from your example) if we try to write
a = f();
and somewhere inside the definition of function f() we have
char ret[10];
/* ... fill ... */
return ret;
it's as if that last line said
return &ret[0];
and, again, we have no array value to return and assign to a, merely a pointer.
(In the function call example, we've also got the very significant issue that ret is a local array, perilous to try to return in C. More on this point later.)
Now, part of your question is probably "Why is it this way?", and also "If you can't assign arrays, why can you assign structures containing arrays?"
What follows is my interpretation and my opinion, but it's consistent with what Dennis Ritchie describes in his paper The Development of the C Language.
The non-assignability of arrays arises from three facts:
C is intended to be syntactically and semantically close to the machine hardware. An elementary operation in C should compile down to one or a handful of machine instructions taking one or a handful of processor cycles.
Arrays have always been special, especially in the way they relate to pointers; this special relationship evolved from and was heavily influenced by the treatment of arrays in C's predecessor language B.
Structures weren't initially in C.
Due to point 2, it's impossible to assign arrays, and due to point 1, it shouldn't be possible anyway, because a single assignment operator = shouldn't expand to code that might take N thousand cycles to copy an N thousand element array.
And then we get to point 3, which really ends up leading to a contradiction.
When C got structures, they initially weren't fully first-class either, in that you couldn't assign or return them. But the reason you couldn't was simply that the first compiler wasn't smart enough, at first, to generate the code. There was no syntactic or semantic roadblock, as there was for arrays.
And the goal all along was for structures to be first-class, and this was achieved relatively early on. The compiler caught up, and learned how to emit code to assign and return structures, shortly around the time that the first edition of K&R was going to print.
But the question remains, if an elementary operation is supposed to compile down to a small number of instructions and cycles, why doesn't that argument disallow structure assignment? And the answer is, yes, it's a contradiction.
I believe (though this is more speculation on my part) that the thinking was something like this: "First-class types are good, second-class types are unfortunate. We're stuck with second-class status for arrays, but we can do better with structs. The no-expensive-code rule isn't really a rule, it's more of a guideline. Arrays will often be large, but structs will usually be small, tens or hundreds of bytes, so assigning them won't usually be too expensive."
So a consistent application of the no-expensive-code rule fell by the wayside. C has never been perfectly regular or consistent, anyway. (Nor, for that matter, are the vast majority of successful languages, human as well as artificial.)
With all of this said, it may be worth asking, "What if C did support assigning and returning arrays? How might that work?" And the answer will have to involve some way of turning off the default behavior of arrays in expressions, namely that they tend to turn into pointers to their first element.
Sometime back in the '90's, IIRC, there was a fairly well-thought-out proposal to do exactly this. I think it involved enclosing an array expression in [ ] or [[ ]] or something. Today I can't seem to find any mention of that proposal (though I'd be grateful if someone can provide a reference). At any rate, I believe we could extend C to allow array assignment by taking the following three steps:
Remove the prohibition of using an array on the left-hand side of an assignment operator.
Remove the prohibition of declaring array-valued functions. Going back to the original question, make char f(void)[8] { ... } legal.
(This is the biggie.) Have a way of mentioning an array in an expression and ending up with a true, assignable value (an rvalue) of array type. For the sake of argument I'll posit a new operator or pseudofunction called arrayval( ... ).
[Side note: Today we have a "key definition" of array/pointer correspondence, namely that:
A reference to an object of array type which appears in an expression decays (with three exceptions) into a pointer to its first element.
The three exceptions are when the array is the operand of a sizeof operator, or a & operator, or is a string literal initializer for a character array. Under the hypothetical modifications I'm discussing here, there would be a fourth exception, namely when the array was an operand of this new arrayval operator.]
Anyway, with these modifications in place, we could write things like
char a[8], b[8] = "Hello";
a = arrayval(b);
(Obviously we would also have to decide what to do if a and b were not the same size.)
