Can not copy SQL Server files, Access is denied - sql-server

I need to copy my SQL Server DBs to a folder. The files are attached to SQL Server, which I have detached using my code. When I try to copy these files using
My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(filePathToCopyFrom1, targetFilePath1)
It returns error:
"Access to the folder D:\MyDbs is denied"
When I manually coped these files, it asked "You need Administror permission to copy these files" I clicked continue and it worked but how to fix this using my code?
I have given Full Control to administrator from Windows but still it did not work.

Seems that the detaching process went well. You can copy through windows explorer, but not from you application. The key difference here is that the files are protected to be accessed by the administrator user only.
Then, you need to run your application using an administrator windows account so that the application inherits the permissions of the user to be able to perform this operation.

Remember, if you are using Windows Vista+ (which I assume you do) the root folder is almost off limits. You can run the App as Administrator, or copy it to a folder in the root. The other point is that where you copy from. If the DB is currently in Program files, it is very possible that you will get this problem as well, and then you will have to run the application as Administrator.
Right click on the application, and select Run as Administrator, or select properties and in Compatibility check the box that the program should be running as Administrator. If you use the latter, then a box will pop up every time you run it, unless you change the User Account Control settings.


How do i restart PostgreSQL service after putting back the original Data folder?

I'm writing some batch scripts for doing incremental backups of a PostgreSQL cluster on a Windows Server.
I copied the Data folder to a different folder, ran my backup scripts, stopped the service, deleted the Data folder, and tried recovering the database from the WAL files and such.
This didn't work, because i copied the wrong log files, and i couldn't get the service started again, so i tried copying back in the original Data folder, but i still can't start the service.
The first script i ran called:
pg_basebackup -Fp -D %BACKUPDIR%\full_%CURRENTDATE%
This was the only line which actually ended up interacting with the data, but not the original Data folder, which i copied beforehand.
When trying to start the service again i get the following error message:
The postgresql-x64-10 - PostgreSQL Server 10 service on Local Computer started and then stopped.
Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or programs.
I have gotten this before, when making a typo in the conf file, so i'm guessing that's just the standard error message for when something is missing.
Found out that i had to redo the folder permissions.
This is done the following way:
5. Change permissions for the new data directory
For the new data-dictionary folder: Right-click on it and click Properties. Under the Security Tab click “Edit...” and then “Add...”. Type “Network Service” and then click “Check Names”, make sure it has Modify and Full Control permissions and then click OK. Equally important PostgreSQL needs to be able to “see” the data-directory (see my ServerFault.StackEx question), i.e. it needs to have read access to the parent directories above it. So Right-click on the pg_db folder and under the Security Permissions add Network Services again, but this time it only needs Read & Execute as well as List folder contents permissions.
The full post is a nice checklist to go through, for anyone else facing similar issues:

How to Correctly Setup the Backup and Restore App?

Each time I run the Microsoft Windows Backup and Restore App that is left over since the Microsoft Windows 7 Operating System, I get an error that some Files are missing and the Backup Process fails.
The Files are actually Folders. I have uninstalled some Apps in the meantime and now there is only one missing Folder that the Backup App does not find.
I have tried to run a Batch File within the CMD.EXE Command-Line Processor App with System Administrator Rights:
SET DIR1="C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\OneDrive\Pictures\Saved Pictures"
The Folder does get created well and nice, but the Backup App is still failing.
Could it be a Rights Dead-Lock?
I am creating the Folder using System Administrator Privileges because it is not possible otherwise.
I suspect that the Backup App is run with Normal Rights. However, the User Account that I am using is also part of the Administrators Group.
Please advise.
I could not reproduce this Issue.
The reason why I guess that this is happening is the following one:
The Microsoft Windows Insider Program is constantly rewriting the whole C:\Windows Folder on each Update, therefore the Folders that are missing have to be constantly recreated.
Earlier, I might have manually started the Microsoft Windows Backup and Restore Application and forgot to run the Batch File. The Application might have started to work on the Files and Folders to back up. Then, I might have manually run the Batch File that correctly created the Files and Folders, but that might have been too late - that is, after the Application already considered them as missing. Therefore, the error was happening.
I do not know for sure whether this is the cause for this error since I have encountered it a number of times, not only once, and I do not feel that it was possible to have manually run the Batch File later than needed each time.
Anyway, a possible workaround for this Issue might be the following one:
Create a Scheduled Task that first runs the Batch File and then runs the Microsoft Windows Backup and Restore Application. I do not know yet how to tell the Scheduler to automatically run the Application, but I can imagine that it might not be difficult to achieve this goal.
Then, whenever the manual Backup is needed to be performed, one can simply manually run the Scheduled Task. This way, this Issue might not reoccur, at least because the previously suspected behavior should be avoided.
I need to perform the backup manually because I am using Removable Disks as a Third Backup Solution. The First One is the ASUS Web Storage Cloud Provider and Synchronizer Application and the Second One is the File History Application run on an External Winchester Hard Disk Drive.
If anybody has a better solution for this Issue, then please let me know.

