Paypal mobile styling - mobile

I've a mobile version of my site which has a 'Donate via Paypal button' on it which is working fine. It's a button generated from within the paypal account that when clicked brings users to my account and asks them to enter an amount to donate and then either login or pay with CC.
Problem is the Paypal page it brings me to is not mobile optimised. From reading online It appears Paypal only offer the mobile enhanced version if you're using Paypal Mobile express checkout which is far more involved than simply adding a link onto your page.
The system I have now is 100% functional and does everything I want it to, I just want it to switch to the mobile version when you go to Paypal, to be honest it's very surprising Paypal doesn't do this automatically. They should detect a mobile browser and just change the stylesheet or redirect to the mobile-login page.
Is there any way of getting the mobile-styled paypal page without having to jump through the hoops of using the express payment system? I know it's not masively difficult but it is when compared to the really simple version I'm currently using.

After hours messing with Pain Pal I finally figured out the issue. If you use a link generated by PP for donating ON THEIR SITE - ie. You go to Paypal and once there you enter the amount you wish to donate - the it won't style as the mobile site.
However, if you take the amount in on your own site and pass it to Paypal then it will auto change to the mobile site.
Ignore anyone on line (and there are plenty of people who do) telling you that to get the mobile styled site you need to use their mobile express checkout. You do not. At least not in the above scenario.

As stated here the mobile optimisation is not working for "Donate" buttons.
Which command did you use ?
With cmd=_donations its not showing the mobile version. When you use cmd=_xclick its mobile optimised, but then its not a "Donation" Site.


How to share App Deep Link vs. Regular link on Facebook accounting for mobile and desktop

I am working on a facebook sharing functionality for a site that is used on both mobile and desktop. We have a deep link we can use to link to the apps and will take the user to the app store if the app is not installed, when on mobile.
This is perfect but in the case that the share is opened on a desktop machine the experience is less than desirable.
Ideally, we would like to find a way for if they share is opened on desktop that the call to action / button goes to the website.
Worst case I would think that we put a redirect to the website when the App Deep Link is clicked on a desktop machine.
Branch has a free solution for this. Their links are smart enough to direct desktop users to the website and mobile users to the store if that's what you want to do. They also have an SDK for routing and attribution.

Google amp html validator doesn't see mobile page

I am working on a news website, trying to implement amp. We are using Mobile_Detect.php to serve desktop pages to desktop and tablets, and mobile version to mobile phones and that works OK, our pages are mobile friendly according to Google for some time now, no problem.
Now, I started to enter the code for amp pages and encountered a situation I can' resolve. URL for the amp version have .amp at the end. Depending on the user's device, we are generating the page from the database and serving different pages to different devices.
Now, PageSpeed Insights and Mobile-Friendly Test shows that the page is mobile friendly but amp validator is pulling the desktop page, I can see by the source code it prints out, instead of a mobile page. I'm on the desktop, Chrome, but I'd expect it to work with mobile pages.
You can see that here:
I installed Chrome amp extension and it says "AMP available" but when I click on it it also pulls the desktop version of the page and it's blank. I would expect the extension to load the mobile page but it doesn't.
We do have links canonical and amphtml, that's why the extension says there is an amp page.
So, how to tell validator to pull the mobile version of the page? The amp implementation is not done yet and I know there are some things missing, but without a validator is a bit hard to program.
Another interesting things is that when I open "Inspect" in Chrome and toggle to responsive design, it shows the mobile version of the webpage correctly. It also says "Powered by amp" and shows no errors although there are errors because we didn't even implemented all tags.
If anybody has any suggestion how to make amp validator to show the mobile page I'd appreciate that. Thank you.
I had a quick look at your pages but it appears that the amphtml reference but there appears to be a problem in the URL you are generating in the href= field. If you take a close look, the AMP URL is missing a '/'.

MOBILE checkout page for PayPal Add to Cart button and variable dollar amount Buy Now button?