Given the function prototype
char f(void)[8];
we could also do
a = f();
Let's look at f's hypothetical definition. We might have something like
char f(void)[8] {
char ret[8];
/* ... fill ... */
return arrayval(ret);
Note that (with the exception of the hypothetical new arrayval() operator) this is just about what Dario Rodriguez originally posted. Also note that — in the hypothetical world where array assignment was legal, and something like arrayval() existed — this would actually work! In particular, it would not suffer the problem of returning a soon-to-be-invalid pointer to the local array ret. It would return a copy of the array, so there would be no problem at all — it would be just about perfectly analogous to the obviously-legal
int g(void) {
int ret;
/* ... compute ... */
return ret;
Finally, returning to the side question of "Are there any other second-class types?", I think it's more than a coincidence that functions, like arrays, automatically have their address taken when they are not being used as themselves (that is, as functions or arrays), and that there are similarly no rvalues of function type. But this is mostly an idle musing, because I don't think I've ever heard functions referred to as "second-class" types in C. (Perhaps they have, and I've forgotten.)
Footnote: Because the compiler is willing to assign structures, and typically knows how to emit efficient code for doing so, it used to be a somewhat popular trick to co-opt the compiler's struct-copying machinery in order to copy arbitrary bytes from point a to point b. In particular, you could write this somewhat strange-looking macro:
#define MEMCPY(b, a, n) (*(struct foo { char x[n]; } *)(b) = \
*(struct foo *)(a))
that behaved more or less exactly like an optimized in-line version of memcpy(). (And in fact, this trick still compiles and works under modern compilers today.)
What is it with returning arrays directly? I mean, not in terms of optimization or computational complexity but in terms of the actual capability of doing so without the struct layer.
It has nothing to do with capability per se. Other languages do provide the ability to return arrays, and you already know that in C you can return a struct with an array member. On the other hand, yet other languages have the same limitation that C does, and even more so. Java, for instance, cannot return arrays, nor indeed objects of any type, from methods. It can return only primitives and references to objects.
No, it is simply a question of language design. As with most other things to do with arrays, the design points here revolve around C's provision that expressions of array type are automatically converted to pointers in almost all contexts. The value provided in a return statement is no exception, so C has no way of even expressing the return of an array itself. A different choice could have been made, but it simply wasn't.
For arrays to be first-class objects, you would expect at least to be able to assign them. But that requires knowledge of the size, and the C type system is not powerful enough to attach sizes to any types. C++ could do it, but doesn't due to legacy concerns—it has references to arrays of particular size (typedef char (&some_chars)[32]), but plain arrays are still implicitly converted to pointers as in C. C++ has std::array instead, which is basically the aforementioned array-within-struct plus some syntactic sugar.
Bounty hunting.
The authors of C did not aspire to be language or type system designers. They were tool designers. C was a tool to make system programming easier.
ref: B Kernighan on Pascal Ritchie on C
There was no compelling case for C to do anything unexpected; especially as UNIX and C were ushering in the era of least surprise. Copying arrays, and making complex syntax to do so when it was the metaphorical equivalent of having a setting to burn the toast did not fit the C model.
Everything in C, the language, is effectively constant time, constant size. C, the standard, seems preoccupied with doing away with this core feature which made C so popular; so expect the, uh, standard C/2023.feb07 to feature a punctuation nightmare that enables arrays as r-values.
The decision of the C authors makes eminent sense if you view the programming world pragmatically. If you view it as a pulpit for treasured beliefs, then get onboard for C/2023.feb07 before C/2023.feb08 nullifies it.
I'm afraid in my mind it's not so much a debate of first or second class objects, it's a religious discussion of good practice and applicable practice for deep embedded applications.
