Custom domain issue - google-app-engine

We have added a custom domain to our appengine app. We followed the instructions when we made our changes, but apparently something went wrong and we can't find the way to fix it.
In our google apps appengine tab, the main URL specified is That means, however, that all traffic from the domain mappings will be sent to the https url, and of course this won't work. I don't know how this https url ended up there as in the app engine admin console, the app url is
We haven't find the way to change this url. We have tried to disable this app in google apps but it didn't work, it stays there.

in your app.ymal
-secure: optional
for more details:
scroll to Secure URLs


How do I use my Google App with my a custom domain?

I've looked at previous questions enter link description here, but they use the GSuite Administrator to make changes, while my app uses GCloud. The domain registrar is separate since Google domains don't work in my country.
I mainly followed this guide to setting up my Zones and updating the name servers. I've configured the
The question I linked to earlier recommended setting up a www. subdomain, but it used Authenticator. I'm not sure how to do this in a zone. I set up all the records properly in my domain registrar.
Here are the settings:
When I load the site itself (There's no actual HTTP response code):
And when I try the www. subdomain
I'm sure there's a step I'm missing, but this is my first site with GCloud. So I'm not very familiar with the process.
I think where is your missing step.
When you ask Google to use your domain, Google will expose HTTPS endpoint. HTTPS requires a certificate, and Google will generate it for you. However, before doing this, Google has to be sure that the domain belong to you.
You have to prove to google that you own your domain. For this, go to this page, log in and add a property (your website URL). Follow the instruction and be sure that your property has been validated.
Then, wait some minutes (hours?) the time that the certificates are generated and deployed.

Google App Engine redirecting all naked domain requests, causing letsencrypt to not work

I have a GAE app and a custom domain registered on The app is a static website that's configured by app.yaml.
I'm trying to use LetsEncrypt certs for ssl, so I want to have valid certs for both and I can get the cert for working fine.
However the problem is in my naked domain. Whenever a http request goes to, it gets redirected to, ok. But, if a http request goes to e.g., the request is still redirected to So when LE servers come looking for their well-known acme-challenge, it fails because they see index.html.
I guess this isn't a common behavior because no one is mentioning this, not at, nor at
I've tried to dig into why this is happening, one error I can see is here:
If I select to overwrite, GAE says it "failed to insert mapping"
This whole project was started by another person and he claims he's not aware of being assigned anywhere else. I've looked at his Google Cloud Console and it would seem that he's correct.
Maybe something of interest is that in the Domain page of, naked domain redirect is set up. It redirects to I've not found a way to disable it.
On my dns registrar, I have input the four A records, four AAAA records, and a www for CNAME.
TL;DR: My LetsEncrypt acme-challenge is failing for my naked domain, help!
I started getting the same error in app_engine after I went to Google Apps account and added to redirect to After I did this, in app_engine I got "is already mapped" error. And there was no way to undo the redirect in Google Apps, so my guess was that Google Apps had mapped it and so App Engine could not modify it or add it. I had to explain this to Support team, and btw Google Apps support is free to call, so contact them and then get transferred to App Engine support team.
There is no way to fix it yourself, you have to get Google Support on call and explain clearly and they can reset. I was bounced between Google Cloud and Google Suites (Apps) support teams 7 times and after 2 weeks finally resolved, each one blaming the other, until I found a guy who understood this issue and fixed it for me.

How to forward all requests to on Google App Engine?

After much hardship I finally got an SSL cert installed on my website. Now, I can add the
line to app.yaml file, which will redirect all link to https. This works great, except that custom domains on GAE don't work under the url
they have to have the www in front, like
So right now, if a user goes to, they get forwarded to version and everything is great. If they go, they get forwarded to and the page doesn't load. How do I (in python on GAE) forward all domain requests to the www version?
There're to ways to set up a custom domain for app engine application right now: with google apps and with new developers console.
In google apps you can simply add a naked domain redirect, so requests from will be redirected on
With new developers console you are able to use your application on naked domain, our just connect both of them and redirect on www within your application code.
You can access it here:
Okay I found the solution, it's a work around but it took about 5 minutes, cost nothing and it works.
Go to and sign up for a free account. Enter your website and all that jaz. You'll have to go to your domain host and change the name servers during this process (cloudflare will walk you through this process). Next, go to the options for your website, go to SSL settings and select Full SSL. Next go to the "Page Rules" page for your website, and set a forwarder from*
Wait a few minutes and all requests to your website will be forwarded to the https://www version. Make sure to add the secure: always option in your app.yaml file.

GAE Java Facebook server authentication double call

I am having a weird issue. I created an application on Google App Engine and have a Login with Facebook button on it, for which I am doing server side authentication.
I give the redirect_url, and facebook was calling the URL correctly with no issues. The session parameters that I set were being retrieved on the redirect call and everything was working fine.
Yesterday, I got a domain on godaddy and mapped it to my appspot account using google apps. Now when I click on Facebook login, I am getting two calls on the redirect uri, the first one carries the session varaibles and the session one doesn't. I am not very familiar with domain mapping and followed the steps on Google Apps.
Can anyone help me in the right direction on this.
it's a little out of date, but i documented some GAE to Facebook gotchas here:
It may also help to read about naked domain mapping with godaddy, to make sure you're not getting bounced around. Even though you are mapped to your domain through google apps, you can try to put the redirect URL for facebook as - the redirect URL you provide, and the one in your facebook app settings must match.
My app, writes to facebook from GAE all of the time - the code is on github under server/facebook
Thanks for the answers bsautner and Michele. I finally figured out the issue. I have google ads on my website. The google ads was trying to parse the URL content and creating a second request for every request that I create. After removing the google ads, I get a single callback with session values retained. It all works now. The final output is this website - I will be glad for any suggestions from the gurus here, regarding layout or api calls simplification. Thanks again to all.

Redirecting domain (not google apps) to appengine

I'm building a application that supports different domains. A small CMS that supports different domains.
But what I can't figure out is how to redirect other domains that's outside google apps. I have a domain at google apps, that work's perfectly.
When I create a cname that points at either my or it just goes to
What do I need to do so the other domains point to my appengine application.
You can't just use a cname because google needs to know how to direct the requests through their infrastructure to your app.
You should follow the instructions here: to set up your name with their infrastructure so that requests to the cname get routed correctly.
Update: You do not have to move your domain to google, only inform them of the names you are going to set up cnames to point to them.
You can do that without a cname.
You need to set up a redirection mechanism of your second domain name. You can do that either by telling your registrar to redirect that url to your Google Apps url (that's how I do it with my registrar,, or you could set up a small [php] script on a server you manage that would receive the queries on the second domain and issue a 301 redirect to your Google Apps domain.
EDIT: It all depends on what you want to do. If you want your app to live at both urls, then this solution will not work. I wrote this in the idea that you want the second url to redirect to your main url, if that's not what you want to do, then issuing redirects won't do the trick.