UAC and log files management

I'm writing a WPF .NET application (fwk 4.0) which references log4Net and must be installed in the 'Program Files(x86)' directory on a Windows 7/8/10 64bits OS.
The application logs created by the application are .txt files created in the installation sub-directory of the 'Program Files(x86)'
This application also uses on the SQL Server CE 4.0 in the same subdirectory.
C:\Program Files(x86)\MYAPP\APP1\APP1.txt
C:\Program Files(x86)\MYAPP\APP1\CEDatabase.sdf
The application is installed by a local administrator.
To start the application, a standard user is prompted by UAC to start with an elevated acess token (admin privileges) to run the application because it won't start otherwise (I think ACL not granted to create and write logs).
The WPF application build holds no application manifest.
My client is frustrated by the fact that a standard user can not start the application without the UAC elevation. Moreover, it wants to keep on installing in the 'Program Files (x86)'.
What can I do to manage this situation?
I'd strongly suggest not writing the log files to the same location as you install your application, but instead to one of the standard public locations, which you can access by environment variables.
See this link for more details on how to set this in Log4Net : How to specify common application data folder for log4net?
The two common locations to log to which avoid UAC restrictions are:
CommonApplicationData ( which is a location where all users can write to, so you might want to use this if you want a common logging location regardless of who is logged on to Windows and running your application.
LocalAppData ( which is a location specified to your currently logged on user. This would allow you to keep your log files from different Windows users separate from each other.
I'm not sure off the top of my head whether you'd have the same issue with writes to the SQL Server CE database. The pattern I've followed in the past to work with UAC is to install all static files under Program Files, then all data under one of the above 2 mentioned folders depending on whether the application data and logging was per-user or per-installation.

You do not have the necessary permissions to use msAccess 2000 db

I'm trying to open an old MS Access 2000 Database that was working on windows XP, so that i can migrate the old DB in a new application. The DB was created by the previous old WPF application and I need to find a way to open it. I installed MS Access 2000 and used a program that generated the right password for the db but there is still this message that pops up:
You do not have the necessary permissions to use C:/pathToDB.MDB object. Have your system administrator or the person who created this object establish the appropriate permissions for you.
Is there a way to solve this problem?
Many thanks.
Earlier versions before 2007 had something called as the MDW (Microsoft Access Workgroup) file with the MDB .
If you cannot find this, you can create one. To create this file, first create a new shortcut Right click New > Shortcut>. When asked type the location of the item. You will need to enter the following, replacing MDB/MDW> to where your files are located and the version of Office you are using. It may be worth opening notepad so you can get the path right and then copy and paste.
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\MSACCESS.EXE" ".mdb" /wrkgrp ".mdw" /user
Replace Office14 with your version of Microsoft office that is installed. To find this, browse to “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\ and note the “Office” folder.
Use this new shortcut to open your file. It should hopefully sort it out.
delete the .ldb file and this should solve your problem. The .ldb file is created when a new session is created. If the program crashes, the .ldb file will not be deleted.
Hope this helps you.

Error Running a Batch File To Copy A File

I am trying to run a batch file to copy a backup file from one location to other.
I keep on getting the error:
Invalid drive specification
My path is as follows:
\\server\drive:\folder\folder\folder\*.bak drive:\folder\.bak
That typically doesn't work out too well. You'll want this:
cp \\server\C$\folder\folder\folder\copy.bak C:\folder\copied.bak
This presupposes that you actually have access to the folder \\server\C$\folder\folder\folder from your box. If you do not, then you need to configure permissions correctly on the server to give you access.
You only have access to administrative shares (\\server\C$ <- the $ denotes an admin share) if you have administrative rights on the server. If you don't you need to actively share the folder in question, i.e. on the server, navigate to drive:\folder\folder\folder and share it (context menu of the folder, menu item Sharing and Security). Note that you need at least temporary admin rights on the server in order to create a share.
Do not forget to configure the permissions for the share you create, so that the limited account you are using for the copy process has read rights.
Once this is et up, you should be able to copy the files using
Copy \\Server\NewShareName\*.bak c:\folder\.bak
If you have problems with the files being in use by another process, have a look at robocopy instead of the copy command.