Returning a structure either means a root structure being changed by stealth in the depths of the call sequence, or a duplication of data and the passing of large chunks of duplicated data. The main applications of C are still largely concentrated around the deep embedded applications. In these domains you have small processors that don't need to be passing large blocks of data. You also have engineering practice that necessitates the need to be able to operate without dynamic RAM allocation, and with minimal stack and often no heap. It could be argued the return of the structure is the same as modification via pointer, but abstracted in syntax... I'm afraid I'd argue that's not in the C philosophy of "what you see is what you get" in the same way a pointer to a type is.
Personally, I would argue you have found a loop hole, whether standard approved or not. C is designed in such a way that allocation is explicit. You pass as a matter of good practice address bus sized objects, normally in an aspirational one cycle, referring to memory that has been allocated explicitly at a controlled time within the developers ken. This makes sense in terms of code efficiency, cycle efficiency, and offers the most control and clarity of purpose. I'm afraid, in code inspection I'd throw out a function returning a structure as bad practice. C does not enforce many rules, it's a language for professional engineers in many ways as it relies upon the user enforcing their own discipline. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should... It does offer some pretty bullet proof ways to handle data of very complex size and type utilising compile time rigour and minimising the dynamic variations of footprint and at runtime.
Is there any advantage to using pointer notation over array notation? I realize that there may be some special cases where pointer notation is better, but it seems to me that array notation is clearer. My professor told us that he prefers pointer notation "because it's C", but it's not something he will be marking. And I know that there are differences with declaring strings as character arrays vs declaring a pointer as a string - I'm just talking about in general looping through an array.
If you write a straightforward loop, both array and pointer forms typically compile to the same machine code.
There are differences in especially non-constant loop exit conditions, but it only matters if you are trying to optimize the loop for a specific compiler and architecture.
So, how about we consider a real world example that relies on both?
These types implement a double-precision floating-point matrix of dynamically determined size, with separate reference-counted data storage:
struct owner {
long refcount;
size_t size;
double data[]; /* C99 flexible array member */
struct matrix {
long rows;
long cols;
long rowstep;
long colstep;
double *origin;
struct owner *owner;
The idea is that when you need a matrix, you describe it using a local variable of type struct matrix. All data referred to is stored in dynamically allocated struct owner structures, in the C99 flexible array member. After you no longer need the matrix, you must explicitly "drop" it. This allows multiple matrices refer to the same data: you can even have separate row, column, or diagonal vectors, with any change to one immediately reflected in the all others (because they refer to the same data values).
When a matrix is associated with data, either by creating an empty matrix, or by referring to existing data referred to by another matrix, the owner structure refcount is incremented. Whenever a matrix is dropped, the referred to owner structure refcount is decremented. The owner structure is freed, when the refcount drops to zero. This means you only need to remember to "drop" each matrix you used, and the data referred to will be correctly managed and released as soon as possible (unneeded), but never too early.
This all assumes a single-threaded process; multithreaded handling is quite a bit more complicated.
To access element in matrix struct matrix m, row r, column c, assuming 0 <= r < m.rows and 0 <= c < m.cols, you use m.origin[r*m.rowstep + c*m.colstep].
If you want to transpose a matrix, you simply swap m.rows and m.cols, and m.rowstep and m.colstep. All that changes, is the order in which the data (stored in the owner structure) is read.
(Note that origin points to the double which appears at row 0, column 0, in the matrix; and that rowstep and colstep can be negative. This allows all kinds of weird "views" to the otherwise dull regular data, like mirrors and diagonals and so on.)
If we did not have the C99 flexible array member -- say, we only had pointers, and no array notation at all --, the owner structure data member would have to be a pointer. It would mean an additional redirection at the hardware level (slowing down the data accesses a bit). We would either need to allocate the memory pointed by data separately, or use tricks to point to an address following the owner structure itself, but suitably aligned for a double.
