C Creating an Ordered Priority Queue - c

I am trying to implement dijkstra's algorithm for path finding and need some sort of priority queue to store the information.
In the past, for example a fifo or filo PQ i've simply used an array and then two pointers to the current insert and the current "look" position and then to "remove" and item shifted the look position up once.
However for dijkstra's I need a PQ that is ordered by weight (or current distance) and then look at the one that is at the top of the PQ, how would I go about implementing this in C?
Thanks for your time!
Edit: People have mentioned binary heap, do you mind giving a slight hint as to how to get started?

The easiest option is to implement a binary heap based on C arrays.


efficient way to remove duplicate pairs of integers in C

I've found answers to similar problems, but none of them exactly described my problem.
so on the risk of being down-voted to hell I was wondering if there is a standard method to solve my problem. Further, there's a chance that I'm asking the wrong question. Maybe the problem can be solved more efficiently another way.
So here's some background:
I'm looping through a list of particles. Each particle has a list of it's neighboring particles. Now I need to create a list of unique particle pairs of mutual neightbours.
Each particle can be identified by an integer number.
Should I just build a list of all the pair's including duplicates and use some kind of sort & comparator to eliminate duplicates or should I try to avoid adding duplicates into my list in the first place?
Performance is really important to me. I guess most of the loops may be vectorized and threaded. On average each particle has around 15 neighbours and I expect, that there will be 1e6 particles at most.
I do have some ideas, but I'm not an experienced coder and I don't want to waste 1 week to test every single method by benchmarking different situations just to find out that there's already a standard meyjod for my problem.
Any suggestions?
BTW: I'm using C.
Some pseudo-code
for i in nparticles
particle=particles[i]; //just an array containing the "index" of each particle
//each particle has a neightbor-list
for k in neighlist[i] //looping through all the neighbors
//k represent the index of the neighbor of particle "i"
if the pair (i,k) or (k,i) is not already in the pair-list, add it. otherwise don't
Sorting the elements each iteration is not a good idea since comparison sort is O(n log n) complex.
The next best thing would be to store the items in a search tree, better yet binary search tree, and better yet self equalizing binary search tree, you can find implementations on GitHub.
Even better solution would give an access time of O(1), you can achieve this in 2 different ways one is a simple identity array, where at each slot you would save say a pointer to item if there is on at this id or some flag defining that current id is empty. This is very fast but wasteful. You'll need O(N) memory.
The best solution in my opinion would be to use a set or a has-map. Which are basically the same because sets can be implemented using hash-map.
Here is a github project with c hash-map implementation.
And stack overflow answer to a similar question.

Inserting into an ordered list in C: use array or linked list?

When trying to insert into an ordered list, consider the two scenarios.
Using an array of pointers. Binary search to find where the
insertion point is then:
Use memmove() to move the bytes to make room for the new address
Move the addresses using iteration to make room for the new address
Use a linked list and linear search
Which would perform better? My guess is that in optimized code, the two options for 1. would perform about the same but how would 1. and 2. compare. It seems to be that they would both be O(n). Is there an easier way to do this? Would it be possible to set up a binary search on any type of linked list?
Any other suggestions would be greatly welcome.

How to store adjacent nodes for Dijkstra algorithm?

Most articles about Dijkstra algorithm only focus on which data structure should be used to perform the "relaxing" of nodes.
I'm going to use a min-heap which runs on O(m log(n)) I believe.
My real question is what data structure should I used to store the adjacent nodes of each node?
I'm thinking about using an adjacency list because I can find all adjacent nodes on u in O(deg(u)), is this the fastest method?
How will that change the running time of the algorithm?
For the algorithm itself, I think you should aim for compact representation of the graph. If it has a lot of links per node, a matrix may be best, but usually an adjacency list will take less space, and therefore less cache misses.
It may be worth looking at how you are building the graph, and any other operations you do on it.
With Dijkstra's algorithm you just loop through the list of neighbours of a node once, so a simple array or linked list storing the adjacent nodes (or simply their indices in a global list) at each node (as in an adjacency list) would be sufficient.
How will that change the running time of the algorithm? - in comparison to what? I'm pretty sure the algorithm complexity assumes an adjacency list implementation. The running time is O(edges + vertices * log(vertices)).

Is It possible to apply binary search to link list to find an element?