I'm having trouble figuring out how to get two particular button types to take MOBILE PHONE users to a mobile version of the payment page. I have PayPal Payments Standard:
~ Add to Cart
~ Buy Now without a dollar amount (customer enters it themself to pay a bill)
The buttons generated in my account lead to the payment screen where the user has to enter all their data but it's MUCH too TINY on a mobile phone. How does it get to be mobile responsive? Is it a special code, or is there some other way to do it that isn't overly complicated?
Would appreciate some help. I have done hours of research to try to solve this.
Generally PayPal payment page (the page payers see when they click the button) does detect mobile devices automatically and display mobile style. I happened to be testing a buy now button today and it worked fine. Please check the source code the button uses.
If ok please post here the code and how to reproduce.
Here is the answer I want to share to help anyone else who's struggling with this issue. As mentioned earlier, I have an old PayPal account.
I had a special phone appointment with PayPal's development team and discovered:
There are no add to cart buttons that lead to mobile checkout in PayPal Payments Standard accounts. For this I would have to get Mobile Express Checkout, which the PayPal rep himself said is complicated to integrate (I checked and it really is) OR get PayPal Payments Pro for $30 per month. I don't want to do either or those.
There is no way to get a $0 (no set dollar amount) button to lead to mobile checkout because any time the customer has to enter data such as an amount, quantity, etc, that invalidates the mobile compatibility. It is called an "Unsupported Use Case":
My only button solution is to use individual Buy Now buttons with set amounts, because there is a mobile payment page for those. But I won't make my customers pay for one thing at a time, that's incredibly annoying and unprofessional.
So I've decided to just go with a third party shopping cart for my website like PrestaShop, OpenCart, or even WordPress with WooCommerce. They won't cost me anything because I'll install them on my hosting account. (If I had under 10 products I would use the free Ecwid option, but I have too many.)
It has been a long journey!

Paypal checkout in web view

I have a web site that I'm working on which has a fully implemented paypal checkout flow. We're working on a mobile client which re-uses this flow to accomplish checkouts.
Unfortunately, when we redirect to the paypal site, we get the full desktop style, rather than layout and styles tailored to mobile.
Is there any URL parameter I can supply or different approach I have to take so that the checkout is usable on a mobile device?
The URL we're redirecting to looks like this:
That's odd. I never realized Adaptive Payments didn't automatically kick in to the mobile. I know Express Checkout does, so you could switch to that unless you had some specific need for the Adaptive platform..??
If you do stick with adaptive check out the options for the checkout flow. You can do an iframe and other things that might work better for mobile. There's a lot of info at that link about it.

Facebook and share buttons on a mobile-enabled website that open the mobile app instead of a browser window?

One of the big flaws in Android webphones (and probably other Operating Systems for phones): You are surfing some website, and want to use the site's embedded share button for say Twitter. You want to use the embedded Twitter share because it pre-populates the tweet based on how the site designed it: namely, it has the title of the page and the link and maybe a relevant Twitter hashtag. If you were to use your mobile browser's share feature, you only get the link, and have to attempt to type in the title and guess relevant hashtags--not ideal. The same is the case with other social media shares, like facebook.
So, from the above, you understand why users would prefer to use a given website's own embedded share features, rather than that built into the mobile browser.
However, if a user clicks the site's embedded social media share button, it opens a new browser window for that social media. Ideally, this would not happen, as typical users do not log into these social tools using the mobile browser, and the resulting pop-up share is clunky to use on a small mobile screen. Instead, ideally, you would click on the site's embedded share button and it would attempt to open at least the official twitter (or whatever) app on your phone instead. This is ideal because users tend to use the apps to use their social media, and so would already be logged in. Moreover, such an app is obviously optimized for mobile use, and thus not as clunky.
And yet, this apparently does not exist... am I right?
That is, as a web designer, there is nothing I can do on my embedded Twitter and Facebook share buttons to prompt mobile phone users to use the official app to share (rather than through the mobile browser). Is that right?
At least on my iPhone the twitter url-scheme does work.
the following opens the twitter app:
And facebook is fb://
Haven't tested it on android.
(via: )
What about open a pop up box (not window)- when we click a link to share the URL site/page we are in, without have to go through the mobile browser ?
just a pop up box.
do you think it is possible? or any social media link would automatically opened in a browser?