Multidimensional arrays do have their uses -- basically, when the sizes of all dimensions (or all but one dimension) are known --, and it's nice for the compiler to take care of the indexing, but it does not have to mean they are always easier than methods using pointers. For example, in the above matrix structure case, we can always define some helper preprocessor macros, like
#define MATRIXELEM(m, r, c) ((m).origin[(r)*(m).rowstep + (c)*(m).colstep])
which admittedly has the downside that it evaluates the first parameter, m, three times. (It means that MATRIXELEM(m++,0,0) would actually try to increment m three times.) In this particular case, m is normally a local variable of struct matrix type, which should minimize surprises. One could have e.g.
struct matrix m1, m2;
/* Stuff that initializes m1 and m2, and makes sure they point
to valid matrix data */
MATRIXELEM(m1, 0, 0) = MATRIXELEM(m2, 0, 0);
The "extra" parentheses in such macros ensure that if you use a calculation, for example i + 4*j as row, the index calculation is correct ((i + 4*j)*m.rowstep and not i + 4*j*m.rowstep). In preprocessor macros, those parentheses are not really "extra" at all. In addition to ensure the correct calculation, having the "extra" parentheses also tell other programmers that the macro writer has been careful in avoiding such arithmetic-related bugs. (I for one consider it "good form" to put the parentheses there, even in cases where they are not needed for syntax unambiquity, if it conveys that "assurance" to other developers reading the code.)
And this, after all this text, leads to my most important point: Some things are easier expressed and understood by us human programmers using array notation than pointer notation, and vice versa. "Foo"[1] is pretty obviously equal to 'o', whereas *("Foo"+1) is not nearly as obvious. (Then again, neither is 1["foo"], but you can blame the C standardization folks for that.)
Based on the examples above, I consider the two notations complementary; they do have large overlap especially in simple loops -- in which case it is okay to just pick one --, but being able to utilize both notations and pick one not based on ones proficiency in one but based on ones opinion on as to what makes most sense wrt. readability and maintainability, is an important skill for any C programmer, in my not very humble opinion.
Actually if you, say, pass an array argument to a function in C, you actually pass a pointer to its beginning. This doesn't really passes an array in a common sense, first, because passing an array would include passing its actual length, second, because passing an array (as a value) would imply its copying.
In other word, you really pass an iterator pointing to an array beginning (like std::vector::begin() in C++) but you pretend that you pass the array itself. It's very confusing in fact. So, using pointers represents things those are really happening in a much more clear way, and it definitely should be preferred.
There may be some advantages of array notation too but I don't think they overweight the drawbacks mentioned. First, using array notation emphasizes the difference between pointer to a single value and pointer to continuous block. And then, you may specify an expected size of passed array for your own reference. But that size isn't actually passed to expressions or functions or somehow checked which fact is very confusing.
(this is a general question I am not referring it to a specific language as almost all languages use pointers)
I have been looking around a lot but I cannot see why using 2D arrays cannot replace pointers.
For example if a program do not have a pointer why is it dangerous to use 2D arrays... what is the actual difference between 2D Arrays and Pointers.
If 2D arrays will do the job what is the need of pointers?
For Example if we use two arrays then an integer to keep record for the how many record have been used
I want to know what kind of problems I (programmers) may face if I use 2D Arrays instead of pointer?
In languages that don't have pointers (e.g. older versions of FORTRAN), programmers will often use arrays to build more-complex data structures. This is a technique of last-resort in most cases, because the pointer notation is more natural, and so avoids a lot of cognitive load, where you have to keep track of multiple arrays, multiple index variables, and the like, just to implement a simple list or tree structure.
In C and many related languages, arrays are a fixed size, set at initialization, which means that if you want to have a data structure that can become arbitrarily-large, you pretty much have to use pointers. On the other hand, if you know that a particular data set actually has a fixed size, then using an array to represent it can actually be somewhat more-efficient than the equivalent pointer-based structure.
I am currently learning to program in C and am referring the book by Kernighan and Ritchie. In order to better grasp arrays especially when inputting characters I have searched the internet and noticed that a lot of solutions use an integer array instead of a character array during input. I know that characters are in a sense integers and have lower precedence, so my question is very simple, are there any major cons to declaring an integer array and using it to store characters? In addition, is it good practice to do this as the title suggests?