I have read a question ,is it possible to apply binary search on a link list?
Since link list doesn't allow random access, this looks practically impossible.
Any one has any way to do it?
The main issue, besides that you have no constant-time access to the linked list elements, is that you have no information about the length of the list. In this case, you simply have no way to "cut" the list in 2 halves.
If you have at least a bound on the linked list length, the problem is solvable in O(log n), with a skip list approach, indeed. Otherwise nothing would save you from reading the whole list, thus O(n).
So, assuming that the linked list is sorted, and you know its length (or at least the maximum length), yes it's possible to implement some sort of binary search on a linked list. This is not often the case, though.
With a plain linked list, you cannot do binary search directly, since random access on linked lists is O(n).
If you need fast search, tree-like data structures (R/B tree, trie, heap, etc.) offer a lot of the advantages of a linked list (relatively cheap random insertion / deletion), while being very efficient at searching.
Not with a classic linked list, for the reasons you state.
But there is a structure that does allow a form of binary search that is derived from linked lists: Skip lists.
(This is not trivial to implement.)
I have once implemented something like that for a singly-linked list containing sorted keys. I needed to find several keys in it (knowing only one of them at the beginning, the rest were dependent on it) and I wanted to avoid traversing the list again and again. And I didn't know the list length.
So, I ended up doing this... I created 256 pointers to point to the list elements and made them point to the first 256 list elements. As soon as all 256 were used and a 257th was needed, I dropped the odd-numbered pointer values (1,3,5,etc), compacted the even-numbered (0,2,4,etc) into the first 128 pointers and continued assigning the remaining half (128) of pointers to the rest, this time skipping every other list element. This process repeated until the end of the list, at which point those pointers were pointing to elements equally spaced throughout the entire list. I then could do a simple binary search using those 256 (or fewer) pointers to shorten the linear list search to 1/256th (or 1/whatever-th) of the original list length.
This is not very fancy or powerful, but sometimes can be a sufficient perf improvement with minor code changes.
You can do a binary search on a linked list. As you say, you don't have random access, but you can still find the element with a specific index, starting either from the start of the list or from some other position. So a straightforward binary search is possible, but slow compared with binary search of an array.
If you had a list where comparisons were much, much more expensive than simple list traversal, then a binary search would be cheaper than a linear search for suitably-sized lists. The linear search requires O(n) comparisons and O(n) node traversals, whereas the binary search requires O(log n) comparisons and O(n log n) node traversals. I'm not sure if that O(n log n) bound is tight, the others are.
According to me, there is no way to search the Linked list in binary search manner. In binary search, we usually find out 'mid' value of array which is impossible with lists, since lists are the structure where we have to strictly use the 'start' (Node pointing to very 1st node of list) to traverse to any of our list elements.
And in array, we can go to specific element using INDEX, here no question of Index (Due to Random Access unavailability in linked lists).
So, I think that binary search is not possible with linked list in usual practices.
for applying binary search on linked list, you can maintain a variable count which should iterate through the linked list and return the total number of nodes. Also you would need to keep a var of type int say INDEX in your node class which should increment upon creation of each new node. after which it will be easy for you to divide the linked list in 2 halves and apply binary search over it.

Sorting a linked list and returning to original unsorted order

I have an unsorted linked list. I need to sort it by a certain field then return the linked list to its previous unsorted condition. How can I do this without making a copy of the list?
When you say "return the linked list to its previous unsorted condition", do you mean the list needs to be placed into a random order or to the exact same order that you started with?
In any case, don't forget that a list can be linked into more than one list at a time. If you have two sets of "next"/"previous" pointers, then you can effectively have the same set of items sorted two different ways at the same time.
To do this you will need to either sort and then restore the list or create and sort references to the list.
To sort the list directly Merge Sort is most likely the best thing you could use for the initial sort, but returning them to their original state is tricky unless you either record your moves so you can reverse them or store their original position and resort them using that as the key.
If you would rather sort the references to the list instead you will need to allocate enough space to hold pointers to each node and sort that. If you use a flat array to store the pointers then you could use the standard C qsort to do this.
If this is an assignment and you must implement your own sort then if you don't already know the length of the list you could take advantage of having to traverse it to count its length to also choose a good initial pivot point for quicksort or if you choose not to use quicksort you can let your imagination go wild with all kinds of optimizations.
Taking your points in reverse order, to support returning to original order, you can add an extra int field to each list node. Set those values based on the original order, and when you need to return it to the original order, just sort on that field.
As far as the sorting in general goes, you probably want to use something like a merge-sort or possibly a Quick-sort.
You can make that data structure somewhat like this.
struct Elem {
Elem* _next;
Elem* _nextSorted;
Then you can use any algo for sorting the list (maybe merge sort)
If you want to keep your linked list untouched, you should add information to store the ordered list of elements.
To do so, you can either create a new linked list where each element points to one element of your original linked list. Or you can add one more field in the element of your list like sorted_next.
In any case, you should use a sequential algorithm like mergesort to sort a linked list.
Here is a C source code of mergesort for linked lists that you could reuse for your project.
I guess most of the answers have already covered the usual techniques one could use. As far as figuring out the solution to the problem goes, a trick is to look at the problem and think if the human mind can do it.
Figuring out the original random sequence from a sorted sequence is theoretically impossible unless you use some other means. This can be done by
a)modifying the linked list structure (as mentioned above, you simply add a pointer for the sorted sequence separately). This would work and maybe technically you are not creating a separate linked list, but it is as good as a new linked list - one made of pointers.
b)the other way is to log each transition of the sorting algo in a stack. This allows you to not be dependent on the sorting algorithm you use. For example when say node 1 is shifted to the 3rd position, you could have something like 1:3 pushed to the stack. The notation, of course, may vary. Once you push all the transitions, you can simply pop the stack to give take it back to the original pattern / any point in between. This is more like
If you're interested in learning more about the design for loggers, I suggest you read about the Command Pattern