No, it would be pretty bad practice, in my opinion, since:
Integers are not characters, in general. That is "an array of integer" doesn't communicate as well to the reader what is going on, as "an array of character" does.
You can't use the standard library's string functions, which is sad since an array of characters can often be treated as a string.
It wastes memory.
It would be interesting if you had posted some code which you feel is representable of doing this. I don't think it happens in K&R.
C has various types that can store integers. (Types don't have precedence - perhaps you meant size.) Sometimes, an integer of one byte is enough to store one character of a specific text (if it's known ahead of time that the text will contain a limited range of characters).
In modern systems and applications, support for more than 256 characters is expected or required, so wider character types are often employed. For these types, there are usually library functions that perform operations comparable to those of the char processing functions.
The int type, however, is not one of these types and is generally not intended to be used like that.
I'm learning C and I'm reading about type equivalence.
I'm curious, does anyone have an opinion why they used structural equivalence for arrays and pointers but they used declaration equivalence for structs and unions?
Why the disparity there? What is the benefit of doing declaration equivalence with structs/unions and structural equivalence for everything else?
I'm sure others will present C specific information, but I'll mention that type-equivalence is one of the classic main problems in programming languages theory. Determining whether two types are actually equivalent is a much trickier problem than it may seem.
For example, here are some overview slides from an academic course just to give you a taste of the headache.
I'm sure it was because it looked like a good idea at the time.
Don't try to overthink the design of C. Kernighan & Ritchie were designing a system implementation language that might be good for other things, and wound up with decisions they regretted later (operator precedence being the best documented). Some of the issues were cleaned up by the Standards Committee, and others were too deeply ingrained.
As Uri points out in his answer, type equivalence is a difficult problem, and is therefore one of those likely to have been punted by K&R in a desire to get a working compiler soon rather than a clean language design later.
In a lot of ways c is a clean expression of assembly idiom from the 1970s. Arrays on these processors are implemented directly using pointers, and c simply copies that fact.
Structural equivalence is difficult to check. Pointers and arrays are pretty simple, but structs and union types are more complex. Testing for structural equivalence is very difficult on these complex types, but easier for pointers and arrays.
Originally I had written an answer that dealt with value equivalence instead of type equivalnce, so it wasn't really n answer to this question. I did receive a few upvotes on it, though, so I decided to keep in here.
What I know about [value equivalence], is that pointers and arrays always have a pretty simple layout in memory. This which makes it easy to do a simple byte-for-byte comparison.
For structs and union, this memory layout isn't necessarily this simple. You could for example, have a struct with an int (32 bit) and a double (64 bit). Such a struct requires 128 bits of memory, 32 of which aren't actually relevant for comparison. So, byte-forbyte comparison is out of the question. So, declaration equivalence is just easier to implement.
Don't underrate Dennis Ritchie. Every statically typed language should have a way to create an abstract type which it is impossible for a user to forge. For this you need a type construct or declaration construct that is generative, i.e., every instance of the construct generates a fresh type, distinct from any other. Such a construct is vital if you want to keep other people's mitts off your data. (For plenty of examples, see Dave Hanson's book C Interfaces and Implementations.)
So here values p1 and p2 have different types but the same representation:
struct { float x, y } p1;
struct { float x, y } p2;
Why pick struct to be generative? Because it's general enough to allow a wide range of convenient representations. union is a bit of a stretch, but I suspect it's "collateral design"; in C's type system, union behaves as much list struct as possible, which simplifies the compiler.
Incidentally, "declaration equivalence" is a term I have never heard before. 25 years ago terms like "name equivalence", "structural equivalence", and "occurence equivalence" were popular. Today type systems are much more formal, and equivalence is typically defined by logical rules rather than informal English. When it is helpful to resort to informal English, I usually find that the idea of "generativity" has more explanatory power than inventing a new name for the equivalence rules of each new language.